13 research outputs found

    Are Major Histocompatibility Complex Molecules Involved in the Survival of Naive CD4+ T Cells?

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    The exact role of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules in the peripheral survival of naive T cells is controversial, as some studies have suggested that they are critically required whereas others have suggested that they are not. Here we controlled for some of the features that differed among the earlier studies, and analyzed both the survival and expansion of naive CD4+ T cells transferred into MHC syngeneic, allogeneic, or MHC negative environments. We found that naive T cells transferred into MHC negative or allogeneic environments often fail to survive because of rejection and/or competition by natural killer (NK) cells, rather than failure to recognize a particular MHC allele. In the absence of NK cells, naive CD4+ T cells survived equally well regardless of the MHC type of the host. There was, however, an MHC requirement for extensive space-induced “homeostatic” expansion. Although the first few divisions occurred in the absence of MHC molecules, the cells did not continue to divide or transit to a CD44hi phenotype. Surprisingly, this MHC requirement could be satisfied by alleles other than the restricting haplotype. Therefore, space-induced expansion and survival are two different phenomena displaying different MHC requirements. Memory CD4+ T cells, whose survival and expansion showed no requirements for MHC molecules at all, dampened the space-induced expansion of naive cells, showing that the two populations are not independent in their requirements for peripheral niches

    Stepwise Development of MAIT Cells in Mouse and Human

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    Mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells display two evolutionarily conserved features: an invariant T cell receptor (TCR)α (iTCRα) chain and restriction by the nonpolymorphic class Ib major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule, MHC-related molecule 1 (MR1). MR1 expression on thymus epithelial cells is not necessary for MAIT cell development but their accumulation in the gut requires MR1 expressing B cells and commensal flora. MAIT cell development is poorly known, as these cells have not been found in the thymus so far. Herein, complementary human and mouse experiments using an anti-humanVα7.2 antibody and MAIT cell-specific iTCRα and TCRβ transgenic mice in different genetic backgrounds show that MAIT cell development is a stepwise process, with an intra-thymic selection followed by peripheral expansion. Mouse MAIT cells are selected in an MR1-dependent manner both in fetal thymic organ culture and in double iTCRα and TCRβ transgenic RAG knockout mice. In the latter mice, MAIT cells do not expand in the periphery unless B cells are added back by adoptive transfer, showing that B cells are not required for the initial thymic selection step but for the peripheral accumulation. In humans, contrary to natural killer T (NKT) cells, MAIT cells display a naïve phenotype in the thymus as well as in cord blood where they are in low numbers. After birth, MAIT cells acquire a memory phenotype and expand dramatically, up to 1%–4% of blood T cells. Finally, in contrast with NKT cells, human MAIT cell development is independent of the molecular adaptor SAP. Interestingly, mouse MAIT cells display a naïve phenotype and do not express the ZBTB16 transcription factor, which, in contrast, is expressed by NKT cells and the memory human MAIT cells found in the periphery after birth. In conclusion, MAIT cells are selected by MR1 in the thymus on a non-B non-T hematopoietic cell, and acquire a memory phenotype and expand in the periphery in a process dependent both upon B cells and the bacterial flora. Thus, their development follows a unique pattern at the crossroad of NKT and γδ T cells

    Les cellules M.A.I.T. (Mucosal-associated Invariant T) (une nouvelle sous-population de lymphocytes Taß conservée entre espèces)

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    Les cellules MAIT (Mucosal-Associated Invariant T) constitue une nouvelle sous-population de LT phylogénétiquement conservée (homme, souris, vache), exprimant un répertoire du TCRa invariant, défini par l'utilisation de la chaîne canonique Va7.2/19-Ja33. Ces cellules sont localisées préférentiellement dans les ganglions mésentériques (MLN) et la lamina propria (LP) de l'intestin. Elles reconnaissent la molécule du CMH de classe Ib MR1 et l'expression de cette molécule par des LB est suffisante pour la sélection/expansion de ces cellules. L'étude de souris transgéniques iVa19-Ja33, a montré que le biais de répertoire Vß6/8, caractéristique de ces cellules, disparaît dans le thymus, les MLN et la LP en l'absence de la molécule MR1, et la sur-expression d'une chaîne du TCRß spécifique de ces cellules permet d'augmenter la sélection/expansion de ces cellules dans le thymus, les MLN et la LP. Enfin, leur sélection est dépendante de la présence de bactéries commensales gram+ ou Gram-.Mucosal-Associated Invariant T (MAIT) cells display unique T cell feature : they are phylogenetically conserved (human, mouse and cattle) and used an invariant TCRa chain, iVa7.2/19-Ja33. These cells localized in the mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) and the gut lamina propria (LP). They recognize the phylogenetically conserved class Ib MHC molecule MR1 and it expression on B cells is sufficient for selection/expansion of MAIT cells. The study of iVa19-Ja33 transgenic mice showed that the characteristic Vß6/8 biais of repertoire is loss in the thymus, the MLN and LP in the absence of MR1. Expression of a MAIT cells specific TCRß chain induces an increased selection/expansion of these cells in the thymus, MLN and LP. Finally, there selection/expansion is dependant upon the presence of commensal flora in the gut, as they are absent in germfree mice and both Gram+ and Gram- bacteria can induce MAIT selection/expansion.PARIS5-BU Méd.Cochin (751142101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells: an evolutionarily conserved T cell subset

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    International audienceBesides mainstream TCRalphabeta T cells harboring a very diverse repertoire, two subsets display an evolutionarily conserved invariant repertoire. This striking conservation indicates important and unique functions. CD1d-restricted NK-T cells expressing an invariant Valpha14 TCRalpha chain have been implicated in microbial and tumor responses as well as in auto-immunity. In this review, we describe the other subset, which bears the canonical hValpha7.2/mValpha19-Jalpha33 TCRalpha chain paired with a restricted set of Vbeta segments. These invariant T cells are present in mice, humans and cattle. They are preferentially located in the gut lamina propria (LP) of humans and mice and are therefore called mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells. Selection/expansion of this population requires B lymphocytes expressing MR1, a monomorphic major histocompatibility complex class I-related molecule that is also strikingly conserved in diverse mammalian species. MAIT cells are not present in germ-free mice, indicating that commensal flora is required for their expansion in the gut LP. The nature of the ligand and the putative functions of these MAIT cells are discussed

    Impact of Procyanidins from Different Berries on Caspase 8 Activation in Colon Cancer

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    Scope. The aim of this work is to identify which proapoptotic pathway is induced in human colon cancer cell lines, in contact with proanthocyanidins extracted from various berries. Methods and Results. Proanthocyanidins (Pcys) extracted from 11 berry species are monitored for proapoptotic activities on two related human colon cancer cell lines: SW480-TRAIL-sensitive and SW620-TRAIL-resistant. Apoptosis induction is monitored by cell surface phosphatidylserine (PS) detection. Lowbush blueberry extract triggers the strongest activity. When tested on the human monocytic cell line THP-1, blueberry Pcys are less effective for PS externalisation and DNA fragmentation is absent, highlighting a specificity of apoptosis induction in gut cells. In Pcys-treated gut cell lines, caspase 8 (apoptosis extrinsic pathway) but not caspase 9 (apoptosis intrinsic pathway) is activated after 3 hours through P38 phosphorylation (90 min), emphasizing the potency of lowbush blueberry Pcys to eradicate gut TRAIL-resistant cancer cells. Conclusion. We highlight here that berries Pcys, especially lowbush blueberry Pcys, are of putative interest for nutritional chemoprevention of colorectal cancer in view of their apoptosis induction in a human colorectal cancer cell lines

    Mucosal-associated invariant T cell–rich congenic mouse strain allows functional evaluation

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    International audienceMucosal-associated invariant T cells (MAITs) have potent antimicrobial activity and are abundant in humans (5%-10% in blood). Despite strong evolutionary conservation of the invariant TCR-α chain and restricting molecule MR1, this population is rare in laboratory mouse strains (≈0.1% in lymphoid organs), and lack of an appropriate mouse model has hampered the study of MAIT biology. Herein, we show that MAITs are 20 times more frequent in clean wild-derived inbred CAST/EiJ mice than in C57BL/6J mice. Increased MAIT frequency was linked to one CAST genetic trait that mapped to the TCR-α locus and led to higher usage of the distal Vα segments, including Vα19. We generated a MAIThi congenic strain that was then crossed to a transgenic Rorcgt-GFP reporter strain. Using this tool, we characterized polyclonal mouse MAITs as memory (CD44+) CD4-CD8lo/neg T cells with tissue-homing properties (CCR6+CCR7-). Similar to human MAITs, mouse MAITs expressed the cytokine receptors IL-7R, IL-18Rα, and IL-12Rβ and the transcription factors promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger (PLZF) and RAR-related orphan receptor γ (RORγt). Mouse MAITs produced Th1/2/17 cytokines upon TCR stimulation and recognized a bacterial compound in an MR1-dependent manner. During experimental urinary tract infection, MAITs migrated to the bladder and decreased bacterial load. Our study demonstrates that the MAIThi congenic strain allows phenotypic and functional characterization of naturally occurring mouse MAITs in health and disease