4 research outputs found

    Peritoneal Sclerosis in a Patient on Long-term Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD). : An Autopsy Case.

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    若年性ネフロン癆による慢性腎不全でCAPD (continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis)導入し, 6年6ヵ月後に死亡した20歳男性の1剖検例を報告した。CAPD導入数カ月後, 腹膜炎による除水能低下を起こしたが, 約5ヵ月後に回復した。CAPD導入1年5ヵ月以降重症な腹膜炎罹患により除水能低下状態が遷延したが, 次第に回復した。しかし, 体液貯留傾向のため, 3年2ヵ月後より高張透析液を使用し除水量の増加を得たが, 3年9ヵ月後に不可逆的な除水能低下状態となった。一方, クレアチニンの透析排液/血漿濃度比(D/P)から見た溶質除去能は, その約半年後まで保たれており, 血清クレアチニン値の上昇は軽度であった。剖検にて腹膜の線維性肥厚と高度の内腔狭窄を伴う動静脈硬化を認め, 腹膜硬化症と診断した。本例の腹膜硬化症は, 頻回の腹膜炎と高張透析液の使用が主な原因と考えられた。腹膜機能を長期に維持するためには, 腹膜炎の予防と高張透析液の使用を最小限にすることが重要と考えられた。A 20-year-old man, treated with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) for 6.5 years because of-end-stage renal disease due to juvenile nephronophthysis, died of ultrafiltration failure, and the morphological examination of peritoneum was carried out at autopsy. Nine episodes of peritonitis developed, and ultrafiltration transiently decreased after each episodes. At 2 years after the start of CAPD, severe peritonitis occurred, and then his body weight and blood pressure gradually increased. At 4 years after the beginning of CAPD, when hyperosmotic dialysate was frequently used, ultrafiltration was irreversively deteriorated. On the other hand, creatinine dialysate/plasma ratio remained within normal limits for about several months, and the increase in the level of serum creatinine was very little. The peritoneum obtained at autopsy revealed marked fibrous thickening as well as the conspicuous luminal narrowing of arteries and veins due to intimal thickening. The development of peritoneal sclerosis seemed to be related with the frequency and severity of peritonitis and the use of hyperosmotic dialysate

    Cytokine levels, stratified by clinical presentation.<sup>a</sup>

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    a<p>UM = uncomplicated malaria; NCSM = non-cerebral severe malaria; CM = cerebral malaria.</p>b<p>The median (IQR) of each cytokine level is shown.</p>c<p>The 24 children met the following criteria for NCSM: 1 had severe malarial anemia, 9 had prostration, and 14 had repetitive vomiting.</p>d<p>p-values were calculated using the Mann-Whitney test.</p>e<p>All cytokine concentrations are expressed as pg/ml, except for sTNFRII (ng/ml).</p

    Uric acid (UA) elevations in Malian children with uncomplicated and severe falciparum malaria.

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    <p><b>a,</b> Plasma UA levels were measured in Malian children who presented with uncomplicated (UM), non-cerebral severe (NCSM) and cerebral malaria (CM). We show traditional boxplots (i.e., middle line is median, box is interquartile range) with points randomly jittered according to their density similar to violin plots <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0046424#pone.0046424-Hintze1" target="_blank">[36]</a><a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0046424#pone.0046424-Atoh1" target="_blank">[37]</a>. <b>b,</b> Plasma UA levels were measured in a cohort of 39 healthy aparasitemic Malian children in May 2008 (prior to the malaria season) and again at their first episode of UM during the 2008 malaria season.</p

    Demographic, parasitological and biochemical parameters, stratified by clinical presentation.<sup>a</sup>

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    a<p>UM = uncomplicated malaria; NCSM = non-cerebral severe malaria; CM = cerebral malaria.</p>b<p>The median (IQR) of each parameter is shown, unless otherwise indicated.</p>c<p>The 24 children met the following criteria for NCSM: 1 had severe malarial anemia, 9 had prostration, and 14 had repetitive vomiting.</p>d<p>p-values were calculated using the Mann-Whitney test, unless otherwise indicated.</p>e<p>For sex comparisons, the associated statistic is the odds ratio (instead of fold-change). Matching 95% CIs were calculated as described <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0046424#pone.0046424-Fay1" target="_blank">[38]</a>.</p>f<p>p-values were calculated using the Fisher's exact test.</p