236 research outputs found

    Actualités du détail historique dans trois témoignages sur le nazisme

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    Pour être historique, le détail doit aussi être clinique. Il doit éviter l’écueil d’une actualité naturaliste stérile en rendant compte de la mélancolie inhérente à l’événement. Dans trois récits du nazisme à la première personne, on analyse l’actualité de ce détail mélancolique. Le détail mélancolique transmet le propre d’une psyché individuelle dans le récit de Wibke Bruhns sur la trajectoire de son père, condamné à la pendaison par le tribunal du peuple nazi en août 1944. Dans Histoire d’un Allemand, l’extraordinaire récit de la montée du nazisme écrit par Sebastien Haffner en 1939, le détail mélancolique raconte l’incorporation de l’événement du nazisme dans les corps. Adam Czerniakow, président du Conseil juif de Varsovie, lui, consigne dans ses Carnets, dès septembre 1939, des détails figés qui racontent la vie et l’anéantissement du ghetto de Varsovie, exclus par essence de l’entendement historique. De la confrontation de ces trois récits naît une morale de l’actualité du détail mélancolique dont l’écart entre la date de l’écriture et la date de publication des récits est l’indice


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    Il est peut-être vain de se demander « Quoi de neuf ? » à propos du présent, tant cette nouveauté en puissance du passé se refuse à l’isolement critique, dépendant qu’il est de la réactualisation de textes philosophiques, de la sortie de nouveaux ouvrages littéraires et historiens et du cours de l’actualité (qu’il est trop facile de réduire à une gestualité dépassée de l’événement). Pour saisir ce présent, nous oscillons entre le refus d’une définition exclusive dans un seul champ et la coagu..

    Nurse and Teacher Led Adolescent Healthy Weight Classes to Improve Health Behaviors

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    Problem Statement: Weight management is a public health problem affecting adolescents across the United States that negatively impacts their current and future physical, social, and behavioral health. Rapid implementation of efficient and sustainable interventions is necessary to manage the problem. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the feasibility and initial efficacy of using a weight management intervention that was school-based, evidence-based, and developmentally appropriate to help adolescents develop and maintain healthy nutrition and physical activity behaviors and improve their adiposity and weight status. Methods: This feasibility and initial efficacy study used a single group repeated measures design. The sample consisted of African American, non-Hispanic white and bilingual Hispanic adolescents enrolled at the Just Right Academy in Durham, North Carolina. The participants received a healthy nutrition and physical activity education and exercise intervention. The intervention included a 7-week series of a 45-60 minute, nurse-led and classroom teacher assisted, evidence-based, and developmentally appropriate nutrition and physical activity education and exercise classes offered twice a week, for a total of 14 classes. Data were collected before the intervention started at Time 1 (baseline), at Time 2 (after completion of the intervention), and Time 3 (after three months without contact from the study staff). Data collected included height, weight, body mass index (BMI) percentiles, and adiposity (waist circumference and triceps and subscapular skinfolds). Health behavior information and changes were collected using the Child Health Behavior Survey, physical activity logs, and parental and schoolteachers’ interviews. Analysis: Descriptive data analyses and correlations were conducted but interpreted conservatively, considering the small sample size and methodology as a feasibility and initial efficacy study. Paired t-tests were run on weight, adiposity, nutrition and physical activity data from Time 1 to Time 2 and Time 1 to Time 3 to examine changes in weight, adiposity and health behaviors across time. Results: As expected participants mean height increased from Time 1 to Time 2. However, at Time 3 mean height decreased, which was most likely secondary to several students who were quite tall left the school, and we were unable to contact them for the Time 3 data collection. There was a significant increase in weight and BMI percentile at both Time 2 and Time 3. The BMI percentile measurements indicated that during the Time 1 measurement 1 of 15 students was underweight, 6 of 15 students were normal weight, 4 of 15 students were overweight, and 4 of 15 were obese. During the Time 2 measurement 7 of 14 students were normal weight, 3 of 14 students were overweight, and 4 of 15 were obese. During Time 3 measurement 1 of 12 students was underweight, 3 of 12 students were normal weight, 3 of 12 students were overweight, and 5 of 12 were obese. There was no significant decrease in triceps or subscapular skinfolds at Time 2 or Time 3. There was a significant decrease in waist circumference at Time 2 and Time 3. Interview feedback, low cost, and successful completion of all planned activities indicated that students, parents, and school staff believed that the project was beneficial and suitable for their school. The intervention faced no notable barriers and had no cost for the school. The cost for the researcher included only printing (30)andassortedteachingmaterials(30) and assorted teaching materials (20). Significance: The results of this study suggest that an evidence-based and developmentally appropriate weight management intervention is acceptable and feasible in a non-traditional school setting. Management of adiposity and weight in adolescents may improve their physical, social, and health behaviors and contribute to their overall wellness. Further study is needed to determine efficacy towards behavior change and weight management more accurately.Doctor of Nursing Practic

    Condutibilidade termica em materiais restauradores : 1 - um aparelho para a sua mensuração; 2- sua aplicação ao cimento de fosfato de zinco

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    Orientador: Luiz Antonio RuhnkeTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: Não informadoAbstract: Not informedDoutoradoDoutor em Ciência

    Le partage des vies. Entretien avec Jacques Rancière

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    Contrairement à la doxa contemporaine selon laquelle le suffrage en politique, son expression et son actualisation, sont le sésame institutionnel et symbolique par excellence du régime démocratique, Jacques Rancière critique sévèrement le système représentatif. Une écriture de l’histoire démocratique doit se souvenir de l’écart creusé entre démocratie politique et démocratie sociale qui accompagne la réinvention du suffrage universel au cours de la révolution de février 1848. Pour entendre cette mise à l’écart de l’oligarchie représentative, il faut aussi être vigilant aux leçons de l’histoire transmises par les historiens, notamment ceux de la Nouvelle Histoire, qui traitent souvent des discours dits muets ou encore de la petite phrase qui concentre l’univers entier. Pour Jacques Rancière, écrire l’histoire, c’est favoriser plutôt des paroles circulantes, des paroles qui font passages entre des niveaux linguistiques, entre des discours supposés référés à des classes et aussi entre réalité et fiction

    Soliton model for proton conductivity in Langmuir films

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    A soliton model for proton conductivity in Langmuir films is presented. The model contains three real scalar fields describing the hydrogen involved in the conduction, the hydrophilic head of the Langmuir film, and the water. Soliton solutions that describe proton motion along the hydrogen bonds are found. Under compression of the film, the distance between the minima of the proton potential and the strength of the hydrogen bonds between the film molecule and the water are changed. Such changes increase the probability of soliton creation. The model presented allows proton conductivity data in Langmuir films to be explained.Comment: Revtex, 07 pages, 2 eps figures, to be published in Chem. Phys. Let

    Rappeler Roland : une traduction de La Chanson de Roland au présent. Entretien avec Frédéric Boyer

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    À propos de Rappeler Roland (2013), son dernier livre paru, Frédéric Boyer évoque le travail de « translateur » qui a été le sien quand il a traduit une chanson de geste, La Chanson de Roland, dans la langue d’usage de notre présent. Cette chanson est-elle une chanson de vétérans qui témoigne d’un rapport vivant à un passé épique ? En quoi sa traduction enrichit-elle notre langue aujourd’hui ? Qu’est-ce qu’une bataille perdue par Roland dans un très lointain Moyen Âge raconte lyriquement aujourd’hui ? La traduction est un art d’affrontement volontaire et positif ; qui mobilise des outils très spécifiques : ceux de la transposition, de la trans- ou de la télédéportation au sein même de la langue.In Rappeler Roland (2013), his latest published book, Frédéric Boyer evokes his work, that of the ‘translateur’, when he translated La Chanson de Roland (The Song of Roland), a chanson de geste, into the language spoken today. Is this chanson a song of veterans which bears witness to a living connection with an epic past? How does his translation enrich the language we speak today? What does a battle lost by Roland in a very distant past that is the Middle Ages tell us in a lyrical way today? Translation is an art of voluntary and constructive confrontation, which mobilizes very specific tools: those of transposition and of trans- or teleportation within the very language itself

    Lisle – Les Sablons

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    Une première campagne de fouille programmée s’est déroulée en 2016 dans la commune de Lisle (Loir-et-Cher) au lieu-dit les Sablons. Le site est implanté en rive droite du Loir sur les premières pentes du coteau d’un talweg perpendiculaire à la vallée du Loir. Ce talweg comme la vallée du Loir incisent plusieurs formations géologiques dont des argiles à silex issues de l’altération des craies du crétacé. Le site est localisé à l’aplomb des formations des argiles à silex qui affleurent tout le ..

    Lisle – Les Sablons

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    En juillet 2017 s’est tenue une deuxième campagne de fouille programmée sur les premières pentes du coteau du site de Lisle les Sablons. D’une durée de deux semaines, l’opération s’est concentrée sur la zone dense en vestiges identifiée lors de la précédente campagne en 2016. Deux petites fenêtres d’une dizaine de mètres carrés ont été ouvertes. Les faits archéologiques sont attribués au Néolithique et l’intégralité des artefacts est en silex, exclusivement local. La problématique de l’opérat..

    Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 has dual effects on gastrointestinal stromal tumor cell viability and sensitivity to the anti-tumor effects of imatinib mesylate in vitro

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Imatinib mesylate has significantly improved survival and quality of life of patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs). However, the molecular mechanism through which imatinib exerts its anti-tumor effects is not clear. Previously, we found up-regulation of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 (IGFBP3) expression in imatinib-responsive GIST cells and tumor samples. Because IGFBP3 regulates cell proliferation and survival and mediates the anti-tumor effects of a number of anti-cancer agents through both IGF-dependent and IGF-independent mechanisms, we hypothesized that IGFBP3 mediates GIST cell response to imatinib. To test this hypothesis, we manipulated IGFBP3 levels in two imatinib-responsive GIST cell lines and observed cell viability after drug treatment.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the GIST882 cell line, imatinib treatment induced endogenous IGFBP3 expression, and IGFBP3 down-modulation by neutralization or RNA interference resulted in partial resistance to imatinib. In contrast, IGFBP3 overexpression in GIST-T1, which had no detectable endogenous IGFBP3 expression after imatinib, had no effect on imatinib-induced loss of viability. Furthermore, both the loss of IGFBP3 in GIST882 cells and the overexpression of IGFBP3 in GIST-T1 cells was cytotoxic, demonstrating that IGFBP3 has opposing effects on GIST cell viability.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This data demonstrates that IGFBP3 has dual, opposing roles in modulating GIST cell viability and response to imatinib <it>in vitro</it>. These preliminary findings suggest that there may be some clinical benefits to IGFBP3 therapy in GIST patients, but further studies are needed to better characterize the functions of IGFBP3 in GIST.</p
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