12 research outputs found

    Genetic diversity of a Serbian grapevine germplasm collection based on morphoagronomic characteristics

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate diversity and relationships among grapevine cultivars from the Serbian gene bank in Sremski Karlovci, and to identify the most useful variables for discrimination. A total of 54 grapevine cultivars have been studied. During the period 2000-2005, twelve quantitative and qualitative characteristics were evaluated using OIV categories to each trait. Characterization was done using multivariate statistical analyses: cluster and principal component analysis (PCA), Based on cluster analysis cultivars divided into three major groups and the clustering pattern was related to the classical eco-geographical grouping: occidentalis, pontica and orientalis. Beside geographic origin clustering position of cultivars throughout the dendrogram was related to main uses. The major part (70.1%) of the total variation presented was explained by four principal components. PC1 is highly correlated with the bunch and berry size and PC2 with the density of prostrate hairs of young shoot tip and the density of prostrate hairs between veins on the lower side of mature leaf. The overall arrangement of cultivars suggests considerable phenotypical (and presumably genetic) variability in studied germplasm collection. Furthermore, obtained results may be useful for further utilization of available genetic resources in gene bank managers, growing and breeding

    Moguće uštede primenom energetski efikasnih građevinskih materijala za omotače potkrovlјa

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    Zbog nedostatka stanova, zahvaljujući zakonskim rešenjima koja su to omogućavala, mnogi podstanari su svoje stambeno pitanje rešavali adaptacijom tavanskih prostora, ili nadziđivanjem postojećih zgrada. Nadziđivanja od jednog nivoanajčešće su rađena od drvenih konstrukcija sa minimalnom termičkom izolacijom, najčešće sa jednim slojem od 5 cm mineralne vune i opšivena limom. Slična je situacija i sa adaptiranim stambenim jedinicama u samim krovovima. Takva potkrovlja su prave energetske rupe i najveći potrošači energije. U radu se upoređuju dva tipična potkrovlja na jednoj istoj lokaciji, jedno uređeno savremeno u 2006.godini, sa zadovoljavajućom termičkom zaštitom zidova i svremenim PVC prozorima i drugo uređeno 80-tih godina sa velikim termičkim gubicima. Rezultati su takođe potvrđeni i snimcima dobijenim termovizijskom kamerom

    Genetic diversity in 200 years old Serbian grapevine herbarium specimens

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    Trabajo presentado en el XIII International Symposium on Grapevine Breeding and Genetics, celebrado en Landau in der Pfalz (Alemania), del 10 al 17 de julio de 2022A grapevine herbarium dated from 1812-1824, prepared by botanist Andreas Wolny Slovak, has recently been found in Sremski Karlovci (wine region of Vojvodina, Serbia). This collection should represent local cultivated grapevine diversity before Phylloxera was introduced to these areas. The herbarium collection comprises more than 100 samples, organized in two subcollections: red-berried varieties and white-berried varieties, totalling 47 different grape varieties. The goal here was to study the history of cultivated grapevines in the Balkans and Pannonia wine-growing areas with a long viticulture tradition. The obtention of DNA from plant remains older than 100 years requires the use of procedures of ancient DNA (aDNA) extractions in specific clean rooms, with positive pressure to avoid external contamination with modern DNA. Though, internal contamination from other organism is expected, such as bacteria and fungi associated to the living plant or herbarized samples. To avoid any cross-contamination with exogenous grapevine DNA, this work was performed following a protocol for recovering ultra-short DNA molecules from 10 mg of herbarized leaves in specific facilities for aDNA extraction at the University of Tu¿bingen. In 80 samples, DNA could be quantified. In part of the samples, Vitis psaA chloroplast gene amplification was checked and confirmed the presence of grapevine DNA in these extractions. Furthermore, genotyping using standard DNA markers was performed in a specific laboratory at the ICVV where grapevine DNA had never been amplified. Different degrees of success were achieved in the genotyping analyses, from samples that did not produce any positive result to other that worked fine, like modern DNA samples. The genetic profiles obtained from the herbarized samples were compared to those stored in international databases (ICVV and VIVC). This task allowed us to successfully identify some of the herbarized samples as known varieties from the Western Balkans and neighbouring regions, such as Kadarka Kek, indicating their uninterrupted cultivation for more than 200 years. The joint analysis of ancient and modern samples allows establishing possible relationships among them, elucidating the historic evolution of the crop in Serbia

    Response of grapevine phenology to recent temperature change and variability in the wine-producing area of Sremski Karlovci, Serbia

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    The historical temperature (1981-2007) and phenological (1986-2011) data were analysed for the region of Sremski Karlovci, one of the oldest grapevine growing areas in Europe, with the aim of detecting trends of changes in the data, evaluating the sensitivity of grapevine phenology to temperature and revealing diversity among cultivars in their response to observed changes in temperature. The onset dates of four major phenological stages (budburst, flowering, veraison and harvest), along with the corresponding growth intervals between them, were examined for 20 wine grape cultivars. A number of climatically important parameters for viticulture were calculated for the calendar year, growing season and different grapevine growth periods. Significant increases were detected in average and heat-related extreme temperature indices. The greatest rate of change in temperature variables across the growing season was observed during the period from the beginning of flowering to the beginning of veraison and the smallest during the ripening period. Linear trends indicated that all phenological stages, except budburst, have advanced significantly. Averaged across all cultivars, detected trends were -0.4, -0.7 and -0.6 days/year for the beginning of flowering, the beginning of veraison and harvest date, respectively. Observed warming and change in the timing of phenological events did not significantly affect the duration of the growth intervals, which can be explained by significant inter-correlation between the phenological stages' onset. Ripening was occurring under warmer conditions due to earlier flowering and veraison, rather than because of considerably higher temperatures preceding harvest or shortening of the ripening period. Most of the variation in phenology timing (74-90%) can be explained by a linear relationship between the onset date of phenological stage and temperature, with mean and maximum temperatures being more important than minimum temperatures. According to the current results, a 1 degrees C increase in the most influential temperature variable during the most relevant periods for the onset of phenological stages led to an advancement in the beginning of budburst, the beginning of flowering, the beginning of veraison and harvest by 3.6, 3.1, 5.2 and 7.4 days, respectively, on average for all cultivars. Among the cultivars studied, Pinot Noir displayed the greatest phenology advancement in response to increased temperature

    Analiza fenologije vinove loze u području Sremskih Karlovaca

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    A comprehensive analysis of phenological timing and growth intervals for eight red and thirteen white wine grape cultivars in the region of Sremski Karlovci was performed using a long-term (1986-2011) data set. Four phenological stages of grapevine were examined: beginning of budburst, beginning of flowering, beginning of veraison and harvest. The phenological stages studied exhibited a 30 to 51 day variation between the earliest and latest years for red cultivars and 29 to 49 day variation for white cultivars. The beginning of flowering exhibited the least, while harvest showed the highest inter-annual variation. The difference between red and white cultivars was the greatest for harvest - the mean harvest date averaged over all red cultivars was 24 September and over all white cultivars 14 September. The beginning of flowering to the beginning of veraison interval showed the smallest and budburst to harvest interval the greatest year-toyear variability. The beginning of budburst to harvest period for the cultivars examined averaged 165 days for red and 156 days for white cultivars, with the mean interval range of 58 days for red and 55 days for white cultivars. In addition, it was found that a variability of the onset and duration of phenological phases was greater between years for a single cultivar than among cultivars within individual years, meaning that climatic factors are more important than genetic characteristics of cultivars for phenological timing.Urađena je detaljna fenološka analiza na osnovu višegodišnjih podataka za period 1986-2011. godine za osam crvenih i trinaest belih vinskih sorti vinove loze gajenjih na području Sremskih Karlovaca. Ispitivana su četiri fenološka događaja: otvaranje pupoljaka, početak cvetanja, početak šarka i berba. Amplituda između najranijeg i najkasnijeg nastupa proučavanih fenoloških događaja kretala se od 30 do 51 dan za crvene i od 29 do 49 dana za bele sorte. Najmanje variranje između godina pokazao je datum početka cvetanja, a najveće datum berbe. Najveća razlika između crvenih i belih sorti je utvrđena kod datuma berbe - srednji datum berbe bio je 24. septembar za crvene, a 14. septembar za bele sorte. Period od početka cvetanja do početka šarka je ispoljio najmanje, a period od otvaranja pupoljaka do berbe najveće variranje između godina. Prosečno trajanje perioda od otvaranja pupoljaka do berbe je bilo 165 dana za crvene i 156 dana za bele sorte. Po godinama, trajanje ove fenološke faze variralo je u proseku 58 dana za crvene i 55 dana za bele sorte. Takođe je ustanovljeno da na variranje nastupa i trajanja fenoloških faza veći uticaj imaju klimtski faktori nego genetske osobine sorti

    Riesling Italico subclones

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    Clone selection in viticulture represents a way of eliminating the negative influence of mutation changes in the future vineyard, as well as preventing the virus-infected plants and plants infected with virus-related diseases from further propagation. Riesling Italico variety is an old variety. It has been grown in Vojvodina for centuries. The clone selection of Riesling Italico variety in Sremski Karlovci was started in 1975. In January 1991 three clones were recognized. Shortly after, the subclone selection of these three clones was initiated. This paper presents the resultants of subclone selection of Riesling Italico. Subclones SK 54-4 and SK 54-10 are characterized by good quality and the grapes of these subclones can be used for the production of high quality wines in most of the years

    Extent of wild–to–crop interspecific introgression in grapevine (Vitis vinifera) as a consequence of resistance breeding and implications for the crop species definition

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    Over the past two centuries, introgression through repeated backcrossing has introduced disease resistance from wild grape species into the domesticated lineage Vitis vinifera subsp. sativa. Introgression lines are being cultivated over increasing vineyard surface areas, as their wines now rival in quality those obtained from preexisting varieties. There is, however, a lot of debate about whether and how wine laws defining commercial product categories, which are based on the classification of V. vinifera and interspecific hybrid grapes, should be revised to accommodate novel varieties that do not fit either category. Here, we developed a method of multilocus genotype analysis using short–read resequencing to identify haplotypic blocks of wild ancestry in introgression lines and quantify the physical length of chromosome segments free–of–introgression or with monoallelic and biallelic introgression. We used this genomic data to characterize species, hybrids and introgression lines and show that newly released resistant varieties contain 76.5–94.8% of V. vinifera DNA. We found that varietal wine ratings are not always commensurate with the percentage of V. vinifera ancestry and linkage drag of wild alleles around known resistance genes persists over at least 7.1–11.5 Mb, slowing down the recovery of the recurrent parental genome. This method also allowed us to identify the donor species of resistance haplotypes, define the ancestry of wild genetic background in introgression lines with complex pedigrees, validate the ancestry of the historic varieties Concord and Norton, and unravel sample curation errors in public databases

    Uticaj vremenskih prilika na rodnost zimskih okaca kod vinove loze

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    The aim of this investigation was to find out the influences of heat and water precipitations on the potential fertility differentiation, which happens with buds necessary for next pruning, from the middle May until the beginning of July. Investigations which started in 1997. are still carrying out at the Experimental Field of the Institute for Fruit Growing, Viticulture, and Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad, which lies in the northern part of Fruska Gora vineyard area, in Sremski Karlovci- Serbia. New designed cultivars Sila, Nova Dinka and Riesling Italian clone SK-13 were examined. By counting the inflorescences on the example of 15 grape vines per variant, coefficients of fertility per cultivar were calculated, and their values per years were compared. By analyzing meteorological factors (heat and water) and coefficients of fertility for the examined period, exceptional connection between them was established. In the years when there was a lot of rain in the May and June, and when they were followed by low temperatures in this period, potential fertility or fertility for the next year, was very low. In some cases it was 50 and more % lower then average values. In the years when temperature conditions, and water precipitations in the May and June were good, next year, coefficients of fertility in all buds were high. To reduce negative influence of bad weather in some years, grapegrowers must help to the grape vine by using all measures of agro and especially phitotechnique. .Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi uticaj toplote i padavina na izgradnju moguće rodnosti, koja se u okcima potrebnim za rezidbu, odvija od sredine maja pa do početka jula. Istraživanja koja su počela 1997. su još uvek u toku, na Oglednom Polju Departmana za voćarstvo, vinogradarstvo, hortikulturu i pejzažnu arhitekturu, u Sremskim Karlovcima. Ispitivane su novostvorene sorte sila, nova dinka, grašac beli (ital. rizl.) klon 13, petra i liza. Utvrđivanjem rodnosti na po 15 čokota po varijanti, izračunati su koeficijenti rodnosti, i potom je urađeno njihovo upoređivanje po godinama. Analiziranjem i meteoroloških činilaca i koeficijenata rodnosti u ispitivanom periodu, utvrđena je izuzetna povezanost, ili uslovljenost. U godinama kada je u maju i junu bilo dosta kiše, koje su praćene niskim temperaturama, potencijalna rodnost je bila veoma niska. U pojedinim slučajevima ona je bila 50% i više posto niža nego prosečna. U godinama kada su toplotni uslovi i količina padavina u maju i junu bili povoljni, koeficijenti rodnosti su bili visoki. Da bi se sprečio negativan uticaj lošeg vremena u pojedinim godinama, vinogradari moraju pomoći vinovoj lozi posebnim agro i fitotehničkim merama.

    Uticaj gustine zelene mase u špaliru, na rodnost i kvalitet grožđa i vina sorte Liza

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    The objective of this study was to assess the effect of bud load and the green foliage they produce on the yield and quality of grapes and wine of the cultivar 'Liza'. Three levels of bud loading, i.e., canopy density, were applied. The first variant of bud loading was 2 bud spurs and a cane with 12 buds, or 11.7 shoots per meter of canopy length. The second variant of bud loading was two canes each with 12 buds, or 20 shoots per meter of canopy length. The third variant of bud loading was two canes each with 17 buds, or 28 shoots per meter of canopy length. Influence of meteorological parameters on these cultivar features was also monitored. Ripening dynamics and grape and wine quality were observed through the test years. Based on long-term investigations and the results of this study, it was concluded that the increased bud load and canopy density, with the applied small plant distances in the row, decreased the (potential) bud fertility, grape yield, and grape and wine quality.Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi uticaj opterećenja okcima i stvorene zelene mase iz njih, na rodnost i kvalitet grožđa i vina kod sorte Liza. Istraživanja su se odvijala od 1996. do 2004. godine, na Oglednom dobru Departmana za voćarstvo, vinogradarstvo, hortikulturu i pejzažnu arhitekturu, Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Novom Sadu, u Sremskim Karlovcima. Ispitivana je novostvorena sorta liza, nastala u ovom departmanu ukrštanjem sorti kunleanji i burgundac sivi, a priznata 1991. godine. Primenjna su tri nivoa opterećenja okcima tj. tri gustine zelene mase u špaliru. Prvo opterećenje kondir od 2 okca i luk od 12 okaca tj. 11,7 lastara po dužnom metru špalira, drugo dva luka od po 12 okaca tj. 20,0 lastara po dužnom metru špalira i treće opterećenje dva luka po 17 okaca tj. 28,3 lastara po dužnom metru špalira. Pored uticaja gustine zelene mase i opterećenja rodnim okcima na moguću (potencijalnu) i stvarnu rodnost, praćen je i uticaj klimatskih činilaca na ova svojstva sorte. Tokom godina ispitivanja je praćena i brzina (dinamika) sazrevanja i kvalitet grožđa i vina. Na osnovu dugogodišnjeg posmatranja i dobijenih rezultata se može zaključiti, da sa povećanjem opterećenja i gustine zelene mase u špaliru, pri uobičajenim razmacima između čokota u redu, opada moguća (potencijana) i stvarna rodnost, kakvoća (kvalitet) grožđa i vina

    Analysis of grapevine phenology in the region of Sremski Karlovci

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    A comprehensive analysis of phenological timing and growth intervals for eight red and thirteen white wine grape cultivars in the region of Sremski Karlovci was performed using a long-term (1986-2011) data set. Four phenological stages of grapevine were examined: beginning of budburst, beginning of flowering, beginning of veraison and harvest. The phenological stages studied exhibited a 30 to 51 day variation between the earliest and latest years for red cultivars and 29 to 49 day variation for white cultivars. The beginning of flowering exhibited the least, while harvest showed the highest inter-annual variation. The difference between red and white cultivars was the greatest for harvest - the mean harvest date averaged over all red cultivars was 24 September and over all white cultivars 14 September. The beginning of flowering to the beginning of veraison interval showed the smallest and budburst to harvest interval the greatest year-toyear variability. The beginning of budburst to harvest period for the cultivars examined averaged 165 days for red and 156 days for white cultivars, with the mean interval range of 58 days for red and 55 days for white cultivars. In addition, it was found that a variability of the onset and duration of phenological phases was greater between years for a single cultivar than among cultivars within individual years, meaning that climatic factors are more important than genetic characteristics of cultivars for phenological timing. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 43007: Studying climate change and its influence on the environment: impacts, adaptation and mitigation