8,763 research outputs found

    A Tale of Two Populations: The Contribution of Merger and Secular Processes to the Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei

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    Due to the co-evolution of supermassive black holes and their host galaxies, understanding the mechanisms that trigger active galactic nuclei (AGN) are imperative to understanding galaxy evolution and the formation of massive galaxies. It is observationally difficult to determine the trigger of a given AGN due to the difference between the AGN lifetime and triggering timescales. Here, we utilize AGN population synthesis modeling to determine the importance of different AGN triggering mechanisms. An AGN population model is computed by combining an observationally motivated AGN triggering rate and a theoretical AGN light curve. The free parameters of the AGN light curve are constrained by minimizing a \chi squared test with respect to the observed AGN hard X-ray luminosity function. The observed black hole space density, AGN number counts, and X-ray background spectrum are also considered as observational constraints. It is found that major mergers are not able to account for the entire AGN population. Therefore, non-merger processes, such as secular mechanisms, must also trigger AGN. Indeed, non-merger processes are the dominant AGN triggering mechanism at z \lesssim 1--1.5. Furthermore, the shape and evolution of the black hole mass function of AGN triggered by major mergers is intrinsically different from the shape and evolution of the black hole mass function of AGN triggered by secular processes.Comment: Accepted Ap

    CRAF/Cassini (C/C)

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    The Comet Rendezvous Asteroid Flyby (CRAF) is a mission to rendezvous with the comet Tempel 2 and to station-keep at the comet for a period of 2.6 years, including the comet perihelion. There is a flyby of the asteroid Mandeville prior to the arrival at Tempel 2. The Cassini is a mission to place a spacecraft in a highly elliptical orbit around the planet Saturn and deliver a probe to the surface of its satellite Titan. There is a flyby of the asteroid 1989 UR1 prior to arrival at Saturn. Coverage goals for the two missions are explained. Information is given in tabular form for frequency assignments, telemetry, command, navigation, and tracking support responsibility

    Pathological classification of equine recurrent laryngeal neuropathy

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    Recurrent Laryngeal Neuropathy (RLN) is a highly prevalent and predominantly left‐sided, degenerative disorder of the recurrent laryngeal nerves (RLn) of tall horses, that causes inspiratory stridor at exercise because of intrinsic laryngeal muscle paresis. The associated laryngeal dysfunction and exercise intolerance in athletic horses commonly leads to surgical intervention, retirement or euthanasia with associated financial and welfare implications. Despite speculation, there is a lack of consensus and conflicting evidence supporting the primary classification of RLN, as either a distal (“dying back”) axonopathy or as a primary myelinopathy and as either a (bilateral) mononeuropathy or a polyneuropathy; this uncertainty hinders etiological and pathophysiological research. In this review, we discuss the neuropathological changes and electrophysiological deficits reported in the RLn of affected horses, and the evidence for correct classification of the disorder. In so doing, we summarize and reveal the limitations of much historical research on RLN and propose future directions that might best help identify the etiology and pathophysiology of this enigmatic disorder

    The construction of saturated 2Rk-p designs

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    Combinatorial and sequential analyses for optimization of saturated design

    Public Health Workforce Shortages Imperil Nation's Health

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    Examines from a community-based perspective the scope of the shortages in the public health workforce; contributing factors such as inadequate funding, salaries, and benefits; and strategies for training, recruiting, and retaining public health workers

    A low molecular weight hydrogel with unusual gel aging

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    We describe a dipeptide hydrogel with unusual aging characteristics. Over time, a transformation from a turbid gel to a transparent gel occurs which is initiated from the air–water interface. Here, we investigate this transition and discuss the implications of this aging on the bulk properties of the gel

    Lifting the Veil on Obscured Accretion: Active Galactic Nuclei Number Counts and Survey Strategies for Imaging Hard X-Ray Missions

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    Finding and characterizing the population of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) that produces the X-ray background (XRB) is necessary to connect the history of accretion to observations of galaxy evolution at longer wavelengths. The year 2012 will see the deployment of the first hard X-ray imaging telescope which, through deep extragalactic surveys, will be able to measure the AGN population at the energies where the XRB peaks (~20-30 keV). Here, we present predictions of AGN number counts in three hard X-ray bandpasses: 6-10 keV, 10-30 keV, and 30-60 keV. Separate predictions are presented for the number counts of Compton thick AGNs, the most heavily obscured active galaxies. The number counts are calculated for five different models of the XRB that differ in the assumed hard X-ray luminosity function, the evolution of the Compton thick AGNs, and the underlying AGN spectral model. The majority of the hard X-ray number counts will be Compton thin AGNs, but there is a greater than tenfold increase in the Compton thick number counts from the 6-10 keV to the 10-30 keV band. The Compton thick population shows enough variation that a hard X-ray number counts measurement will constrain the models. The computed number counts are used to consider various survey strategies for the NuSTAR mission, assuming a total exposure time of 6.2 Ms. We find that multiple surveys will allow a measurement of Compton thick evolution. The predictions presented here should be useful for all future imaging hard X-ray missions

    Massachusetts Health Reform: High Costs and Expanding Expectations May Weaken Employer Support

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    Examines how, as a result of the state's health reform, improved access to the individual insurance market and increased employer responsibility may reduce employers' motivation and ability to provide coverage. Considers implications

    Observations of directional gamma prime coarsening during engine operation

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    Two alloys with negative mismatch parameters, NASAIR 100 and a modified NASAIR 100 called Alloy 3 were run as turbine blades in an experimental ground based Garret TFE731 engine for up to 200 hr. The directional coarsening of gamma prime (rafting) that developed during engine testing was analyzed and compared to previous research from laboratory tests. The blades were found to be rafted normal to the centrifugal stress axis over much of the span, but near the surfaces, the blades were found to be rafted parallel to the centrifugal stress axis for certain cycles. Representative photomicrographs of the blades and the effects of stress and temperature on raft formation are shown