6 research outputs found

    Certified Quantum Random Numbers from Untrusted Light

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    A remarkable aspect of quantum theory is that certain measurement outcomes are entirely unpredictable to all possible observers. Such quantum events can be harnessed to generate numbers whose randomness is asserted based upon the underlying physical processes. We formally introduce, design and experimentally demonstrate an ultrafast optical quantum random number generator that uses a totally untrusted photonic source. While considering completely general quantum attacks, we certify and generate in real-time random numbers at a rate of 8.05 Gb/s with a rigorous security parameter of 10^(−10). Our security proof is entirely composable, thereby allowing the generated randomness to be utilised for arbitrary applications in cryptography and beyond. To our knowledge, this represents the fastest composably secure source of quantum random numbers ever reported

    Homodyne-based quantum random number generator at 2.9 Gbps secure against quantum side-information

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    Quantum random number generators promise perfectly unpredictable random numbers. A popular approach to quantum random number generation is homodyne measurements of the vacuum state, the ground state of the electro-magnetic field. Here we experimentally implement such a quantum random number generator, and derive a security proof that considers quantum side-information instead of classical side-information only. Based on the assumptions of Gaussianity and stationarity of noise processes, our security analysis furthermore includes correlations between consecutive measurement outcomes due to finite detection bandwidth, as well as analog-to-digital converter imperfections. We characterize our experimental realization by bounding measured parameters of the stochastic model determining the min-entropy of the system’s measurement outcomes, and we demonstrate a real-time generation rate of 2.9 Gbit/s. Our generator follows a trusted, device-dependent, approach. By treating side-information quantum mechanically an important restriction on adversaries is removed, which usually was reserved to semi-device-independent and device-independent schemes

    Towards practical applications of quantum optics

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    This DPhil thesis presents two key works towards practical applications of quantum optics. Both works are novel and achieve competitive state-of-the-art results. Today's most widely used method of encoding quantum information in optical qubits is the dual-rail basis, often carried out through the polarisation of a single photon. On the other hand, many stationary carriers of quantum information | such as atoms | couple to light via the single-rail encoding in which the qubit is encoded in the number of photons. As such, interconversion between the two encodings is paramount in order to achieve cohesive quantum networks. In the first part of this thesis, we demonstrate this by generating a hybrid entangled resource between the two encodings and using it to teleport a dual-rail qubit onto its singlerail counterpart. Our key results yield an average fidelity of F = (92:8±2:2)% for the teleportation and F = (89:7 ± 2:1)% for entanglement swapping, thus confirming the applicability of this scheme towards a real-world implementation. This work completes the set of tools necessary for the interconversion between the three primary encodings of a qubit in the optical field: single-rail, dual-rail and continuous-variable. A remarkable aspect of quantum theory is that certain measurement outcomes are entirely unpredictable to all possible observers. Such quantum events can be harnessed to generate numbers whose randomness is asserted based upon the underlying physical processes. In the second part of this thesis, we formally introduce and experimentally demonstrate an ultrafast optical quantum randomness generator that uses a totally untrusted photonic source and whose idea we have patented. While considering completely general quantum attacks, we certify randomness at a rate of 1:1 Gbps with a rigorous security parameter of 10-20. Our security proof is entirely composable, thereby allowing the generated randomness to be utilised for arbitrary applications in cryptography and beyond.</p

    Entangled resource for interfacing single- and dual-rail optical qubits

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    Today's most widely used method of encoding quantum information in optical qubits is the dual-rail basis, often carried out through the polarisation of a single photon. On the other hand, many stationary carriers of quantum information – such as atoms – couple to light via the single-rail encoding in which the qubit is encoded in the number of photons. As such, interconversion between the two encodings is paramount in order to achieve cohesive quantum networks. In this paper, we demonstrate this by generating an entangled resource between the two encodings and using it to teleport a dual-rail qubit onto its single-rail counterpart. This work completes the set of tools necessary for the interconversion between the three primary encodings of the qubit in the optical field: single-rail, dual-rail and continuous-variable