204 research outputs found

    Found: High Surface Brightness Compact Galaxies

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    We are using the 2dF spectrograph to make a survey of all objects (`stars' and `galaxies') in a 12 sq.deg region towards the Fornax cluster. We have discovered a population of compact emission-line galaxies unresolved on photographic sky survey plates and therefore missing in most galaxy surveys based on such material. These galaxies are as luminous as normal field galaxies. Using H-alpha to estimate star formation they contribute at least an additional 5 per cent to the local star formation rate.Comment: To appear in "The Low Surface Brightness Universe", IAU Coll 171, eds. J.I. Davies et al., A.S.P. Conference Series. 3 pages, LaTex, 1 encapsulated ps-figure, requires paspconf.st

    Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): the effect of close interactions on star formation in galaxies

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    The modification of star formation (SF) in galaxy interactions is a complex process, with SF observed to be both enhanced in major mergers and suppressed in minor pair interactions. Such changes likely to arise on short time-scales and be directly related to the galaxy–galaxy interaction time. Here we investigate the link between dynamical phase and direct measures of SF on different time-scales for pair galaxies, targeting numerous star- formation rate (SFR) indicators and comparing to pair separation, individual galaxy mass and pair mass ratio. We split our sample into the higher (primary) and lower (secondary) mass galaxies in each pair and find that SF is indeed enhanced in all primary galaxies but suppressed in secondaries of minor mergers. We find that changes in SF of primaries are consistent in both major and minor mergers, suggesting that SF in the more massive galaxy is agnostic to pair mass ratio. We also find that SF is enhanced/suppressed more strongly for short-duration SFR indicators (e.g. Hα), highlighting recent changes to SF in these galaxies, which are likely to be induced by the interaction. We propose a scenario where the lower mass galaxy has its SF suppressed by gas heating or stripping, while the higher mass galaxy has its SF enhanced, potentially by tidal gas turbulence and shocks. This is consistent with the seemingly contradictory observations for both SF suppression and enhancement in close pairs

    Blueshifted galaxies in the Virgo Cluster

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    We examine a sample of 65 galaxies in the Virgo cluster with negative radial velocities relative to the Local Group. Some features of this sample are pointed out. All of these objects are positioned compactly within a virial zone of radius 6{\deg} in the cluster, but their centroid is displaced relative to the dynamic center of the cluster, M87, by 1.1{\deg} to the northwest. The dwarf galaxies in this sample are clumped on a scale of ~10' (50 kpc). The observed asymmetry in the distribution of the blueshifted galaxies may be caused by infall of a group of galaxies around M86 onto the main body of the cluster. We offer another attempt to explain this phenomenon, assuming a mutual tangential velocity of ~300 km/s between the Local Group and the Virgo cluster owing to their being repelled from the local cosmological void.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Published in Astrophysics, Vol. 53, No. 1, pp. 32-41, 201

    Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): the unimodal nature of the dwarf galaxy population

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    In this paper we aim to (i) test the number of statistically distinct classes required to classify the local galaxy population, and, (ii) identify the differences in the physical and star formation properties of visually-distinct galaxies. To accomplish this, we analyse the structural parameters (effective radius (Reff ), effective surface brightness within Reff (hμie), central surface brightness (μ0), and S´ersic index (n)), obtained by fitting the light profile of 432 galaxies (0.002 < z 6 0.02; Viking Z-band), and their spectral energy distribution using multi-band photometry in 18 broadbands to obtain the stellar mass (M ), the star formation rate (SFR), the specific SFR (sSFR) and the dust mass (Mdust), respectively. We show that visually distinct, star-forming dwarf galaxies (irregulars, blue spheroids and low surface brightness galaxies) form a unimodal population in a parameter space mapped by hμie, μ0, n, Reff , SFR, sSFR, M , Mdust and (g − i). The SFR and sSFR distribution of passively evolving (dwarf) ellipticals on the other hand, statistically distinguish them from other galaxies with similar luminosity, while the giant galaxies clearly segregate into starforming spirals and passive lenticulars. We therefore suggest that the morphology classification scheme(s) used in literature for dwarf galaxies only reflect the observational differences based on luminosity and surface brightness among the apparent distinct classes, rather than any physical differences between them

    Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): the unimodal nature of the dwarf galaxy population

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    In this paper we aim to (i) test the number of statistically distinct classes required to classify the local galaxy population, and, (ii) identify the differences in the physical and star formation properties of visually-distinct galaxies. To accomplish this, we analyse the structural parameters (effective radius (Reff ), effective surface brightness within Reff (hμie), central surface brightness (μ0), and S´ersic index (n)), obtained by fitting the light profile of 432 galaxies (0.002 < z 6 0.02; Viking Z-band), and their spectral energy distribution using multi-band photometry in 18 broadbands to obtain the stellar mass (M ), the star formation rate (SFR), the specific SFR (sSFR) and the dust mass (Mdust), respectively. We show that visually distinct, star-forming dwarf galaxies (irregulars, blue spheroids and low surface brightness galaxies) form a unimodal population in a parameter space mapped by hμie, μ0, n, Reff , SFR, sSFR, M , Mdust and (g − i). The SFR and sSFR distribution of passively evolving (dwarf) ellipticals on the other hand, statistically distinguish them from other galaxies with similar luminosity, while the giant galaxies clearly segregate into starforming spirals and passive lenticulars. We therefore suggest that the morphology classification scheme(s) used in literature for dwarf galaxies only reflect the observational differences based on luminosity and surface brightness among the apparent distinct classes, rather than any physical differences between them

    Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): The absence of stellar mass segregation in galaxy groups and consistent predictions from GALFORM and EAGLE simulations

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    We investigate the contentious issue of the presence, or lack thereof, of satellites mass segregation in galaxy groups using the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey, the GALFORM semi-analytic and the EAGLE cosmological hydrodynamical simulation catalogues of galaxy groups. We select groups with halo mass 12log(Mhalo/h1M)<14.512 \leqslant \log(M_{\text{halo}}/h^{-1}M_\odot) <14.5 and redshift z0.32z \leqslant 0.32 and probe the radial distribution of stellar mass out to twice the group virial radius. All the samples are carefully constructed to be complete in stellar mass at each redshift range and efforts are made to regularise the analysis for all the data. Our study shows negligible mass segregation in galaxy group environments with absolute gradients of 0.08\lesssim0.08 dex and also shows a lack of any redshift evolution. Moreover, we find that our results at least for the GAMA data are robust to different halo mass and group centre estimates. Furthermore, the EAGLE data allows us to probe much fainter luminosities (rr-band magnitude of 22) as well as investigate the three-dimensional spatial distribution with intrinsic halo properties, beyond what the current observational data can offer. In both cases we find that the fainter EAGLE data show a very mild spatial mass segregation at z0.22z \leqslant 0.22, which is again not apparent at higher redshift. Interestingly, our results are in contrast to some earlier findings using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We investigate the source of the disagreement and suggest that subtle differences between the group finding algorithms could be the root cause

    Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): the effect of close interactions on star formation in galaxies

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    The modification of star formation (SF) in galaxy interactions is a complex process, with SF observed to be both enhanced in major mergers and suppressed in minor pair interactions. Such changes likely to arise on short timescales and be directly related to the galaxy-galaxy interaction time. Here we investigate the link between dynamical phase and direct measures of SF on different timescales for pair galaxies, targeting numerous star-formation rate (SFR) indicators and comparing to pair separation, individual galaxy mass and pair mass ratio. We split our sample into the higher (primary) and lower (secondary) mass galaxies in each pair and find that SF is indeed enhanced in all primary galaxies but suppressed in secondaries of minor mergers. We find that changes in SF of primaries is consistent in both major and minor mergers, suggesting that SF in the more massive galaxy is agnostic to pair mass ratio. We also find that SF is enhanced/suppressed more strongly for short-time duration SFR indicators (e.g. H-alpha), highlighting recent changes to SF in these galaxies, which are likely to be induced by the interaction. We propose a scenario where the lower mass galaxy has its SF suppressed by gas heating or stripping, while the higher mass galaxy has its SF enhanced, potentially by tidal gas turbulence and shocks. This is consistent with the seemingly contradictory observations for both SF suppression and enhancement in close pairs

    Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): refining the local galaxy merger rate using morphological information

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    We use the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey to measure the local Universe mass dependent merger fraction and merger rate using galaxy pairs and the CAS structural method, which identifies highly asymmetric merger candidate galaxies. Our goals are to determine which types of mergers produce highly asymmetrical galaxies, and to provide a new measurement of the local galaxy major merger rate. We examine galaxy pairs at stellar mass limits down to M∗ = 108M⊙ with mass ratios of 4:1) the lower mass companion becomes highly asymmetric, while the larger galaxy is much less affected. The fraction of highly asymmetric paired galaxies which have a major merger companion is highest for the most massive galaxies and drops progressively with decreasing mass. We calculate that the mass dependent major merger fraction is fairly constant at _ 1.3 − 2% between 109.5 < M∗ < 1011.5M⊙, and increases to _ 4% at lower masses. When the observability time scales are taken into consideration, the major merger rate is found to approximately triple over the mass range we consider. The total co-moving volume major merger rate over the range 108.0 < M∗ < 1011.5M⊙ is (1.2 ± 0.5) × 10−3 h3 70 Mpc−3 Gyr−1

    Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): refining the local galaxy merger rate using morphological information

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    We use the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey to measure the local Universe mass dependent merger fraction and merger rate using galaxy pairs and the CAS structural method, which identifies highly asymmetric merger candidate galaxies. Our goals are to determine which types of mergers produce highly asymmetrical galaxies, and to provide a new measurement of the local galaxy major merger rate. We examine galaxy pairs at stellar mass limits down to M∗ = 108M⊙ with mass ratios of 4:1) the lower mass companion becomes highly asymmetric, while the larger galaxy is much less affected. The fraction of highly asymmetric paired galaxies which have a major merger companion is highest for the most massive galaxies and drops progressively with decreasing mass. We calculate that the mass dependent major merger fraction is fairly constant at _ 1.3 − 2% between 109.5 < M∗ < 1011.5M⊙, and increases to _ 4% at lower masses. When the observability time scales are taken into consideration, the major merger rate is found to approximately triple over the mass range we consider. The total co-moving volume major merger rate over the range 108.0 < M∗ < 1011.5M⊙ is (1.2 ± 0.5) × 10−3 h3 70 Mpc−3 Gyr−1