19 research outputs found

    The impact of pulsed electric field on the extraction of bioactive compounds from beetroot

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    Beetroot is a root vegetable rich in different bioactive components, such as vitamins, minerals, phenolics, carotenoids, nitrate, ascorbic acids, and betalains, that can have a positive effect on human health. The aim of this work was to study the influence of the pulsed electric field (PEF) at different electric field strengths (4.38 and 6.25 kV/cm), pulse number 10\u201330, and energy input 0\u201312.5 kJ/kg as a pretreatment method on the extraction of betalains from beetroot. The obtained results showed that the application of PEF pre-treatment significantly (p < 0.05) influenced the efficiency of extraction of bioactive compounds from beetroot. The highest increase in the content of betalain compounds in the red beet\u2019s extract (betanin by 329%, vulgaxanthin by 244%, compared to the control sample), was noted for 20 pulses of electric field at 4.38 kV/cm of strength. Treatment of the plant material with a PEF also resulted in an increase in the electrical conductivity compared to the non-treated sample due to the increase in cell membrane permeability, which was associated with leakage of substances able to conduct electricity, including mineral salts, into the intercellular space

    Antioxidant properties of black elder flowers and berries harvested from the wild

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    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki bada艅 dotycz膮cych w艂a艣ciwo艣ci przeciwutleniaj膮cych ekstrakt贸w wodnych z kwiat贸w oraz owoc贸w bzu czarnego zbieranego z 17 miejsc naturalnego wyst臋powania w Polsce oraz oceniono wp艂yw zawarto艣ci polifenoli og贸艂em na w艂a艣ciwo艣ci przeciwutleniaj膮ce badanych surowc贸w. Stwierdzono, 偶e kwiaty bzu czarnego zawiera艂y wi臋cej zwi膮zk贸w polifenolowych ni偶 owoce pochodz膮ce z tych samych miejsc naturalnego wyst臋powania, a ich zawarto艣膰 w istotny spos贸b zale偶a艂a od miejsca pozyskania surowca ze stanu naturalnego. Stwierdzono dodatni膮 korelacj臋 pomi臋dzy zawarto艣ci膮 zwi膮zk贸w polifenolowych a aktywno艣ci膮 antyoksydacyjn膮 surowca bzu czarnego. Zastosowane metody badawcze (FRAP, DPPH) potwierdzi艂y wysok膮 aktywno艣膰 antyoksydacyjn膮 surowca bzu czarnego, przy czym by艂a ona najwi臋ksza w przypadku kwiatu.In the paper, there were presented the results of the research into antioxidant properties of aqueous extracts of black elder flowers and berries harvested in 17 wild sites in Poland, and the effect of total polyphenol content on antioxidant properties of the raw material studied. It was found that the black elder flowers contained a higher amount of polyphenols than the berries harvested in the same wild sites of their occurrence, and its content significantly depended on the wild site where they were harvested. The results proved a positive correlation between the content of polyphenolic compounds and the antioxidant activity of the black elder raw material. The research methods applied (FRAP, DPPH) confirmed the high antioxidant activity of black elder raw material; however, this activity was the highest in the case of the black elder flowers

    Wp艂yw zanieczyszcze艅 komunikacyjnych na sk艂ad chemiczny surowca bzu czarnego (Sambucus nigra L.)

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    The aim of the study was to determine the effect of road traffic on the chemical composition of elderberry flowers and fruits. The raw material for the study was collected from sixteen different wild stands in south-east Poland. Each stand was located at a different distance from roads, carrying different loads of traffic. The raw material was collected from June (flower) to August (fruit) 2009 and dried at 30掳C. Determination of the content of flavonoids (flavonols converted into quercetin) was performed by spectrophotometry according to the Polish Pharmacopoeia VIII (2008) procedure. Some minerals, including heavy metals (Cr, Zn, Pb, Cu, Cd, Ni, Fe and Mn), were determined with the ICP-AES method after dry digestion of the plant material. A closer distance to transportation routes and heavier traffic had a significant impact on the chemical composition of raw elderberry, which had a lower total content of flavonoids than the material collected from sites further away from roads. significant correlation was found between the content of Cr, Fe, Cd and Cu in elderberry fruit or the content of Fe, Zn, Cu, Cr, Cd, Pb and Mg in elderberry flowers and the influence of traffic, where closer proximity and heavier road traffic contributed significantly to an increase in the concentration of these elements in the analyzed raw material. The chemical composition of elderberry flowers and fruits was significantly affected by the traffic and depended on a harvest site.Celem bada艅 by艂o okre艣lenie wp艂ywu zanieczyszcze艅 komunikacyjnych na sk艂ad chemiczny kwiat贸w i owoc贸w bzu czarnego. Surowce pozyskano z 16. stanowisk naturalnych w po艂udniowo-wschodniej cz臋艣ci Polski. Stanowiska znajdowa艂y si臋 w r贸偶nym oddaleniu od ci膮g贸w komunikacyjnych o zr贸偶nicowanym nat臋偶eniu ruchu drogowego. Surowiec zbierano od czerwca (kwiat) do sierpnia (owoc) 2009 r. i natychmiast po zbiorze suszono w temp. 30掳C. Zawarto艣膰 flawonoid贸w (w przeliczeniu na kwercetyn臋) oznaczono spektrofotometrycznie wg Farmakopei Polskiej VIII (2008), a wybranych sk艂adnik贸w mineralnych - w艂膮cznie z metalami ci臋偶kimi (Cr, Zn, Pb, Cu, Cd, Ni, Fe i Mn) - po mineralizacji materia艂u ro艣linnego na sucho metod膮 IPC. Bliska odleg艂o艣膰 od ci膮g贸w komunikacyjnych oraz wi臋ksza intensywno艣膰 ruchu drogowego wp艂yn臋艂y w istotny spos贸b na sk艂ad chemiczny surowca bzu czarnego, kt贸ry zawiera艂 mniej flawonoid贸w w stosunku do surowc贸w pozyskiwanych z teren贸w bardziej odleg艂ych. W do艣wiadczeniu stwierdzono istotn膮 zale偶no艣膰 mi臋dzy zawarto艣ci膮 Cr, Fe, Cd i Cu w owocu bzu czarnego oraz Fe, Zn, Cu, Cr, Cd, Pb i Mg w kwiecie bzu czarnego a miejscem ich pozyskiwania. Blisko艣膰 ci膮g贸w komunikacyjnych i wi臋ksza intensywno艣膰 ruchu drogowego znacznie przyczyni艂y si臋 do zwi臋kszenia zawarto艣ci tych pierwiastk贸w w analizowanym surowcu. Na sk艂ad chemiczny obydwu przebadanych rodzaj贸w surowca bzu czarnego istotny wp艂yw ma miejsce ich pozyskiwania ze stanu naturalnego

    Design of healthy snack based on kiwifruit

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    Kiwifruit is an excellent source of vitamin C and other bioactive compounds, which contribute to its high antioxidant activity. However, the fruits with small size and low weight are considered waste and are unprofitable; therefore, the production of healthy kiwifruit-based dried snacks, which contain a lot of health-beneficial ingredients, could be a viable alternative for their use. The aim of this study was to develop formulations and methods to produce attractive and nutritionally valuable dried snacks based on yellow kiwifruit. Three different puree formulations (kiwifruit; fennel; and strawberry, lemon, or spinach) with or without addition of sugar were subjected to two drying methods: freeze-drying (fruit bars) and conventional hot air drying (fruit leathers). The obtained products were analysed for their content of total polyphenols (TPs), flavonoids, and vitamin C, as well as their antioxidant activity. The results showed that snacks prepared by freeze-drying (fruit bars) presented higher TP, vitamin C, and flavonoids content than those prepared by convective drying; however, the antioxidant activity did not always follow this trend. The amount of bioactive compounds depended on the formulation used for the preparation of snacks. The effect of the sugar addition seems to be strictly related to the mix used and specific bioactive compound investigated

    Design of healthy snack based on kiwifruit

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    Kiwifruit is an excellent source of vitamin C and other bioactive compounds, which contribute to its high antioxidant activity. However, the fruits with small size and low weight are considered waste and are unprofitable; therefore, the production of healthy kiwifruit-based dried snacks, which contain a lot of health-beneficial ingredients, could be a viable alternative for their use. The aim of this study was to develop formulations and methods to produce attractive and nutritionally valuable dried snacks based on yellow kiwifruit. Three different puree formulations (kiwifruit; fennel; and strawberry, lemon, or spinach) with or without addition of sugar were subjected to two drying methods: freeze-drying (fruit bars) and conventional hot air drying (fruit leathers). The obtained products were analysed for their content of total polyphenols (TPs), flavonoids, and vitamin C, as well as their antioxidant activity. The results showed that snacks prepared by freeze-drying (fruit bars) presented higher TP, vitamin C, and flavonoids content than those prepared by convective drying; however, the antioxidant activity did not always follow this trend. The amount of bioactive compounds depended on the formulation used for the preparation of snacks. The effect of the sugar addition seems to be strictly related to the mix used and specific bioactive compound investigated