13 research outputs found

    On Efficient Non-Interactive Oblivious Transfer with Tamper-Proof Hardware

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    Oblivious transfer (OT, for short) [RAB81] is a fundamental primitive in the foundations of Cryptography. While in the standard model OT constructions rely on public-key cryptography, only very recently Kolesnikov in [KOL10] showed a truly efficient string OT protocol by using tamper-proof hardware tokens. His construction only needs few evaluations of a block cipher and requires stateless (therefore resettable) tokens that is very efficient for practical applications. However, the protocol needs to be interactive, that can be an hassle for many client-server setting and the security against malicious sender is achieved in a covert sense, meaning that a malicious sender can actually obtain the private input of the receiver while the receiver can detect this malicious behavior with probability 1/2. Furthermore the protocol does not enjoy forward security (by breaking a token one violates the security of all previously played OTs). In this work, we propose new techniques to achieve efficient non-interactive string OT using tamper-proof hardware tokens. While from one side our tokens need to be stateful, our protocol enjoys several appealing features: 1) it is secure against malicious receivers and the input privacy of honest receivers is guaranteed unconditionally against malicious senders, 2) it is forward secure, 3) it enjoys adaptive input security, therefore tokens can be sent before parties know their private inputs. This gracefully fits a large number of client-server settings (digital TV, e-banking) and thus many practical applications. On the bad side, the output privacy of honest receivers is not satisfied when tokens are reused for more than one execution

    Composable & Modular Anonymous Credentials: Definitions and Practical Constructions

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    It takes time for theoretical advances to get used in practical schemes. Anonymous credential schemes are no exception. For instance, existing schemes suited for real-world use lack formal, composable definitions, partly because they do not support straight-line extraction and rely on random oracles for their security arguments. To address this gap, we propose unlinkable redactable signatures (URS), a new building block for privacy-enhancing protocols, which we use to construct the first efficient UC-secure anonymous credential system that supports multiple issuers, selective disclosure of attributes, and pseudonyms. Our scheme is one of the first such systems for which both the size of a credential and its presentation proof are independent of the number of attributes issued in a credential. Moreover, our new credential scheme does not rely on random oracles. As an important intermediary step, we address the problem of building a functionality for a complex credential system that can cover many different features. Namely, we design a core building block for a single issuer that supports credential issuance and presentation with respect to pseudonyms and then show how to construct a full-fledged credential system with multiple issuers in a modular way. We expect this flexible definitional approach to be of independent interest

    UC Priced Oblivious Transfer with Purchase Statistics and Dynamic Pricing

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    Priced oblivious transfer (POT) is a cryptographic protocol that can be used to protect customer privacy in e-commerce applications. Namely, it allows a buyer to purchase an item from a seller without disclosing to the latter which item was purchased and at which price. Unfortunately, existing POT schemes have some drawbacks in terms of design and functionality. First, the design of existing POT schemes is not modular. Typically, a POT scheme extends a k-out-of-N oblivious transfer (OT) scheme by adding prices to the items. However, all POT schemes do not use OT as a black-box building block with certain security guarantees. Consequently, security of the OT scheme needs to be reanalyzed while proving security of the POT scheme, and it is not possible to swap the underlying OT scheme with any other OT scheme. Second, existing POT schemes do not allow the seller to obtain any kind of statistics about the buyer's purchases, which hinders customer and sales management. Moreover, the seller is not able to change the prices of items without restarting the protocol from scratch. We propose a POT scheme that addresses the aforementioned drawbacks. We prove the security of our POT in the UC framework. We modify a standard POT functionality to allow the seller to receive aggregate statistics about the buyer's purchases and to change prices dynamically. We present a modular construction for POT that realizes our functionality in the hybrid model. One of the building blocks is an ideal functionality for OT. Therefore, our protocol separates the tasks carried out by the underlying OT scheme from the additional tasks needed by a POT scheme. Thanks to that, our protocol is a good example of modular design and can be instantiated with any secure OT scheme as well as other building blocks without reanalyzing security from scratch

    Oblivious Transfer with Hidden Access Control from Attribute-Based Encryption

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    The notion of oblivious transfer with hidden access control policies (HACOT) was recently proposed by Camenisch et al.~(Public-Key Cryptography~2011). This primitive allows a user to anonymously query a database where each record is protected by a hidden attribute-based access control policy. At each query, the user either learns the value of a single record if the attributes in his key satisfy the policy, or the mere fact that his attributes do not satisfy the policy. The database, even when colluding with the key issuer, learns nothing about the identity of the user, the index or the access policy of the record, or whether access was granted or denied. At the same time, the database can keep an eye on the overall access frequency to prevent the data from being ``crawled\u27\u27. In this paper, we present a new HACOT scheme which is more efficient and offers more expressive policies than the scheme presented by Camenisch et al. We construct our HACOT protocol based on a hidden ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption (HP-ABE) scheme by Nishide et al.: users are issued HACOT decryption keys based on HP-ABE attributes and HACOT records are encrypted under HP-ABE policies. However, as we will see, this simple approach does not work and we need to extend the Nishide et al.\ scheme as follows. First, we add protocols that allows users to verify that the public key of the issuer and ciphertexts are correctly formed. Second, we reserve one attribute and give the corresponding decryption key only to the database. Thereby users can no longer decrypt records by themselves but require the help of the database. Third, we provide a joint decryption protocol between the user and the database, so that the database does not learn which ciphertext is decrypted. The latter will also allow one to optionally add revocation of the users\u27 access. We prove our construction secure by a reduction to the security of Nishide et al.\u27s scheme, the Symmetric External Diffie-Hellman (SXDH) and Simultaneous Flexible Pairing (SFP) assumptions

    Privacy-preserving auditable token payments in a permissioned blockchain system

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    Token management systems were the first application of blockchain technology and are still the most widely used one. Early implementations such as Bitcoin or Ethereum provide virtually no privacy beyond basic pseudonymity: all transactions are written in plain to the blockchain, which makes them perfectly linkable and traceable. Several more recent blockchain systems, such as Monero or Zerocash, implement improved levels of privacy. Most of these systems target the permissionless setting, just like Bitcoin. Many practical scenarios, in contrast, require token systems to be permissioned, binding the tokens to user identities instead of pseudonymous addresses, and also requiring auditing functionality in order to satisfy regulation such as AML/KYC. We present a privacy-preserving token management system that is designed for permissioned blockchain systems and supports fine-grained auditing. The scheme is secure under computational assumptions in bilinear groups, in the random-oracle model

    Accumulators with Applications to Anonymity-Preserving Revocation

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    Membership revocation is essential for cryptographic applications, from traditional PKIs to group signatures and anonymous credentials. Of the various solutions for the revocation problem that have been explored, dynamic accumulators are one of the most promising. We propose Braavos, a new, RSA-based, dynamic accumulator. It has optimal communication complexity and, when combined with efficient zero-knowledge proofs, provides an ideal solution for anonymous revocation. For the construction of Braavos we use a modular approach: we show how to build an accumulator with better functionality and security from accumulators with fewer features and weaker security guarantees. We then describe an anonymous revocation component (ARC) that can be instantiated using any dynamic accumulator. ARC can be added to any anonymous system, such as anonymous credentials or group signatures, in order to equip it with a revocation functionality. Finally, we implement ARC with Braavos and plug it into Idemix, the leading implementation of anonymous credentials. This work resolves, for the first time, the problem of practical revocation for anonymous credential systems

    Security (ACM CCS 2009). This is the full version. Oblivious Transfer with Access Control

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    We present a protocol for anonymous access to a database where the different records have different access control permissions. These permissions could be attributes, roles, or rights that the user needs to have in order to access the record. Our protocol offers maximal security guarantees for both the database and the user, namely (1) only authorized users can access the record; (2) the database provider does not learn which record the user accesses; and (3) the database provider does not learn which attributes or roles the user has when she accesses the database. We prove our protocol secure in the standard model (i.e., without random oracles) under the bilinear Diffie-Hellman exponent and the strong Diffie-Hellman assumptions.