3 research outputs found

    The effect of review writing on learning engagement in channel partner relationship management

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    To develop the knowledge and skill sets of channel partner firms, firms increasingly introduce learning programs as part of their relationship management strategies. Yet, the engagement of channel partners in these programs tends to be low though. The current research, conducted in collaboration with a Fortune 100 information technology company, examines ways to strengthen learning engagement. In accordance with self-regulated learning theory, the authors propose and demonstrate that when channel partners write reviews of a learning module that they attended, beyond providing ratings,they are better able to reflect on the relevance of their learning experience and they are further engaged in learning activities. The audience and focus of these written reviews determine the engagement of the channel partner sales personnel. Therefore, review writing is a valuable, informal mechanism to motivate them. These effects are moderated by characteristics of both the channel partner (learning orientation of the salesperson, identification with the manufacturer) and the relationship with the manufacturer (length and exclusivity)

    Development of a Rubric to Assess Lifelong Learning in Work-Integrated Learning Reflection Assignments

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    Lifelong learning has emerged as an important learning outcome across the Canadian post-secondary education system. However, assessments of lifelong learning have been limited to students’ self-reports, particularly questionnaires. In programs that offer work-integrated learning experiences, students’ reflections may provide a window to further developing this outcome. The purpose of this study was to develop a rubric for assessing lifelong learning in this context. A review of the literature was used to develop both a rubric and self-assessment instrument for measuring lifelong learning. Students in an accounting and financial management co-op program at a Canadian university (n = 32) completed the self-assessment and the rubric was applied to two reflection assignments. Staff feedback and correlational analyses provide initial support for the rubric as a useful tool for assessing lifelong learning. Implications for educators especially in work-integrated learning contexts are addressed. Keywords: lifelong learning, reflection, rubric, work-integrated learning   L’apprentissage permanent est devenu un objectif d’apprentissage important dans l’ensemble du système d’éducation postsecondaire canadien. Toutefois, l’évaluation de l’apprentissage permanent s’est limitĂ©e jusqu’à maintenant aux tĂ©moignages des Ă©tudiants, au moyen de questionnaires tout particulièrement. Dans les programmes qui offrent des expĂ©riences d’apprentissage intĂ©grĂ©es au milieu du travail, les rĂ©flexions des Ă©tudiants peuvent reprĂ©senter une occasion de progrès dans ce domaine. L’objectif de notre Ă©tude Ă©tait de concevoir une grille d’évaluation permettant d’évaluer l’apprentissage permanent dans un tel contexte. En nous fondant sur un examen des Ă©tudes existantes, nous avons Ă©laborĂ© cette grille ainsi qu’un outil d’auto-Ă©valuation afin d’évaluer l’apprentissage permanent. Des Ă©tudiants inscrits dans un programme d’alternance travail-Ă©tudes en comptabilitĂ© et gestion financière d’une universitĂ© canadienne (n = 32) ont complĂ©tĂ© l’auto-Ă©valuation et nous avons appliquĂ© la grille d’évaluation Ă  deux devoirs d’ordre rĂ©flexif. Les commentaires du personnel et l’analyse des corrĂ©lations semblent de prime abord indiquer que la grille d’évaluation est un outil utile pour Ă©valuer l’apprentissage permanent. Nous discutons des consĂ©quences de notre Ă©tude pour les Ă©ducateurs, tout spĂ©cialement dans le contexte de l’apprentissage intĂ©grĂ© au milieu de travail.   Mots clĂ©s : apprentissage permanent, rĂ©flexion, grille d’évaluation, apprentissage intĂ©grĂ© au milieu de travai

    Workshop on the Further Development of the New IBTS Gear (WKFDNG). ICES Scientific Reports. 4:18

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    The standard gear for the International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS), a fisheries-independent research survey originating from the 1960s, will be replaced. The long-term monitoring pro-vides data on commercial pelagic and demersal fish species for stock assessments and facili-tates examination of changes in fish distribution and abundance. The remit of this Workshop on the Further Development of the New IBTS Gear (WKFDNG) was to design a simple gear, as standardised as possible, robust, and easy to maintain. Additionally, the workshop was tasked to provide input for the roadmap towards implementation of the new gear