22 research outputs found

    The influence of collective neutrino oscillations on a supernova r-process

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    Recently, it has been demonstrated that neutrinos in a supernova oscillate collectively. This process occurs much deeper than the conventional matter-induced MSW effect and hence may have an impact on nucleosynthesis. In this paper we explore the effects of collective neutrino oscillations on the r-process, using representative late-time neutrino spectra and outflow models. We find that accurate modeling of the collective oscillations is essential for this analysis. As an illustration, the often-used "single-angle" approximation makes grossly inaccurate predictions for the yields in our setup. With the proper multiangle treatment, the effect of the oscillations is found to be less dramatic, but still significant. Since the oscillation patterns are sensitive to the details of the emitted fluxes and the sign of the neutrino mass hierarchy, so are the r-process yields. The magnitude of the effect also depends sensitively on the astrophysical conditions - in particular on the interplay between the time when nuclei begin to exist in significant numbers and the time when the collective oscillation begins. A more definitive understanding of the astrophysical conditions, and accurate modeling of the collective oscillations for those conditions, is necessary.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figure

    Collective neutrino flavor transitions in supernovae and the role of trajectory averaging

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    Non-linear effects on supernova neutrino oscillations, associated with neutrino self-interactions, are known to induce collective flavor transitions near the supernova core for theta_13 \neq 0. In scenarios with very shallow electron density profiles, these transformations have been shown to couple with ordinary matter effects, jointly producing spectral distortions both in normal and inverted hierarchy. In this work we consider a complementary scenario, characterized by higher electron density, as indicated by post-bounce shock-wave simulations. In this case, early collective flavor transitions are decoupled from later, ordinary matter effects. Moreover, such transitions become more amenable to both numerical computations and analytical interpretations in inverted hierarchy, while they basically vanish in normal hierarchy. We numerically evolve the neutrino density matrix in the region relevant for self-interaction effects. In the approximation of averaged intersection angle between neutrino trajectories, our simulations neatly show the collective phenomena of synchronization, bipolar oscillations, and spectral split, recently discussed in the literature. In the more realistic (but computationally demanding) case of non-averaged neutrino trajectories, our simulations do not show new significant features, apart from the smearing of ``fine structures'' such as bipolar nutations. Our results seem to suggest that, at least for non-shallow matter density profiles, averaging over neutrino trajectories plays a minor role in the final outcome. In this case, the swap of nu_e and nu_{\mu,\tau} spectra above a critical energy may represent an unmistakable signature of the inverted hierarchy, especially for theta_{13} small enough to render further matter effects irrelevant.Comment: v2 (27 pages, including 9 eps figures). Typos removed, references updated. Minor comments added. Corrected numerical errors in Eq.(6). Matches the published versio

    Damping of supernova neutrino transitions in stochastic shock-wave density profiles

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    Supernova neutrino flavor transitions during the shock wave propagation are known to encode relevant information not only about the matter density profile but also about unknown neutrino properties, such as the mass hierarchy (normal or inverted) and the mixing angle theta_13. While previous studies have focussed on "deterministic" density profiles, we investigate the effect of possible stochastic matter density fluctuations in the wake of supernova shock waves. In particular, we study the impact of small-scale fluctuations on the electron (anti)neutrino survival probability, and on the observable spectra of inverse-beta-decay events in future water-Cherenkov detectors. We find that such fluctuations, even with relatively small amplitudes, can have significant damping effects on the flavor transition pattern, and can partly erase the shock-wave imprint on the observable time spectra, especially for sin^2(theta_13) > O(10^-3).Comment: v2 (23 pages, including 6 eps figures). Typos removed, references updated, matches the published versio

    Revealing the diverse magnetic field morphologies in Taurus dense cores with sensitive sub-millimeter polarimetry

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    We have obtained sensitive dust continuum polarization observations at 850 μm in the B213 region of Taurus using POL-2 on SCUBA-2 at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT), as part of the BISTRO (B-fields in STar-forming Region Observations) survey. These observations allow us to probe magnetic field (B-field) at high spatial resolution (∼2000 au or ∼0.01 pc at 140 pc) in two protostellar cores (K04166 and K04169) and one prestellar core (Miz-8b) that lie within the B213 filament. Using the Davis-Chandrasekhar-Fermi method, we estimate the B-field strengths in K04166, K04169, and Miz-8b to be 38±14 μG, 44±16 μG, and 12±5 μG, respectively. These cores show distinct mean B-field orientations. B-field in K04166 is well ordered and aligned parallel to the orientations of the core minor axis, outflows, core rotation axis, and large-scale uniform B-field, in accordance with magnetically regulated star formation via ambipolar diffusion taking place in K04166. B-field in K04169 is found to be ordered but oriented nearly perpendicular to the core minor axis and large-scale B-field, and not well-correlated with other axes. In contrast, Miz-8b exhibits disordered B-field which show no preferred alignment with the core minor axis or large-scale field. We found that only one core, K04166, retains a memory of the large-scale uniform B-field. The other two cores, K04169 and Miz-8b, are decoupled from the large-scale field. Such a complex B-field configuration could be caused by gas inflow onto the filament, even in the presence of a substantial magnetic flux

    Observations of Magnetic Fields Surrounding LkH alpha 101 Taken by the BISTRO Survey with JCMT-POL-2

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    We report the first high spatial resolution measurement of magnetic fields surrounding LkHα 101, part of the Auriga–California molecular cloud. The observations were taken with the POL-2 polarimeter on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope within the framework of the B-fields In Star-forming Region Observations (BISTRO) survey. Observed polarization of thermal dust emission at 850 μm is found to be mostly associated with the redshifted gas component of the cloud. The magnetic field displays a relatively complex morphology. Two variants of the Davis–Chandrasekhar–Fermi method, unsharp masking and structure function, are used to calculate the strength of magnetic fields in the plane of the sky, yielding a similar result of BPOS ~ 115 μG. The mass-to-magnetic-flux ratio in critical value units, λ ~ 0.3, is the smallest among the values obtained for other regions surveyed by POL-2. This implies that the LkHα 101 region is subcritical, and the magnetic field is strong enough to prevent gravitational collapse. The inferred δB/B0 ~ 0.3 implies that the large-scale component of the magnetic field dominates the turbulent one. The variation of the polarization fraction with total emission intensity can be fitted by a power law with an index of α = 0.82 ± 0.03, which lies in the range previously reported for molecular clouds. We find that the polarization fraction decreases rapidly with proximity to the only early B star (LkHα 101) in the region. Magnetic field tangling and the joint effect of grain alignment and rotational disruption by radiative torques can potentially explain such a decreasing trend

    The JCMT BISTRO Survey: Magnetic Fields Associated with a Network of Filaments in NGC 1333

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    We present new observations of the active star formation region NGC 1333 in the Perseus molecular cloud complex from the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope B-Fields In Star-forming Region Observations (BISTRO) survey with the POL-2 instrument. The BISTRO data cover the entire NGC 1333 complex (~1.5 pc × 2 pc) at 0.02 pc resolution and spatially resolve the polarized emission from individual filamentary structures for the first time. The inferred magnetic field structure is complex as a whole, with each individual filament aligned at different position angles relative to the local field orientation. We combine the BISTRO data with low- and high- resolution data derived from Planck and interferometers to study the multiscale magnetic field structure in this region. The magnetic field morphology drastically changes below a scale of ~1 pc and remains continuous from the scales of filaments (~0.1 pc) to that of protostellar envelopes (~0.005 pc or ~1000 au). Finally, we construct simple models in which we assume that the magnetic field is always perpendicular to the long axis of the filaments. We demonstrate that the observed variation of the relative orientation between the filament axes and the magnetic field angles are well reproduced by this model, taking into account the projection effects of the magnetic field and filaments relative to the plane of the sky. These projection effects may explain the apparent complexity of the magnetic field structure observed at the resolution of BISTRO data toward the filament network

    Effect of Collective Flavor Oscillations on the Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background

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    Collective flavor oscillations driven by neutrino-neutrino self interaction inside core-collapse supernovae have now been shown to bring drastic changes in the resultant neutrino fluxes. This would in turn significantly affect the diffuse supernova neutrino background (DSNB), created by all core-collapse supernovae that have exploded in the past. In view of these collective effects, we re-analyze the potential of detecting the DSNB in currently running and planned large-scale detectors meant for detecting both electron neutrinos and antineutrinos. The next generation detectors should be able to observe DSNB fluxes. Under certain conducive conditions, one could learn about neutrino parameters. For instance, it might be possible to determine the neutrino mass hierarchy, even if theta_{13} is almost zero.Comment: Ver3 (24 pages, 4 figures and 4 tables): Reference added. Figure 1 corrected. Misprints corrected. Acknowledgment added. No changes in results. Supercedes the version published in JCA

    JCMT BISTRO Observations: Magnetic Field Morphology of Bubbles Associated with NGC 6334

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    We study the Hii regions associated with the NGC 6334 molecular cloud observed in the submillimeter and taken as part of the B-fields In STar-forming Region Observations Survey. In particular, we investigate the polarization patterns and magnetic field morphologies associated with these Hii regions. Through polarization pattern and pressure calculation analyses, several of these bubbles indicate that the gas and magnetic field lines have been pushed away from the bubble, toward an almost tangential (to the bubble) magnetic field morphology. In the densest part of NGC 6334, where the magnetic field morphology is similar to an hourglass, the polarization observations do not exhibit observable impact from Hii regions. We detect two nested radial polarization patterns in a bubble to the south of NGC 6334 that correspond to the previously observed bipolar structure in this bubble. Finally, using the results of this study, we present steps (incorporating computer vision; circular Hough transform) that can be used in future studies to identify bubbles that have physically impacted magnetic field lines

    B-fields in Star-forming Region Observations (BISTRO): Magnetic Fields in the Filamentary Structures of Serpens Main

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    We present 850 μm polarimetric observations toward the Serpens Main molecular cloud obtained using the POL-2 polarimeter on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope as part of the B-fields In STar-forming Region Observations survey. These observations probe the magnetic field morphology of the Serpens Main molecular cloud on about 6000 au scales, which consists of cores and six filaments with different physical properties such as density and star formation activity. Using the histogram of relative orientation (HRO) technique, we find that magnetic fields are parallel to filaments in less-dense filamentary structures where NH2<0.93×1022{N}_{{{\rm{H}}}_{2}}\lt 0.93\times {10}^{22} cm−2 (magnetic fields perpendicular to density gradients), while they are perpendicular to filaments (magnetic fields parallel to density gradients) in dense filamentary structures with star formation activity. Moreover, applying the HRO technique to denser core regions, we find that magnetic field orientations change to become perpendicular to density gradients again at NH2≈4.6×1022{N}_{{{\rm{H}}}_{2}}\approx 4.6\times {10}^{22} cm−2. This can be interpreted as a signature of core formation. At NH2≈16×1022{N}_{{{\rm{H}}}_{2}}\approx 16\times {10}^{22} cm−2, magnetic fields change back to being parallel to density gradients once again, which can be understood to be due to magnetic fields being dragged in by infalling material. In addition, we estimate the magnetic field strengths of the filaments (BPOS = 60–300 μG)) using the Davis–Chandrasekhar–Fermi method and discuss whether the filaments are gravitationally unstable based on magnetic field and turbulence energy densities