2 research outputs found

    Demonizing and silencing powerful women : the absent witch in Shakespeare's 'The tempest'

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    Although the Renaissance period is thought to be one of revival and cultural rebirth, the figure of the witch was more present than ever. Unsurprisingly, women who were independent and challenged the rules of patriarchal thought were very often accused of witchcraft. Sycorax, the famous silent witch from William Shakespeare's late romance The Tempest, is the perfect example of a powerful woman whose voice was silenced by the patriarchy. In my paper, I intend to argue how Prospero, a male wizard, built a twisted representation of Sycorax in order to highlight his own benevolence, but how ultimately his powerful creation became a threat to his own systemTot i que la Renaixença és considerada una època de renaixement cultural, la figura de la bruixa era més present que mai. Com era d'esperar, les dones independents i que desafiaven les regles del pensament patriarcal eren, molt sovint, acusades de bruixeria. Sycorax, la famosa bruixa silenciada de l'obra de Shakespeare La Tempesta, és l'exemple perfecte d'una dona amb molt poder de la qual la seva veu va ser silenciada pel patriarcat. En el meu treball, la meva intenció és explicar com Prospero, un mag, construeix una representació distorsionada de Sycorax per tal de ressaltar la seva benevolència, però finalment la seva creació es converteix en una amenaça pel seu propi sistem