39 research outputs found

    Post-Golgi Trafficking and Transport of Cell Wall Components

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    The cell wall, a complex macromolecular composite structure surrounding and protecting plant cells, is essential for development, signal transduction, and disease resistance. This structure is also integral to cell expansion, as its tensile resistance is the primary balancing mechanism against internal turgor pressure. Throughout these processes, the biosynthesis, transport, deposition, and assembly of cell wall polymers are tightly regulated. The plant endomembrane system facilitates transport of polysaccharides, polysaccharide biosynthetic and modifying enzymes and glycoproteins through vesicle trafficking pathways. Although a number of enzymes involved in cell wall biosynthesis have been identified, comparatively little is known about the transport of cell wall polysaccharides and glycoproteins by the endomembrane system. This review summarizes our current understanding of trafficking of cell wall components during cell growth and cell division. Emerging technologies, such as vesicle glycomics, are also discussed as promising avenues to gain insights into the trafficking of structural polysaccharides to the apoplast

    NMR Spectroscopy Analysis Reveals Differential Metabolic Responses in Arabidopsis Roots and Leaves Treated with a Cytokinesis Inhibitor

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    In plant cytokinesis, de novo formation of a cell plate evolving into the new cell wall partitions the cytoplasm of the dividing cell. In our earlier chemical genomics studies, we identified and characterized the small molecule endosidin-7, that specifically inhibits callose deposition at the cell plate, arresting late-stage cytokinesis in arabidopsis. Endosidin-7 has emerged as a very valuable tool for dissecting this essential plant process. To gain insights regarding its mode of action and the effects of cytokinesis inhibition on the overall plant response, we investigated the effect of endosidin-7 through a nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) metabolomics approach. In this case study, metabolomics profiles of arabidopsis leaf and root tissues were analyzed at different growth stages and endosidin-7 exposure levels. The results show leaf and root-specific metabolic profile changes and the effects of endosidin-7 treatment on these metabolomes. Statistical analyses indicated that the effect of endosidin-7 treatment was more significant than the developmental impact. The endosidin-7 induced metabolic profiles suggest compensations for cytokinesis inhibition in central metabolism pathways. This study further shows that long-term treatment of endosidin-7 profoundly changes, likely via alteration of hormonal regulation, the primary metabolism of arabidopsis seedlings. Hormonal pathway-changes are likely reflecting the plant’s responses, compensating for the arrested cell division, which in turn are leading to global metabolite modulation. The presented NMR spectral data are made available through the Metabolomics Workbench, providing a reference resource for the scientific community

    Investigation of Salt Tolerance Mechanisms across a Root Developmental Gradient in Almond Rootstocks

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    The intensive use of groundwater in agriculture under the current climate conditions leads to acceleration of soil salinization. Given that almond is a salt-sensitive crop, selection of salt-tolerant rootstocks can help maintain productivity under salinity stress. Selection for tolerant rootstocks at an early growth stage can reduce the investment of time and resources. However, salinity-sensitive markers and salinity tolerance mechanisms of almond species to assist this selection process are largely unknown. We established a microscopy-based approach to investigate mechanisms of stress tolerance in and identified cellular, root anatomical, and molecular traits associated with rootstocks exhibiting salt tolerance. We characterized three almond rootstocks: Empyrean-1 (E1), Controller-5 (C5), and Krymsk-86 (K86). Based on cellular and molecular evidence, our results show that E1 has a higher capacity for salt exclusion by a combination of upregulating ion transporter expression and enhanced deposition of suberin and lignin in the root apoplastic barriers, exodermis, and endodermis, in response to salt stress. Expression analyses revealed differential regulation of cation transporters, stress signaling, and biopolymer synthesis genes in the different rootstocks. This foundational study reveals the mechanisms of salinity tolerance in almond rootstocks from cellular and structural perspectives across a root developmental gradient and provides insights for future screens targeting stress response

    Selective chemical probes can untangle the complexity of the plant cell endomembrane system

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    The endomembrane system is critical for plant growth and development and understanding its function and regulation is of great interest for plant biology research. Small-molecule targeting distinctive endomembrane components have proven powerful tools to dissect membrane trafficking in plant cells. However, unambiguous elucidation of the complex and dynamic trafficking processes requires chemical probes with enhanced precision. Determination of the mechanism of action of a compound, which is facilitated by various chemoproteomic approaches, opens new avenues for the improvement of its specificity. Moreover, rational molecule design and reverse chemical genetics with the aid of virtual screening and artificial intelligence will enable us to discover highly precise chemical probes more efficiently. The next decade will witness the emergence of more such accurate tools, which together with advanced live quantitative imaging techniques of subcellular phenotypes, will deepen our insights into the plant endomembrane system