117 research outputs found

    Coupling light to periodic nanostructures

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    This thesis describes coupling of light to periodic structures. A material is patterned with a regular pattern on a length scale comparable to the wavelength of light. With these structures, light can be manipulated very precisely. The structures find applications in semiconductor lasers, light emitting diodes (LEDs), photovoltaic cells, and detectors of light. A periodic array of holes in a layer of semiconductor or in a thin metal film causes a coupling between the incident light and light that is trapped inside the layer. This coupling can be studied by measuring the reflection and transmission. The environment has an important role here; e.g. placing glass antennas in the holes can increase the coupling between light and plasmons. A thin, superconducting wire can be used as a detector of light. To increase the surface area, the wire is folded into a meander. The optical properties of this detector are very dependent on the polarization, due to the regular periodic structure of the meander. Moreover, we found that the absorption of a very thin absorbing layer can be almost 100%, when it is illuminated under the right angle, from the substrate. This can be used to increase the efficiency of the detectors.LEI Universiteit LeidenUBL - phd migration 201

    Direct evidence for Cooper pairing without a spectral gap in a disordered superconductor above Tc

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    The idea that preformed Cooper pairs could exist in a superconductor at temperatures higher than its zero-resistance critical temperature (T-c) has been explored for unconventional, interfacial, and disordered superconductors, but direct experimental evidence is lacking. We used scanning tunneling noise spectroscopy to show that preformed Cooper pairs exist up to temperatures much higher than T-c in the disordered superconductor titanium nitride by observing an enhancement in the shot noise that is equivalent to a change of the effective charge from one to two electron charges. We further show that the spectroscopic gap fills up rather than closes with increasing temperature. Our results demonstrate the existence of a state above T-c that, much like an ordinary metal, has no (pseudo)gap but carries charge through paired electrons.Quantum Matter and Optic

    NIKA2: a mm camera for cluster cosmology

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    Galaxy clusters constitute a major cosmological probe. However, Planck 2015 results have shown a weak tension between CMB-derived and cluster-derived cosmological parameters. This tension might be due to poor knowledge of the cluster mass and observable relationship. As for now, arcmin resolution Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) observations (e.g. SPT, ACT and Planck) only allowed detailed studies of the intra cluster medium for low redshift clusters (z < 0:2). For high redshift clusters ( z > 0:5) high resolution and high sensitivity SZ observations are needed. With both a wide field of view (6.5 arcmin) and a high angular resolution (17.7 and 11.2 arcsec at 150 and 260 GHz), the NIKA2 camera installed at the IRAM 30-m telescope (Pico Veleta, Spain) is particularly well adapted for these observations. The NIKA2 SZ observation program will map a large sample of clusters (50) at redshifts between 0.5 and 0.9. As a pilot study for NIKA2, several clusters of galaxies have been observed with the pathfinder, NIKA, at the IRAM 30-m telescope to cover the various configurations and observation conditions expected for NIKA2

    The NIKA2 large field-of-view millimeter continuum camera for the 30-m IRAM telescope

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    Context. Millimetre-wave continuum astronomy is today an indispensable tool for both general astrophysics studies (e.g. star formation, nearby galaxies) and cosmology (e.g. CMB - cosmic microwave background and high-redshift galaxies). General purpose, large-field-of-view instruments are needed to map the sky at intermediate angular scales not accessible by the high-resolution interferometers (e.g. ALMA in Chile, NOEMA in the French Alps) and by the coarse angular resolution space-borne or ground-based surveys (e.g. Planck, ACT, SPT). These instruments have to be installed at the focal plane of the largest single-dish telescopes, which are placed at high altitude on selected dry observing sites. In this context, we have constructed and deployed a three-thousand-pixel dual-band (150 GHz and 260 GHz, respectively 2 mm and 1.15 mm wavelengths) camera to image an instantaneous circular field-ofview of 6.5 arcminutes in diameter, and configurable to map the linear polarisation at 260 GHz. Aims. First, we are providing a detailed description of this instrument, named NIKA2 (New IRAM KID Arrays 2), in particular focussing on the cryogenics, optics, focal plane arrays based on Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KID), and the readout electronics. The focal planes and part of the optics are cooled down to the nominal 150 mK operating temperature by means of an ad-hoc dilution refrigerator. Secondly, we are presenting the performance measured on the sky during the commissioning runs that took place between October 2015 and April 2017 at the 30-meter IRAM (Institut of Millimetric Radio Astronomy) telescope at Pico Veleta, near Granada (Spain). Methods. We have targeted a number of astronomical sources. Starting from beam-maps on primary and secondary calibrators we have then gone to extended sources and faint objects. Both internal (electronic) and on-the-sky calibrations are applied. The general methods are described in the present paper. Results. NIKA2 has been successfully deployed and commissioned, performing in-line with expectations. In particular, NIKA2 exhibits full width at half maximum (FWHM) angular resolutions of around 11 and 17.5 arc-seconds at respectively 260 and 150 GHz. The noise equivalent flux densities (NEFD) are, at these two respective frequencies, 33±2 and 8±1 mJy ·s 1/2. A first successful science verification run was achieved in April 2017. The instrument is currently offered to the astronomy community and will remain available for at least the following ten years

    Systematic effects on the upcoming NIKA2 LPSZ scaling relation

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    In cluster cosmology, cluster masses are the main parameter of interest. They are needed to constrain cosmological parameters through the cluster number count. As the mass is not an observable, a scaling relation is needed to link cluster masses to the integrated Compton parameters Y, i.e. the Sunyaev-Zeldovich observable (SZ). Planck cosmological results obtained with cluster number counts are based on a scaling relation measured with clusters at low redshift (z<0.5) observed in SZ and X-ray. In the SZ Large Program (LPSZ) of the NIKA2 collaboration, the scaling relation will be obtained with a sample of 38 clusters at intermediate to high redshift (0.5 < z < 0.9) and observed at high angular resolution in both SZ and X-ray. Thanks to analytical simulation of LPSZ-like samples, we take into account the LPSZ selection function and correct for its effects. Besides, we show that white and correlated noises in the SZ maps do not affect the scaling relation estimation

    Stellar and dust emission profiles of IMEGIN galaxies

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    We present a morphological analysis of a set of spiral galaxies from the NIKA2 Guaranteed Time Large Program, IMEGIN. We have fitted a single SĂ©rsic model on a set of broadband images, from ultra-violet (UV) to millimeter (mm) wavelengths, using the modelling code Statmorph. With the recently acquired NIKA2 1.15- and 2-mm observations, it is possible to extend such a morphological analysis to the mm regime and investigate the two-dimensional (2D) distribution (exponential, Gaussian) of the very cold dust (<15 K). We show preliminary results of the 2D large-scale distribution of stars and dust in spiral galaxies, how they relate to each other, and highlight how they differ from galaxy to galaxy

    NIKA2 observations of starless cores in Taurus and Perseus

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    Dusty starless cores play an important role in regulating the initial phases of the formation of stars and planets. In their interiors, dust grains coagulate and ice mantles form, thereby changing the millimeter emissivities and hence the ability to cool. We mapped four regions with more than a dozen cores in the nearby Galactic filaments of Taurus and Perseus using the NIKA2 camera at the IRAM 30-meter telescope. Combining the 1mm to 2mm flux ratio maps with dust temperature maps from Herschel allowed to create maps of the dust emissivity index β1,2 at resolutions of 2430 and 5600 a.u. in Taurus and Perseus, respectively. Here, we study the variation with total column densities and environment. β1,2 values at the core centers (Av =12 – 19 mag) vary significantly between ~ 1.1 and 2.3. Several cores show a strong rise of β1,2 from the outskirts at ~ 4 mag to the peaks of optical extinctions, consistent with the predictions of grain models and the gradual build-up of ice mantles on coagulated grains in the dense interiors of starless cores

    NIKA2 observations of dust grain evolution from star-forming filament to T-Tauri disk: Preliminary results from NIKA2 observations of the Taurus B211/B213 filament

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    To understand the evolution of dust properties in molecular clouds in the course of the star formation process, we constrain the changes in the dust emissivity index from star-forming filaments to prestellar and protostellar cores to T Tauri stars. Using the NIKA2 continuum camera on the IRAM 30 m telescope. we observed the Taurus B211/B2I3 filament at 1.2 mm and 2 mm with unprecedented sensitivity and used the resulting maps to derive the dust emissivity index β. Our sample of 105 objects detected in the β map of the B211/B213 filament indicates that, overal. β decreases from filament and prestellar cores (β ~ 2 ± 0.5) to protostellar cores (β ~ 1.2 ± 0.2) to T-Tauri protoplanetary disk (β < I). The averaged dust emissivity index β across the B211/B2I3 filament exhibits a flat (β ~ 2 ± 0.3) profile. This may imply that dust grain sizes are rather homogeneous in the filament, start to grow significantly in size only after the onset of the gravitational contraction/collapse of prestellar cores to protostars, reaching big sizes in T Tauri protoplanetary disks. This evolution from the parent filament to T-Tauri disks happens on a timescale of about 1-2 Myr

    Towards the first mean pressure profile estimate with the NIKA2 Sunyaev-Zeldovich Large Program

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    High-resolution mapping of the hot gas in galaxy clusters is a key tool for cluster-based cosmological analyses. Taking advantage of the NIKA2 millimeter camera operated at the IRAM 30-m telescope, the NIKA2 SZ Large Program seeks to get a high-resolution follow-up of 38 galaxy clusters covering a wide mass range at intermediate to high redshift. The measured SZ fluxes will be essential to calibrate the SZ scaling relation and the galaxy clusters mean pressure profile, needed for the cosmological exploitation of SZ surveys. We present in this study a method to infer a mean pressure profile from cluster observations. We have designed a pipeline encompassing the map-making and the thermodynamical properties estimates from maps. We then combine all the individual fits, propagating the uncertainties on integrated quantities, such as R500 or P500, and the intrinsic scatter coming from the deviation to the standard self-similar model. We validate the proposed method on realistic LPSZ-like cluster simulations

    IAS/CEA Evolution of Dust in Nearby Galaxies (ICED): The spatially-resolved dust properties of NGC4254

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    We present the first preliminary results of the project ICED, focusing on the face-on galaxy NGC4254. We use the millimetre maps observed with NIKA2 at lRAM-30m. as part of the IMEGIN Guaranteed Time Large Program. and of a wide collection of ancillary data (multi-wavelength photometry and gas phase spectral lines) that are publicly available. We derive the global and local properties of interstellar dust grains through infrared-to-radio spectral energy distribution fitting, using the hierarchical Bayesian code HerBIE. which includes the grain properties of the state-of-the-art dust model. THEMIS. Our method allows us to get the following dust parameters: dust mass, average interstellar radiation field, and fraction of small grains. Also, it is effective in retrieving the intrinsic correlations between dust parameters and interstellar medium properties. We find an evident anti-correlation between the interstellar radiation field and the fraction of small grains in the centre of NGC4254. meaning that, at strong radiation field intensities, very small amorphous carbon grains are efficiently destroyed by the ultra-violet photons coming from newly formed stars, through photo-desorption and sublimation. We observe a flattening of the anti-correlation at larger radial distances, which may be driven by the steep metallicity gradient measured in NGC4254
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