13 research outputs found

    Interaction of cardiotoxins with membranes: a molecular modeling study.

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    Incorporation of beta-sheet proteins into membrane is studied theoretically for the first time, and the results are validated by the direct experimental data. Using Monte Carlo simulations with implicit membrane, we explore spatial structure, energetics, polarity, and mode of insertion of two cardiotoxins with different membrane-destabilizing activity. Both proteins, classified as P- and S-type cardiotoxins, are found to retain the overall "three-finger" fold interacting with membrane core and lipid/water interface by the tips of the "fingers" (loops). The insertion critically depends upon the structure, hydrophobicity, and electrostatics of certain regions. The simulations reveal apparently distinct binding modes for S- and P-type cardiotoxins via the first loop or through all three loops, respectively. This rationalizes an earlier empirical classification of cardiotoxins into S- and P-type, and provides a basis for the analysis of experimental data on their membrane affinities. Accomplished with our previous simulations of membrane alpha-helices, the computational method may be used to study partitioning of proteins with diverse folds into lipid bilayers

    Membrane-Disrupting Activity of Cobra Cytotoxins Is Determined by Configuration of the N-Terminal Loop

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    In aqueous solutions, cobra cytotoxins (CTX), three-finger folded proteins, exhibit conformational equilibrium between conformers with either cis or trans peptide bonds in the N-terminal loop (loop-I). The equilibrium is shifted to the cis form in toxins with a pair of adjacent Pro residues in this loop. It is known that CTX with a single Pro residue in loop-I and a cis peptide bond do not interact with lipid membranes. Thus, if a cis peptide bond is present in loop-I, as in a Pro-Pro containing CTX, this should weaken its lipid interactions and likely cytotoxic activities. To test this, we have isolated seven CTX from Naja naja and N. haje cobra venoms. Antibacterial and cytotoxic activities of these CTX, as well as their capability to induce calcein leakage from phospholipid liposomes, were evaluated. We have found that CTX with a Pro-Pro peptide bond indeed exhibit attenuated membrane-perturbing activity in model membranes and lower cytotoxic/antibacterial activity compared to their counterparts with a single Pro residue in loop-I

    Variability in the Spatial Structure of the Central Loop in Cobra Cytotoxins Revealed by X-ray Analysis and Molecular Modeling

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    Cobra cytotoxins (CTs) belong to the three-fingered protein family and possess membrane activity. Here, we studied cytotoxin 13 from Naja naja cobra venom (CT13Nn). For the first time, a spatial model of CT13Nn with both “water” and “membrane” conformations of the central loop (loop-2) were determined by X-ray crystallography. The “water” conformation of the loop was frequently observed. It was similar to the structure of loop-2 of numerous CTs, determined by either NMR spectroscopy in aqueous solution, or the X-ray method. The “membrane” conformation is rare one and, to date has only been observed by NMR for a single cytotoxin 1 from N. oxiana (CT1No) in detergent micelle. Both CT13Nn and CT1No are S-type CTs. Membrane-binding of these CTs probably involves an additional step—the conformational transformation of the loop-2. To confirm this suggestion, we conducted molecular dynamics simulations of both CT1No and CT13Nn in the Highly Mimetic Membrane Model of palmitoiloleoylphosphatidylglycerol, starting with their “water” NMR models. We found that the both toxins transform their “water” conformation of loop-2 into the “membrane” one during the insertion process. This supports the hypothesis that the S-type CTs, unlike their P-type counterparts, require conformational adaptation of loop-2 during interaction with lipid membranes

    Variability in the Spatial Structure of the Central Loop in Cobra Cytotoxins Revealed by X-ray Analysis and Molecular Modeling

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    Cobra cytotoxins (CTs) belong to the three-fingered protein family and possess membrane activity. Here, we studied cytotoxin 13 from Naja naja cobra venom (CT13Nn). For the first time, a spatial model of CT13Nn with both “water” and “membrane” conformations of the central loop (loop-2) were determined by X-ray crystallography. The “water” conformation of the loop was frequently observed. It was similar to the structure of loop-2 of numerous CTs, determined by either NMR spectroscopy in aqueous solution, or the X-ray method. The “membrane” conformation is rare one and, to date has only been observed by NMR for a single cytotoxin 1 from N. oxiana (CT1No) in detergent micelle. Both CT13Nn and CT1No are S-type CTs. Membrane-binding of these CTs probably involves an additional step—the conformational transformation of the loop-2. To confirm this suggestion, we conducted molecular dynamics simulations of both CT1No and CT13Nn in the Highly Mimetic Membrane Model of palmitoiloleoylphosphatidylglycerol, starting with their “water” NMR models. We found that the both toxins transform their “water” conformation of loop-2 into the “membrane” one during the insertion process. This supports the hypothesis that the S-type CTs, unlike their P-type counterparts, require conformational adaptation of loop-2 during interaction with lipid membranes

    Impact of membrane partitioning on the spatial structure of an S-type cobra cytotoxin

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    <p>Cobra cytotoxins (CTs) belong to the three-fingered protein family. They are classified into S- and P-types, the latter exhibiting higher membrane-perturbing capacity. In this work, we investigated the interaction of CTs with phospholipid bilayers, using coarse-grained (CG) and full-atom (FA) molecular dynamics (MD). The object of this work is a CT of an S-type, cytotoxin I (CT1) from <i>N.oxiana</i> venom. Its spatial structure in aqueous solution and in the micelles of dodecylphosphocholine (DPC) were determined by <sup>1</sup>H-NMR spectroscopy. Then, via CG- and FA MD-computations, we evaluated partitioning of CT1 molecule into palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylcholine (POPC) membrane, using the toxin spatial models, obtained either in aqueous solution, or detergent micelle. The latter model exhibits minimal structural changes upon partitioning into the membrane, while the former deviates from the starting conformation, loosing the tightly bound water molecule in the loop-2. These data show that the structural changes elicited by CT1 molecule upon incorporation into DPC micelle take place likely in the lipid membrane, although the mode of the interaction of this toxin with DPC micelle (with the tips of the all three loops) is different from its mode in POPC membrane (primarily with the tip of the loop-1 and both the tips of the loop-1 and loop-2).</p