89 research outputs found

    Doing Medical Ethics as a Catholic Physician

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    Medical Paternalism and a New Style of Medical Ethic

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    Ethical Theory for Catholic Professionals

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    A ética como caráter na pesquisa médica

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    With this paper I intend to draw attention again to the historic connection between the original meaning of the Greek word ethos and the discipline of ethics, as inner self, human spirit or character. The ethics of research must include the inner dimension of ethics just as norms and guidelines for behavior are included. We learn from the history of the ethics of research that transgressions have occurred not due to lack of norms and guidelines, but because of ignoring the inner dimension of ethics. Today, medical researchers are subjected to self promotion temptations driven by narcissism and avarice, which can lead them to ignore this inner dimension. Today´s researchers will not yield to the pressures of following their own interests if they learn from the example of the origin of the Middle Ages' Hospitable Knights and from researchers such as Henry K. Beecher.Con este artículo pretendo volver a llamar la atención hacia la conexión histórica entre el significado original de la palabra griega ethos y la disciplina de la ética, como el ser interior, el espíritu humano o carácter. La ética de la investigación debe incluir la dimensión interna de la ética, así como incluye las normativas y directrices del comportamiento. La historia de la ética de la investigación nos dice que las transgresiones se han producido no por falta de normas, sino por ignorar la dimensión interna de la ética. Actualmente, los investigadores médicos se ven sometidos a tentaciones de autopromoción, asociadas a narcisismo y avaricia, que les puede llevar a ignorar esta dimensión. Los investigadores de hoy no cederán a las presiones de sus propios intereses, si toman ejemplo del origen de los Caballeros Hospitalarios de la Edad Media y de investigadores como Henry K. Beecher.Com este artigo pretendo voltar a chamar a atenção para a conexão histórica entre o significado original da palavra grega ethos e a disciplina da ética, como o ser interior, o espírito humano ou caráter. A ética da pesquisa deve incluir a dimensão interna da ética, assim como se inclui as normas e diretrizes do comportamento. A história da ética da pesquisa nos diz que as transgressões ocorreram não por falta de normas, mas por perda da ética interna. Atualmente, os pesquisadores médicos são tentados pela autopromoção associada ao narcisismo e avareza, que pode levar a ignorar a dimensão interna da ética. Os pesquisadores de hoje não cederão às pressões de seus próprios interesses se têm como exemplo de origem os cavaleiros hospitalares da Idade Média e de pesquisadores como Henry K. Beecher

    Hardness of Wood Baseball Bats

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    Finite Element Modeling of Wood Bat Profiles for Durability

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    AbstractThe bats used in Major League Baseball (MLB) are required to be turned from a single piece of wood. Northern white ash had been the wood of choice until the introduction of hard maple in the late 1990s. Since the introduction of maple to the game, there was a perceived increase in the rate of bats to exhibit multiple piece failures (MPF)—both ash and maple. These failures introduced a new aspect to the game that can be a significant factor during play, i.e. pieces of bats going into the field of play, thereby distracting fielders while reacting to the batted ball. Observations of bat breakage in the field and lab testing of bats in controlled conditions have shown the bat durability is a function of wood quality and bat profile. Wood quality is described by the density and the slope of grain of the wood used in the bat. The density and the slope of grain determine the effective strength of the wood. The bat profile is described by the variation in the diameter of the bat along its length. The wood densities and bat profiles which are preferred by players, are typically in direct contradiction with what makes for a durable bat. In this paper, the finite element method is used to develop calibrated models of the breaking of wood bats in controlled lab conditions. The modeling approach is then used to explore how bat profile influences bat durability and what potential changes can be made in bat profile to satisfy player desires while increasing bat durability

    Análisis bioético de los animales transgénicos y de los organismos genéticamente modificados (OGM)

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    The important technological advance in genetic manipulation has led to the development of genetically modified animals. The resulting being is called a transgenic animal. This term refers to an animal, whose genome has been deliberately modified by transferring an exogenous DNA into all its cells, including the germinal ones. In 1981, GORDON and RUDDLE coined the term transgenic as an animal variant, result of the introduction of a gene, or genes, into its genome. More recently, there exists a tendency to use the term GMA (Genetically Modified Animal) to refer to transgenic animals. Some arguments against the use of transgenic animals in research are related to the fact that during the creation of a transgenic animal its genetic integrity is not respected because of the recombination of genetic material from different species and even different kingdoms, as for example, animals and plants. Some people consider that this recombination of genetic material between species, or the creation of chimeras, which in occasions is a part of the technical strategy for the obtaining of a transgenic animal, alters the concept of “species”. In addition, they consider it as an unnatural intervention that might interfere in the conception of what makes that an animal is such. There is argued that the direct genetic modification is a mere extension of the traditional technologies of crossing. The genetic modifications of animals provide arguments for accusations as how to treat animals as things or merchandises.El gran avance en tecnología para la manipulación genética, ha conducido al desarrollo de modelos animales modificados genéticamente. Al ser resultante se le llama animal transgénico. Este término, se refiere a un animal cuyo genoma ha sido deliberadamente modificado, mediante transferencia de un DNA exógeno, en todas sus células, incluidas las germinales. En 1981, GORDON y RUDDLE acuñaron la palabra transgénico como una variante animal originada tras la introducción de un gen, o genes, en su genoma. Más recientemente se tiende a utilizar el término AMG (Animal Modificado Genéticamente) para referirse a los animales transgénicos. Algunos argumentos en contra del uso de los animales transgénicos en investigación tienen que ver con una cuestión previa a su aplicación, como es que, en la creación de un animal transgénico, no se respeta la integridad genética de los animales ya que se produce la mezcla de material genético entre diferentes especies e incluso entre diferentes reinos, por ejemplo, entre animales y plantas. Algunas personas consideran que esta mezcla de material genético entre especies, o la creación de quimeras, que en ocasiones es parte de la estrategia técnica para la obtención de un animal transgénico, altera el concepto de “especie” y es una intervención antinatural que podría interferir en la concepción de lo que hace que un animal sea tal. Se argumenta que la modificación genética directa es meramente una extensión de las técnicas de cruzamiento tradicionales. Las modificaciones genéticas de animales proporcionan argumentos para acusaciones como tratar a los animales como cosas o mercancías

    A Mixed Blessing: Market-Mediated Religious Authority in Neopaganism

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    This research explores how marketplace dynamics affect religious authority in the context of Neopagan religion. Drawing on an interpretivist study of Wiccan practitioners in Italy, we reveal that engagement with the market may cause considerable, ongoing tensions, based on the inherent contradictions that are perceived to exist between spirituality and commercial gain. As a result, market success is a mixed blessing that can increase religious authority and influence, but is just as likely to decrease authority and credibility. Using an extended case study method, we propose a theoretical framework that depicts the links between our informants’ situated experiences and the macro-level factors affecting religious authority as it interacts with market-mediated dynamics at the global level. Overall, our study extends previous work in macromarketing that has looked at religious authority in the marketplace) and how the processes of globalization are affecting religion