392 research outputs found


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    We report on a compact and highly efficient diode-end-pumped TEM00 Nd:YVO4 slab laser with an output power of 103 W and beam quality M2 1.5. The optical-to-optical efficiency was 41.5%. In electro-optically Q-switched operation. 83 W of average power at a pulse-repetition rate of 50 kHz with a pulse length of 11.3 ns was obtained. At a pulse-repetition rate of 10 kHz, 5.6 mJ of pulse energy, and 870 kW of peak power were measured

    Pharmacology of the human and porcine isolated myocardium

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    The heart, an important organ of the mammalian, operates as a pump. It is composed of two pumps: the right heart pumps the blood through the lungs while the left heart pumps the blood through peripheral organs. In turn, each of these separate pumps are composed of two pulsatile chambers, an atrium and a ventricle. Each minute, the heart of a resting adult pumps about 5 L of blood, or approximately the person's total blood volume. This works out to at least 720 Ll a day, the volume of blood weighting about 100 times more than the body. This heavy and incessant work is based on the fact that the heart muscle has a coordinated contraction. The cardiac muscle fibres are highly organized with strong inter-connections. A trigger pulse from the sinoatrial node, being the pacemaker, initiates and coordinates contraction, making possible the function of the heart as a pump and the contractility as the major parameter of the function of the heart

    Different pharmacological responses of atrium and ventricle: Studies with human cardiac tissue

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    It has been recently reported that 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) increases force of contraction in atrial tissue but not in ventricular tissue. In the present study with trabeculae obtained from non-diseased human hearts, we investigated whether this difference in the contractile response is specific for 5-HT or is also observed for other substances: calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), angiotensin II, adenosine, somatostatin and acetyllcholine. CGRP (10−9 to 10−7 M) and angiotensin II (10−9 to 10−5 M) caused concentration-dependent increases in force of contraction in atrial trabeculae (up to36 ± 8%and42 ± 8% of the response to 10−5 M noradrenaline, respectively). Similar to 5-HT, no effects were observed with CGRP and angiotensin II in ventricular trabeculae. Adenosine (10−8 to 10−5 M) and somatostatin (10−8 to 10−6 M) caused concentration-dependent negative inotropic effects on baseline atrial contractility (−54 ± 17%and−51 ± 25%, respectively, but no response was found on baseline ventricular contractility. Adenosine, but not somatostatin, reduced force of contraction after pre-stimulation with 10−5 M noradrenaline in atrial tissue and, to a lesser extent, in ventricular tissue. Acethlcholine exhibited a biphasic concentration-response curve in the atrial tissue, consisting of an initial negative inotropic response (10−9 to 10−7 M, from 120 ± 41mg at baseline to48 ± 16mg at 10 −7 M, fol lowed by a positive inotropic response (10−6 to 10−3 M, from 48 ± 16 mg at 10−7 M to77 ± 55mg). On the baseline ventricular for foce of contraction, acetylcholine (10−9 to 10−4 M) induced only a positive inotropic effect, starting at 10−9 M (from 252 ± 65mg at baseline to353 ± 71mg at 10−4M). After pre-stimulation with 10−5 M noradrenaline, acethylcholine reduced force of contraction in both tissue at 10−3 M(atrium: −14 ± 4%,ventricle: −61 ± 5%). The data indicate that, in atrial tissue, force of contraction can be affected by either postive or negative inotropic agents. However, in ventricular tissue only positive inotropic effects could be detected. Since atrial and ventricular tissues display different responses to the above biogenic substances, a different mechnism of regulation of contractility seems feasible

    Characterization of the positive and negative inotropic effects of acetylcholine in the human myocardium

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    In the human isolated myocardium, acetylcholine (10−9 to 10−3 M) elicited a biphasic inotropic effect (a decrease in the lower and an increase in the higher concentration range) in atrial and a positive inotropic effect in ventricular trabeculae. However, under conditions of raised contractility achieved by exposure to noradrenaline (10−5 M), only negative inotropic effects were observed in both atria and ventricles. Atropine (10−6 M), but not propranolol (10−6 M), antagonized both positive and negative inotropic effects of acetylcholine, thus showing that the responses were mediated by muscarinic acetylcholine receptors. The use of subtype selective muscarinic receptor antagonists (10−7 to 10−5 M), pirenzepine (M1 > M3 > M2), AF-DX 116 (11-({2-[(diethylamino)-methyl]-1-piperidyl}acetyl)-5,11-dihydro-6H-pyridol[2,3-b][1,4]benzodiazepine-6-one base; M2 > M1 > M and HHSiD (p-fluorohexahydro-siladifenidol hydrochloride; M3 ≥ M1 ⪢ M2) revealed that the negative inotropic effect of acetylcholine in atrial as well as the positive inotropic effect in ventricular trabeculae were best antagonized by AF-DX 116 and not by pirenzepine, suggesting the involvement of the muscarinic M2 receptor subtype, possibly linked to different second messenger systems. On the other hand, the positive inotropic effect of acetylcholine (10−6 to 10−3 M) in the atrial tissue, observed only in preparation with depressed contractility, was not effectively antagonized by either AF-DX 116 or HHSiD, but was significantly reduced by pirenzepine. Furthermore, the selective muscarinic M1 receptor agonist McN-A-343 (4-(m-chlorophenylcarbamoyloxy)-2-butynyltrimethyl ammonium chloride; 10−9 to 10−3 M), which failed to significantly change the baseline contractility in either atrial or ventricular trabeculae, produced a positive inotropic effect in atrial preparations when contractility had been depressed by prior treatment with acetylcholine (10−9 to 10−7 M). This effect of McN-A-343 was effectively antagonized by pirenzepine (10−5 M). These data show that, besides the muscarinic M2 receptor mediating both negative (atria) and positive (ventricle) inotropic effects, muscarinic M1 receptors, capable of reversing depressed atrial contractility, are present in the human heart

    Carotid blood flow distribution, haemodynamics and inotropic responses following calcitonin gene-related peptide in the pig

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    The sensory neuropeptide, calcitonin gene-related peptide (α-CGRP), has been implicated in the pathogenesis of migraine headache. The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of intracarotid infusions of human α-CGRP (10, 30 and 100 pmol/kg · min; n = 8), as compared to that of saline (4 times; n = 8) on haemodynamics and blood flow distribution within the carotid circulation of the anaesthetized pig, using the radioactive microsphere method. Furthermore, the effects of antimigraine drugs, dihydroergotamine (100 μg/kg i.v; n = 4) or sumatriptan (300 μg/kg i.v.; n = 4), on these parameters were studied in the presence of the infusion of the highest concentration of human α-CGRP. Additionally, putative positive inotropic responses to human α-CGRP (10−9–10−7 M) were investigated in porcine isolated atrial and ventricular trabeculae. Human α-CGRP increased carotid artery blood flow and conductance dose-dependently, together with an enhancement in vascular pulsations. These effects were associated with a fall in systemic blood pressure with concomitant increases in heart rate and cardiac output. The increase in carotid blood flow was reflected by an increase in total capillary blood flow, predominantly to extracerebral tissues including the dura, whereas blood flow through arteriovenous anastomoses remained stable. Both dihydroerogtamine and sumatriptan reduced carotid blood flow and its capillary fraction without affecting systemic vascular conductance. In tissues, these drugs reversed blood flow increases due to human α-CGRP in most extracerebral tissues, but failed to reduce dural blood flow. In porcine isolated atrial and ventricular trabeculae, noradrenaline (10−8–10−5 M) increased force of contraction in a concentration-dependent manner. In contrast, human α-CGRP (10−9–10−7 M) failed to increase force of contraction in atrial trabeculae (n = 6) and exerted only a moderate concentration-dependent positive inotropic effect in ventricular trabeculae (∼ 25% of the response to 10−5 M noradrenaline, n = 10). These data indicate that human α-CGRP caused arteriolar dilatation together with a fall in blood pressure in the pig. The tachycardia may be reflex-mediated, but the peptide also exerts a moderate positive inotropic action on ventricular trabeculae. The fall in systemic arterial blood pressure and the marked increase in capillary blood flow most likely prevented the opening of arteriovenous anastomoses. Furthermore, the antimigraine drugs, dihydroergotamine and sumatriptan, were able to reverse blood flow changes induced by human α-CGRP in the porcine carotid circulation

    Polysaccharides and polyphenols in sea buckthorn leaf tea have synergistic impact on studied colonic strains in vitro and bacteria in vivo

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    Present research on prebiotics focuses on either polysaccharides or polyphenols. This study compared the individual and combined impact of polysaccharide, quercetin, and gallic acid (GA) treatment on three human faecal strains. In vitro pure culturing and correlation analysis confirmed that the growth of both beneficial microbe B. longum subsp. longum (0.695, 0.205: R2, slope, respectively) and pathogenic C. perfringens (0.712, 0.085: R2, slope, respectively) increased due to polysaccharide treatment, and only GA treatment would inhibit C. perfringens (0.789, –0.165: R2, slope, respectively) growth. In vivo studies also revealed that genome copies of Bifidobacterium increased and C. perfringens decreased in the faeces, when a blend of the three nutrients rather than single polysaccharide or polyphenols were fed to rats. These data suggested that combined prebiotic treatment improved human faecal strain composition better than single treatment

    Математическое моделирование явления теплообмена в условиях фазового перехода и конвекции

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    We present a simple and compact design for an all-solid-state laser amplifier system which can output 9.43-kHz 630-ps, 3.5-W pulse trains under 20W absorbed pumping power. The excellent matching between the repetition of its seed source and the fluorescence lifetime of the amplifying medium makes it quiet efficient for the four-pass amplifier to be pumped in cw mode without need of any synchronization device between the oscillator and the amplifier. The entire setup just covers an area of 55x25cm2. The output average power fluctuation is less than +/- 1.5% within 10min and 3% within 6h

    Search for Invisible Decays of η\eta and η\eta^\prime in J/ψϕηJ/\psi \to \phi\eta and ϕη\phi \eta^\prime

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    Using a data sample of 58×10658\times 10^6 J/ψJ/\psi decays collected with the BES II detector at the BEPC, searches for invisible decays of η\eta and η\eta^\prime in J/ψJ/\psi to ϕη\phi\eta and ϕη\phi\eta^\prime are performed. The ϕ\phi signals, which are reconstructed in K+KK^+K^- final states, are used to tag the η\eta and η\eta^\prime decays. No signals are found for the invisible decays of either η\eta or η\eta^\prime, and upper limits at the 90% confidence level are determined to be 1.65×1031.65 \times 10^{-3} for the ratio B(ηinvisible)B(ηγγ)\frac{B(\eta\to \text{invisible})}{B(\eta\to\gamma\gamma)} and 6.69×1026.69\times 10^{-2} for B(ηinvisible)B(ηγγ)\frac{B(\eta^\prime\to \text{invisible})}{B(\eta^\prime\to\gamma\gamma)}. These are the first searches for η\eta and η\eta^\prime decays into invisible final states.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; Added references, Corrected typo

    Direct Measurements of the Branching Fractions for D0Ke+νeD^0 \to K^-e^+\nu_e and D0πe+νeD^0 \to \pi^-e^+\nu_e and Determinations of the Form Factors f+K(0)f_{+}^{K}(0) and f+π(0)f^{\pi}_{+}(0)

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    The absolute branching fractions for the decays D0Ke+νeD^0 \to K^-e ^+\nu_e and D0πe+νeD^0 \to \pi^-e^+\nu_e are determined using 7584±198±3417584\pm 198 \pm 341 singly tagged Dˉ0\bar D^0 sample from the data collected around 3.773 GeV with the BES-II detector at the BEPC. In the system recoiling against the singly tagged Dˉ0\bar D^0 meson, 104.0±10.9104.0\pm 10.9 events for D0Ke+νeD^0 \to K^-e ^+\nu_e and 9.0±3.69.0 \pm 3.6 events for D0πe+νeD^0 \to \pi^-e^+\nu_e decays are observed. Those yield the absolute branching fractions to be BF(D0Ke+νe)=(3.82±0.40±0.27)BF(D^0 \to K^-e^+\nu_e)=(3.82 \pm 0.40\pm 0.27)% and BF(D0πe+νe)=(0.33±0.13±0.03)BF(D^0 \to \pi^-e^+\nu_e)=(0.33 \pm 0.13\pm 0.03)%. The vector form factors are determined to be f+K(0)=0.78±0.04±0.03|f^K_+(0)| = 0.78 \pm 0.04 \pm 0.03 and f+π(0)=0.73±0.14±0.06|f^{\pi}_+(0)| = 0.73 \pm 0.14 \pm 0.06. The ratio of the two form factors is measured to be f+π(0)/f+K(0)=0.93±0.19±0.07|f^{\pi}_+(0)/f^K_+(0)|= 0.93 \pm 0.19 \pm 0.07.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure