103 research outputs found

    Laboring Lives: New Approaches to Biography and Labor History in Latin America

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    Until recently, historians, including labor historians, tended to view biography as an inferior genre of historical writing. This has started to change, as biography moves away from its narrow focus on “great men.” Historians increasingly see it as a way to explore, as Marx famously suggested, how men make their own history albeit not under circumstances of their choosing. This essay examines recent biographies of three of the most important labor leaders in Latin America: Chile's Luis Emilio Recabarren, Mexico's Vícente Lombardo Toledano, and Brazil's Lula. Although they approach the study of the interplay of the personal and the political in different ways, all three studies provide strong evidence that biography has an important role to play in sharpening our understanding of the history of labor

    State Building in Latin America

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    Necrophilia, Psychiatry, and Sexology: The Making of Sexual Science in Mid-Twentieth Century Peru

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    In this article, I draw on two sets of sources to explore how Peruvian doctors tried to make sense of what had driven a man to engage in necrophilia in late 1942. On the one hand, I examine the case history and other related documentation that I located in Lima’s psychiatric hospital. On the other, I study a detailed article written on the case by Dr Lucio D. Castro and published in 1943. Together, these sources provide rich evidence on how Peruvian doctors addressed what they framed as an abnormality of the sexual instinct and, in turn, as a mental disorder. But the case also provides a fascinating vista on a major taboo—sex with the dead—and more generally on the history of “perversion” and therefore on the history of sexuality in Peru. I pay particular attention to how doctors mobilized an eclectic “theoretical artillery” of biomedical knowledge in trying to explain the man’s psychopathology. I argue that through their “unruly appropriation” of sexological knowledge, doctors like Castro sought to make meaningful contributions to a global sexual science while proposing means to channel sexuality away from deviant forms in a manner consonant with broader projects of sexual regulation that Peru and other countries promoted at the time

    Orin Starn — Nightwatch: The Politics of Protest in the Andes

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    Coronavirus en el Reino Unido: el costo del excepcionalismo = Coronavirus in the United Kingdom: the cost of exceptionalism

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    Este artículo ofrece una reflexión sobre las políticas iniciales desarrolladas en el Reino Unido durante la pandemia de SARS-CoV-2. // This article offers a reflection on the policies initially pursued in the United Kingdom during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

    La autoeficacia docente en la práctica pedagógica

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    El presente estudio tiene como finalidad, en primer lugar, examinar la relación entre la autoeficacia del docente y la calidad del manejo de aula en su práctica pedagógica, teniendo en cuenta el auto reporte del maestro y el reporte de los estudiantes. En segundo lugar, hacer una comparación entre una escuela mixta privada y una escuela mixta pública, ambas del distrito de Chorrillos. Para ello, se aplicaron dos escalas a 38 docentes y una a 401 alumnos de ambas instituciones. Se utilizó la Escala de Eficacia Percibida de los Maestros (Tschannen-Moran y Woolfolk, 2001), para evaluar la autoeficacia docente en los maestros y la Escala del Modelo Instruccional de Situación Educativa-MISE de Rivas, Descals y Gómez-Artiga (2003), para evaluar la calidad del manejo de aula en la práctica pedagógica. Esta última contaba con dos versiones, una para docentes y otra para los estudiantes. Los resultados indicaron que los docentes que poseen un mayor sentido de autoeficacia reportaron también un mejor manejo de aula en su práctica pedagógica. Asimismo, los docentes, tanto del colegio público como del privado, evaluaron mejor la calidad de su manejo de aula de lo que lo hicieron sus propios estudiantes. En cuanto a la comparación entre ambas instituciones, se encontraron diferencias siendo que los docentes de la institución privada se autoevaluaron como más eficaces que los docentes de la institución pública. Finalmente, se encontró, que aspectos como, los años de docencia en general, haber obtenido el título profesional en educación y el género, no tuvieron relación significativa con la forma en que los docentes se autoevalúan a sí mismos y con el reporte de la calidad del manejo de aula en su práctica pedagógica. Palabras claves: Autoeficacia, Autoeficacia docente, Calidad de la práctica pedagógica, Calidad del manejo de aula.The present study aimed first, to examine the relation between teachers’ self-report of self-efficacy with the self-report of their quality of classroom management. Secondly, to compare the results between mixed private and public schools, both located in the district of Chorrillos, Lima, Peru. The Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale (Tschannen- Moran and Woolfolk, 2001) and the Instructional Model of Educational Setting scale - MISE (Rivas, Descals and Gómez-Artiga, 2003) were applied to 38 teachers. The student version of the MISE was also applied to 401 students. Results showed that teachers, who have a higher sense of self-efficacy, also reported better quality of classroom management in their teaching practice. In addition, teachers from both institutions, private and public, evaluated their own classroom management significantly better than what their own students did. A comparison between both institutions showed that different reasons explain why private school teachers believe themselves to have a higher sense of self-efficacy than public school teachers. Finally, and regarding Peru’s educational system, variables such as, total number of teaching years, having obtained an education degree, and gender, had no significant relation with how teachers evaluate themselves on self-efficacy as well as on the quality of their classroom management in their teaching practice. Key words: Self-efficacy, Teachers’ self-efficacy, Quality of Teaching practices, Quality of classroom management.Tesi

    Afectividad en un grupo de adolescentes diagnosticados con leucemia a través del psicodiagnóstico de Rorschach

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    La adolescencia es una etapa única, donde el sujeto debe prepararse para la adultez. En esta etapa, el desarrollo del ser humano está caracterizado por un crecimiento físico, sexual y cognitivo acelerado (Erikson, 1976; Carvajal, 1993). Esta serie de cambios complejiza las tareas del desarrollo y supone una reevaluación del sujeto, produciendo una situación de desequilibrio y crisis durante el duelo que implica el paso de la infancia a la adultez. Este es el momento en el que se consolida la autoestima, se establece la autonomía y una imagen adecuada de sí mismo. El adolescente se enfrenta a las transformaciones propias de la etapa envuelto en un abanico de emociones contradictorias, cambios de humor frecuentes y una fuerte labilidad emocional, lo que lo confunde y coloca en una posición vulnerable. Al combinar estos factores con una enfermedad crónica de alto riesgo como el cáncer, el adolescente se ve obligado a enfrentar una serie de retos y desafíos diferentes a los que su periodo de desarrollo le exige, aumentando la dificultad de esta etapa (Die Trill, 2000). Tener que afrontar la hospitalización, aprender a sobrellevar los tratamientos y lidiar con la posibilidad de muerte -aunque sea simplemente un temorson algunas de las exigencias de un adolescente con cáncer.Tesi

    Violence, Identity and (In)security: Experiencing the Maoist Insurgency in Peru

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    This article argues that the position of political violence in developing countries has changed in the post?Cold War period, from being seen (by some) as a legitimate response to dictatorship to become associated with criminality and delinquency on the one hand and terrorism on the other. This provides a new context for ‘identity politics’, the definition of which has tended to become narrower and in practice more restrictive, leading to a hardening of ‘community’ boundaries. Taking the Maoist insurgency in Peru as a case study, the article enquires how identity, violence and security have been lived and understood by people in the Andean region. At the centre is an emblematic narrative of an indigenous schoolteacher who explores connections between his experiences of Peru's agrarian and education reforms, early support and later rejection of political violence, and the way his community envisioned and practised security in response