6 research outputs found

    Wp艂yw nasilenia l臋ku jako cechy na si艂臋 mi臋艣ni pacjent贸w poddanych operacyjnej rekonstrukcji wi臋zad艂a krzy偶owego przedniego stawu kolanowego

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    Za艂o偶enia: Izolowane zerwanie wi臋zad艂a krzy偶owego przedniego kolana ACL jest trzecim co do cz臋sto艣ci urazem wi臋zad艂owym stawu kolanowego. Post臋powanie obejmuje rekonstrukcj臋 i rehabilitacj臋 pooperacyjn膮. Wyniki leczenia ocenia si臋 m.in. na podstawie test贸w ortopedycznych, bada艅 si艂y mi臋艣niowej i pomiar贸w obwod贸w, por贸wnywanych do nogi przeciwnej. Stan kliniczny operowanego wi臋zad艂a nie zawsze jest zbie偶ny z odczuciami pacjenta co do w艂asnego zdrowia. Wp艂yw na samoocen臋 zdrowia przez pacjenta i przebieg rehabilitacji ma mi臋dzy innymi nasilenie l臋ku. Cel: Ocena wp艂ywu predyspozycji do reagowania l臋kiem na skuteczno艣膰 rehabilitacji, ocenianej w oparciu o pomiary si艂y mi臋艣ni, po operacyjnym leczeniu przerwanego wi臋zad艂a krzy偶owego przedniego kolana. Materia艂 i metoda: Badano 201 pacjent贸w z rozpoznanym zerwaniem wi臋zad艂a krzy偶owego przedniego kolana (113 kobiet i 88 m臋偶czyzn). Wszyscy pacjenci zostali poddani rekonstrukcji wi臋zad艂a krzy偶owego przedniego oraz sze艣ciomiesi臋cznemu leczeniu rehabilitacyjnemu. Do oceny nasilenia l臋ku jako cechy badanego przed zabiegiem operacyjnym zastosowano Kwestionariusz STAI, a do dwukrotnego badania si艂y mi臋艣ni (tydzie艅 przed i po 6 miesi膮cach od operacji) zastosowano dynamometr. Wyniki: Badani wykazuj膮cy ma艂e nasilenie l臋ku-cechy (poni偶ej 3,5 stena) istotnie cz臋艣ciej ni偶 badani wykazuj膮cy du偶e nasilenie l臋ku-cechy (powy偶ej 7,5 stena) uzyskiwali po rehabilitacji zwi臋kszenie si艂y mi臋艣ni przywodzicieli stawu biodrowego i prostownik贸w stawu kolanowego, oraz popraw臋 w te艣cie leg press operowanej ko艅czyny dolnej. Wnioski: Zwi臋kszona predyspozycja do reagowania l臋kiem mo偶e by膰 przyczyn膮 gorszych wynik贸w rehabilitacji pacjent贸w po operacyjnej rekonstrukcji wi臋zad艂a krzy偶owego przedniego. W przypadku pacjent贸w o nasilonym l臋ku, rehabilitowanych po operacyjnej rekonstrukcji wi臋zad艂a krzy偶owego przedniego, nale偶y rozwa偶y膰 zastosowanie indywidualnego programu rehabilitacji, uwzgl臋dniaj膮cego psychoterapi臋.Background: The rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) constitutes the third most frequent ligament injury of the knee joint. The approach involves its reconstruction and post-operational rehabilitation. The results of treatment are evaluated on the basis of, among other things, orthopaedic tests, tests of muscle strength and circumference measurements when compared to the other leg. The clinical state of the ligament is not always in accordance with the patient鈥檚 perceptions as to their state of health. An influence on the self evaluation of health on the part of the patient is brought about by, among other things, an intensification in fear and anxiety. Objective: An evaluation of the influence of a predisposition for an anxiety reaction on the effectiveness of rehabilitation, evaluated in relation to the measurement of muscle strength, following operational treatment of the injured ACL. Materials and Methods: 201 patients (113 women and 88 men) were tested who had a diagnosed of the ACL injury. All the patients were subjected to a reconstruction of the ACL as well as a period of six months of rehabilitation treatment. The STAI questionnaire was used in the evaluation of the trait-anxiety prior to the operational procedure, while twice a dynamometer was used in the testing of muscle strength (a week before and six months after the operation). Results: Those patients displaying a small intensification in trait-anxiety (lower than 3.5) significantly more often than those patients displaying a large intensification in trait-anxiety (over 7.5) gained increased muscle strength following rehabilitation of the hip joint adductor and the extensors of the knee joint, as well as an improvement in the leg press test of the lower limb operated on. Conclusions: An increased predisposition for an anxiety reaction may be the reason for poorer rehabilitation results in patients following an operational reconstruction of the ACL. It may be necessary in the case of patients undergoing rehabilitation after an operational reconstruction of the ACL and who display an intensive anxiety of the said to consider the application of an individual programme of rehabilitation, one incorporating elements of psychotherapy

    Star Polymers as Non-Viral Carriers for Apoptosis Induction

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    Apoptosis is a widely controlled, programmed cell death, defects in which are the source of various diseases such as neurodegenerative diseases as well as cancer. The use of apoptosis in the therapy of various human diseases is of increasing interest, and the analysis of the factors involved in its regulation is valuable in designing specific carriers capable of targeting cell death. Highly efficient and precisely controlled delivery of genetic material by low-toxic carriers is one of the most important challenges of apoptosis-based gene therapy. In this work, we investigate the effect of the star polymer with 28 poly(N,N′-dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate) arms (STAR) on human cells, according to its concentration and structure. We show that star polymer cytotoxicity increases within its concentration and time of cells treatment. Except for cytotoxic effect, we observe morphological changes such as a shrinkage, loss of shape and begin to detach. We also prove DNA condensation after star polymer treatment, one of the most characteristic feature of apoptosis. The results indicate that the use of STAR triggers apoptosis in cancer cells compared to various normal cells, what makes these nanoparticles a promising drug in therapeutic strategy, which targets apoptosis. We demonstrate highlighting potential of star polymers as an innovative tool for anti-cancer therapy