4,009 research outputs found

    A 3d-3d appetizer

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    We test the 3d-3d correspondence for theories that are labelled by Lens spaces. We find a full agreement between the index of the 3d N=2{\cal N}=2 "Lens space theory" T[L(p,1)]T[L(p,1)] and the partition function of complex Chern-Simons theory on L(p,1)L(p,1). In particular, for p=1p=1, we show how the familiar S3S^3 partition function of Chern-Simons theory arises from the index of a free theory. For large pp, we find that the index of T[L(p,1)]T[L(p,1)] becomes a constant independent of pp. In addition, we study T[L(p,1)]T[L(p,1)] on the squashed three-sphere Sb3S^3_b. This enables us to see clearly, at the level of partition function, to what extent GCG_\mathbb{C} complex Chern-Simons theory can be thought of as two copies of Chern-Simons theory with compact gauge group GG.Comment: 27 pages. v2: misprints corrected, references added. v3: misprints corrected, a clarification adde

    Equivariant Verlinde formula from fivebranes and vortices

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    We study complex Chern-Simons theory on a Seifert manifold M3M_3 by embedding it into string theory. We show that complex Chern-Simons theory on M3M_3 is equivalent to a topologically twisted supersymmetric theory and its partition function can be naturally regularized by turning on a mass parameter. We find that the dimensional reduction of this theory to 2d gives the low energy dynamics of vortices in four-dimensional gauge theory, the fact apparently overlooked in the vortex literature. We also generalize the relations between 1) the Verlinde algebra, 2) quantum cohomology of the Grassmannian, 3) Chern-Simons theory on Σ×S1\Sigma\times S^1 and 4) index of a spinc^c Dirac operator on the moduli space of flat connections to a new set of relations between 1) the "equivariant Verlinde algebra" for a complex group, 2) the equivariant quantum K-theory of the vortex moduli space, 3) complex Chern-Simons theory on Σ×S1\Sigma \times S^1 and 4) the equivariant index of a spinc^c Dirac operator on the moduli space of Higgs bundles.Comment: 56 pages, 7 figures; v2: misprints corrected, clarifications added, missing factors and terms restored in section 6.

    Mirror symmetry with branes by equivariant Verlinde formulae

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    We find an agreement of equivariant indices of semi-classical homomorphisms between pairwise mirror branes in the GL(2) Higgs moduli space on a Riemann surface. On one side we have the components of the Lagrangian brane of U(1,1) Higgs bundles whose mirror was proposed by Nigel Hitchin to be certain even exterior powers of the hyperholomorphic Dirac bundle on the SL(2) Higgs moduli space. The agreement arises from a mysterious functional equation. This gives strong computational evidence for Hitchin's proposal.Comment: to appear in Hitchin 70th birthday volum

    Poster: Indoor Navigation for Visually Impaired People with Vertex Colored Graphs

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    Visually impaired people face many daily encumbrances. Traditional visual enhancements do not suffice to navigate indoor environments. In this paper, we explore path finding algorithms such as Dijkstra and A* combined with graph coloring to find a safest and shortest path for visual impaired people to navigate indoors. Our mobile application is based on a database which stores the locations of several spots in the building and their corresponding label. Visual impaired people select the start and destination when they want to find their way, and our mobile application will show the appropriate path which guarantees their safety

    Trialities of minimally supersymmetric 2d gauge theories

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    We study dynamics of two-dimensional N = (0, 1) supersymmetric gauge theories. In particular, we propose that there is an infrared triality between certain triples of theories with orthogonal and symplectic gauge groups. The proposal is supported by matching of anomalies and elliptic genera. This triality can be viewed as a (0, 1) counterpart of the (0, 2) triality proposed earlier by two of the authors and A. Gadde. We also describe the relation between global anomalies in gauge theoretic and sigma-model descriptions, filling in a gap in the present literature

    Holomorphic CFTs and topological modular forms

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    We use the theory of topological modular forms to constrain bosonic holomorphic CFTs, which can be viewed as (0,1)(0,1) SCFTs with trivial right-moving supersymmetric sector. A conjecture by Segal, Stolz and Teichner requires the constant term of the partition function to be divisible by specific integers determined by the central charge. We verify this constraint in large classes of physical examples, and rule out the existence of an infinite set of extremal CFTs, including those with central charges c=48,72,96c=48, 72, 96 and 120120.Comment: 7 pages; v2: references adde
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