12 research outputs found

    Applied Technology Group Project Documentation for NLS-Project

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    Loyalty systems are commonly used to build and improve relationships between business and customers. Throughout history they evolved and became almost essential for small businesses such as coffee shops or small local stores. In this paper we will analyze existing loyalty systems that are presented in the world and Irish market, how they are used in the coffee shop industry and how new technologies can change and shape this industry. We examined multiple coffee shops brands present in Ireland and their rewards systems. We compared their loyalty systems using alternative methodologies and theoretical lenses in order to find new ways to approach the subject of customer retention and loyalty. Our main goal was to make a brand new system which will offer a turnkey solution for the industry. Another goal was to simplify interaction with loyalty systems in such a way that customers will participate in it without even noticing any discomfort. This process can be achieved by using Near Field Communication chips that can be found in any smart-devices such as phones and watches, or bank cards that have the contactless payment option. We also considered ethical and data storing risks that the new system might bring. The product that was built during this research project represents only a Minimal Viable Candidate, and still needs to pass a long way before it can be implemented in the real market. On the other hand we hope it can start a movement in the right direction and impact the industry in the near future


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    Este artigo apresenta uma pesquisa em desenvolvimento, a qual tem, como objetivo principal, a criação de um app a partir de O Jogo da Lógica, livro publicado por Lewis Carroll em 1886. Lewis Carroll, mais conhecido como o autor de Alice no País das Maravilhas, foi um entusiasta e estudioso da lógica simbólica e este seu livro é um método pedagógico para seu ensino, elaborado para crianças. A pesquisa em desenvolvimento visa transformar o jogo criado, que originalmente é composto de um tabuleiro e fichas coloridas, em um aplicativo para celular, de modo que ele pareça atraente para a atual geração de alunos que vive com o celular em mãos e esteja disponível gratuitamente para qualquer professor que o deseje utilizar em aula. A ideia de resgatar esta metodologia criada por Carroll se alicerça nas discussões do reconhecimento da potencialidade pedagógica dessa obra carrolliana para o ensino de silogismos e em algumas discussões atuais sobre gamificação. Deste modo, o artigo expõe alguns conceitos sobre gamificação e contextualiza a relação pedagógica de Carroll com a lógica simbólica; por fim, apresenta partes do jogo que já foram desenvolvidas e comenta seu funcionamento, numa estreita relação entre matemática e tecnologias digitais

    Toward a distributed architecture for context awareness in ubiquitous computing

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    The applications in Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp) environments must be aware of their contexts of interest and adapt to changes in them. Thus, a major research challenge in the area of UbiComp is related to context awareness. Considering the high distribution, heterogeneity, dynamism, and mobility of ubiquitous environments, this paper presents an architectural model for context awareness, called EXEHDAUC (Execution Environment for Highly Distributed Applications - Ubiquitous Context awareness). The proposal includes elements to support contextual data acquisition, actuation in the environment, and processing of contextual information. We consider that the main contribution of this work is an architecture that supports the managing of the acquisition, storage, and processing of context data, in a distributed way, independently of the application, in an autonomic and rule-based perspective. To assess the functionalities of the EXEHDA-UC, we present a case study, highlighting the prototypes developed, technologies employed, and tests carried out.Keywords: ubiquitous computing, context awareness, distributed architecture

    Low-cost virtual reality in interior design education

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    A Realidade Virtual (RV) e suas variantes, como Realidade Aumentada (RA) e 360RV, são tecnologias que ficaram em evidência nos últimos anos (tanto mercadologicamente como educacionalmente) através da popularização dos smartphones e da criação de dispositivos de visualização baratos e de fácil utilização, os chamados headsets ou HMDs (head-mounted display) como o Google Cardboard. No contexto do design de interiores, a tecnologia permite fácil visualização, avaliações do projeto e uso em simulações computacionais. Porém, no contexto educacional, apesar de diversos estudos indicarem a utilização, ela é pouco ou nada utilizada no ensino de design de interiores. A presente dissertação visa, portanto, identificar como e em que etapas pode se utilizar a RV de baixo custo no ensino de projeto de design de interiores, indicando as boas práticas para sua utilização. Através de entrevistas com docentes de design de interiores, foi possível preparar e aplicar seminários e questionários com discentes, partindo para a análise dos dados e criação das diretrizes de utilização no processo de ensino de projeto. Como resultado final, foi possível afirmar que, enquanto a tecnologia de 360RV se aplica nas etapas iniciais e finais do processo de projeto em sala de aula, a utilização da RV se recomenda na etapa intermediária de desenvolvimento do projeto. Como boas práticas, se indica aplicativos, softwares, equipamentos e exemplos reais da utilização das tecnologias. Com isso, é possível afirmar que a RV de baixo custo se apresenta como uma ferramenta complementar importante no processo de ensino de projeto de design de interiores.Virtual Reality (VR) and its variations, such as Augmented Reality (RA) and 360VR, are technologies that have become prominent in recent years (in both marketing and education and training) through the popularization of smartphones and the development of inexpensive and user-friendly display devices, so-called headsets or head-mounted display (HMDs) like Google Cardboard. In the field of interior design, the technology allows easy visualization, design evaluation and digital simulations. However, in the educational field, although several studies indicate its use, it has rarely been used in teaching of interior design. This dissertation aims to identify how and in which stages low-cost VR can be used in interior design education, indicating the best practices for employing it. Through interviews with interior design lecturers, it was possible to prepare and apply seminars and questionnaires with students, and then proceed with data analysis and creation of guidelines for using on the design process. As a result, it was possible to state that while 360VR technology applies in the early and later stages of the interior design process, applying VR is recommended at the intermediate stages of design development. As for best practices, it includes applications, software, equipment, and real examples for the use of the technology. As a conclusion, it is possible to say that low-cost VR is an important complementary tool in the teaching process of interior design education

    Mammalia, Estação Ecológica do Panga, a Cerrado protected area in Minas Gerais state, Brazil

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    We present a species list of the mammals of the Estação Ecológica do Panga, a 404 ha Cerrado reserve in Minas Gerais state, Brazil. Using methods ranging from camera traps to direct observations, we documented 46 species in the reserve. Among medium and large-sized mammals, the order Carnivora was the most commonly observed (N=12 species). The highest relative frequencies of observation were of Mazama guazoubira and Cerdocyon thous. Pecari tajacu was the most frequent species in camera traps. Over the course of 7320 trap nights there were 105 captures of small mammals from seven species, with an overall capture rate of 1.6 %. The highest capture rates were for the marsupial Gracilinanus agilis, with Calomys tener the most commonly caught rodent. Our survey suggests that many of the Cerrado’s mammal species can persist in landscapes that are a mosaic of natural areas and some types of agriculture

    Fagocitose bench : an exploratory study on parametric design in street furniture projects focuse on design and emotion

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    Design e emoção e design paramétrico são dois temas de estudo que, recentemente, têm se beneficiado de um especial interesse por parte da indústria e da comunidade científica. Este trabalho visa explorar como o design paramétrico pode servir como resposta às exigências estético-formais existentes em projetos envolvendo design e emoção no que tange projetos de mobiliário urbano. Para tal, serão analisados aspectos da abordagem de ambos os tópicos no contexto projetual de uma peça de mobiliário urbano e suas possíveis contribuições quando trabalhados em conjunto. Como resultado, foi obtido um projeto–conceito de características “open source”, no qual o design paramétrico atende aos requisitos do design e emoção, unindo os dois tópicos de estudo e discutindo essa aplicação no processo projetual.Design and emotion and parametric design are two topics that have recently benefited from an increased interest both from academy and industry. This paper aims at exploring how parametric design can be a response to the aesthetic-formal requirements existing in street furniture projects involving design and emotion. In order to achieve this, aspects regarding both topics are analyzed in the context of street furniture, along with the investigation of the possible contributions of their combined usage. As result, an open source concept project was developed, in which parametric design meets the requirements of design and emotion, therefore, melding both topics while allowing for the discussion of this application in general design processes