128 research outputs found

    (Non)renormalizability of the D-deformed Wess-Zumino model

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    We continue the analysis of the DD-deformed Wess-Zumino model which was started in the previous paper. The model is defined by a deformation which is non-hermitian and given in terms of the covariant derivatives DαD_\alpha. We calculate one-loop divergences in the two-point, three-point and four-point Green functions. We find that the divergences in the four-point function cannot be absorbed and thus our model is not renormalizable. We discuss possibilities to render the model renormalizable.Comment: 19 pages; version accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.D; new section with the detailed discussion on renormalizabilty added and a special choice of coupling constants which renders the model renormalizable analyze

    Twisted Yangians and folded W-algebras

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    We show that the truncation of twisted Yangians are isomorphic to finite W-algebras based on orthogonal or symplectic algebras. This isomorphism allows us to classify all the finite dimensional irreducible representations of the quoted W-algebras. We also give an R-matrix for these W-algebras, and determine their center.Comment: LaTeX 2e Document, 22 page

    Twisted Yangians of small rank

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    We study quantized enveloping algebras called twisted Yangians associated with the symmetric pairs of types CI, BDI, and DIII (in Cartan’s classification) when the rank is small. We establish isomorphisms between these twisted Yangians and the well known Olshanskii’s twisted Yangians of types AI and AII, and also with the Molev-Ragoucy reflection algebras associated with symmetric pairs of type AIII. We also construct isomorphisms with twisted Yangians in Drinfeld’s original presentation

    Lie-Poisson Deformation of the Poincar\'e Algebra

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    We find a one parameter family of quadratic Poisson structures on R4Ă—SL(2,C){\bf R}^4\times SL(2,C) which satisfies the property {\it a)} that it is preserved under the Lie-Poisson action of the Lorentz group, as well as {\it b)} that it reduces to the standard Poincar\'e algebra for a particular limiting value of the parameter. (The Lie-Poisson transformations reduce to canonical ones in that limit, which we therefore refer to as the `canonical limit'.) Like with the Poincar\'e algebra, our deformed Poincar\'e algebra has two Casimir functions which we associate with `mass' and `spin'. We parametrize the symplectic leaves of R4Ă—SL(2,C){\bf R}^4\times SL(2,C) with space-time coordinates, momenta and spin, thereby obtaining realizations of the deformed algebra for the cases of a spinless and a spinning particle. The formalism can be applied for finding a one parameter family of canonically inequivalent descriptions of the photon.Comment: Latex file, 26 page

    Evaluation representations of quantum affine algebras at roots of unity

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    The purpose of this paper is to compute the Drinfel'd polynomials for two types of evaluation representations of quantum affine algebras at roots of unity and construct those representations as the submodules of evaluation Schnizer modules. Moreover, we obtain the necessary and sufficient condition for that the two types of evaluation representations are isomorphic to each other

    Classification of two and three dimensional Lie super-bialgebras

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    Using adjoint representation of Lie superalgebras, we obtain the matrix form of super-Jacobi and mixed super-Jacobi identities of Lie superbialgebras. By direct calculations of these identities, and use of automorphism supergroups of two and three dimensional Lie superalgebras, we obtain and classify all two and three dimensional Lie superbialgebras.Comment: 15 page

    On factorizing FF-matrices in Y(sln)Y(sl_n) and Uq(sln^)U_q(\hat{sl_n}) spin chains

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    We consider quantum spin chains arising from NN-fold tensor products of the fundamental evaluation representations of Y(sln)Y(sl_n) and Uq(sln^)U_q(\hat{sl_n}). Using the partial FF-matrix formalism from the seminal work of Maillet and Sanchez de Santos, we derive a completely factorized expression for the FF-matrix of such models and prove its equivalence to the expression obtained by Albert, Boos, Flume and Ruhlig. A new relation between the FF-matrices and the Bethe eigenvectors of these spin chains is given.Comment: 30 page

    Mapping Kitaev's quantum double lattice models to Levin and Wen's string-net models

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    We exhibit a mapping identifying Kitaev's quantum double lattice models explicitly as a subclass of Levin and Wen's string net models via a completion of the local Hilbert spaces with auxiliary degrees of freedom. This identification allows to carry over to these string net models the representation-theoretic classification of the excitations in quantum double models, as well as define them in arbitrary lattices, and provides an illustration of the abstract notion of Morita equivalence. The possibility of generalising the map to broader classes of string nets is considered.Comment: 8 pages, 6 eps figures; v2: matches published versio

    Nonlocal symmetries of integrable two-field divergent evolutionary systems

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    Nonlocal symmetries for exactly integrable two-field evolutionary systems of the third order have been computed. Differentiation of the nonlocal symmetries with respect to spatial variable gives a few nonevolutionary systems for each evolutionary system. Zero curvature representations for some new nonevolution systems are presented

    Lorentz Transformations as Lie-Poisson Symmetries

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    We write down the Poisson structure for a relativistic particle where the Lorentz group does not act canonically, but instead as a Poisson-Lie group. In so doing we obtain the classical limit of a particle moving on a noncommutative space possessing SLq(2,C)SL_q(2,C) invariance. We show that if the standard mass shell constraint is chosen for the Hamiltonian function, then the particle interacts with the space-time. We solve for the trajectory and find that it originates and terminates at singularities.Comment: 18 page
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