10 research outputs found

    Nutrients assessment of anaerobic palm oil mill effeluent (AnPOME) as an alternative media for microalgae culture

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    The main aim of the present study is to investigate the availability of macronutrient andmicronutrient in AnPOME. All collected samples were analyzed using HACH method. Theresults reveal that the C/N and N/P ratio of the AnPOME is six times more than the theoreticalvalue. Concentration of micronutrients also shown higher concentration range compared tothat of the Bold Basal Medium (BBM). However, the concentration of phosphorus inAnPOME six times lower than nitrogen indicates that phosphorus limitation in AnPOME.Hence, this finding suggested the best microalgae to be grown in AnPOME is mixotrophic orheterotrophic mode. Overall, reuse of AnPOME replacing synthetic growth is highlyrecommended considering that enough composition of macronutrient and micronutrient inAnPOME and inexpensive alternative to synthetic media.Keywords: microalgae; Anaerobic Palm Oil Mill Effluent (AnPOME); BBM; macronutrient;micronutrient

    Combining micro-RNA and protein sequencing to detect robust biomarkers for Graves’ disease and orbitopathy

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    Graves’ Disease (GD) is an autoimmune condition in which thyroid-stimulating antibodies (TRAB) mimic thyroid-stimulating hormone function causing hyperthyroidism. 5% of GD patients develop inflammatory Graves’ orbitopathy (GO) characterized by proptosis and attendant sight problems. A major challenge is to identify which GD patients are most likely to develop GO and has relied on TRAB measurement. We screened sera/plasma from 14 GD, 19 GO and 13 healthy controls using high-throughput proteomics and miRNA sequencing (Illumina’s HiSeq2000 and Agilent-6550 Funnel quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry) to identify potential biomarkers for diagnosis or prognosis evaluation. Euclidean distances and differential expression (DE) based on miRNA and protein quantification were analysed by multidimensional scaling (MDS) and multinomial regression respectively. We detected 3025 miRNAs and 1886 proteins and MDS revealed good separation of the 3 groups. Biomarkers were identified by combined DE and Lasso-penalized predictive models; accuracy of predictions was 0.86 (±0:18), and 5 miRNA and 20 proteins were found including Zonulin, Alpha-2 macroglobulin, Beta-2 glycoprotein 1 and Fibronectin. Functional analysis identified relevant metabolic pathways, including hippo signaling, bacterial invasion of epithelial cells and mRNA surveillance. Proteomic and miRNA analyses, combined with robust bioinformatics, identified circulating biomarkers applicable to diagnose GD, predict GO disease status and optimize patient management

    Expression of endogenous putative TSH binding protein in orbit

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    Thyroid stimulating antibodies (TSAB) cause Graves’ disease and contribute to Graves’ Orbitopathy (GO) pathogenesis. We hypothesise that the presence of TSH binding proteins (truncated TSHR variants (TSHRv)) and/or nonclassical ligands such as thyrostimulin (α2ÎČ5) might provide a mechanism to protect against or exacerbate GO. We analysed primary human orbital preadipocyte-fibroblasts (OF) from GO patients and people free of GO (non-GO). Transcript (QPCR) and protein (western blot) expression levels of TSHRv were measured through an adipogenesis differentiation process. Cyclic-AMP production by TSHR activation was studied using luciferase-reporter and RIA assays. After differentiation, TSHRv levels in OF from GO were significantly higher than non-GO (p = 0.039), and confirmed in ex vivo analysis of orbital adipose samples. TSHRv western blot revealed a positive signal at 46 kDa in cell lysates and culture media (CM) from non-GO and GO-OF. Cyclic-AMP decreased from basal levels when OF were stimulated with TSH or Monoclonal TSAB (M22) before differentiation protocol, but increased in differentiated cells, and was inversely correlated with the TSHRv:TSHR ratio (Spearman correlation: TSH r = −0.55, p = 0.23, M22 r = 0.87, p = 0.03). In the bioassay, TSH/M22 induced luciferase-light was lower in CM from differentiated GO-OF than non-GO, suggesting that secreted TSHRv had neutralised their effects. α2 transcripts were present but reduced during adipogenesis (p < 0.005) with no difference observed between non-GO and GO. ÎČ5 transcripts were at the limit of detection. Our work demonstrated that TSHRv transcripts are expressed as protein, are more abundant in GO than non-GO OF and have the capacity to regulate signalling via the TSHR

    Conceptual Design of Automotive Compressor for Integrated Portable Air Conditioning System

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    This study introduces a new concept of portable air conditioner which integrated with some available components in automotive air conditioning system. This new idea intends to solve the storage problems as well as to reduce the price of current portable air conditioner since some devices could directly be used from the automotive air conditioning system. The primary emphasis of this study was on the modification of automotive compressor design so as the system may alternately be operated. The length of conventional compressor shaft is extended to place an additional clutch pulley, a drive plate and a clutch coil. The new concept particularly the shaft and pulley were analysed through slope deflection and computational finite element analyses. The result of engineering analyses exhibited that the new design of compressor shaft and clutch pulleys promote a low risk of failure as the data values recorded are lower than the critical value for each criterion investigated

    Distinctive features of orbital adipose tissue (OAT) in Graves’ Orbitopathy

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    Depot specific expansion of orbital-adipose-tissue (OAT) in Graves’ Orbitopathy (GO) is associated with lipid metabolism signaling defects. We hypothesize that the unique adipocyte biology of OAT facilitates its expansion in GO. A comprehensive comparison of OAT and white-adipose-tissue (WAT) was performed by light/electron-microscopy, lipidomic and transcriptional analysis using ex vivo WAT, healthy OAT (OAT-H) and OAT from GO (OAT-GO). OAT-H/OAT-GO have a single lipid-vacuole and low mitochondrial number. Lower lipolytic activity and smaller adipocytes of OAT-H/OAT-GO, accompanied by similar essential linoleic fatty acid (FA) and (low) FA synthesis to WAT, revealed a hyperplastic OAT expansion through external FA-uptake via abundant SLC27A6 (FA-transporter) expression. Mitochondrial dysfunction of OAT in GO was apparent, as evidenced by the increased mRNA expression of uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) and mitofusin-2 (MFN2) in OAT-GO compared to OAT-H. Transcriptional profiles of OAT-H revealed high expression of Iroquois homeobox-family (IRX-3&5), and low expression in HOX-family/TBX5 (essential for WAT/BAT (brown-adipose-tissue)/BRITE (BRown-in-whITE) development). We demonstrated unique features of OAT not presented in either WAT or BAT/BRITE. This study reveals that the pathologically enhanced FA-uptake driven hyperplastic expansion of OAT in GO is associated with a depot specific mechanism (the SLC27A6 FA-transporter) and mitochondrial dysfunction. We uncovered that OAT functions as a distinctive fat depot, providing novel insights into adipocyte biology and the pathological development of OAT expansion in GO

    Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

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    Background Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Methods This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries. Results In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia. Conclusion This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries

    Possible targets for nonimmunosuppressive therapy of Graves' orbitopathy

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    Context: Graves' orbitopathy (GO) is caused by expansion of the orbital contents by excess adipogenesis and overproduction of hyaluronan (HA). Immunosuppressive and antiinflammatory treatments of GO are not always effective and can have side effects, whereas targeting GO-associated tissue remodeling might be a more logical therapeutic strategy. Previously we reported that signaling cascades through IGF1 receptor and thyrotropin receptor within orbital preadipocytes/fibroblasts drove adipogenesis and HA production. Our current study combined the stimulation of IGF1 receptor and thyrotropin receptor increase of HA accumulation, which we hypothesize is by activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)-1A/PI3K1B, respectively. The central aim of this study was to investigate whether PI3K/mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) inhibitors affected adipogenesis and/or HA production within orbital preadipocyte/fibroblasts. Methods: Human orbital preadipocytes were treated with/without inhibitors, LY294002 (PI3K1A/mTORC1), AS-605240 (PI3K1B), or PI103 (PI3K1A/mTORC1) in serum-free medium for 24 hours or cultured in adipogenic medium for 15 days. Quantitative PCR was used to measure hyaluronan synthases (HAS2) transcripts and the terminal adipogenesis differentiation marker lipoprotein lipase. HA accumulation in the medium was measured by an ELISA. Results: Unlike AS-605240, both LY294002 (10 ÎŒM) and PI-103 (5 ÎŒM) significantly decreased HAS2 transcripts/HA accumulation and adipogenesis. Because PI-103 and LY294002 are dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitors, we investigated the inhibition of mTORC1 (rapamycin 100 nM), which significantly decreased adipogenesis but had no effect on HAS2 transcripts/HA, implicating PI3K-1A in the latter. Conclusions: The combined inhibition of PI3K1A and mTORC1 signaling in vitro decreased both HA accumulation and adipogenesis. Because PI3K and mTOR inhibitors are clinically used to treat other conditions, they have the potential to be repositioned to be used as an alternative nonimmunosuppressive therapy of GO

    The role of mitochondria-linked fatty-acid uptake-driven adipogenesis in graves orbitopathy

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    Context Depot-specific expansion of orbital adipose tissue (OAT) in Graves orbitopathy (GO; an autoimmune condition producing proptosis, visual impairment and reduced quality of life) is associated with fatty acid (FA)-uptake–driven adipogenesis in preadipocytes/fibroblasts (PFs). Objective This work sought a role for mitochondria in OAT adipogenesis in GO. Methods Confluent PFs from healthy OAT (OAT-H), OAT from GO (OAT-GO) and white adipose tissue in culture medium compared with culture medium containing a mixed hormonal cocktail as adipogenic medium (ADM), or culture-medium containing FA-supplementation, oleate:palmitate:linoleate (45:30:25%) with/without different concentration of mitochondrial biosubstrate adenosine 5â€Č-diphosphate/guanosine 5â€Č-diphosphate (ADP/GDP), AICAR (adenosine analogue), or inhibitor oligomycin-A for 17 days. Main outcome measures included oil-red-O staining and foci count of differentiated adipocytes for in vitro adipogenesis, flow cytometry, relative quantitative polymerase chain reaction, MTS-assay/106 cells, total cellular-ATP detection kit, and Seahorse-XFe96-Analyzer for mitochondria and oxidative-phosphorylation (OXPHOS)/glycolysis-ATP production analysis. Results During early adipogenesis before adipocyte formation (days 0, 4, and7), we observed OAT-specific cellular ATP production via mitochondrial OXPHOS in PFs both from OAT-H and OAT-GO, and substantially disrupted OXPHOS-ATP/glycolysis-ATP production in PFs from OAT-GO, for example, a 40% reduction in OXPHOS-ATP and trend-increased glycolysis-ATP production on days 4 and 7 compared with day 0, which contrasted with the stable levels in OAT-H. FA supplementation in culture-medium triggered adipogenesis in PFs both from OAT-H and OAT-GO, which was substantially enhanced by 1-mM GDP reaching 7% to 18% of ADM adipogenesis. The FA-uptake–driven adipogenesis was diminished by oligomycin-A but unaffected by treatment with ADP or AICAR. Furthermore, we observed a significant positive correlation between FA-uptake–driven adipogenesis by GDP and the ratios of OXPHOS-ATP/glycolysis-ATP through adipogenesis of PFs from OAT-GO. Conclusion Our study confirmed that FA uptake can drive OAT adipogenesis and revealed a fundamental role for mitochondria-OXPHOS in GO development, which provides potential for therapeutic interventions

    Conceptual Design of Automotive Compressor for Integrated Portable Air Conditioning System

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    This study introduces a new concept of portable air conditioner which integrated with some available components in automotive air conditioning system. This new idea intends to solve the storage problems as well as to reduce the price of current portable air conditioner since some devices could directly be used from the automotive air conditioning system. The primary emphasis of this study was on the modification of automotive compressor design so as the system may alternately be operated. The length of conventional compressor shaft is extended to place an additional clutch pulley, a drive plate and a clutch coil. The new concept particularly the shaft and pulley were analysed through slope deflection and computational finite element analyses. The result of engineering analyses exhibited that the new design of compressor shaft and clutch pulleys promote a low risk of failure as the data values recorded are lower than the critical value for each criterion investigated

    Conceptual Design of Automotive Compressor for Integrated Portable Air Conditioning System

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    This study introduces a new concept of portable air conditioner which integrated with some available components in automotive air conditioning system. This new idea intends to solve the storage problems as well as to reduce the price of current portable air conditioner since some devices could directly be used from the automotive air conditioning system. The primary emphasis of this study was on the modification of automotive compressor design so as the system may alternately be operated. The length of conventional compressor shaft is extended to place an additional clutch pulley, a drive plate and a clutch coil. The new concept particularly the shaft and pulley were analysed through slope deflection and computational finite element analyses. The result of engineering analyses exhibited that the new design of compressor shaft and clutch pulleys promote a low risk of failure as the data values recorded are lower than the critical value for each criterion investigated