80 research outputs found

    Digenetic trematodes of marine fishes of Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico

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    The objective of the present study is then limited to investigate the parasitic fauna of marine fishes from Ensenada, Baja California, and to compile in a single manuscript all data (Host-Parasite list, Parasite-Host list, and distribution of parasites) on digenea previously reported from the Mexican Pacific and the Gulf of California

    Interaction of business and educational system in modern economic realities

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    В статье рассмотрены вопросы взаимодействия бизнеса и системы образования в современных экономических реалиях

    Развитие кластерных инициатив в контексте взаимодействия бизнеса и образовательной среды

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    Обосновывается целесообразность включения образовательных структур в состав инновационных кластеров, анализируется опыт включения образовательных учреждений в кластерные инициативы в Республике Беларусь

    Conceptual approaches to the formation of organizational and economic mechanism of cluster

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    В статье рассматривается опыт стран ЕС в области создания кластеров, основные модели кластерного развития и возможности их реализации в Республике Беларусь; предложен организационно-экономический механизм создания кластеров, в том числе трансграничных; проанализирована роль университетов в развитии кластерных структур.In the article the experience of the EU countries in the formation of clusters has been considered, and basic models of cluster development and possibilities of their implementation in the Republic of Belarus have been distinguished. The authors have also suggested an organizational and economic mechanism of cluster formation, including cross-border clusters, and they have analyzed the role of universities in the development of cluster structures

    China's economic development in the context of globalization and economic security

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    В статье рассмотрены вопросы экономического развития Китая в контексте глобализации и экономической безопасности

    Формирование туристических кластеров в контексте устойчивого развития регионов

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    В статье исследуются возможности реализации региональной политики с использованием кла-стерного подхода, сопоставляются традиционный и современные подходы к определению кластера, делается акцент на изменении роли государства в формировании и развитии кластеров, которое должно выступать инициатором процесса кластеризации экономики, в том числе на региональном уровне. На примере Пинского региона предлагается пересмотреть подходы к определению регионов перспективной кластеризации, положив в основу оценки не индикаторы социально–экономического развития, а результаты оценки потенциала территории. The author of the article investigates the possibilities of regional policy making with the use of cluster approach, compares traditional and modern approaches to the definition of cluster, focuses on the changes in the role of the state in the formation and development of clusters, by initiating the process of economics clustering, including the regional level. On the example of Pinsk region it is suggested to r evise the approach to defining perspective clustering regions, the estimation being determined not by the social and economic development indicators but by the regional potential estimates

    The collective investment: possible areas and prospects in the post-soviet economy

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    The expediency and the directions of the transformation of the financial sector, aimed at the development of collective forms of financing, reflects the specificity of the bank's capital as a macroeconomic subject of a market economy.Обоснована целесообразность и определены направления трансформации финансового сектора, направленные на развитие коллективных форм финансирования, отражена специфика банка капитала как макроэкономического субъекта рыночной экономики

    Санкции и торговые войны: современные тенденции и влияние на развитие национальной экономики

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    В статье отражены отличительные черты экономических санкций, рассмотрены конкретные случаи их применения, позволяющие оценить влияние санкций на экономику стран

    Potential overtreatment of type 2 diabetes therapy in real clinical practice: Omsk Oblast register data

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    Backgraund: The total number of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in the Russian Federation as of 01.01.2019 is 4.24 million. The majority of patients with T2DM are elderly people and older, forming groups with high comorbidity and the risk of severe hypoglycemia, including those associated with excess hypoglycemic therapy. Foreign studies indicate that a significant proportion of older adults with diabetes are potentially exposed to excessive sugar-lowering therapy.Aims: to study the frequency of excessive decrease in HbA1c in a group of patients with T2DM according to a sample from the regional diabetes register.Materials and methods: A content analysis of the regional register of diabetes mellitus was carried out as of ­December 31, 2019. Based on the register data, an individual target level of HbA1c was calculated and the compliance of the achieved HbA1c level with the target level was assessed.Results: The analysis included data from 1202 patients with T2DM, which amounted to 2.35% of the total number of patients with T2DM in the region (n = 51,163). The age of the included individuals was 66 years (LQ 60.0; UQ 72), 360 men (29.95%). The duration of T2DM 8.0 years. The HbA1c level in the general group was 7.1%. Persons over 60 years of age accounted for 75.21% (n = 904). When analyzing HbA1c in the age groups, there were no statistically significant differences (p> 0.05). HbA1c was above the target level in 43.34% of cases (n = 521). The level of HbA1c <6.5% was noted in a quarter of cases (24.62%), including HbA1c <6.0% was recorded in 97 cases, which accounted for a third of all cases of tight glycemic control. At the same time, the majority of observations of HbA1c <6.5% were in patients 60 years and older (79.73%). Among young and middle-aged patients with HbA1c <6.5%, 8.33% of cases had risk factors for severe hypoglycemia in the presence of SU and / or insulin therapy. In the older age group (in comparison with young and middle-aged patients), HbA1c <7% (p <0.05) was significantly more often detected, there was a tendency for a higher frequency of HbA1c <6.5% (p = 0.067). Among elderly and senile patients with HbA1c <6.5%, in 41.53% of cases there were risk factors for severe hypoglycemia, in a quarter of cases in T2DM therapy SU and / or insulin were used (24.58%), almost every fifth patient (19.07%), risk factors for severe hypoglycemia, received SU and / or insulin.Conclusion: According to our data, at least a quarter of patients in the older age group (24.58%) had overtreatment and need de-intensification of therapy. Perhaps that in this group of patients, the risks associated with treatment may outweigh the benefits of tight glycemic control, and these patients require planned de-intensification of glucose-lowering therapy. Taking into account the position of some expert communities on determining the target range of HbA1c in the older age group, the need for de-intensification of antihyperglycaemic therapy may be even higher. Further research is required in order to develop a full-fledged domestic concept of de-intensification of hypoglycemic therapy