26 research outputs found

    Uticaj metaboličke kontrole na nastanak i razvoj bubrežne lezije u Å”ećernoj bolesti

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    Possibilities of nontoxic autonomous thyroid nodules treatment by percutaneous ethanol injection

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    Background/Aim. According to the current principles, autonomous functional thyroid nodules are treated by surgery or by radioiodin therapy. Ultrasound guided percutaneous ethanol injection into solid tumors of the soft tissues was a starting point in attempts to treat the thyroid nodules by the same method. The aim of the study was to assess the efficiency of percutaneous injection in treating solitary, nontoxic, autonomous thyroid nodules of up to 15 mL volume. Methods. In 25 patients with solitary nontoxic autonomous thyroid nodules diagnosed by tehnetium-99m scanning as an intensive area having a complete supremacy in the paranodal tissue, an ultrasound guided percutaneous ethanol injection was applied. The procedure was carried out repeatedly once a week until the reduction in nodule size to 50% of the initial size was achieved. Results. An average size of the nodule before curing was 9.68 Ā± 5.01 mL. An average quantity of the injected ethanol was 9.52 Ā± 5.08 mL, ie 1.06 Ā± 0.48 mL/mg of the tissue. The regression of the nodule size in the successfully (Ī”vol% u = - 57.09 Ā± 13.75%, p < 0.001) and partly successfully cured (Ī”vol du = -48.45 Ā± 14.35%, p < 0.05) was statistically significant compared to the size before the treatment. After ceasing ethanol injection, 18 months later, a further size regression (Ī”vol% = -79.20 Ā± 9.89%) compared to the initial one (p < 0.001) was noticed. Soon, after the procedure was finished, a statistically significant concentration increase of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) was noticed compared to the initial values (0.18 Ā± 0.16 vs 0.34 Ā± 0.31 mU/L, p < 0.01). According to the given criteria, in two female patients satisfactory results were not achieved, but, a year later, in one of them the nodule was not seen by repeated scintigram. The number and frequency of side effects were insignificant. Conclusion. Repeated percutaneous ethanol injections into nontoxic solitary autonomous thyroid nodules result in disappearing of authonomy. The regression of the nodule size of more than 50% compared to its initial volume, as well as the increase in concentration of TSH for more than 50% are the signs of a successful treatment

    Angiotensin II type 1 receptor gene polymorphism could influence renoprotective response to losartan treatment in type 1 diabetic patients with high urinary albumin excretion rate

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    Background/Aim. Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is a clinical syndrome characterized by persistent albuminuria, increasing arterial blood pressure and progressive decline in glomerular filtration rate (GFR). When persistent albuminuria is established, antihypertensive treatment becomes most important factor in slowing the progression of diabetic glomerulopathy. The aim of this study was to examine if renoprotective response to a short-term losartan therapy depends on 1166 A/C gene polymorphism for its target receptor. Method. The study included 35 patients with diabetes mellitus type 1 and persistently high urinary albumin excretion rate (UAE: > 30 mg/24 h), genotyped for the 1166 A/C gene polymorphism for the angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1R). The participants were segregated into 3 genotype groups according to combinations of A or C allele: AA(16%), AC(15%) and CC(11%). The patients received losartan 50 mg daily for 4 weeks, following 100 mg daily for another 8 weeks. At baseline and after 12 weeks of the treatment period UAE, blood pressure, GFR and filtration fraction (FF) were determined. Results. After 12 weeks of the treatment with losartan, albuminuria was reduced from baseline by 9% [95% confidence interval (CI): 1-17, p = 0.039] in the AA genotype, and by 11% (95% CI: 6-17, p = 0.0001) in the AC genotype. Losartan treatment reduced albuminuria in the CC group by 5% (95%CI: -13-22, p = 0.47). Glomerular filtration rate remained unchanged in all genotype groups. Filtration fraction was significantly reduced from baseline by 0.018 Ā± 0.024 (p = 0.012) only in the AC genotype. In the AA genotype, FF was reduced from baseline by 0.017 Ā± 0.03 (p = 0.052), and in the CC genotype by 0.01 Ā± 0.008 (p = 0.092). In the AA group, systolic blood pressure declined from 136 Ā± 24 mmHg at baseline, to an average of 121 Ā± 18 mmHg at the end of the study (p = 0.001). The AC group achived reduction from 131 Ā± 10 mmHg at baseline to 115 Ā± 7 mmHg (p = 0.001) during the investigation period. In the AA genotype group losartan reduced diastolic blood pressure from 86 Ā± 13 mmHg at baseline to 78 Ā± 8 mmHg (p = 0.004), and in the AC genotype from 88 Ā± 5 mmHg at baseline to 11.7 Ā± 5.6 mmHg during the investigation period (p = 0.001). In the CC genotype diastolic blood pressure reduction remained nonsignificant (p = 0.066). Conclusion. The results of our small sample size study provide the evidence that 1166 A/C AT1R polymorphism could be associated with the renoprotective response to losartan therapy

    Od geometrijske ideje do kreacije

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    The main inspiration for all designers often comes from geometric shapes. Hence, the same idea may be the base for the creation of some architectural object, art piece, jewelry or industrial product. This paper presents several design ā€œproductsā€ and architectural shapes which share the same geometric idea

    Serumski C-reaktivni protein i nutritivni parametri kod bolesnika na hemodijalizi

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    Background/Aim. Inflammation is the most important factor in the genesis of vascular complication in the endstage renal disease. The serum C-reactive protein (CRP) level is a sensitive marker of systemic inflammation as well as a predisposing factor for cardiovascular and all cause mortality in patients on hemodialysis. Albumin is the negative acute phase protein and its synthesis declines during the inflammation. The patients undergoing hemodialysis have a high prevalence of protein-energy malnutrition, due to reduced protein synthesis and increased degradation. The low serum albumin levels in these patients originate from the complex setting of conditions with systemic inflammatory response as a major cause, malnutrition and overhydratation. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of elevated CRP levels in the dialysis patients and to analyse its correlation with serum albumin levels and other parameters of nutritional status. Methods. The study included 49 patients on maintenance hemodialysis at the Department of Hemodialysis, Clinic of Nephrology, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia. In order to analyse the parameters, the blood samples were taken during the arteriovenous fistula (AVF) puncture and before the second weekly dialyse. The following parameters were determined: serum levels of urea and creatinine before and after the dialysis procedure, CRP, hemoglobin, fasting glycemia, total cholesterol, triglycerides, albumins, iron, glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), fasting insulinemia and C-peptide only before the dialysis. Results. Out of 49 patients on maintenance hemodialysis, 37 (75.5%) were males and 12 (24.5%) females with the average age of 56.04 Ā± 13.93 years. The average duration of the dialysis treatment was 7.37 Ā± 5 years. The high serum CRP levels (more than 3 mg/L) was found in 65.3% of patients. Singificantly more diabetic patients were observed in the group with the higher CRP levels (n = 12) compared to the group with the normal CRP levels (n = 3) (p ā‰¤ 0.05). A significant positive correlation was found between the CRP value and urea values after the dialysis procedure. We found negative correlation between the CRP values and serum albumin, HbA1c, total cholesterol and triglyceride levels, with no statistical significance. Conclusion. Our study observed a high rate of inflammation in the dialysis patients presenting as high frequency of the elevated CRP levels in the examined group. Negative correlation between CRP levels and serum albumin as well as with some other parameters of nutritional status, suggests that chronic inflammation may be the missing link that actually connect protein energy malnutrition with high morbiditiy and mortality rate in these patients.Uvod/Cilj. Inflamacija je jedan od glavnih faktora odgovornih za nastanak vaskularnih komplikacija kod bolesnika sa terminalnom bubrežnom insuficijencijom. C reaktivni protein (CRP) se smatra senzitivnim markerom sistemske inflamacije, kao i faktorom koji doprinosi povećanom riziku od opÅ”teg i kardiovaskularnog mortaliteta. Albumin je negativni protein akutne faze zapaljenja i njegova sinteza opada sa napredovanjem sistemske inflamacije. Za bolesnike na hemodijalizi poznato je da pate od visokog stepena proteinske malnutricije usled smanjene sinteze proteina i njihove pojačane razgradnje. Nizak nivo serumskog albumina kod tih bolesnika je posledica kompleksnog stanja koje podrazumeva sistemsku inflamaciju, malnutriciju i prekomernu hidrataciju. Cilj naÅ”e studije bio je da se ispita učestalost poviÅ”enog serumskog CRP-a u naÅ”oj populaciji dijaliznih bolesnika i da se utvrdi stepen njegove korelacije sa serumskim albuminom i drugim parametrima nutritivnog statusa. Metode. Ispitivanjem je obuhvaćeno 49 bolesnika na hroničnom programu hemodijalize u Centru za hemodijalizu Klinike za nefrologiju Vojnomedicinske akademije u Beogradu. Uzorci krvi za analizu uzimani su tokom punkcije arteriovenske fistule, a pre druge nedeljne hemodijalize. Određivanu su sledeći parametri: serumski nivo uree i kreatinina pre i posle procedure, CRP, hemoglobin, glikemija, ukupni holesterol, trigliceridi, glikozilirani hemoglobin (HbA1c), insulinemija i C-peptid pre hemodijalize. Rezultati. Od ukupno 49 dijaliznih bolesnika, bilo je 37 (75,5%) muÅ”karaca i 12 (24,5%) žena, prosečne starosti 56,04 Ā± 13,93 godine. Dužina lečenja hemodijalizom je prosečno iznosila 7,37 Ā± 5 godina. PoviÅ”ene vrednosti serumskog CRP-a (viÅ”e od 3 mg/L) imalo je 65,3% bolesnika. U grupi bolesnika sa poviÅ”enim nivoom CRP-a u serumu, bilo je značajno viÅ”e dijabetičara (n=12) u odnosu na grupu sa normalnim nivoom CRP-a u serumu (n = 3) (p ā‰¤ 0,05). Uočili smo postojanje značajne pozitivne korelacije između serumskog CRP-a i serumske uree nakon dijaliznog procesa. U ispitivanoj grupi postojala je negativna korelacija između serumskog CRPa i serumskog albumina, HbA1c, ukupnog holesterola i triglicerida. Ta korelacija nije bila statistički značajna. Zaključak. NaÅ”a studija je potvrdila visok stepen sistemske inflamacije kod dijaliznih bolesnika izražene kroz visoku učestalost poviÅ”enih vrednosti serumskog CRP-a. Negativna korelacija između nivoa serumskog CRP-a i serumskog albumina kao i drugih nutritivnih parametara, sugeriÅ”e da hronična inflamacija može biti ključna karika koja povezuje proteinsku malnutriciju sa visokim morbiditetom i mortalitetom ovih bolesnika

    An additional studentsā€™ task at Descriptive Geometry

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    At the Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Belgrade, beside the obligatory forms of lectures and exercises, freshmen students have the opportunity to widen their practical experience in application of geometric knowledge, gained at Descriptive Geometry course, through non obligatory workshop. It was organized at the Faculty classrooms during two days, such that a group of students (three students) works on a creative geometry task, within given conditions. Starting from free choice of an existing or imagery type of architectural structure (a whole building or its roofng structure) students should provide its geometric interpretation of orthogonal projections on a 3D physical model of coordinate system -1; 3D model in Auto-CAD sofware (the alternative is cardboard model) - 2; presentation of a structure in 3D augmented reality application ā€œAugmentā€ ā€“ 3; visual appearance of a structure in architecture/design (a photo image) -4; poster summary of the sub-tasks ā€“ 5. The satisfactory completion of a task would enable a student to get higher grade in the fnal exam at Descriptive geometry course. Based on the results of additional questionnaire administered to the participants at the end of the workshop, besides good achievement, creativity, self-confdence and high-quality teamwork signifcantly contribute to overall satisfaction of students

    Ružička days : International conference 16th Ružička Days ā€œToday Science ā€“ Tomorrow Industryā€ : Proceedings

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    Proceedings contains articles presented at Conference divided into sections: open lecture (1), chemical analysis and synthesis (3), chemical and biochemical engineering (8), food technology and biotechnology (8), medical chemistry and pharmacy (3), environmental protection (11) and meeting of young chemists (2)

    Reversal deterioration of renal function accompanied with primary hypothyrodism

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    Introduction. Hypothyroidism is often accompanied with decline of kidney function, or inability to maintain electrolyte balance. These changes are usually overlooked in everyday practice. Early recognition of this association eliminates unnecessary diagnostic procedures that postpone the adequate treatment. Case report. Two patients with elevated serum creatinine levels due to primary autoimmune hypothyroidism, with complete recovery of creatinine clearance after thyroid hormone substitution therapy are presented. The first patient was a young male whose laboratory tests suggested acute renal failure, and the delicate clinical presentation of reduced thyroid function. The second patient was an elderly woman with a history of a long-term signs and symptoms attributed to ageing, including the deterioration of renal function, with consequently delayed diagnosis of hypothyroidism. Conclusion. Serum thyrotropin and thyroxin levels measurement should be done in all cases of renal failure with undefined renal desease, even if the typical clinical presentation of hypothyroidism is absent. Thyroid hormone assays sholud also be performed in all patients with chronic kidney disease whose kidney function is rapidly worsening

    Efficacy of valsartan in the therapy of persistent microalbuminuria in normotensive patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus

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    Aim. To determine the efficacy of AT1 receptor antagonist (valsartan) in decreasing of urinary excretion of albumin in normotensive patients with type 1 diabetes and incipient diabetic nephropathy (DN). Methods. This was a prospective, randomised, placebo-controlled study, which included 20 patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, mean age 25.15, and the duration of diabetes of 13.95 years. All the patients were normotensive, with persistent microalbuminuria (incipient phase of DN). Patients were randomly divided into two groups (10 patients each): valsartan group treated with 80 mg valsartan daily during 6 months, and the group treated with placebo during the same period. Both groups were similar and comparable concerning the observed parameters at the beginning of the study. Results. After 6 months therapy, valsartan caused significant decrease of urinary albumin excretion rate (UEAR) by 69.1% from 64.8 to 21.1 mg/24 h, while in placebo group there was an insignificant increase of UEAR by 29.8%. During the follow-up of UEA in the observed groups, at the beginning and the end of the mentioned period highly significant decrease of albumine secretion (p<0.001) was observed. Valsartan significantly lowered mean systolic blood pressure (from 122.0 Ā± 10.1 to 110.0 Ā± 11.8 mmHg). After 6 months therapy, the reduced values of total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol fraction were registered in the valsartan group, while the difference in serum trigliceride values reached statistical significance (1.42 Ā± 0.79 vs. 1.21 Ā± 0.89 mmol/L; p<0.05). Neither significant difference in glycoregulation quality between the two groups, nor the occurence of hyperkalemia was detected throughout the study period. Conclusion. Valsartan's efficacy in the decrease of microalbuminuria after 6 months of therapy could justify the use of this group of renin/angiotensin blockers in delaying the clinically manifested DN. Valsartan was well tolerated and did not influence the quality of glycoregulation. It did not increase the level of serum lipids and could be recomended in the treatment of diabetic patients