70 research outputs found

    Magnetic anomalies of the NW Iberian continental margin and the adjacent abyssal plains

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    The NW Iberian margin is a hyperextended continental margin, formed during the opening of the North Atlantic Ocean, where a subsequent partial tectonic inversion has undergone during the Alpine Orogeny. This succession of tectonic episodes determines the magnetic signature of the margin. The Spanish Exclusive Economic Zone Project has carried out seven one-month cruises between 2001 and 2009. To extend and densify the spatial coverage, we have used data from the World Digital Magnetic Anomaly Map. Here, we describe the methodology used for the acquisition and data processing of the magnetic field data. The use of diverse instrumentation, a non-complete external field’s cancelation, and the use of different magnetic core field models, contributed to the total error budget. To reduce it, we have used a leveling algorithm which minimizes all these contributions. Finally, a statistical analysis was applied using crossover residuals, showing a resolution better than 28 nT

    Crustal structure and continent‐ocean boundary along the Galicia continental margin (NW Iberia): insights from combined gravity and seismic interpretation

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    The magma‐poor rifted continental margin of Galicia has an extremely complex structure. Its formation involved several rifting episodes that occurred ultimately during the early Cretaceous near a ridge triple junction, which produced a change in the orientation of the main structures in its transition to the north Iberia margin. In addition, there is a superimposed partial tectonic inversion along its northwest and northern border which developed from the Late Cretaceous to at least Oligocene times. The present study integrates a large volume of new geophysical information (mainly marine gravity data and 2D seismic reflection profiles) to provide insights on the formation of this rift system and on the development of its later inversion. The combined interpretation and modeling of this data enable the presentation of a new crustal and structural domains map for the whole Galicia margin. This includes the rift domains related to the extreme thinning of the crust and the lithospheric mantle (stretched, necking, and hyperextension and mantle exhumation (HME) domains), as well as a domain of intense compressional deformation. New constraints arise on the origin, the deep structure, and the characterization of the along‐ and across‐strike variation of the continent‐ocean transition of the margin, where a progressive change from hyperextension to partial inversion is observed. The development of both rifting and later partial tectonic inversion is influenced by the existence of former first‐order tectonic features. Most of the tectonic inversion is focused on the HME domain, which in some areas of the northwestern margin is completely overprinted by compressional deformation

    Morphostructure at the junction between the Beata ridge and the Greater Antilles island arc (offshore Hispaniola southern slope)

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    Oblique convergence between the Caribbean plate's interior and the inactive Greater Antilles island arc has resulted in the collision and impingement of the thickened crust of the Beata ridge into southern Hispaniola Island. Deformation resulting from this convergence changes from a low-angle southward-verging thrust south of eastern Hispaniola, to collision and uplift in south-central Hispaniola, and to left-lateral transpression along the Southern peninsula of Haiti in western Hispaniola. Using new swath bathymetry and a dense seismic reflection grid, we mapped the morphological, structural and sedimentological elements of offshore southern Hispaniola. We have identified four morphotectonic provinces: the Dominican sub-basin, the Muertos margin, the Beata ridge and the Haiti sub-basin. The lower slope of the Muertos margin is occupied by the active Muertos thrust belt, which includes several active out-of-sequence thrust faults that, were they to rupture along their entire length, could generate large-magnitude earthquakes. The interaction of the thrust belt with the Beata ridge yields a huge recess and the imbricate system disappears. The upper slope of the Muertos margin shows thick slope deposits where the extensional tectonics and slumping processes predominate. The northern Beata ridge consists of an asymmetrically uplifted and faulted block of oceanic crust. Our results suggest that the shallower structure and morphology of the northern Beata ridge can be mainly explained by a mechanism of extensional unloading from the Upper Cretaceous onward that is still active residually along the summit of the ridge. The tectonic models for the northern Beata ridge involving active reverse strike–slip faults and transpression caused by the oblique convergence between the Beata ridge and the island arc are not supported by the structural interpretation. The eastern Bahoruco slope an old normal fault that acts as a passive tear fault accommodating the sharp along-strike transition from low-angle thrusting to collision and uplifting.Universidad Complutense de Madrid - Proyecto Plan Nacional: GEODINÁMICA DEL NORTE DEL CARIBE: SECTOR REPÚBLICA DOMINICANA-HAITI (NORCARIBE).Versión del edito


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    MAPPING THE SPAINÂŽS EXCLUSIVE ECONOMIC ZONE IN THE GALICIAN MARGIN GĂłmez Ballesteros, M.1(*), GonzĂĄlez-Aller, J-D. 2, MartĂ­n DĂĄvila, J. 3, CarbĂł, A., 4, Somoza, L. 5, Druet, M. 1, MartĂ­nez-Espinosa, S. 2, CatalĂĄn, M. 3, Muñoz, A. 4, LeĂłn, R 5 1 Instituto Español de OceanografĂ­a / C/. CorazĂłn de MarĂ­a, 8, 28020 Madrid 2 Instituto HidrogrĂĄfico de la Marina / Pl. San Severiano, 3, 11007 CĂĄdiz 3 Real Observatorio de la Armada, C/. Cecilio PujazĂłn s/n 11100CĂĄdiz 4 Universidad Complutense de Madrid / Av SĂ©neca, 2, 28040 Madrid 5 Instituto GeolĂłgico y Minero de España, Calle de RĂ­os Rosas, 23, 28003 Madrid (*)Corresponding Author: [email protected] In the context of the Hydrographic and Oceanographic Research of the SpainÂŽs Exclusive Economic program (ZEEE), operated jointly by Instituto HidrogrĂĄfico de la Marina (IHM) and Real Observatorio de la Armada (ROA) working in close collaboration with the Instituto Español de OceanografĂ­a (IEO), Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) and Instituto GeolĂłgico y Minero de España (IGME) have conducted seven oceanographic cruises in Galician waters (EEZ -01 -02 ZEE , ZEE -03, ZEE -06 -07 ZEE , ZEE- ZEE- 08 and 09). The main objective of the SpainÂŽs Exclusive Economic Zone project is mapping the seafloor, carrying out a systematic bathymetric survey of the 200 miles that comprise this area. In addition, as secondary objectives were performed acquiring that complement other geophysical parameters characterizing the seafloor and seabed from the knowledge of other variables such as the Terrestrial Magnetic Field , Terrestrial Gravity field, sound velocity and seabed internal structure. For the acquisition of detailed and accurate information during these cruises, carried on board the BIO HespĂ©rides, high-resolution geophysical techniques were used to compile the data and the bathymetry of the region was mapped using a multibeam system during which 100 per cent coverage was obtained. At the same time high-resolution parametric seismic reflection profiles, as well as gravity and magnetic, were also recorded in the survey areas. These systems provide data on bathymetry, quality seafloor, acoustics backscatter , gravimetry, magnetometry and subsurface structure and require the use of precise positioning techniques, so were used in conjunction with GPSD and inertial navigation systems. As a result of these oceanographic researches and post-processing, analysis and interpretation of the whole acquired data, a synthesis of 6 maps were published with 1:500.000 scale and corresponding to Bathymetric map, Geomorphology map, Geomagnetic Anomaly map, Bouguer and Free Air Anomaly maps and backscatter map. REFERENCIAS J. MartĂ­n Davila, M. CatalĂĄn, M. LarrĂĄn, SecciĂłn de HidrografĂ­a del IHM, A. CarbĂł, A. Muñoz-MartĂ­n, JL Granja, P. Llanes, L. Somoza, R. LeĂłn, F.J. Gonzalez, M. GĂłmez-Ballesteros, M. Druet, and J. Acosta, 2014: Zona EconĂłmica Exclusiva Española (ZEEE): Margen Continental Gallego. Mapas Generales de batimetrĂ­a, de anomalĂ­as GeomagnĂ©ticas, GravimĂ©wtricas de Aire Libre y Bpouguer, GeomorfolĂłgico y Mosaico de ImĂĄgenes de Reflectividad (E. 1:500.000). Ministerio de Defensa. Secretaria General TĂ©cnica, NIPO: 083-12-230-3, DL: M-39518-201

    Deep crustal structure and continent-ocean boundary along the Galicia continental margin (NW Iberia)

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    The Galicia continental margin is a magma-poor rifted margin with an extremely complex structure. Its formation involves several rifting episodes during the Mesozoic in the vicinity of a ridge triple junction, which produces a change in the orientation of the main structures. In addition, there is an overimposed Cenozoic partial tectonic inversion along its northern border. Although this continental margin has been widely studied since the 70’s, most studies have focused on its western part in the transition to the Iberia Abyssal Plain, and there is a significant lack of information on the north and northwestern flanks of this margin. This fact, along with its great structural complexity, has resulted in the absence of a previous comprehensive regional geodynamic model integrating all the processes observed. In the present study we integrate a large volume of new geophysical data (gravity, swath bathymetry and 2D multichannel reflection seismic). Data come from the systematic mapping of the Spanish EEZ project which provides a dense grid of gravity data and full seafloor coverage with swath bathymetry, and from the ERGAP project which provides serially-arranged 2D seismic reflection profiles across the NW Iberia margin. The combined interpretation and modelling of this new information has arisen significant constraints on the origin, the deep crustal structure and the physiographic complexity of the margin, as well as on the characterization of the along- and across-strike variation of the ocean-continent transition along NW Iberia margin. The analysis of this information leads us to propose a conceptual model for the initiation of the tectonic inversion of a magma-poor rifted margin. Finally, a framework for the geodynamic evolution of the Galicia margin has been constructed, involving three main stages: A) an early stage from the end of rifting and oceanic drift in the Bay of Biscay (Santonian); B) an intermediate stage with the beginning of tectonic inversion in the north and northwestern Iberia margin (Campanian-Paleocene) mainly concentrated along the exhumed mantle zone; and C) a final stage of compressive deformation (Eocene-Oligocene) affecting both the continental and the oceanic crust, evidenced by large dip-slip thrusting.0,000

    Bouguer anomalies of the NW Iberian continental margin and the adjacent abyssal plains

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    The NW Iberian continental margin has a complex structure, resulting from the succession of several rifting episodes close to a ridge triple junction, and a superimposed partial tectonic inversion stage. The wide-ranging physiography matches the diverse tectonic deformation domains related to its evolution. Each deformation domain has a distinctive gravity signal, so the detailed Bouguer anomaly map presented here is a good first approach to the regional study of the whole margin. Moreover, as the presented chart is a complete Bouguer anomaly map (including terrain corrections), its analysis and interpretation can be done in terms of density, geometry and depth variations below the seafloor. This map is mainly based on the dataset obtained during seven one-month surveys carried out in the frame of the Spanish Economic Exclusive Zone project, and also includes two 2 + 3/4D density models illustrating the deep structure of the margin
