321 research outputs found

    The effect of attenuation from fish on long-range active and passive acoustic sensing in the ocean

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution February 2022.Attenuation from fish can reduce the intensity of acoustic signals and significantly decrease detection range for long-range active and passive sensing in the ocean. This makes it important to understand the relevant mechanisms and accurately predict attenuation from fish in underwater acoustic sensing. Formulations for predicting attenuation from fish, however, depend on the accurate characterization of population density and spatial distribution of fish groups along long-range propagation paths, which is difficult to achieve using conventional survey methods. In previous investigations of attenuation from fish, population densities were inferred from reductions in the intensity of long-range acoustic signals caused by diel or seasonal shoaling patterns of fish groups. Here, Ocean Acoustic Waveguide Remote Sensing (OAWRS) is used to instantaneously image massive Norwegian herring shoals that stretch for thousands of square kilometers and simultaneously measure attenuation from these shoals within the active OAWRS transmissions, as well as attenuation to ship-radiated tonals detected by Passive Ocean Acoustic Waveguide Remote Sensing (POAWRS). Reductions in signal intensity are predicted using a normal-mode-based analytical theory derived from first principles for acoustic propagation and scattering through inhomogeneities in an ocean waveguide. The predictions of the waveguide attenuation formulation are in agreement with measured reductions from attenuation, where the position, size, and population density of the fish groups are characterized using OAWRS imagery as well as in situ echosounder measurements of the specific shoals occluding the propagation path. Common heuristic formulations that employ free space scattering assumptions for attenuation from fish groups are not in agreement with measurements here, and waveguide scattering theory is found to be necessary for accurate predictions. It is experimentally and theoretically shown that attenuation can be significant when the sensing frequency is near the resonance frequency of the shoaling fish, where scattering losses from the fish swimbladders and damping from fish flesh is most significant. Negligible attenuation was observed in previous OAWRS and POAWRS surveys because the frequency of the acoustic signals was sufficiently far from the swimbladder resonance peak of the shoaling fish or the packing densities of the fish shoals were not sufficiently high.This work was supported by: • Office of Naval Research under grant number N00014-17-1-2197. • Office of Naval Research via the Graduate Traineeship Award under grant number N00014-18-1-2085

    Northern Great Plains Beef Production: Production and Marketing Practices of Cow-Calf Producers

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    Ruminant livestock production in North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming is critical to the region's economy. Because of the economic significance of ruminant livestock production, producers in the four-state area are continually looking for opportunities to increase income and improve the viability of their farm and ranch operation. Accordingly, the Four-state Ruminant Consortium, an integrated research and extension program, was created to specifically address issues related to ruminant livestock production. One of the more widely applicable possibilities for adding value through the regions's ruminant livestock sector appears to be backgrounding feeder calves. However, while economic analysis has indicated that stockgrowers in the study area could typically increase their net returns by backgrounding feeder calves, anecdotal evidence suggests relatively few producers are presently backgrounding feeder calves. To identify the socioeconomic impediments inhibiting producers from backgrounding feeder cattle, this study sought to identify managerial, social, and institutional factors that influence and perhaps constrain producers' ability or willingness to background feeder cattle. Study objectives were to identify and document producers' current production and marketing practices as well as identify stock growers' perception of opportunities for and impediments to expansion of the ruminant livestock industry in the study area. A mail questionnaire was delivered to 5,270 livestock producers in 37 counties in the 4-state study area of southwestern North Dakota, northwestern South Dakota, southwestern Montana and northwestern Wyoming. The questionnaire was designed to solicit a wide variety of information about operators' current production practices, including marketing, backgrounding, retained ownership, herd management, and feed and forage practices. The questionnaire also solicited operators attitudes on a wide variety of issues related to opportunities for and impediments to the expansion of the ruminant livestock industry in the study area as well asking respondents to identify what types of information would be of most interest to them and in what form they would prefer that information be delivered. The questionnaire also collected basic demographic data. Findings from the mail questionnaire are detailed in this report.Backgrounding, Feeder calves, Beef cattle producer characteristics, Feeder cattle production practices, Beef cattle marketing, Livestock Production/Industries, Marketing,

    Morphology and evolution of coronae and ovoids on Venus

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    Coronae and ovoids on Venus were first identified in Venera 15/16 data. They are distinctive and apparently unique to the planet, and may be important indicators of processes operating in the Venusian mantle. Magellan images have provided the first high resolution views of coronae and ovoid morphology. Herein, the general geologic character is described of coronae and ovoids, and some inferences are drawn about their geologic evolution. Coronae are circular to elongate features surrounded by an annulus of deformational features, with a relatively raised or indistinct topographic signature and, commonly, a peripheral trough or moat. Ovoids are circular to elongate features other than coronae with either positive or negative topographic signatures, associated with tectonic deformation and volcanism. The relationship of these two geologic features to each other and to Venusian geology is briefly discussed

    Water Reuse Practices, Prospects and Problems.

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    Research on the practicality of water reuse. Including economics, engineering, geography, planning, psychology and public health

    Effects of transition metal substitutions on the incommensurability and spin fluctuations in BaFe2As2 by elastic and inelastic neutron scattering

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    The spin fluctuation spectra from nonsuperconducting Cu-substituted, and superconducting Co-substituted, BaFe2As2 are compared quantitatively by inelastic neutron scattering measurements and are found to be indis- tinguishable. Whereas diffraction studies show the appearance of incommensurate spin-density wave order in Co and Ni substituted samples, the magnetic phase diagram for Cu substitution does not display incommensu- rate order, demonstrating that simple electron counting based on rigid-band concepts is invalid. These results, supported by theoretical calculations, suggest that substitutional impurity effects in the Fe plane play a signifi- cant role in controlling magnetism and the appearance of superconductivity, with Cu distinguished by enhanced impurity scattering and split-band behavior.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, Major change in the manuscrip

    Roll, Roll, Roll your Root:A Comprehensive Analysis of the First Ever DNSSEC Root KSK Rollover

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    The DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) add authenticity and integrity to the naming system of the Internet. Resolvers that validate information in the DNS need to know the cryptographic public key used to sign the root zone of the DNS. Eight years after its introduction and one year after the originally scheduled date, this key was replaced by ICANN for the first time in October 2018. ICANN considered this event, called a rollover, "an overwhelming success" and during the rollover they detected "no significant outages". In this paper, we independently follow the process of the rollover starting from the events that led to its postponement in 2017 until the removal of the old key in 2019. We collected data from multiple vantage points in the DNS ecosystem for the entire duration of the rollover process. Using this data, we study key events of the rollover. These events include telemetry signals that led to the rollover being postponed, a near real-time view of the actual rollover in resolvers and a significant increase in queries to the root of the DNS once the old key was revoked. Our analysis contributes significantly to identifying the causes of challenges observed during the rollover. We show that while from an end-user perspective, the roll indeed passed without major problems, there are many opportunities for improvement and important lessons to be learned from events that occurred over the entire duration of the rollover. Based on these lessons, we propose improvements to the process for future rollovers

    An ultra-compact virtual source FET model for deeply-scaled devices: Parameter extraction and validation for standard cell libraries and digital circuits

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    In this paper, we present the first validation of the virtual source (VS) charge-based compact model for standard cell libraries and large-scale digital circuits. With only a modest number of physically meaningful parameters, the VS model accounts for the main short-channel effects in nanometer technologies. Using a novel DC and transient parameter extraction methodology, the model is verified with simulated data from a well-characterized, industrial 40-nm bulk silicon model. The VS model is used to fully characterize a standard cell library with timing comparisons showing less than 2.7% error with respect to the industrial design kit. Furthermore, a 1001-stage inverter chain and a 32-bit ripple-carry adder are employed as test cases in a vendor CAD environment to validate the use of the VS model for large-scale digital circuit applications. Parametric Vdd sweeps show that the VS model is also ready for usage in low-power design methodologies. Finally, runtime comparisons have shown that the use of the VS model results in a speedup of about 7.6×.Masdar Institute of Science and Technology (Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cooperative Agreement

    Space Station Engineering Design Issues

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    Space Station Freedom topics addressed include: general design issues; issues related to utilization and operations; issues related to systems requirements and design; and management issues relevant to design
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