930 research outputs found

    Weak values are universal in von Neumann measurements

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    We refute the widely held belief that the quantum weak value necessarily pertains to weak measurements. To accomplish this, we use the transverse position of a beam as the detector for the conditioned von Neumann measurement of a system observable. For any coupling strength, any initial states, and any choice of conditioning, the averages of the detector position and momentum are completely described by the real parts of three generalized weak values in the joint Hilbert space. Higher-order detector moments also have similar weak value expansions. Using the Wigner distribution of the initial detector state, we find compact expressions for these weak values within the reduced system Hilbert space. As an application of the approach, we show that for any Hermite-Gauss mode of a paraxial beam-like detector these expressions reduce to the real and imaginary parts of a single system weak value plus an additional weak-value-like contribution that only affects the momentum shift.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, includes Supplementary Materia

    Temperature and frequency dependent optical properties of ultra-thin Au films

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    While the optical properties of thin metal films are well understood in the visible and near-infrared range, little has been done in the mid- and far-infrared region. Here we investigate ultra-thin gold films prepared on Si(111)(7 x 7) in UHV by measuring in the frequency range between 500 cm-1 and 7000 cm-1 and for temperatures between 300 K and 5 K. The nominal thickness of the gold layers ranges between one monolayer and 9 nm. The frequency and temperature dependences of the thicker films can be well described by the Drude model of a metal, when taking into account classical size effects due to surface scattering. The films below the percolation threshold exhibit a non-metallic behavior: the reflection increases with frequency and decreases with temperature. The frequency dependence can partly be described by a generalized Drude model. The temperature dependence does not follow a simple activation process. For monolayers we observe a transition between surface states around 1100 cm-1.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figure

    Electronic properties of correlated metals in the vicinity of a charge order transition: optical spectroscopy of α\alpha-(BEDT-TTF)2M_2MHg(SCN)4_4 (MM = NH4_4, Rb, Tl)

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    The infrared spectra of the quasi-two-dimensional organic conductors α\alpha-(BEDT-TTF)2_2MMHg(SCN)4_4 (MM = NH4_4, Rb, Tl) were measured in the range from 50 to 7000 \cm down to low temperatures in order to explore the influence of electronic correlations in quarter-filled metals. The interpretation of electronic spectra was confirmed by measurements of pressure dependant reflectance of α\alpha-(BEDT-TTF)2_2KHg(SCN)4_4 at T=300 K. The signatures of charge order fluctuations become more pronounced when going from the NH4_4 salt to Rb and further to Tl compounds. On reducing the temperature, the metallic character of the optical response in the NH4_4 and Rb salts increases, and the effective mass diminishes. For the Tl compound, clear signatures of charge order are found albeit the metallic properties still dominate. From the temperature dependence of the electronic scattering rate the crossover temperature is estimated below which the coherent charge-carriers response sets in. The observations are in excellent agreement with recent theoretical predictions for a quarter-filled metallic system close to charge order

    Optical investigations of the chemical pressurized EuFe2(As1-xPx)2: an s-wave superconductor with strong interband interaction

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    Superconducting EuFe2(As0.82P0.18)2 single crystals are investigated by infrared spectroscopy in a wide frequency range. Below Tc=28K a superconducting gap forms at 2\Delta_{0} = 9.5 meV = 3.8 k_B T_c causing the reflectivity to sharply rise to unity at low frequency. In the range of the gap the optical conductivity can be perfectly described by BCS theory with an ss-wave gap and no nodes. From our analysis of the temperature dependent conductivity and spectral weight at T>T_c, we deduce an increased interband coupling between hole- and electron-sheets on the Fermi surface when TT approaches T_c

    Competition between Charge Ordering and Superconductivity in Layered Organic Conductors α\alpha-(BEDT-TTF)2M_2MHg(SCN)4_4 (M = K, NH4_4)

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    While the optical properties of the superconducting salt α\alpha-(BEDT-TTF)2_2NH4_4Hg(SCN)4_4 remain metallic down to 2 K, in the non-superconducting K-analog a pseudogap develops at frequencies of about 200 cm−1^{-1} for temperatures T < 200 K. Based on exact diagonalisation calculations on an extended Hubbard model at quarter-filling we argue that fluctuations associated with short range charge ordering are responsible for the observed low-frequency feature. The different ground states, including superconductivity, are a consequence of the proximity of these compounds to a quantum phase charge-ordering transition driven by the intermolecular Coulomb repulsion.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Pressure Tuning of an Ionic Insulator into a Heavy Electron Metal: An Infrared Study of YbS

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    Optical conductivity [σ(ω)\sigma(\omega)] of YbS has been measured under pressure up to 20 GPa. Below 8 GPa, σ(ω)\sigma(\omega) is low since YbS is an insulator with an energy gap between fully occupied 4ff state and unoccupied conduction (cc) band. Above 8 GPa, however, σ(ω)\sigma(\omega) increases dramatically, developing a Drude component due to heavy carriers and characteristic infrared peaks. It is shown that increasing pressure has caused an energy overlap and hybridization between the cc band and 4ff state, thus driving the initially ionic and insulating YbS into a correlated metal with heavy carriers

    Optimal Cosmic-Ray Detection for Nondestructive Read Ramps

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    Cosmic rays are a known problem in astronomy, causing both loss of data and data inaccuracy. The problem becomes even more extreme when considering data from a high-radiation environment, such as in orbit around Earth or outside the Earth's magnetic field altogether, unprotected, as will be the case for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). For JWST, all the instruments employ nondestructive readout schemes. The most common of these will be "up the ramp" sampling, where the detector is read out regularly during the ramp. We study three methods to correct for cosmic rays in these ramps: a two-point difference method, a deviation from the fit method, and a y-intercept method. We apply these methods to simulated nondestructive read ramps with single-sample groups and varying combinations of flux, number of samples, number of cosmic rays, cosmic-ray location in the exposure, and cosmic-ray strength. We show that the y-intercept method is the optimal detection method in the read-noise-dominated regime, while both the y-intercept method and the two-point difference method are best in the photon-noise-dominated regime, with the latter requiring fewer computations.Comment: To be published in PASP. This paper is 12 pages long and includes 15 figure

    Warranty Law in Maryland Product Liability Cases: Strict Liability Incognito?

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    The authors consider the question of whether warranty law in Maryland now provides the plaintiff in a product liability case with a cause of action similar to that which would be available wider the doctrine of strict liability in tort. The development of the strict liability doctrine is traced and its current scope and requirements for recovery are compared with those of the action for breach of the implied warranty provided in the Uniform Commercial Code

    Warranty Law in Maryland Product Liability Cases: Strict Liability Incognito?

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    The authors consider the question of whether warranty law in Maryland now provides the plaintiff in a product liability case with a cause of action similar to that which would be available wider the doctrine of strict liability in tort. The development of the strict liability doctrine is traced and its current scope and requirements for recovery are compared with those of the action for breach of the implied warranty provided in the Uniform Commercial Code
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