5 research outputs found
Broadband speed and firm entry in digitally intensive sectors: The case of Croatia
We explore how improvements in digital infrastructure contribute to digital transformation of the Croatian economy. More specifically, we investigate under what conditions improvements in broadband speed are conductive for firm entry in digitally intensive sectors at the local level (cities and municipalities; LGUs) during the period 2014ā2017. The results of the benchmark random effects panel data model suggest a 10 percent increase in broadband speed increases the number of new digitally intensive firms by 0.68. Two-way interactions between explanatory variables suggest improvements in broadband infrastructure yield the greatest number of new firm entries in densely populated LGUs, and in LGUs with a higher quality of human capital and greater public investment in physical infrastructure. Using the spatial Durbin panel method, we find improvements in broadband infrastructure exhibit positive firm entry effects both within and between cities and municipalities
Traffic information system based on location intelligence embedded in public mobile networks
ZaguÅ”enje prometnica, emisija CO2 i nesreÄe na cestama predstavljaju glavne izazove s kojima se susreÄe sustav europskog cestovnog prometa. Ovi izazovi postaju joÅ” znaÄajniji ako se u obzir uzmu predviÄanja za 2020.godinu po kojima Äe opseg robnog prometa porasti za 50% a putniÄkog prometa za 35%. Jedan od odgovora na navedene izazove leži u primjeni rjeÅ”enja zasnovanih na informacijskim i komunikacijskim tehnologijama. Razvoj mehanizama lokacijske inteligencije omoguÄava primjenu javnih pokretnih komunikacijskih sustava u svrhu prikupljanja, odbrade i distribucije informacija o pokretljivosti korisnika u stvarnom vremenu. Na ovaj naÄin stvaraju se pretpostavke za realizaciju prometnog informacijskog sustava koji krajnjim korisnicima može osigurati pravovremene i toÄne informacije o stanju u prometu. Time krajnji korisnici tj. vozaÄi postaju dijelom prometnog sustava te svojim odlukama optimiraju protoÄnost prometnog sustava Å”to rezultira kraÄim vremenom putovanja, uÅ”tedom goriva, smanjenom emisijom CO2 te poveÄanom sigurnoÅ”Äu. Ovaj rad definira generiÄku arhitekturu prometnog informacijskog sustava u smislu namjene, funkcionalnosti a s obzirom na prikupljanje i distribuciju informacija o stanju prometa. Nadalje, s obzirom na moguÄnosti lokacijske inteligencije u javnim pokretnim mrežama, definirani su relevantni podatci o pokretljivosti, naÄinu njihovog ekstrahiranja te naÄin procjene srednjih brzina podataka na odabranim segmentima mreže. U konaÄnici, kroz praktiÄnu validaciju i simulaciju, utvrÄena je ispravnost postavljenih teorijskih hipoteza.Traffic congestion, carbon dioxide emissions and road accidents are the main challenges of todayās European road traffic system. For the full perspective of the issue we need take into consideration projections for 2020 according to which the fright traffic is to increase by 50% and the passenger traffic is to increase by 35%. One of the answers is the application of solutions based on information and communications systems (ICT). The development of the location intelligence mechanisms enables the application of the public mobile communications systems in order to collect, process and distribute real-time information about the mobility of users. This will create prerequisites for the implementation of an Traffic Information System which can provide users with timely and relevant road traffic information. End users, i.e. drivers thus become an active part of the traffic system and can make decisions to make the traffic flow as optimal as possible. This leads to time and fuel savings, reduced carbon dioxide emissions and increased traffic safety. The thesis defines a generic architecture of the traffic information system with references to its purpose, functionalities and traffic information distribution. Furthermore, considering the possibility of the public mobile network embedded location intelligence, the thesis defines relevant data on mobility, the ways they are extracted and the ways to determine the average speed of data on selected segments of a network. In its final part the paper establishes the relevance of the set theoretical hypothesis through practical validation and simulation
Traffic information system based on location intelligence embedded in public mobile networks
ZaguÅ”enje prometnica, emisija CO2 i nesreÄe na cestama predstavljaju glavne izazove s kojima se susreÄe sustav europskog cestovnog prometa. Ovi izazovi postaju joÅ” znaÄajniji ako se u obzir uzmu predviÄanja za 2020.godinu po kojima Äe opseg robnog prometa porasti za 50% a putniÄkog prometa za 35%. Jedan od odgovora na navedene izazove leži u primjeni rjeÅ”enja zasnovanih na informacijskim i komunikacijskim tehnologijama. Razvoj mehanizama lokacijske inteligencije omoguÄava primjenu javnih pokretnih komunikacijskih sustava u svrhu prikupljanja, odbrade i distribucije informacija o pokretljivosti korisnika u stvarnom vremenu. Na ovaj naÄin stvaraju se pretpostavke za realizaciju prometnog informacijskog sustava koji krajnjim korisnicima može osigurati pravovremene i toÄne informacije o stanju u prometu. Time krajnji korisnici tj. vozaÄi postaju dijelom prometnog sustava te svojim odlukama optimiraju protoÄnost prometnog sustava Å”to rezultira kraÄim vremenom putovanja, uÅ”tedom goriva, smanjenom emisijom CO2 te poveÄanom sigurnoÅ”Äu. Ovaj rad definira generiÄku arhitekturu prometnog informacijskog sustava u smislu namjene, funkcionalnosti a s obzirom na prikupljanje i distribuciju informacija o stanju prometa. Nadalje, s obzirom na moguÄnosti lokacijske inteligencije u javnim pokretnim mrežama, definirani su relevantni podatci o pokretljivosti, naÄinu njihovog ekstrahiranja te naÄin procjene srednjih brzina podataka na odabranim segmentima mreže. U konaÄnici, kroz praktiÄnu validaciju i simulaciju, utvrÄena je ispravnost postavljenih teorijskih hipoteza.Traffic congestion, carbon dioxide emissions and road accidents are the main challenges of todayās European road traffic system. For the full perspective of the issue we need take into consideration projections for 2020 according to which the fright traffic is to increase by 50% and the passenger traffic is to increase by 35%. One of the answers is the application of solutions based on information and communications systems (ICT). The development of the location intelligence mechanisms enables the application of the public mobile communications systems in order to collect, process and distribute real-time information about the mobility of users. This will create prerequisites for the implementation of an Traffic Information System which can provide users with timely and relevant road traffic information. End users, i.e. drivers thus become an active part of the traffic system and can make decisions to make the traffic flow as optimal as possible. This leads to time and fuel savings, reduced carbon dioxide emissions and increased traffic safety. The thesis defines a generic architecture of the traffic information system with references to its purpose, functionalities and traffic information distribution. Furthermore, considering the possibility of the public mobile network embedded location intelligence, the thesis defines relevant data on mobility, the ways they are extracted and the ways to determine the average speed of data on selected segments of a network. In its final part the paper establishes the relevance of the set theoretical hypothesis through practical validation and simulation
Traffic information system based on location intelligence embedded in public mobile networks
ZaguÅ”enje prometnica, emisija CO2 i nesreÄe na cestama predstavljaju glavne izazove s kojima se susreÄe sustav europskog cestovnog prometa. Ovi izazovi postaju joÅ” znaÄajniji ako se u obzir uzmu predviÄanja za 2020.godinu po kojima Äe opseg robnog prometa porasti za 50% a putniÄkog prometa za 35%. Jedan od odgovora na navedene izazove leži u primjeni rjeÅ”enja zasnovanih na informacijskim i komunikacijskim tehnologijama. Razvoj mehanizama lokacijske inteligencije omoguÄava primjenu javnih pokretnih komunikacijskih sustava u svrhu prikupljanja, odbrade i distribucije informacija o pokretljivosti korisnika u stvarnom vremenu. Na ovaj naÄin stvaraju se pretpostavke za realizaciju prometnog informacijskog sustava koji krajnjim korisnicima može osigurati pravovremene i toÄne informacije o stanju u prometu. Time krajnji korisnici tj. vozaÄi postaju dijelom prometnog sustava te svojim odlukama optimiraju protoÄnost prometnog sustava Å”to rezultira kraÄim vremenom putovanja, uÅ”tedom goriva, smanjenom emisijom CO2 te poveÄanom sigurnoÅ”Äu. Ovaj rad definira generiÄku arhitekturu prometnog informacijskog sustava u smislu namjene, funkcionalnosti a s obzirom na prikupljanje i distribuciju informacija o stanju prometa. Nadalje, s obzirom na moguÄnosti lokacijske inteligencije u javnim pokretnim mrežama, definirani su relevantni podatci o pokretljivosti, naÄinu njihovog ekstrahiranja te naÄin procjene srednjih brzina podataka na odabranim segmentima mreže. U konaÄnici, kroz praktiÄnu validaciju i simulaciju, utvrÄena je ispravnost postavljenih teorijskih hipoteza.Traffic congestion, carbon dioxide emissions and road accidents are the main challenges of todayās European road traffic system. For the full perspective of the issue we need take into consideration projections for 2020 according to which the fright traffic is to increase by 50% and the passenger traffic is to increase by 35%. One of the answers is the application of solutions based on information and communications systems (ICT). The development of the location intelligence mechanisms enables the application of the public mobile communications systems in order to collect, process and distribute real-time information about the mobility of users. This will create prerequisites for the implementation of an Traffic Information System which can provide users with timely and relevant road traffic information. End users, i.e. drivers thus become an active part of the traffic system and can make decisions to make the traffic flow as optimal as possible. This leads to time and fuel savings, reduced carbon dioxide emissions and increased traffic safety. The thesis defines a generic architecture of the traffic information system with references to its purpose, functionalities and traffic information distribution. Furthermore, considering the possibility of the public mobile network embedded location intelligence, the thesis defines relevant data on mobility, the ways they are extracted and the ways to determine the average speed of data on selected segments of a network. In its final part the paper establishes the relevance of the set theoretical hypothesis through practical validation and simulation
Brzina Å”irokopojasnog interneta i osnivanje novih poduzeÄa u digitalno intenzivnim sektorima: sluÄaj Hrvatske
We explore how improvements in digital infrastructure
contribute to digital transformation of the Croatian
economy. More specifically, we investigate under what
conditions improvements in broadband speed are
conductive for firm entry in digitally intensive sectors
at the local level (cities and municipalities; LGUs)
during the period 2014ā2017. The results of the
benchmark random effects panel data model suggest
that a 10 percent increase in broadband speed increases
the number of new digitally intensive firms by 0.68.
Two-way interactions between explanatory variables indicate
that improvements in broadband infrastructure yield the
greatest number of new firm entries in densely populated
LGUs, and in LGUs with a higher quality of human capital
and greater public investment in physical infrastructure.
Using the spatial Durbin panel method, we find
improvements in broadband infrastructure exhibit positive
firm entry effects both within and between cities and
municipalities.U Älanku se istražuje kako poboljÅ”anja u digitalnoj infrastrukturi
pridonose digitalnoj transformaciji hrvatske ekonomije. Pri tome
se usredotoÄujemo na uvjete poboljÅ”anja u brzini
Å”irokopojasnog interneta koji omoguÄavaju ubrzaniji ulazak
novih kompanija u digitalno intenzivne sektore. S tom svrhom
istražujemo vezu izmeÄu prosjeÄne dostupne brzine
Ŕirokopojasnog interneta u jedinicama lokalne samouprave i
osnivanja poduzeÄa u digitalno intenzivnim sektorima od 2014.
do 2017. godine. Rezultati naŔega osnovnog modela sugeriraju
da poveÄanje brzine od 10 posto korespondira s 0,68 novih
poduzeÄa u prosjeÄnoj lokalnoj jedinici. PoveÄanjem udaljenosti
od administrativnoga srediŔta smanjuje se broj novoosnovanih
digitalno intenzivnih poduzeÄa, dok veÄa gustoÄa naseljenosti i
veÄa javna ulaganja u infrastrukturu pridonose poveÄanju broja
novoosnovanih poduzeÄa. Interakcije meÄu objaÅ”njavajuÄim
varijablama modela sugeriraju da poboljŔanja u Ŕirokopojasnoj
infrastrukturi rezultiraju najveÄim brojem novoosnovanih
poduzeÄa u gusto naseljenim lokalnim jedinicama, u lokalnim
jedinicama s bolje obrazovanom radnom snagom i veÄim
javnim ulaganjima u infrastrukturu. Upotrebom prostornoga
Durbinovog panel-modela nalazimo da poboljŔanja u
Å”irokopojasnoj infrastrukturi utjeÄu i na lokalne jedinice koje se
nalaze u susjedstvu lokalne jedinice koja bilježi navedena
poboljŔanja u Ŕirokopojasnoj infrastrukturi