28 research outputs found

    Dare to Dream: Promoting Indigenous Children’s Interest in Health Professions through Book Collections

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    Introduction: Indigenous peoples in Canada experience significant health challenges, but few pursue careers in the health sciences. Two programs by medical librarians designed to encourage children in First Nations communities to dream of careers in the health professions will be presented. Description: An academic library in [Province] developed children’s health and science book collections with Indigenous school libraries. Library and information science students, as well as a librarian, participated in health education activities in the recipient schools. This project inspired the community service project of the joint MLA/CHLA-ABSC/ICLC Mosaic|Mosaïque 2016 conference, which focused on placing similar collections in Ontario Indigenous communities. The mechanics, benefits, and challenges of the programs will be discussed including book selection and delivery. Outcomes: Hundreds of books have been delivered and informal qualitative evaluative data from the recipient communities indicates positive outcomes. Some difficulties in providing optimal access to the books were identified due to communication problems or the relative lack of library infrastructure in these communities. Discussion: Reading for pleasure is linked to student's academic success. Access to varied and quality literature is important for school achievement, therefore these collections may potentially impact student’s future life chances. While a direct correlation between these collections and student’s future career choices cannot be easily measured, it is known that Indigenous high school graduates frequently choose to pursue professions linked to the needs of the community. Therefore any materials drawing attention to potential community health needs may well influence student’s choices

    Mechanisms of lipid malabsorption in Cystic Fibrosis: the impact of essential fatty acids deficiency

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    Affiliation: CHU-Sainte-Justine, Université de MontréalTransport mechanisms, whereby alimentary lipids are digested and packaged into small emulsion particles that enter intestinal cells to be translocated to the plasma in the form of chylomicrons, are impaired in cystic fibrosis. The purpose of this paper is to focus on defects that are related to intraluminal and intracellular events in this life-limiting genetic disorder. Specific evidence is presented to highlight the relationship between fat malabsorption and essential fatty acid deficiency commonly found in patients with cystic fibrosis that are often related to the genotype. Given the interdependency of pulmonary disease, pancreatic insufficiency and nutritional status, greater attention should be paid to the optimal correction of fat malabsorption and essential fatty acid deficiency in order to improve the quality of life and extend the life span of patients with cystic fibrosis

    “When I Grow Up I Want to be a Doctor”: Promoting Atikamekw children’s interest for health professions through a book collection

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    Également publié dans : Journal of the Canadian Health Libraries Association; vol. 32, no 2Introduction: Aboriginal peoples are underrepresented within the healthcare professions, and recruitment of Aboriginal students has become a priority for medical schools in Canada. Because of very low high-school completion rates among youth living on-reserve, the Université de Montréal’s Faculty of Medicine launched in 2011 the Mini-école de la santé, a program where health sciences students visit aboriginal schools. Through activities and games, students introduce children to the discovery of health professions. In 2014, the Health Library joined the project with the development of a science books collection for the school libraries and by having a librarian participate in the school visits. Description: In collaboration with the two Atikamekw elementary schools to be visited in 2014, 70 children books on science, human anatomy and the health professions were selected and purchased for each school by the Health Library. A librarian joined the health sciences students during the schools visits and the book collection was integrated in the activities organised during the day. The books were afterwards donated to the school library. Outcomes: Children, school teachers and administrators greatly appreciated the collection. The books were integrated in the library school collections or in the classrooms collections. Discussion: Quality school libraries play an important role in student learning, and access to science and health sciences books could enhance children‘s interest for the health professions. By participating in this project, the library is supporting the Health sciences faculties in achieving their goal of reaching out to Aboriginal children and making them aware that a career in health sciences is possible for them. The collaboration has been successful and will be pursued: the Health library will work with the high schools in the same Atikamekw communities to develop science book collections and the schools will be visited in 2015. A Masters in Library and Information Science student will be joining the Mini-école. Upgrading all donated collections is planned as well

    Reaching Innu and Atikamekw Youths in their communities: Future Healthcare Professionals Working Together

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    Background Mini-Schools of Health are held since 2011 in indigenous communities by the Université de Montréal's Faculty of Medicine and the student's Groupe d’intérêt en santé autochtone (GISA). These events take place in schools and allow health sciences and social work undergraduates to discuss health issues with Innu and Atikamekw youths. The Mini-School aims to promote school perseverance, a healthy lifestyle, and build cultural competence in undergraduates. Mini-School participants come from thirteen different undergraduate programs and multidisciplinary collaboration is facilitated by commonly addressing complex indigenous health issues. Method Mini-Schools take place three times a year. The communities of Wemotaci and Manawan are visited in the fall or spring, during a one-day trip. The third Mini-School takes place in June during a full week. Innu communities located in the Côte-Nord region, notably Ekuanitshit and Nutashkuan, are visited. Between 250 and 300 students are met yearly in each community by forty undergraduates. Recruitment of undergraduates is managed by the GISA and the Interprofesionnal Student Council. Pre-departure training is mandatory to provide knowledge about the community’s reality and promote respectful and culturally informed interactions. Interdisciplinary exchanges are initiated during the training as participants from various programs bring different perspectives in the discussion. Mini-Schools are held a few days after training and allow undergraduates to join students in class to discuss various themes. In elementary schools, the pleasure of physical activity and healthy eating are addressed, as well as general well-being. In high schools, emphasis is given to complex health issues such as mental health, drug abuse and sexual health. At the same time, other participants host kiosks in the gymnasium and share with students their passion about their future profession. Interactive games are organized to present career prospects such as: nurse, doctor, social worker, pharmacist, nutritionist, optometrist, dentist, audiologist and physiotherapist. Mini-Schools are concluded by a community dinner and a visit to the healthcare facility. Outcomes Since the introduction of the Mini-Schools in 2011, more than five hundred undergraduates have taken part in the project. Medical students were the only participants at first but the potential for interprofessional education was soon perceived and students from other programs, mainly in health sciences but also information sciences, were invited to join. Participants from various study programs have developed strong friendships and have kept in touch by organizing social and academic activities. Positive feedback is commonly reported from undergraduates and students. In-person meetings with school administrations and teachers revealed a great level of community satisfaction with these activities. The good reception of the Mini-Schools suggests a short-term positive impact. The long-term impact is yet difficult to measure since it will require data such as the evolution of the graduation rate and the number of future health professionals from these communities. Conclusions The immersive and intense experience of the Mini-School might be prone to enhance readiness for interprofessional collaboration among future healthcare professionals. This project also allows rich interactions in the communities that hopefully will encourage students to believe in their dream and to become healthcare professionals

    « Moi aussi, je serai docteur » : promouvoir les professions de la santé auprès des jeunes Atikamekw à travers une collection de livres

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    Introduction : Les autochtones sont actuellement fortement sous-représentés au sein des professions de la santé et le recrutement d’étudiants autochtones est une priorité pour les facultés de médecine canadiennes. Le Dr Stanley Vollant, de la Faculté de médecine de l’Université de Montréal, lançait en 2011, en collaboration avec le Groupe d'intérêt en santé autochtone de l’UdeM (GISA), les visites de la Mini-école de santé dans des écoles autochtones. La Mini-école, par le biais d’activités ludiques et scientifiques organisées par le GISA, fait découvrir aux jeunes les professions de la santé et les encourage à persévérer dans leurs études. En 2014, une bibliothécaire de la Bibliothèque de la santé se joignait à ce programme en créant la collection de livres Mini-école de la santé et en participant aux visites de la Mini-école. Description : En collaboration avec les écoles visitées, 70 livres pour enfants sur les thèmes de la science, l’anatomie humaine et les professions de la santé ont été achetés pour les écoles primaires visitées à Manawan (École Simon Pineshish Ottawa) et Wemotaci (École Seskitin). Une collection de 48 livres sur les mêmes thèmes a aussi été développée pour l’école secondaire Otapi de Manawan. Une bibliothécaire participe aux visites de la Mini-école afin de présenter la collection aux jeunes et de rencontrer les responsables des bibliothèques scolaires. Certains livres sont intégrés dans les activités animées par les étudiants de l’UdeM. Lors de la visite de l’école secondaire, une étudiante en sciences de l’information s’est jointe à l’équipe. Résultats : Tant les jeunes que leurs enseignants ont manifesté un intérêt marqué pour la collection de livres. Celle-ci a aussi été très bien accueillie par la direction des écoles visitées et les responsables des bibliothèques scolaires. Les livres ont été ou seront intégrés aux collections des bibliothèques locales tout en demeurant identifiés à la Mini-école par la présence d’un ex-libris Université de Montréal Mini-école de la santé. Discussion : Les bibliothèques scolaires jouent un rôle important dans l’apprentissage et l’accès à une vaste collection de livres en sciences et en sciences de la santé pourrait stimuler l’intérêt des jeunes pour ces domaines. Par sa participation à ce programme, la Bibliothèque soutient l’objectif des facultés des sciences de la santé de rejoindre les jeunes autochtones, de leur faire découvrir les professions de la santé et de les encourager à poursuivre leurs études. Elle contribue aussi au rayonnement de l’Université et à son ouverture au milieu, un élément important de la mission des bibliothèques de l’Université. La collaboration entre la Bibliothèque de la santé, la Mini-école de la santé et les écoles autochtones s’est avérée fructueuse et sera poursuivie. La participation d’un étudiant à la maîtrise en sciences de l’information sera aussi sollicitée pour les prochaines visites. Nous prévoyons continuer à enrichir les collections en place et espérons étendre ce programme aux écoles visitées par la Mini-école dans les communautés Innues de la Côte-Nord

    Cartes conceptuelles du Glossaire

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    Ce guide pédagogique fait suite au Glossaire du DESS en administration de l'éducation. Il explique comment les mots du vocabulaire relié au travail des directions d'établissement scolaire et à leur formation peuvent être regroupés dans des cartes conceptuelles pour mieux en saisir la portée. Il explicite aussi la conception et la construction de cartes conceptuelles et présente des exemples issus de la concertation entre les formateurs

    Innovating in Teaching Collaborative Practice with a Large Student Cohort at Université de Montréal

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    Université de Montréal implemented an interprofessional education (IPE) curriculum on collaborative practice in a large cohort of students (>1,100) from 10 health sciences and psychosocial sciences training programs. It is made up of three one-credit undergraduate courses (CSS1900, CSS2900, CSS3900) spanning the first 3 years of training. The course content and activities aim for development of the six competency domains identified by the Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative. This paper describes the IPE curriculum and highlights the features contributing to its success and originality. Among main success key factors were: administrative cooperation among participating faculties, educators eager to develop innovative approaches, extensive use of clinical situations conducive to knowledge and skill application, strong logistic support, close cooperation with health care delivery organizations, and partnership between clinicians and patients. A distinguishing feature of this IPE curriculum is the concept of partnership in care between the patient and caregivers. Patients’ representatives were involved in course planning, and patients were trained to become patients-as-trainers (PT) and cofacilitate interprofessional discussion workshops. They give feed- back to students regarding integration and application of the patient partnership concept from a patient’s point of view. Lire l'article/Read the article : http://openurl.ingenta.com/content?genre=article&issn=0090-7421&volume=42&issue=4&spage=97E&epage=106

    Correlates of coronary artery calcification prevalence and severity in patients with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia

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    Background Determinants of coronary artery calcification (CAC) prevalence and severity in heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (HeFH) remain understudied. The objective of this cross-sectional study was to investigate correlates of CAC in patients with HeFH. Methods A CAC score was calculated by a noncontrast computed tomography scan in women (n = 68) and men (n = 78) with genetically defined HeFH. We classified CAC prevalence and severity using 3 categories: CAC score = 0 Agatston Unit (AU), CAC score = 1-100 AU, and CAC score > 100 AU. Information on potential correlates of CAC including familial and personal health history, cardiovascular risk factors, lipid-lowering medication, and lifestyle habits was collected. Results A total of 95 patients had prevalent CAC. Independent correlates of CAC prevalence and severity included age (odds ratio [OR] per 10 years: 5.06, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 3.19, 7.93, P < 0.0001), family history of premature cardiovascular disease (OR: 3.88, 95% CI: 1.71, 8.81, P = 0.001), male sex (OR: 3.40, 95% CI: 1.49, 7.78, P = 0.004), statin use (OR: 15.5, 95% CI: 1.89, 126, P = 0.01), diet quality assessed with the Alternative Healthy Eating Index score (OR per 1 standard deviation: 0.59, 95% CI: 0.39, 0.90, P = 0.01), ever smoking (OR: 3.06, 95% CI: 1.20, 7.81, P = 0.02), receptor-negative genotype (OR: 3.17, 95% CI: 1.16, 8.66, P = 0.02), lipoprotein(a) year-score (OR per 1 standard deviation of log-transformed year-score: 1.53, 95% CI: 0.99, 2.36, P = 0.05). Conclusions In individuals with HeFH, age, family history of premature cardiovascular disease, sex, statin use, diet quality, smoking status, the LDLR genotype, and lipoprotein(a) concentrations were independently associated with CAC prevalence and severity.Contexte Les déterminants de la prévalence et de la sévérité de la calcification des artères coronaires (CAC) dans l'hypercholestérolémie familiale hétérozygote (HFHe) demeurent peu étudiés. L’objectif de cette étude transversale était d'identifier les corrélats de la CAC chez des patients atteints d’HFHe. Méthodologie Un score calcique coronarien (SCC) a été calculé par un examen de tomodensitométrie sans contraste chez des femmes (n = 68) et des hommes (n = 78) avec HFHe génétiquement définie. Nous avons classé la prévalence et la gravité de la CAC en trois catégories : SCC = 0 unité d’Agatston (UA), SCC = 1 à 100 UA et SCC > 100 UA. Des renseignements ont été recueillis sur des corrélats potentiels de la CAC, dont les antécédents médicaux familiaux et personnels, les facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire, les médicaments hypolipidémiants et les habitudes de vie. Résultats Au total, 95 patients présentaient une CAC. Les corrélats indépendants de la prévalence et de la gravité de la CAC comprenaient l’âge (rapport de cotes [RC] par tranche de 10 ans : 5,06; intervalle de confiance [IC] à 95 % : 3,19 à 7,93; p < 0,0001), des antécédents familiaux de maladie cardiovasculaire précoce (RC : 3,88; IC à 95 % : 1,71 à 8,81; p = 0,001), le sexe masculin (RC : 3,40; IC à 95 % : 1,49 à 7,78; p = 0,004), l’emploi de statines (RC : 15,5; IC à 95 % : 1,89 à 126; p = 0,01), la qualité du régime alimentaire évaluée selon le score AHEI (Alternative Healthy Eating Index) (RC par écart-type : 0,59; IC à 95 % : 0,39 à 0,90; p = 0,01), le tabagisme (RC : 3,06; IC à 95 % : 1,20 à 7,81; p = 0,02), le génotype récepteur-négatif (RC : 3,17; IC à 95 % : 1,16 à 8,66; p = 0,02) et le score lipoprotéine(a)-année (RC par écart-type du score-année transformé en logarithme : 1,53; IC à 95 % : 0,99 à 2,36; p = 0,05). Conclusions Chez les personnes atteintes d’HFHe, l’âge, les antécédents familiaux de maladie cardiovasculaire précoce, le sexe, l’emploi de statines, la qualité du régime alimentaire, le statut de tabagisme, le génotype du LDLR et les concentrations de lipoprotéine(a) ont été associés de façon indépendante à la prévalence et à la gravité de la CAC

    Formation of stress-specific p53 binding patterns is influenced by chromatin but not by modulation of p53 binding affinity to response elements†

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    The p53 protein is crucial for adapting programs of gene expression in response to stress. Recently, we revealed that this occurs partly through the formation of stress-specific p53 binding patterns. However, the mechanisms that generate these binding patterns remain largely unknown. It is not established whether the selective binding of p53 is achieved through modulation of its binding affinity to certain response elements (REs) or via a chromatin-dependent mechanism. To shed light on this issue, we used a microsphere assay for protein–DNA binding to measure p53 binding patterns on naked DNA. In parallel, we measured p53 binding patterns within chromatin using chromatin immunoprecipitation and DNase I coupled to ligation-mediated polymerase chain reaction footprinting. Through this experimental approach, we revealed that UVB and Nutlin-3 doses, which lead to different cellular outcomes, induce similar p53 binding patterns on naked DNA. Conversely, the same treatments lead to stress-specific p53 binding patterns on chromatin. We show further that altering chromatin remodeling using an histone acetyltransferase inhibitor reduces p53 binding to REs. Altogether, our results reveal that the formation of p53 binding patterns is not due to the modulation of sequence-specific p53 binding affinity. Rather, we propose that chromatin and chromatin remodeling are required in this process