15 research outputs found

    Biomass from Short Rotation Energy Plantations of Black Locust on Tailing Dump of »Field B« Open Pit in »Kolubara« Mining Basin

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    In recent decades, the establishment of short rotation energy plantations is becoming ever more common in marginal sites, including tailing dumps of open pits in mining basins. During the exploitation cycle, not only do short rotation energy plantations produce woody biomass for energy production, but they also accumulate large amounts of carbon from the soil and air. In this case, the energy plantations are primarily environmentally friendly, which is accompanied by their economic importance. Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) has a number of advantages that justify its use in the establishment of energy plantations. The main objective of this paper is to assess the current state of energy plantations of black locust established in autumn 2008 on a tailing dump of the »Kolubara« mining basin (Serbia), as well as to determine the yield of dry matter of black locust per hectare. The data on the number of trees, diameter and height increments, the mass of trees per diameter class and the amount of biomass were obtained by the method of partial survey. The survey found a high percentage of survival of black locust seedlings (95.67%), the average diameter in the plantation (6.83 cm), medium tree height (7.15 m) and the absolute yield of dry matter (2.96 t/ha/yr). The results of this research on experimental energy plantations will be useful in the planning of future energy plantations in low-productivity sites, as well as in the selection of techniques and technologies for utilization of energy plantations

    Biomass from Short Rotation Energy Plantations of Black Locust on Tailing Dump of »Field B« Open Pit in »Kolubara« Mining Basin

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    In recent decades, the establishment of short rotation energy plantations is becoming ever more common in marginal sites, including tailing dumps of open pits in mining basins. During the exploitation cycle, not only do short rotation energy plantations produce woody biomass for energy production, but they also accumulate large amounts of carbon from the soil and air. In this case, the energy plantations are primarily environmentally friendly, which is accompanied by their economic importance. Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) has a number of advantages that justify its use in the establishment of energy plantations. The main objective of this paper is to assess the current state of energy plantations of black locust established in autumn 2008 on a tailing dump of the »Kolubara« mining basin (Serbia), as well as to determine the yield of dry matter of black locust per hectare. The data on the number of trees, diameter and height increments, the mass of trees per diameter class and the amount of biomass were obtained by the method of partial survey. The survey found a high percentage of survival of black locust seedlings (95.67%), the average diameter in the plantation (6.83 cm), medium tree height (7.15 m) and the absolute yield of dry matter (2.96 t/ha/yr). The results of this research on experimental energy plantations will be useful in the planning of future energy plantations in low-productivity sites, as well as in the selection of techniques and technologies for utilization of energy plantations

    Otvorenost šuma i šumskog zemljišta u Bosni i Hercegovini, entitetu Republici Srpskoj

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    The focus of this paper is on the description of the openness of primary forest traffic infrastructure in the Republic of Srpska. The data were collected using Garmin Oregon 600 GPS devices across the entire territory of state forests, managed by the Public Enterprise „Šume Republike Srpske”, and the recorded traces were compared and corrected by orthophoto snapshots with a 0.50 m resolution. The tools used for the processing of collected data were software ESRI ArcGIS 10.2 and Quantum GIS 16.2. In addition, the analysis covers all forest roads that pass through state forests that can be used for forest management and enable the movement of trucks. Public roads are only taken as an overview of openness of this category of roads and forest openness is shown by forest categories. The analyses included 843,466.00 ha out of the total of 1,002,056.00 ha of state-owned forests. The final aim of this analysis was to obtain a clear insight into the quantitative status of primary forest traffic infrastructure in the Republic of Srpska. The data were collected during 2016. Based on the analysis, the total density of the network of primary forest traffic infrastructure for the research area was 9.28 m/ha without public roads, i.e. 11.21 m/ha with public roads. In addition, density of the network of primary forest traffic infrastructure was determined separately for each category of forests, and the highest density of forest road network was found in forest plantations (11.57 m/ha or 14.82 m/ha with public roads) and high forests with natural regeneration (11.13 m/ha or 12.49 m/ha with public roads).Radi potrebe unaprjeđenja mreže cesta u Republici Srpskoj, u ovome radu su prikazani određeni rezultati. Dinamiku izgradnje cesta i otvaranja šuma prate velike oscilacije, a posebice stagnacija početkom devedesetih godina. Izgradnja cesta u Republici Srpskoj nastavljena je vrlo slabo do 2006 godine, kada se krenulo intenzivno s projektiranjem i izgradnjom šumskih kamionskih cesta do danas. U ovome razdoblju na prostoru Republike Srpske izgrađeno je 519 km cesta, ili prosječno 47.20 km godišnje. S obzirom da ne postoji jasna analiza optimalne gustoće kamionskih cesta u Republici Srpskoj, u ovom slučaju su kao parameter poslužila slična reljefna područja iz okruženja. Pritom minimalna otvorenost koja je potrebna za gospodarenje šumama u RS uzeta je vrijednost od 15 m/ha, dok je optimalna oko 20 m/ha. Na osnovi ovih parametara učinjena je i analiza otvorenosti šuma. Otvorenost šuma šumskim kamionskim cestama iznosi 9.28 m/ha. Mnogi autori prikazali su otvorenost šuma, uključujući i javne ceste. Glede toga, i u ovome radu prikazana je otvorenost od 11.21 m/ha. Otvorenost javnim cestama možemo promatrati u smislu značenja ne samo za transport šumskih drvnih sortimenata, nego i za zaštitu šuma od požara i monitoring šuma, kao i za prijevoz radnika i opreme do šuma za potrebe izvođenja radova na pošumljavanju, uzgoju i korišćenju šuma. Gustoća šumskih kamionskih cesta za radoblje od 2006. do2016. godine je uvećana za 0.62 m/ha. Ovom dinamikom izgradnje cesta minimalna otvorenost bi se dostigla za 100 godina. Otvorenost šuma kreće se od 1.19 m/ha, pa sve do 14.75 m/ha. Svega jedno šumsko-gospodarsko područje (istočnodrvarsko) može se svrstati u minimalno otvoreno, što predstavlja 1.48% od ukupne površine državnih šuma Republike Srpske. Šumskogospodarsko područje “majevičko” ima najnižu otvorenost. Na ovome prostoru velika površina šuma je zaštićena kao vodozahvat pitke vode u općini Bijeljina, i na ovome prostoru nije dozvoljena intenzivnija eksploatacija šuma, pa samim tim i izgradnja šumskih kamionskih cesta. S obirom da je ovo područje malo površinom, ono nema veliki utjecaj na ukupnu otvorenost šuma i šumskog zemljišta. Iz rezultata ovoga istraživanja. dolazi se do zaključka, kao i u entitetu Federacija Bosne i Hercegovine, da su najvažnija pretpostavka i uvjet za unaprjeđenje šumske prometne infrastrukture i u Republici Srpskoj financijska sredstva. Nedostatak financijskih sredstava su osnovni uzrok zbog čega je realizirana novogradnja cesta značajno ispod preporučenog minimuma. Potrebno je značajno intenzivirati izgradnju šumskih kamionskih cesta, posebice obratiti pozornost na šumsko-gospodarska područja u kojima se skoro nikako nije gradilo. S obzirom da su parametri za utvrđivanje otvorenosti šuma uzeti iz okruženja, potrebno je provesti detaljniju analizu konkretnih utjecajnih čimbenika za ovaj prostor kako bi se odredio minimum i optimum.. Neophodno je u planskim dokumentima razraditi otvorenost šuma ili određenim studijama analizirati sve čimbenike koji utječu na otvorenost šuma, kako bi se postigli optimumi gustoće mreže šumskih kamionskih cesta za različite reljefne uvjete. Razvoj katastra postojeće šumske ceste je preduvjet za provođenje analize i dobivanje kvalitetnih programa otvaranja šuma. U radu je prikazana otvorenost šuma i šumskog zemljišta primarnom mrežom cesta u Republici Srpskoj. Podaci su prikupljeni GARMIN Oregon 600 GPS uređajima, na cijelom području, čiji je korisnik JPŠ “Šume Republike Srpske”, a snimljeni tragovi uspoređivani su i korigirani ortofoto snimkama rezolucije 0.50m. Za obradu podataka korišteni su GIS softveri, ArcGIS 10.2 i QGIS 2.16. GPS tragovi su razvrstani na javne i šumske ceste. Otvorenost šuma i šumskog zemljišta je prikazana po kategorijama šuma

    Uticaj etarskih ulja na ishranu jedinki domaćeg miša: II - mamci na bazi bromadiolona i difenakuma sa dodatkom 0.75% etarskog ulja cimeta u praktičnim uslovima primene

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    The effects of 0.75 % concentration of cinnamon essential oil on bait attractiveness and total biological efficacy of bromadiolone and difenacoum rodenticides to the house mouse were tested in practice. The experiments were conducted in storages with stable house mouse populations for which no resistance to anticoagulant rodenticides had been previously reported. A statistically significant difference was detected between bromadiolone and difenacoum baits. Consumption of bromadiolone baits supplemented with cinnamon essential oil was 74 % higher than the consumption of bromadiolone baits without cinnamon oil. The average efficacy of bromadiolone baits in controlling house mice was 96 %. Cinnamon essential oil added to difenacoum baits increased bait consumption by 39 %, i.e. it was 119 % higher than the consumption of oil-free baits. The average efficacy of difenacoum baits in controlling house mice was 99.5 %.Utvrđen je uticaj etarskog ulja cimeta, u koncentraciji 0.75 %, na ispoljavanje atraktivnosti mamaca, kao i ukupna biološka efikasnost aktivnih materija bromadiolona i difenakuma za domaćeg miša u praktičnim uslovima primene. Eksperimenti su izvedeni u skladišnim objektima, sa stabilnim populacijama domaćeg miša, za koje nije bila utvrđena rezistentnost na antikoagulantne rodenticide. Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika između ispitivanih mamaca na bazi bromadiolona i ispitivanih mamaca na bazi difenakuma. Mamci na bazi bromadiolona, sa sadržajem etarskog ulja cimeta, prosečno su bili konzumirani za 74 % više od mamaca na bazi bromadiolona u kojima nije bilo dodatka ulja. Prosečna ukupna efikasnost ovih mamaca u suzbijanju domaćeg miša bila je 96 %. Povećanje konzumacije mamaca na bazi difenakuma sa dodatim eteričnim uljem cimeta u ovom eksperimentu bila je za 39 %, odnosno 119 % viša u odnosu na mamce bez dodatka eteričnog ulja. Prosečna ukupna efikasnost ovih mamaca bila je 99,5 % u suzbijanju domaćeg miša

    Uticaj etarskih ulja na ishranu jedinki domaćeg miša: I - cimet i karanfilić ispitivani u skladištima

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    The effect of cinnamon (Cinnamomi zeylanicum) and clove (Eugenia caryophyllata) essential oils on the acceptibility of cereal-based baits to house mice in storage facilities was examined. The effects of three concentrations, 0.5, 0.75 and 1 %, were tested for optimization purposes. The experiments were performed in a mill storage, and in another storage for seeds and seedlings. Attractiveness of the examined concentrations of cinnamon and clove essential oils was statistically significant, compared to placebo bait, within seven days of the experiment. On the seventh day, the average consumption of baits containing 0.75 % and 1 % concentrations of cinnamon oil was 46 % in the mill storage, i.e. 35.5 % more than placebo baits were consumed. Fourteen days after the beginning of the experiment, no significant difference was detected in the consumption of baits offered in the mill storage. On the other hand, a significant difference was revealed regarding the consumption of examined baits in the seed and seedling storage. The average consumption of baits containing 0.75 % and 1 % cinnamon oil was 47 % and 51 % higher after 14 days than the consumption of placebo bait. Compared to the other test baits, those containing cinnamon essential oil at 0.75 % and 1 % concentration demonstrated better attractiveness without mutual statistically significant differences.Utvrđivan je uticaj etarskih ulja cimeta (Cinnamomi zeylanicum) i karanfilića (Eugenia caryophyllata) na prihvatljivost mamaka na bazi žita za domaćeg miša u skladišnim uslovima. U ciju optimizacije sadržaja etarskog ulja, ispitivan je efekat tri različite koncentracije, 0.5, 0.75 i 1 %. Eksperimenti su izvedeni u skladišnim objektima mlina i objektima za skladištenje semenskog i sadnog materijala. Atraktantno delovanje ispitivanih koncentracija etarskih ulja cimeta i karanfilića u odnosu na placebo mamac bilo je statistički značajno od početka pa do sedmog dana eksperimenta. Sedmog dana, u objektima mlina, prosečna konzumacija mamaca sa sadržajem etarskog ulja cimeta u koncentracijama od 0.75 % i 1 % bila je do 46 %, odnosno 35.5 % viša u odnosu na placebo mamac. Četrnaestog dana nije zabeležena statistički značajna razlika u konzumaciji ponuđenih mamaca u objektima mlina. U skladišnim objektima semenskog i sadnog materijala, zabeležena je statistički značajna razlika u konzumaciji ispitivanih mamaca. Prosečna konzumacija mamaka sa sadržajem od 0.75 % i 1 % etarskog ulja cimeta, četrnaestog dana od početka eksperimenta bila je za 47 %, odnosno 51 % viša u odnosu na placebo mamac. U odnosu na druge ispitivane mamce, mamci sa sadržajem etarskog ulja cimeta u koncentracijama od 0.75 % i 1 % ispoljili su atraktantnije delovanje u odnosu na druge mamce i međusobno se nisu statistički značajno razlikovali


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    This paper presents an analysis of damage to residual trees and the regeneration that occurs during harvesting using the half tree length method and timber extraction in winter operating conditions in a pure beech stand and a mixed stand of beech fir and spruce in the territory of the Srpska Republic. In this study, types of damage were investigated, as well as the size of wounds. Felling and processing of wood assortments were performed with a chainsaw and timber extraction on earth and by skid trail to a roadside landing on a truck road was performed with a tractor Timberjack 240C. The number of injuries that occurred during the felling and transport of trees in the mixed stand was on average 2.69 wounds per felled tree, whereas in the pure stand the average number of wounds per felled tree was 2.27. During the felling of trees in both sample plots, the largest number of injuries was to the crowns of neighbouring trees, which was followed by damage to the butt end, whereas the lowest number of injuries was incurred to the root collar. During the timber winching, the most common damage was to the root collar, whereas during timber skidding the most common type of damage was to the butt end. Damage to the regeneration was evident in both sample plots in the form of breakages of plants and their branches, as well as uprooting of whole plants. Damage to the butt end and root collar that occurred at the felling stage was in the form of bark peeling and other superficial wounds whose most common sizes were larger than 200 cm2. The average area of injuries caused during the transport phase ranged from 50 to 200 cm2.Tijekom mehanizirane sječe i privlačenja drveta nastaju oštećenja na preostalim stablima, podmlatku i zemljištu. Vrsta i veličina oštećenja koje se javljaju pri sječi, izradi i privlačenju drvnih sortimenata ovisi od broja stabala u sastojini, gustoće pomlatka, intenziteta sječe, promjera stabla, veličine krošnje, smjera obaranja stabala, nagiba terena, metoda izrade drvnih sortimenata, uvježbanosti rukovatelja, ali i od gustoće primarne i sekundarne mreže puteva. Cilj ovoga rada je utvrđivanje broja i veličine oštećenja na preostalim stablima i podmlatku u čistoj sastojini bukve i mješovitoj sastojini bukve, jele i smreke, kada se primjenjuje poludeblovna metoda. Uz to, cilj rada je i rangiranje oštećenja prema učestalosti nastanka tijekom sječe stabala i transporta drvnih sortimenata.Istraživanja su vršena tijekom 2009. godine u čistoj sastojini bukve i mješovitoj sastojini bukve, jele i smreke na području općine Čajniče, Republika Srpska (Slika 1), na dvije pokusne površine. Sječa i izrada sortimenata izvršena je motornom pilom. Primijenjena je poludeblovna metoda izrade drvnih sortimenata i grupni način rada. Privlačenje dijelova debala i debljih grana obavljeno je traktorom Timberjack 240C po zemlji do traktorske vlake i po vlaci do kamionskog puta gdje se nalazilo privremeno stovarište.S obzirom na broj oštećenja na preostalim stablima u sastojini, uočeno je da su oštećenja na krošnjama susjednih stabala na obje pokusne površine najučestaliji način oštećenja (Slika 2). U mješovitim sastojinama evidentirano je 169 oštećenja (0,75 po jednom stablu), a u čistim 77 oštećenja (0,77 po jednom stablu). Najmanje oštećenja tijekom sječe stabala javilo se na žilištu stabala. Na PP 1 ovaj način oštećenja uočen je na samo tri stabla (0,01 oštećenje po stablu), a na PP 2 na 12 stabala (0,12 oštećenja po stablu).Tijekom privlačenja drvnih sortimenata do vlake, najučestalija oštećenja bila su na žilištu (Slika 2). U mješovitoj sastojini evidentirano je 48 stabala koja su imala ovo oštećenje (0,32 oštećenja po zahvatu vitla), a u čistoj sastojini 27 stabala (0,24 oštećenja po zahvatu vitla). Oštećenja na deblu i krošnji nisu zabilježena, dok su oštećenja na pomlatku vrlo izražena. Pri privlačenju sortimenata pozicioniranih paralelno s izohipsama najčešće dolazi do okretanja sortimenata oko svoje osi, što uglavnom uzrokuju ozljede na preostalim stablima i podmlatku (Slika 5).Tijekom vuče drvnih sortimenata po vlaci do stovarišta na kamionskom putu, najčešći oblik oštećenja bio je na deblima. Ukupan broj oštećenja na deblima u mješovitoj sastojini iznosi 116, odnosno, 12 % od ukupnog broja stabala koja su se nalazila uz vlaku bilo je oštećeno na ovaj način. Oštećenja na podmlatku evidentna su kako pri sječi, tako i u tijeku skupljanja i privlačenja (Slika 2). U svakom slučaju, zbog veće gustine pomlatka u mješovitoj sastojini i broj oštećenja po srušenom stablu, odnosno po zahvatu vitla, znatno je veći nego u čistoj sastojini.Pri sječi stabala u mješovitoj i čistoj sastojini najviše su zastupljena oštećenja čija je površina veća od 200 cm˛, a pri skupljanju i privlačenju drvnih sortimenata oštećenja veličine od 50 do 200 cm

    Usporedba računalnoga programa »Cesta« i računalnoga modula »Trasa« – sličnosti i razlike

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    Projektiranje šumskih prometnica obuhvaća obavljanje mnoštva specifičnih zadataka. Svaki od zadataka razumijeva stručnost i upotrebu odgovarajućih alata. Danas postoje mnogi računalni programi za projektiranje šumskih prometnica, najčešće šumskih cesta. U ovom je radu dana usporedba postojećega rješenja, računalnoga programa »Cesta« te suvremenoga računalnoga modula »Trasa«. Za svaki su alat prikazane njegove mogućnosti i na konkretnom primjeru testirana njihova funkcionalnost. Računalni je program »Cesta« vrlo često korišten u Hrvatskoj i njegove su mogućnosti vrlo dobro poznate među projektantima šumskih cesta. U ovom su radu prikazani osnovni pogledi (»Situacija«, »Uzdužni profil«, »Poprečni profili«) te dodatni alati kojima se rijetko služimo pri projektiranju šumskih cesta. Nedostatke nije moguće ukloniti jer se računalni program »Cesta« prestao razvijati, a time je otežana prilagodba eventualnim promjenama zakonske regulative i tehničkih uvjeta za šumske ceste. S druge strane računalni modul »Trasa« za nas je novi alat koji se dan-danas razvija u skladu s potrebama korisnika. U radu je prikazana struktura funkcija i izbornika potrebnih za izradu glavnoga/izvedbenoga projekta šumske ceste. Objašnjen je način rada i predstavljena nova rješenja čime računalni modul »Trasa« može biti potencijalno bolje rješenje ako se prilagodi način projektiranja novim tehnologijama. Vječita je težnja projektanata šumskih cesta izrada kvalitetnijih, sukladnih i standardiziranih projekata šumskih cesta, a na njima je da odaberu adekvatno rješenje

    Assessment of the state of a forest road network as a basis for making a program of forest management unit opening

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    The planning of a forest road network is preceded by a detailed analysis of the current qualitative and quantitative state of forest roads, and above all, the determination of their spatial layout. This paper presents a categorization and assessment of the state of the existing roads in the FMUs "Željin" and "Bukovik II" and defining of the parts of management units with insufficiently developed networks of forest roads. The identification of unopened and insufficiently opened parts of management units was performed on the basis of density of a forest road network by departments and using a fishnet with 500 x 500 m cell dimensions and buffer zones of different widths around forest roads. The absolute density of a forest road network in the FMU "Željin" is 18.62 m/ha and in the FMU "Bukovik II" 12.03 m/ha. After placing buffer zones around forest roads, it was found that in the FMU "Željin" over 56% of the area is covered by the zone ranging from 0 to 200 m, while in the FMU "Bukovik II" this zone covers 48% of the area. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR-31041

    Transport of Technical Roundwood by Forwarder and Tractor Assembly from Poplar Plantations

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    This article presents the results of a research dealing with operating efficiency of articulated and tractor assemblies in the plots of poplar plantations in which different means of work were used for felling and cross-cutting. The aim was to study the effects of the arrangement of wood assortments on the driving speed of the vehicle, the time needed to load and manipulate the vehicle and the overall working efficiency of forwarders. The research was carried out in Vojvodina, in the area of PE »Vojvodina šume«. Altogether 170 transport cycles were recorded and 2166.73 m3 transported. The research results show that the forwarder moved faster on the felling site where the felling and cross-cutting operations were carried out by a harvester. The speed was 10% higher and it took 5% less time to load the forwarder. The differences were considerably greater concerning the manipulation time (maneuvering and positioning the vehicle during the loading). The driving speed decreased with an increase in the load volume. Fuel consumption was lower in the felling site where a harvester was used for felling. Under the same working conditions, the tractor assembly achieved better productivity because it drove at considerably higher speeds. The differences in the average load volume were not so great, which significantly affected the productivity of the tractor assembly. The initial hypothesis that a forwarder achieves better working efficiency in the felling site, where a harvester has been used in the operations of felling and cross-cutting, was confirmed