19 research outputs found
Fast Poisson blending using multi-splines.
Abstract We present a technique for fast Poisson blending and gradient domain compositing. Instead of using a single piecewise-smooth offset map to perform the blending, we associate a separate map with each input source image. Each individual offset map is itself smoothly varying and can therefore be represented using a low-dimensional spline. The resulting linear system is much smaller than either the original Poisson system or the quadtree spline approximation of a single (unified) offset map. We demonstrate the speed and memory improvements available with our system and apply it to large panoramas. We also show how robustly modeling the multiplicative gain rather than the offset between overlapping images leads to improved results, and how adding a small amount of Laplacian pyramid blending improves the results in areas of inconsistent texture
Spectral Partitioning for Structure from Motion
©2003 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.Presented at the 2003 9th IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 13-16 October 2003, Nice, France.DOI: 10.1109/ICCV.2003.1238457We propose a spectral partitioning approach for large-scale
optimization problems, specifically structure from motion.
In structure from motion, partitioning methods reduce the
problem into smaller and better conditioned subproblems
which can be efficiently optimized. Our partitioning method
uses only the Hessian of the reprojection error and its eigenvectors.
We show that partitioned systems that preserve the
eigenvectors corresponding to small eigenvalues result in
lower residual error when optimized. We create partitions
by clustering the entries of the eigenvectors of the Hessian
corresponding to small eigenvalues. This is a more general
technique than relying on domain knowledge and heuristics
such as bottom-up structure from motion approaches. Simultaneously,
it takes advantage of more information than
generic matrix partitioning algorithms
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Efficiently Registering Video into Panoramic Mosaics
We present an automatic and efficient method to register and stitch thousands of video frames into a large panoramic mosaic. Our method preserves the robustness and accuracy of image stitchers that match all pairs of images while utilizing the ordering information provided by video. We reduce the cost of searching for matches between video frames by adaptively identifying key frames based on the amount of image-to-image overlap. Key frames are matched to all other key frames, but intermediate video frames are only matched to temporally neighboring key frames and intermediate frames. Image orientations can be estimated from this sparse set of matches in time quadratic to cubic in the number of key frames but only linear in the number of intermediate frames. Additionally, the matches between pairs of images are compressed by replacing measurements within small windows in the image with a single representative measurement. We show that this approach substantially reduces the time required to estimate the image orientations with minimal loss of accuracy. Finally, we demonstrate both the efficiency and quality of our results by registering several long video sequences
Rigid Partitioning Techniques for Efficiently Generating 3D Reconstructions from Images
This thesis explores efficient techniques for generating 3D reconstructions from imagery. Non-linear optimization is one of the core techniques used when computing a reconstruction and is a computational bottleneck for large sets of images. Since non-linear optimization requires a good initialization to avoid getting stuck in local minima, robust systems for generating reconstructions from images build up the reconstruction incrementally. A hierarchical approach is to split up the images into small subsets, reconstruct each subset independently and then hierarchically merge the subsets. Rigidly locking together portions of the reconstructions reduces the number of parameters needed to represent them when merging, thereby lowering the computational cost of the optimization.
We present two techniques that involve optimizing with parts of the reconstruction rigidly locked together. In the first, we start by rigidly grouping the cameras and scene features from each of the reconstructions being merged into separate groups. Cameras and scene features are then incrementally unlocked and optimized until the reconstruction is close to the minimum energy. This technique is most effective when the influence of the new measurements is restricted to a small set of parameters.
Measurements that stitch together weakly coupled portions of the reconstruction, though, tend to cause deformations in the low error modes of the reconstruction and cannot be efficiently incorporated with the previous technique. To address this, we present a spectral technique for clustering the tightly coupled portions of a reconstruction into rigid groups. Reconstructions partitioned in this manner can closely mimic the poorly conditioned, low error modes, and therefore efficiently incorporate measurements that stitch together weakly coupled portions of the reconstruction. We explain how this technique can be used to scalably and efficiently generate reconstructions from large sets of images.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Irfan Essa; Committee Member: Aaron Bobick; Committee Member: Anthony Yezzi; Committee Member: Frank Dellaert; Committee Member: Rick Szelisk
Efficiently Registering Video into Panoramic Mosaics
We present an automatic and efficient method to register and stitch thousands of video frames into a large panoramic mosaic. Our method preserves the robustness and accuracy of image stitchers that match all pairs of images while utilizing the ordering information provided by video. We reduce the cost of searching for matches between video frames by adaptively identifying key frames based on the amount of image-to-image overlap. Key frames are matched to all other key frames, but intermediate video frames are only matched to temporally neighboring key frames and intermediate frames. Image orientations can be estimated from this sparse set of matches in time quadratic to cubic in the number of key frames but only linear in the number of intermediate frames. Additionally, the matches between pairs of images are compressed by replacing measurements within small windows in the image with a single representative measurement. We show that this approach substantially reduces the time required to estimate the image orientations with minimal loss of accuracy. Finally, we demonstrate both the efficiency and quality of our results by registering several long video sequences.
The Insanity Plea in The Butcher’s Wife
In 1983, Li Ang, a Taiwanese writer, adapted a case about the killing of a husband, committed by Zhan Zhou Shi in Shanghai in 1945, into the novel The Butcher’s Wife (1983). The case is also recorded in The Hearsay in Shanghai (1955) written by Chen Ding-Shan. The Butcher’s Wife depicts a woman who, due to her traumatized childhood and psychological condition caused by her husband and neighbours, kills her husband, a butcher, and dismembers the body the way he does pigs. Li Ang’s novel tries to offer a legal explanation to exonerate the butcher’s wife, Lin Shi, through a plea of insanity. In this article, I will compare the case of Zhan Zhou Shi both in the media and in The Hearsay in Shanghai with The Butcher’s Wife to illustrate Li Ang’s reinterpretation of the case and explain how Li Ang goes beyond the insanity pleas that strengthens a stereotypical image of insane female offenders
Spectral Partitioning for Structure from Motion
We propose a spectral partitioning approach for large-scale optimization problems, specifically structure from motion. In structure from motion, partitioning methods reduce the problem into smaller and better conditioned subproblems which can be efficiently optimized. Our partitioning method uses only the Hessian of the reprojection error and its eigenvectors. We show that partitioned systems that preserve the eigenvectors corresponding to small eigenvalues result in lower residual error when optimized. We create partitions by clustering the entries of the eigenvectors of the Hessian corresponding to small eigenvalues. This is a more general technique than relying on domain knowledge and heuristics such as bottom-up structure from motion approaches. Simultaneously, it takes advantage of more information than generic matrix partitioning algorithms