240 research outputs found

    Convergence and stability analysis of kolmogorov system solutions in infinite-dimensional space

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    © Medwell Journals, 2017.The study studied the issues of convergence and stability of some calculation system solutions for linear differential equations, namely Kolmogorov's calculation systems in infinite-dimensional space on the basis of local integrability, non-negative coefficients and diagonal dominance properties. The conditions for operators were found with which they solve some problems of these system solution convergence and stability. On the basis of the local integrability, non-negative coefficients and diagonal dominance properties the sufficient conditions were obtained which guarantee the stability and the convergence of Kolmogorov's countable system solutions. The results of the study may be applied during the analysis of technical system various models, particularly the telecommunication system models. Besides, the results of Kolmogorov's system analysis can be used for biological system modeling. The study develops the approach to the qualitative research of Kolmogorov's systems based on the distribution of differential equation qualitative theory in infinite-dimensional spaces on Kolmogorov's systems that allowed to obtain a number of new results. Strict substantiations of the statements are presented concerning the qualitative behavior of solutions for some calculation systems of linear differential equations. One may formulate similar statements for infinite reproduction and death systems which are the particular cases of Kolmogorov's systems as the results of obtained statements

    Development of an Intellectual Educational and Diagnostic Complex for the Histological Analysis of Thyroid Tumors

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    The purpose of this project is the creation of an interactive intellectual training system based on the DBMS, which allows to organize and store information, transfer and copy data for employees. The already existing images and their characteristics are structured, a decision support system is developed for the recognition of tumors and suspicious cells, which saves time for an already experienced oncologist. This system allows to increase the accuracy of diagnosis. Educational and diagnostic complexes help to accumulate experience for young specialists in the field of image analysis, carry out comparative research, which speeds up the learning process, promotes professional development of the specialist. Keywords: diagnostic,thyroid, oncological, aspiration biopsy

    Intellectual Information and Training System for Software and Hardware Complexes of Morphological Diagnostics of Esophageal Tumors

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    The aim of the work is to create a system of formalizing knowledge in the histological diagnosis of esophageal tumors and systematic transfer of knowledge to less experienced specialists. It is also a system that will provide support in making a decision in a histological diagnosis. Keywords: esophagus, morphological, automatic work place, system of support for the solutio

    Ivermectin: Evaluation of Efficacy and Safety in COVID-19

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    The search for an effective and safe COVID-19 therapy involves, among other things, assessment of efficacy of medicines already used for the treatment of other diseases, and having potential antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2. The relevance of the presented study stems from ambiguous data on the off-label use of the antiparasitic medicine ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 patients. The aim of the study was to analyse ivermectin efficacy and safety for COVID-19 treatment, as reflected in the scientific literature. Ivermectin, an antiparasitic medicine from the group of macrocyclic lactones produced by Streptomyces avermitilis, stimulates release of the inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid, which leads to impaired transmission of nerve impulses, paralysis and death of parasites. The results of preclinical studies show ivermectin’s inhibitory activity against a number of RNA and DNA viruses, including SARS-CoV-2. The results of ivermectin clinical studies are ambiguous: a number of studies demonstrated a positive effect on the condition of COVID-19 patients, however, there is currently no convincing evidence of the validity and efficacy of ivermectin use for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 patients. The safety profile of ivermectin is relatively favourable. Large randomised controlled trials are needed to fully assess the feasibility of using ivermectin in COVID-19


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    «Poor» ovarian response in standard IVF protocols leads to the difficulty or even impossibility of ensuring the stage of transfer of embryos. A technique of transvaginal puncture with washing of follicles by buffer solution is performed in patients with «poor» ovarian response. This article presents the analysis of TVP in 495 IVF initiated treatment cycles. A smaller number of mature oocytes and embryos are received in the process of controlled ovarian hyperstimulation in patients with washing of follicles, however, the possibility of pregnancy is comparable to the overall IVF results

    Pathology of mammary glands in women with reproductive disorders and chronic endometritis

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    Background. The last decades are devoted to the search for various factors leading to the development of benign breast diseases, which are the risk of breast cancer. In gynecological diseases, the frequency of benign processes in the mammary glands increases to 76-97.8 %. Aims: this research is devoted to the study of the prevalence and structure of breast pathology in women with chronic endometritis and reproductive disorders. Materials and methods. The study included patients with reproductive disorders: 50 patients with histological verification of the diagnosis of chronic endometritis and 50 patients without chronic endometritis. Hormonal examination was carried out using radioimmunoassay and immunoenzymatic methods. Methods of mathematical statistics implemented Statistica 6.1 (USA) were used parametric criteria: Student's t-test and Fisher's F-criterion, the nature of the distribution was estimated using the methods of Kolmogorov - Smirnov with a significance level smaller and equal to 5 % (p < 0.05). To confirm the fact that the observed differences between the products of A x D and B x C are not random, we used the х2 criterion. Results and conclusions. In women with chronic endometritis, the pathology of the mammary glands is characterized by the presence of ectasia of the ducts of the mammary gland; clinically, it is manifested by lactorrhea. Benign dysplasia of mammary glands is accompanied by the presence of hyperestrogenia, hypoprogesteronemia, which is typical for ovarian dysfunction. It is possible to use a pathogenetically reasonable combination correction: anti-inflammatory therapy and the use of gestagens in women with reproductive disorders and chronic endometritis

    Ectopic pregnancy and acute appendicitis during intrauterine pregnancy after in vitro fertilization

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    The paper presents a clinical case of the Patient T., 34years old, who underwent the treatment in the Department of ART of the Regional Perinatal Center for tubal peritoneal infertility for seven years. In the anamnesis: one spontaneous uterine pregnancy, culminating in medical abortion for up to 12 weeks, treatment for chronic salpingo-oophoritis, tubectomy on the right side for a progressing ectopic pregnancy. The patient denied the presence of Chlamydia infection in the anamnesis. Studies on sexually transmitted infections before the 1VF program were negative. During laparoscopic tubectomy, no endometriotic foci were found. There were four programs of ART in anamnesis: in 2009, 2012, 2014,2016. During the fourth ART program in 2016, two embryos were transferred to the uterine cavity, resulting in a uterine pregnancy in combination with an ectopic pregnancy diagnosed in the ultrasound study at 4 to 5 weeks of gestation, in the absence of clinical symptoms. The patient underwent emergency laparoscopic tubectomy on the left, the course of the postoperative period proceeded without complications. Later, in the period of uterine pregnancy of 7-8 weeks, with a clinical picture of acute appendicitis, the woman was hospitalized in the surgical department where she underwent laparoscopic appendectomy. Later the pregnancy proceeded without complications, at 39 weeks the planned cesarean section was performed, a girl weighing 3480 grams, 51 cm long with an Apgar score of 9-10 points was extracted on the operation. The course of the early postoperative period without complications, the patient was discharged with the child on the 4th day

    Sleep features in menopausal women (literature review)

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    The article reviews the literature of domestic and foreign researchers devoted to the somnological aspects of the menopausal period in women. Age-related changes in the structural organization of sleep are shown with a deficiency of sex steroids, also and in the gender aspect. A high frequency of sleep disorders in menopausal women, reaching 60 %, has been revealed. However, the results of studies on complaints of sleep disorders depending on the climacteric phase are ambiguous, which may be due to ethnicity. Data on some pathogenetic mechanisms of the formation of the most frequent sleep disorders in menopausal women - insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and fibromyalgia - are described. The results of polysomnography in these pathological states are presented, indicating a decrease in sleep efficiency, a change in its "architecture", and a longer waking time during the night with insomnia; a significant increase in the apnea/hypopnea index, a delay in the phase of fast sleep, a decrease in the duration of deep stages of sleep and a decrease in its effectiveness - in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. The social and medical consequences of sleep disorders and their comorbidity with such pathological conditions as mental disorders, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, oncology, disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, bronchial asthma, mortality are noted

    Safety of Antibacterial and Antiprotozoal Medicinal Products

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    The experts of the Scientific Centre for Expert Evaluation of Medicinal Products analysed administrative decisions of foreign regulatory authorities on the recalls of antibacterial and antiprotozoal medicinal products and/or the need for labelling updates due to changes in the safety profile. The analysis revealed 16 decisions containing information on the following medicines registered in Russia: ertapenem, сeftriaxone, cefazolin, аmoxicillin, сefoperazone+sulbactam, piperacillin+tazobactam, сlindamycin, teicoplanin, rifampin, co-trimoxazole, hydroxychloroquine