170 research outputs found

    Visual Motor Integration and relationship to the level of Processing Speed Index among students with Learning Disabilities

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    The study aim of this research was to determine (Visual Motor Integration, VMI) and its relationship to the level of (Processing Speed Index, PSI) in students with (LD). To achieve the study's objectives, the correlative descriptive method was used. The study comprised (100) Saudi students, including (50) students with (LD) and (50) normal students. Their ages ranged from 8 to 13 years. A Wechsler Scale-4 was also employed. The content validity and concurrent validity of the (cancellation) test in its two sub-categories (Random and Regular) was (80%), and the construct validity was greater than (0.30). The correlation between the sub-tests (Random and Regular) and the total score of the (VMI) test was 0.934-0.937), And for normal students are (0.965, 0.920). The construct validity of the values of the correlation coefficients between the sub-tests and the total score of the (PSI) test was higher than (0.30), and the correlation through the construct validity of the (PSI) test among students (LD), with the (PSI) among normal students. the correlation coefficients for the sub-tests (Coding and Symbol Search) were (0.770, 0.474). and for normal students (0.820, 0.876).       Indications of the (VMI) test's reliability were also obtained through the Content Validity test (Cancellation) with its two branches (Random and Regular) using Cronbach's alpha coefficient (0.700). The reliability of the (PSI) test was determined using the internal consistency method and Cronbach's alpha test (0.825). The study's findings revealed that the level of (VMI) (cancellation) and (PSI) of (LD) students was extremely low. In addition, no statistically significant relationship exists between (VMI) and (PSI) levels. There were also statistically significant differences in the level of (VMI) due to age in favor of (LD) students in the age group (11–13). There were no statistically significant differences in the level of (VMI) compared to the (Regular) test among students with (LD). There were also statistically significant differences in total intelligence (PSI) levels due to variable students (LD and normal), with an arithmetic mean for (LD) students (65.06) and an arithmetic mean for normal students (101.06).   The study recommends teachers' awareness of the importance of (VMI) intelligence in the (LD) category and conducting studies comparing (PSI) intelligence with the Mild Intellectual Disability category

    Visual Memory and relationship to the Intelligence of Working Memory among students with Learning Disabilities

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    This study aimed to identify (Visual Memory, VM) and its relationship to (Working Memory Intelligence, WMI) in students with (Learning Disabilities, LD). The descriptive correlative approach was used to achieve the study's objectives. In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the study sample included (47) students, including (30) students with (LD) and (17) normal students, ranging in age from (7 to 13) years. The Wechsler-4 scale and the (VM) scale were also used. Indications of validity were got, as evidenced by content validity (80%), internal construct validity greater than 0.30, and concurrent validity for the construct validity of the (WMI) intelligence test for students with (LD) compared to normal students.   The correlation coefficients for the sub-tests (Straight, Inverse, Numbers Memory Test, and Sequence of numbers and letters test) with the total score of the (WMI) among (LD) students are (0.747, 0.851, 0.886, 0.829), respectively. Cronbach's alpha coefficient, which amounted to, was also used to determine the scale's reliability (0.888).     The study's findings revealed that the levels of (VM), shapes test, colors test, and numbers test were low. The level of memory intelligence for the memory of numbers intelligence test, as well as the straight and inverse tests, was low. While the test of the numerical and letter sequence was average. And that the (WMI) level of the (LD) students was average. The series of numbers and letters test is intermediate, and the memory of the numbers test is low. The results revealed a small difference between the students' average scores on the (VM) sub-tests and the total score. There was also a simple difference between the average student scores on the sub-digit memory tests and the total score. There were also differences in the average scores of students on the number and letter sequence tests, with the highest score being. There were also only minor differences in students' overall average scores on the (WMI). There is no connection between the (VM) intelligence test and (WMI).       The study recommends developing tools for measuring and diagnosing (VM) for students of (LD) and conducting studies related to the relationship between (VM) and achievement

    Nawal Al-Sa’dawi Dalam Tradisi Feminisme Barat

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    Tulisan ini bertujuan melacak keterpengaruhan fiksi-fiksi Sa’da>wi> dengan pemikiran feminisme Barat. Kajian ini sangat menarik karena resepsi karya-karyanya yang tidak banyak diterima di tempat kelahirannya, namun populer serta diminati di luar negaranya. Ada dua pertanyaan yang dikaji: pertama, bagaimana tema yang ditampilkan Sa’da>wi> dalam karya-karya fiksinya; kedua, bagaimana relasi keterpengaruhan Sa’da>wi> dengan pemikiran feminis Barat. Adapun tulisan ini menggunakan pendekatan Muqa>ranah dengan metode deskriptif analitik. Tiga karya fiksi yang menjadi sumber primer di antaranya: “Adab am Qillah Adab” (2000), “Suqu>t}u al-Ima>m” (1987), serta “Imra’ah ‘Inda Nuqt}ah al-S{ifr” (1982). Selanjutnya aliran feminis marxis-sosialis menjadi hipogram dalam tulisan ini. Tulisan ini menghasilkan dua hal: pertama, narasi-narasi fiksi-fiksi Sa’dawi merepresentasikan aliran feminis marxist-sosialis; kedua, keterkaitannya dengan aliran ini dengan melihat Sa’da>wi> sebagai perempuan kelas terdidik yang dapat memperoleh akses informasi lebih luas, aktivitas politiknya, serta motivasi kepenulisannya. This article aims to explain influenced Sa’da>wi> fiction with western feminism. This research very interisting because of the receptions of her works are rejected in her country but became popular accepted outside her country. Two questions in this study: first, how Sa’da>wi> shows the theme in her fictional works; second, how does the relation of Sa’da>wi>’s influence with Western feminist thought\. This research uses Muqa>ranah approach with descriptive analytic method. Three works of fiction are the primary source: “Adab am Qillah Adab” (2000), “Suqu>t}u al-Ima>m” (1987) and “Imra’ah ‘Inda Nuqt}ah al-S{ifr” (1982). Further Marxist-socialist feminist flow becomes a hypogram in this paper. This reserch result in two discovering: first, the narratives of Sa’da>wi>’s fictions represent marxist-sosialist feminist stream; second, its association with this flow by seeing Sa’da>wi> as an educated class woman which can gain wider access to information, political activity and writing motivation


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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk melihat dinamika karakter Ken Dedes dalam genre novel sejarah (historical novel) Indonesia. Ken Dedes merupakan tokoh yang diambil dari sumber material sejarah, dengan demikian seyogyanya memiliki karakter yang beririsan dengan representasi dalam novel. Namun, alih-alih monoton karakter tersebut amatlah dinamis. Fakta ini mengindikasikan adanya kreativitas pengarang dalam novel sejarah. Kedinamisan ini sangat menarik untuk dielaborasi terlebih dengan menggunakan pemeriksaan terhadap konteks produksi dan resepsi. Dengan latar belakang ini, penulis mengajukan dua pertanyaan: pertama, bagaimana karakter Ken Dedes ditampilkan dalam novel sejarah; kedua, bagaimana konteks produksi dan resepsi karakter Ken Dedes dalam novel-novel tersebut. Tulisan ini menggunakan pendekatan analisis wacana kritis (critical discourse analysts) dengan model wacana Sara Mills. Adapun objek material yang digunakan meliputi tiga naskah “Serat Pararaton”, “Arok Dedes” karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer, serta “Ken Arok: Cinta dan Tahta” karya Zhaenal Fanani. Pemeriksaan ketiga naskah ini menghasilkan dua hal: pertama, karakter Ken Dedes ditampilkan berbeda dalam tiap naskah tersebut. Kedua, dinamika ini sejalan dengan teks sebagai negosiasi dari konteks produksi serta konteks resepsi kelahiran teks tersebut

    Constructing and Standardizing a Standard for Diagnosing the Indicative Understanding of the Language Skills of Deaf Children and Adolescents in Sign Language from (7-18) years on the Jordanian Environment

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    This study aims to recognize the effectiveness of diagnosing the Indicative Understanding of the Language Skills of Deaf Via Sign Language from 7- 18 years through measuring the mental ability of sign language for deaf. In order to achieve the objectives of study, the items of Diagnosing the Indicative Understanding of the Language Skills of Deaf are converted after conveying significances for validity, reliability and standards in the sample of deaf children into sign language. The sample consisted of 385 children. The statistical data are addressed by extracting Pearson Correlation, arithmetic means and standard deviations and (t) test besides using One-Way ANOVA test and Scheffe Test and Least Significant Difference. Significance about the validity of Diagnosing the Indicative Understanding of the Language Skills of Deaf and conveyed represented in the content validity, structure validity and correlation validity, factorial validity, and Concurrent Validity. Also, significances about reliability of standard are conveyed and represented in using Cronbach\u27s alpha test, the method of Spearman Brown