5 research outputs found
Comparison of estimated nominal values of static charactersitics based on measurements by different methods
One of the quality requirements of thermal imaging devices used in surveillance systems and in forensics refers to the assessment of its capabilities in relation to remote detection, recognition and identification of far-off objects of interest.
This paper discusses the concept of spatial frequency and compares the estimated values of the nominal static characteristics of the range based on the measurement of the characteristics of a thermal imaging camera according to standard methods (MRTD - Minimum Resolvable Tempera-ture Difference, MDTD - Minimum Detectable Temperature Difference, TOD - Triangle Orientation Discrimination) on an arbitrarily chosen thermal imaging camera
We describe a GIS-based real-time system for emergency response and management of air pollution accidents in an urban area. The system architecture emphasises the integration of meteorological, chemical and GIS data, dispersion modeling, decision-making and geo-spatial visualization. The threat zones, unsafe areas and safe traffic routes are obtained using an improved Gaussian plume model with a decision-making module and then exported to the Google Earth browser via “kml” file format. Several simulation scenarios were conducted and verified for notable industrial sites in Montenegro using recorded meteorological data. The results demonstrate that emergency response authorities can use the proposed methodology and system as a cost effective and accurate support tool in case of industrial or deliberate air pollution incidents.V članku je opisan sistem za odzivanje na tveganja, ki jih povzroči nenadzorovan izpust nevarnih plinov v ozračje v urbanem okolju. Sistem temelji na GIS tehnologiji in deluje v realnem času. Arhitektura sistema poudarja integracijo meteoroloških, kemijskih in GIS podatkov, modelov disperzije in odločanje ter geo-prostorsko vizualizacijo. Ogrožena področja, nevarna področja in varne prometne poti se določajo na osnovi izpopolnjenega Gausovega modela izpusta z modulom za odločanje. Podatki se nato izvozijo v Google Earth brkljalnik s pomočjo datotek formata »kml«. Izvedenih je bilo več simulacijskih scenarijev, verificirani so bili na pomembnih industrijskih lokacijah v Črni gori, pri čemer so bili uporabljeni registrirani meteorološki podatki. Rezultati kažejo, da bi državni organi, ki so zadolženi za odzivanje na nevarnosti, pri industrijskih ali namernih izpustih nevarnih snovi v ozračje lahko uporabili predlagano metodologijo in sistem, kot ustrezno, cenovno ugodno in natančno orodje
Gepsus: simulation-based decision making system for air pollution accidents
We describe a GIS-based real-time system for emergency response and management of air pollution accidents in an urban area. The system architecture emphasises the integration of meteorological, chemical and GIS data, dispersion modeling, decision-making and geo-spatial visualization. The threat zones, unsafe areas and safe traffic routes are obtained using an improved Gaussian plume model with a decision-making module and then exported to the Google Earth browser via “kml” file format. Several simulation scenarios were conducted and verified for notable industrial sites in Montenegro using recorded meteorological data. The results demonstrate that emergency response authorities can use the proposed methodology and system as a cost effective and accurate support tool in case of industrial or deliberate air pollution incidents
GEPSUS: Sistem za odločanje pri nesrečah onesnaženja zraka na osnovi simulacije
We describe a GIS-based real-time system for emergency response and management of air pollution accidents in an urban area. The system architecture emphasises the integration of meteorological, chemical and GIS data, dispersion modeling, decision-making and geo-spatial visualization. The threat zones, unsafe areas and safe traffic routes are obtained using an improved Gaussian plume model with a decision-making module and then exported to the Google Earth browser via “kml” file format. Several simulation scenarios were conducted and verified for notable industrial sites in Montenegro using recorded meteorological data. The results demonstrate that emergency response authorities can use the proposed methodology and system as a cost effective and accurate support tool in case of industrial or deliberate air pollution incidents.V članku je opisan sistem za odzivanje na tveganja, ki jih povzroči nenadzorovan izpust nevarnih plinov v ozračje v urbanem okolju. Sistem temelji na GIS tehnologiji in deluje v realnem času. Arhitektura sistema poudarja integracijo meteoroloških, kemijskih in GIS podatkov, modelov disperzije in odločanje ter geo-prostorsko vizualizacijo. Ogrožena področja, nevarna področja in varne prometne poti se določajo na osnovi izpopolnjenega Gausovega modela izpusta z modulom za odločanje. Podatki se nato izvozijo v Google Earth brkljalnik s pomočjo datotek formata »kml«. Izvedenih je bilo več simulacijskih scenarijev, verificirani so bili na pomembnih industrijskih lokacijah v Črni gori, pri čemer so bili uporabljeni registrirani meteorološki podatki. Rezultati kažejo, da bi državni organi, ki so zadolženi za odzivanje na nevarnosti, pri industrijskih ali namernih izpustih nevarnih snovi v ozračje lahko uporabili predlagano metodologijo in sistem, kot ustrezno, cenovno ugodno in natančno orodje