160 research outputs found

    Unveiling age-independent spectral markers of propofol-induced loss of consciousness by decomposing the electroencephalographic spectrum into its periodic and aperiodic components

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    BackgroundInduction of general anesthesia with propofol induces radical changes in cortical network organization, leading to unconsciousness. While perioperative frontal electroencephalography (EEG) has been widely implemented in the past decades, validated and age-independent EEG markers for the timepoint of loss of consciousness (LOC) are lacking. Especially the appearance of spatially coherent frontal alpha oscillations (8–12 Hz) marks the transition to unconsciousness.Here we explored whether decomposing the EEG spectrum into its periodic and aperiodic components unveiled markers of LOC and investigated their age-dependency. We further characterized the LOC-associated alpha oscillations by parametrizing the adjusted power over the aperiodic component, the center frequency, and the bandwidth of the peak in the alpha range.MethodsIn this prospective observational trial, EEG were recorded in a young (18–30 years) and an elderly age-cohort (≥ 70 years) over the transition to propofol-induced unconsciousness. An event marker was set in the EEG recordings at the timepoint of LOC, defined with the suppression of the lid closure reflex. Spectral analysis was conducted with the multitaper method. Aperiodic and periodic components were parametrized with the FOOOF toolbox. Aperiodic parametrization comprised the exponent and the offset. The periodic parametrization consisted in the characterization of the peak in the alpha range with its adjusted power, center frequency and bandwidth. Three time-segments were defined: preLOC (105 – 75 s before LOC), LOC (15 s before to 15 s after LOC), postLOC (190 – 220 s after LOC). Statistical significance was determined with a repeated-measures ANOVA.ResultsLoss of consciousness was associated with an increase in the aperiodic exponent (young: p = 0.004, elderly: p = 0.007) and offset (young: p = 0.020, elderly: p = 0.004) as well as an increase in the adjusted power (young: p < 0.001, elderly p = 0.011) and center frequency (young: p = 0.008, elderly: p < 0.001) of the periodic alpha peak. We saw age-related differences in the aperiodic exponent and offset after LOC as well as in the power and bandwidth of the periodic alpha peak during LOC.ConclusionDecomposing the EEG spectrum over induction of anesthesia into its periodic and aperiodic components unveiled novel age-independent EEG markers of propofol-induced LOC: the aperiodic exponent and offset as well as the center frequency and adjusted power of the power peak in the alpha range

    ECoG-based short-range recurrent stimulation techniques to stabilize tissue at risk of progressive damage: Theory based on clinical observations

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    We introduce theoretical concepts based on chaos control to stabilize in acute stroke the tissue at risk of progressive damage by preventing adverse effects of waves of mass neuronal depolarization. Moreover, we present clinical electrocorticography (ECoG) recordings of relevant signals suggested for the feedback control. The recordings are performed in combination with novel subdural opto-electrode technology for simultaneous laser-Doppler flowmetry in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (aSAH). In aSAH patients waves of spreading depolarization (SD) have a high incidence and cause hypoxia in tissue at risk, and, importantly, the haemodynamic response is the inverse of that seen in healthy tissue. In previous clinical studies, clusters of prolonged SDs have been measured in aSAH patients in close proximity to structural brain damage as assessed by neuroimaging, and, in theoretical studies, a mechanism was presented, suggesting how a failure of internal feedback could be a putative mechanism of such SD cluster patterns in acute stroke. 

This failing internal feedback control is now suggested to be replaced by ECoG-based short-range recurrent functional stimulation that initiates the normal hyperperfusion haemodynamic response in a demand-controlled way and stabilizes the tissue at risk during the critical phase of SD passage. The suggested method has three key features: (i) it is short-range, i.e., in the order of the distance of the ECoG electrode strip, (ii) it is demand-controlled, and (iii) it uses no prior knowledge of the target state, in particular, it adapts to conditions in the healthy physiological range. On-demand type stimulation provides minimal invasive feedback as the control force is off when the target state is reached, i.e., the tissue at risk is without SD or it is back to the physiological range (out of risk). These last two features (ii-iii) are shared with classical methods of chaos control, where major progress was made in the last years with respect to extensions for spatio-temporal wave patterns. A detailed bifurcation analysis of the nonlinear model is presented, in particular, the SD cluster forming cortical state is suggested to be caused by a delay-induced saddle-node bifurcation.

    Oxygen-Induced and pH-Induced Direct Current Artifacts on Invasive Platinum/Iridium Electrodes for Electrocorticography

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    Background: Spreading depolarization (SD) and the initial, still reversible phase of neuronal cytotoxic edema in the cerebral gray matter are two modalities of the same process. SD may thus serve as a real-time mechanistic biomarker for impending parenchyma damage in patients during neurocritical care. Using subdural platinum/iridium (Pt/Ir) electrodes, SD is observed as a large negative direct current (DC) shift. Besides SD, there are other causes of DC shifts that are not to be confused with SD. Here, we systematically analyzed DC artifacts in ventilated patients by observing changes in the fraction of inspired oxygen. For the same change in blood oxygenation, we found that negative and positive DC shifts can simultaneously occur at adjacent Pt/Ir electrodes. Methods: Nurses and intensivists typically increase blood oxygenation by increasing the fraction of inspired oxygen at the ventilator before performing manipulations on the patient. We retrospectively identified 20 such episodes in six patients via tissue partial pressure of oxygen (p(ti)O(2)) measurements with an intracortical O-2 sensor and analyzed the associated DC shifts. In vitro, we compared Pt/Ir with silver/silver chloride (Ag/AgCl) to assess DC responses to changes in pO(2), pH, or 5-min square voltage pulses and investigated the effect of electrode polarization on pO(2)-induced DC artifacts. Results: Hyperoxygenation episodes started from a p(ti)O(2) of 37 (30-40) mmHg (median and interquartile range) reaching 71 (50-97) mmHg. During a total of 20 episodes on each of six subdural Pt/Ir electrodes in six patients, we observed 95 predominantly negative responses in six patients, 25 predominantly positive responses in four patients, and no brain activity changes. Adjacent electrodes could show positive and negative responses simultaneously. In vitro, Pt/Ir in contrast with Ag/AgCl responded to changes in either pO(2) or pH with large DC shifts. In response to square voltage pulses, Pt/Ir falsely showed smaller DC shifts than Ag/AgCl, with the worst performance under anoxia. In response to pO(2) increase, Pt/Ir showed DC positivity when positively polarized and DC negativity when negatively polarized. Conclusions: The magnitude of pO(2)-induced subdural DC shifts by approximately 6 mV was similar to that of SDs, but they did not show a sequential onset at adjacent recording sites, could be either predominantly negative or positive in contrast with the always negative DC shifts of SD, and were not accompanied by brain activity depression. Opposing polarities of pO(2)-induced DC artifacts may result from differences in baseline electrode polarization or subdural p(ti)O(2) inhomogeneities relative to subdermal p(ti)O(2) at the quasi-reference

    Unveiling age-independent spectral markers of propofol-induced loss of consciousness by decomposing the electroencephalographic spectrum into its periodic and aperiodic components

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    Background: Induction of general anesthesia with propofol induces radical changes in cortical network organization, leading to unconsciousness. While perioperative frontal electroencephalography (EEG) has been widely implemented in the past decades, validated and age-independent EEG markers for the timepoint of loss of consciousness (LOC) are lacking. Especially the appearance of spatially coherent frontal alpha oscillations (8-12 Hz) marks the transition to unconsciousness.Here we explored whether decomposing the EEG spectrum into its periodic and aperiodic components unveiled markers of LOC and investigated their age-dependency. We further characterized the LOC-associated alpha oscillations by parametrizing the adjusted power over the aperiodic component, the center frequency, and the bandwidth of the peak in the alpha range. Methods: In this prospective observational trial, EEG were recorded in a young (18-30 years) and an elderly age-cohort (>= 70 years) over the transition to propofol-induced unconsciousness. An event marker was set in the EEG recordings at the timepoint of LOC, defined with the suppression of the lid closure reflex. Spectral analysis was conducted with the multitaper method. Aperiodic and periodic components were parametrized with the FOOOF toolbox. Aperiodic parametrization comprised the exponent and the offset. The periodic parametrization consisted in the characterization of the peak in the alpha range with its adjusted power, center frequency and bandwidth. Three time-segments were defined: preLOC (105 - 75 s before LOC), LOC (15 s before to 15 s after LOC), postLOC (190 - 220 s after LOC). Statistical significance was determined with a repeated-measures ANOVA. Results: Loss of consciousness was associated with an increase in the aperiodic exponent (young: p = 0.004, elderly: p = 0.007) and offset (young: p = 0.020, elderly: p = 0.004) as well as an increase in the adjusted power (young: p < 0.001, elderly p = 0.011) and center frequency (young: p = 0.008, elderly: p < 0.001) of the periodic alpha peak. We saw age-related differences in the aperiodic exponent and offset after LOC as well as in the power and bandwidth of the periodic alpha peak during LOC. Conclusion: Decomposing the EEG spectrum over induction of anesthesia into its periodic and aperiodic components unveiled novel age-independent EEG markers of propofol-induced LOC: the aperiodic exponent and offset as well as the center frequency and adjusted power of the power peak in the alpha range

    Designed ankyrin repeat proteins for detecting prostate-specific antigen expression in vivo

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    Late-stage prostate cancer often acquires resistance to conventional chemotherapies and transforms into a hormone-refractory, drug-resistant, and non-curative disease. Developing non-invasive tools to detect the biochemical changes that correlate with drug efficacy and reveal the onset of drug resistance would have important ramifications in managing the treatment regimen for individual patients. Here, we report the selection of new Designed Ankyrin Repeat Proteins (DARPins) that show high affinity toward prostate-specific antigen (PSA), a biomarker used in clinical monitoring of prostate cancer. Ribosome display and in vitro screening tools were used to select PSA-binding DARPins based on their binding affinity, selectivity, and chemical constitution. Surface plasmon resonance measurements demonstrated that the four lead candidates bind to PSA with nanomolar affinity. DARPins were site-specifically functionalised at a unique C-terminal cysteine with a hexadentate aza-nonamacrocyclic chelate (NODAGA) for subsequent radiolabelling with the positron-emitting radionuclide 68^{68}Ga. [68^{68}Ga]GaNODAGA-DARPins showed high stability toward transchelation and were stable in human serum for >2 h. Radioactive binding assays using streptavidin-loaded magnetic beads confirmed that the functionalisation and radiolabelling did not compromise the specificity of [68^{68}Ga]GaNODAGA-DARPins toward PSA. Biodistribution experiments in athymic nude mice bearing subcutaneous prostate cancer xenografts derived from the LNCaP cell line revealed that three of the four [68^{68}Ga]GaNODAGA-DARPins displayed specific tumour-binding in vivo. For DARPin-6, tumour-uptake in the normal group reached 4.16 ± 0.58% ID g1^{-1} (n = 3; 2 h post-administration) and was reduced by ∼50% by competitive binding with a low molar activity formulation (blocking group: 2.47 ± 0.42% ID g1^{-1}; n = 3; P value = 0.018). Collectively, the experimental results support the future development of new PSA-specific imaging agents for potential use in monitoring the efficacy of androgen receptor (AR)-targeted therapies

    Correlates of Spreading Depolarization, Spreading Depression, and Negative Ultraslow Potential in Epidural Versus Subdural Electrocorticography

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    Spreading depolarizations (SDs) are characterized by near-complete breakdown of the transmembrane ion gradients, neuronal oedema and activity loss (=depression). The SD extreme in ischemic tissue, termed ‘terminal SD,’ shows prolonged depolarization, in addition to a slow baseline variation called ‘negative ultraslow potential’ (NUP). The NUP is the largest bioelectrical signal ever recorded from the human brain and is thought to reflect the progressive recruitment of neurons into death in the wake of SD. However, it is unclear whether the NUP is a field potential or results from contaminating sensitivities of platinum electrodes. In contrast to Ag/AgCl-based electrodes in animals, platinum/iridium electrodes are the gold standard for intracranial direct current (DC) recordings in humans. Here, we investigated the full continuum including short-lasting SDs under normoxia, long-lasting SDs under systemic hypoxia, and terminal SD under severe global ischemia using platinum/iridium electrodes in rats to better understand their recording characteristics. Sensitivities for detecting SDs or NUPs were 100% for both electrode types. Nonetheless, the platinum/iridium-recorded NUP was 10 times smaller in rats than humans. The SD continuum was then further investigated by comparing subdural platinum/iridium and epidural titanium peg electrodes in patients. In seven patients with either aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage or malignant hemispheric stroke, two epidural peg electrodes were placed 10 mm from a subdural strip. We found that 31/67 SDs (46%) on the subdural strip were also detected epidurally. SDs that had longer negative DC shifts and spread more widely across the subdural strip were more likely to be observed in epidural recordings. One patient displayed an SD-initiated NUP while undergoing brain death despite continued circulatory function. The NUP’s amplitude was -150 mV subdurally and -67 mV epidurally. This suggests that the human NUP is a bioelectrical field potential rather than an artifact of electrode sensitivity to other factors, since the dura separates the epidural from the subdural compartment and the epidural microenvironment was unlikely changed, given that ventilation, arterial pressure and peripheral oxygen saturation remained constant during the NUP. Our data provide further evidence for the clinical value of invasive electrocorticographic monitoring, highlighting important possibilities as well as limitations of less invasive recording techniques

    Less-invasive subdural electrocorticography for investigation of spreading depolarizations in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage

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    IntroductionWyler-strip electrodes for subdural electrocorticography (ECoG) are the gold standard for continuous bed-side monitoring of pathological cortical network events, such as spreading depolarizations (SD) and electrographic seizures. Recently, SD associated parameters were shown to be (1) a marker of early brain damage after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH), (2) the strongest real-time predictor of delayed cerebral ischemia currently known, and (3) the second strongest predictor of patient outcome at 7 months. The strongest predictor of patient outcome at 7 months was focal brain damage segmented on neuroimaging 2 weeks after the initial hemorrhage, whereas the initial focal brain damage was inferior to the SD variables as a predictor for patient outcome. However, the implantation of Wyler-strip electrodes typically requires either a craniotomy or an enlarged burr hole. Neuromonitoring via an enlarged burr hole has been performed in only about 10% of the total patients monitored.MethodsIn the present pilot study, we investigated the feasibility of ECoG monitoring via a less invasive burrhole approach using a Spencer-type electrode array, which was implanted subdurally rather than in the depth of the parenchyma. Seven aSAH patients requiring extraventricular drainage (EVD) were included. For electrode placement, the burr hole over which the EVD was simultaneously placed, was used in all cases. After electrode implantation, continuous, direct current (DC)/alternating current (AC)-ECoG monitoring was performed at bedside in our Neurointensive Care unit. ECoGs were analyzed following the recommendations of the Co-Operative Studies on Brain Injury Depolarizations (COSBID).ResultsSubdural Spencer-type electrode arrays permitted high-quality ECoG recording. During a cumulative monitoring period of 1,194.5 hours and a median monitoring period of 201.3 (interquartile range: 126.1–209.4) hours per patient, 84 SDs were identified. Numbers of SDs, isoelectric SDs and clustered SDs per recording day, and peak total SD-induced depression duration of a recording day were not significantly different from the previously reported results of the prospective, observational, multicenter, cohort, diagnostic phase III trial, DISCHARGE-1. No adverse events related to electrode implantation were noted.DiscussionIn conclusion, our findings support the safety and feasibility of less-invasive subdural electrode implantation for reliable SD-monitoring

    Perfusion‐Dependent Cerebral Autoregulation Impairment in Hemispheric Stroke

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    Objective: Loss of cerebral autoregulation (CA) plays a key role in secondary neurologic injury. However, the regional distribution of CA impairment after acute cerebral injury remains unclear because, in clinical practice, CA is only assessed within a limited compartment. Here, we performed large-scale regional mapping of cortical perfusion and CA in patients undergoing decompressive surgery for malignant hemispheric stroke. Methods: In 24 patients, autoregulation over the affected hemisphere was calculated based on direct, 15 to 20-minute cortical perfusion measurement with intraoperative laser speckle imaging and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) recording. Cortical perfusion was normalized against noninfarcted tissue and 6 perfusion categories from 0% to >100% were defined. The interaction between cortical perfusion and MAP was estimated using a linear random slope model and Pearson correlation. Results: Cortical perfusion and CA impairment were heterogeneously distributed across the entire hemisphere. The degree of CA impairment was significantly greater in areas with critical hypoperfusion (40-60%: 0.42% per mmHg and 60-80%: 0.46% per mmHg) than in noninfarcted (> 100%: 0.22% per mmHg) or infarcted (0-20%: 0.29% per mmHg) areas (*p 100% (r = 0.36; *p < 0.05). Tissue integrity had no impact on the degree of CA impairment. Interpretation: In hemispheric stroke, CA is impaired across the entire hemisphere to a variable extent. Autoregulation impairment was greatest in hypoperfused and potentially viable tissue, suggesting that precise localization of such regions is essential for effective tailoring of perfusion pressure-based treatment strategies. ANN NEUROL 202