115 research outputs found

    Measurement of the Homogeneous Contact of a Unitary Fermi gas

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    By selectively probing the center of a trapped gas, we measure the local, or homogeneous, contact of a unitary Fermi gas as a function of temperature. Tan's contact, C, is proportional to the derivative of the energy with respect to the interaction strength, and is thus an essential thermodynamic quantity for a gas with short-range correlations. Theoretical predictions for the temperature dependence of C differ substantially, especially near the superfluid transition, Tc, where C is predicted to either sharply decrease, sharply increase, or change very little. For T/T_F>0.4, our measurements of the homogeneous gas contact show a gradual decrease of C with increasing temperature, as predicted by theory. We observe a sharp decrease in C at T/T_F=0.16, which may be due to the superfluid phase transition. While a sharp decrease in C below Tc is predicted by some many-body theories, we find that none of the predictions fully accounts for the data.Comment: 5 pages, including a supplementary material section (10 pages). Rewriting of the introduction and discussion section

    Stably accessing octave-spanning microresonator frequency combs in the soliton regime

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    Microresonator frequency combs can be an enabling technology for optical frequency synthesis and timekeeping in low size, weight, and power architectures. Such systems require comb operation in low-noise, phase-coherent states such as solitons, with broad spectral bandwidths (e.g., octave-spanning) for self-referencing to detect the carrier-envelope offset frequency. However, stably accessing such states is complicated by thermo-optic dispersion. For example, in the Si3N4 platform, precisely dispersion-engineered structures can support broadband operation, but microsecond thermal time constants have necessitated fast pump power or frequency control to stabilize the solitons. In contrast, here we consider how broadband soliton states can be accessed with simple pump laser frequency tuning, at a rate much slower than the thermal dynamics. We demonstrate octave-spanning soliton frequency combs in Si3N4 microresonators, including the generation of a multi-soliton state with a pump power near 40 mW and a single-soliton state with a pump power near 120 mW. We also develop a simplified two-step analysis to explain how these states are accessed in a thermally stable way without fast control of the pump laser, and outline the required thermal properties for such operation. Our model agrees with experimental results as well as numerical simulations based on a Lugiato-Lefever equation that incorporates thermo-optic dispersion. Moreover, it also explains an experimental observation that a member of an adjacent mode family on the red-detuned side of the pump mode can mitigate the thermal requirements for accessing soliton states

    A Kerr-microresonator optical clockwork

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    Kerr microresonators generate interesting and useful fundamental states of electromagnetic radiation through nonlinear interactions of continuous-wave (CW) laser light. Using photonic-integration techniques, functional devices with low noise, small size, low-power consumption, scalable fabrication, and heterogeneous combinations of photonics and electronics can be realized. Kerr solitons, which stably circulate in a Kerr microresonator, have emerged as a source of coherent, ultrafast pulse trains and ultra-broadband optical-frequency combs. Using the f-2f technique, Kerr combs support carrier-envelope-offset phase stabilization for optical synthesis and metrology. In this paper, we introduce a Kerr-microresonator optical clockwork based on optical-frequency division (OFD), which is a powerful technique to transfer the fractional-frequency stability of an optical clock to a lower frequency electronic clock signal. The clockwork presented here is based on a silicon-nitride (Si3_3N4_4) microresonator that supports an optical-frequency comb composed of soliton pulses at 1 THz repetition rate. By electro-optic phase modulation of the entire Si3_3N4_4 comb, we arbitrarily generate additional CW modes between the Si3_3N4_4 comb modes; operationally, this reduces the pulse train repetition frequency and can be used to implement OFD to the microwave domain. Our experiments characterize the residual frequency noise of this Kerr-microresonator clockwork to one part in 101710^{17}, which opens the possibility of using Kerr combs with high performance optical clocks. In addition, the photonic integration and 1 THz resolution of the Si3_3N4_4 frequency comb makes it appealing for broadband, low-resolution liquid-phase absorption spectroscopy, which we demonstrate with near infrared measurements of water, lipids, and organic solvents

    Human Mars Mission Design - The Ultimate Systems Challenge

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    A human mission to Mars will occur at some time in the coming decades. When it does, it will be the end result of a complex network of interconnected design choices, systems analyses, technical optimizations, and non-technical compromises. This mission will extend the technologies, engineering design, and systems analyses to new limits, and may very well be the most complex undertaking in human history. It can be illustrated as a large menu, or as a large decision tree. Whatever the visualization tool, there are numerous design decisions required to assemble a human Mars mission, and many of these interconnect with one another. This paper examines these many decisions and further details a number of choices that are highly interwoven throughout the mission design. The large quantity of variables and their interconnectedness results in a highly complex systems challenge, and the paper illustrates how a change in one variable results in ripples (sometimes unintended) throughout many other facets of the design. The paper concludes with a discussion of some mission design variables that can be addressed first, and those that have already been addressed as a result of ongoing National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) developments, or as a result of decisions outside the technical arena. It advocates the need for a 'reference design' that can be used as a point of comparison, and to illustrate the system-wide impacts as design variables change