4 research outputs found

    Intervención enfermera para controlar la transmisibilidad cruzada de microorganismos multirresistentes en un servicio de hospitalización urológico.

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    Según el “Estudio de prevalencias de infecciones nosocomiales en España” de 2015, las localizaciones urológicas son la cuarta causa de infección hospitalaria, con una prevalencia del 19,72%.Con el fin de disminuir la incidencia de transmisionescruzadas,derivadas delcontacto con profesionalessanitariosy no sanitarios, pacientes, familiares y acompañantes, se propone una intervención enfermera basada en un programa de educación para la salud y dos seminarios de formación continuada. Se han elaborado seis herramientas, dirigidas a erradicar malas prácticas y actuaciones incorrectas, evaluadas a través de indicadores de proceso y de resultados. Tanto el programa educativo como la formación continuada se pueden implantar en otros servicios de hospitalización,con el correspondiente estudio de prevalencia de microorganimos multirresistentes, abriendo nuevas líneas de investigación. According to the “Study of Prevalence of Nosocomial Infections in Spain” 2015, urologic locations are the fourth leading cause of hospital infections, with a prevalence of 19.72%. In order to decrease the incidence of transmissions crusades, arising from the contact with health care and non-health care professionals, patients, family members and their companions, proposes a nurse intervention based on a program of education for health and two seminars of continuous training. Six tools have been developed, aimed at eradicating bad practices and improper practices, evaluated through indicators of process and results. Both the educational program such as continuous training, can be deployed to other hospitalization services with the corresponding study of prevalence of multiresistant microorganimos, opening new lines of research

    Effects of superstructure environment on galaxy groups

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    We analyse properties of galaxy groups and their dependence on the large-scale environment as defined by superstructures. We find that group–galaxy cross–correlations depend only on group properties regardless the groups reside in superstructures. This indicates that the total galaxy density profile around groups is independent of the global environment. At a given global luminosity, a proxy to group total mass, groups have a larger stellar mass content by a factor 1.3, a relative excess independent of the group luminosity. Groups in superstructures have 40 per cent higher velocity dispersions and systematically larger minimal enclosing radii. We also find that the stellar population of galaxies in groups in superstructures is systematically older as infered from the galaxy spectra Dn 4000 parameter. Although the galaxy number density profile of groups is independent of environment, the star–formation rate and stellar mass profile of the groups residing in superstructures differs from groups elsewhere. For groups residing in superstructures, the combination of a larger stellar mass content and star–formation rate produces a larger time–scale for star formation regardless the distance to the group center. Our results provide evidence that groups in superstructures formed earlier than elsewhere, as expected in the assembly bias scenario.publishedVersio