1,065 research outputs found

    The evaluation of the influence of biological treatments of maize seeds on the morphological characteristics of seedlings and seed germination

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    Све већи проблем у семенској и комерцијалној производњи кукуруза представња недостатак воде у сетви. У систему гајења усева без наводњавања сушни период проузрокује велике штете смањењем броја биљака по хектару, што директно утиче на висину приноса. У овим истраживањима метаболички процеси клијања и ницања стимулисани су хидропрајмингом семена. Постављен је двофакторијални оглед, са четири линије кукуруза Л-1, Л-2, Л-3, Л-4 и четири третмана хидропрајминга. Третмани укључују различиту дужину времена потапања семена у води, 8 (Х1) и 16 (Х2) сати, као и различиту температуру воде, 25°C (Т1) и 30°C(Т2). Након хидропрајминга, семе је сушено ваздушно сувим третманом на 35°C 24 сата. Клијавост, дужина стабаоцета, дужина коренка, маса стабаоцета и маса коренка одређени су након седам дана наклијавања семена у клијалишту стандардном методом. Семе коришћено у огледима било је различиток квалитета. Клијавост се кретала од 69-92%, дужина корена од 89-129 cm, дужина клијанца од 70-84 cm, маса клијанца од 0,5-08 g и маса корена од 0,47-0,67 g. Применом сва четири третмана хидропрајминга имало је позитиван ефекат на дужину стабаоцета, дужину коренка и њихову масу. Третман Т1 утицао је на масу коренка, а Т2 на дужину коренка. Применом третмана Т2, у комбинацији са два временска третмана (Х1, Х2) дужина коренка била је значајно дужа у односу на контролу. Најдужи коренак, 137 mm одређен је код Л2 у комбинацији третмана Т2Х1. Најдуже стабаоце клијанца било је 98,11 mm применом Т1Х2. Такође третмани су деловали и на повећање масе стабаоцета, највећу масу стабаоцета 0,93 g имала је комбинација Л3Т1Х2. Побољшање морфолошких особина садница, применом биолошког третмана, помаже семену да буде отпорније на тешке временске прилике.A growing problem in seed and commercial maize production is the lack of water at sowing. In the cropping system without irrigation, drought causes great damage by reducing the number of plants per hectare, which directly affects yield. In these studies, the metabolic processes of germination and emergence were stimulated by hydropriming the seeds. A two-factor experiment was set up with four maize lines L-1, L-2, L-3, L-4 and four hydropriming treatments. The treatments included different times of seed immersion in water, 8 (H1) and 16 (H2) hours, and different water temperatures, 25°C (Т1) и 30°C(Т2). (T2). After hydropriming, seeds were air-dried at 35°C for 24 hours. Germination, stem length, root length, stem weight, and root weight were determined after seven days of seed germination in the germination chamber using the standard method. The seeds used for the experiments were of different quality. Germination ranged from 69-92%, root length ranged from 89-129 cm, seedling length ranged from 70-84 cm; stem weight ranged from 0.5-08 g, and root weight ranged from 0.47-0.67. The application of all four hydropriming treatments had a positive effect on stem length, root length, and root weight. Treatment T1 had an effect on root weight and T2 on root length. When treatment T2 was applied in combination with two time treatments (H1, H2), root length was significantly greater compared to the control. The longest root, 137 mm, was obtained at L2 in the combination of treatment T2H1. The longest stem of the seedling was 98.11 mm in treatment T1H2. The treatments also affected the increase in stem weight, with the highest stem weight of 0.93 g obtained in the combination L3T1H2. Improving the morphological characteristics of seedlings through biological treatment helps to make the seed more resistant to harsh weather conditions

    Improvement of study programs for bachelor’s and master’s studies in Mechatronics in response to the requirements of Industry 4.0

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    This study was supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, and these results are parts of the Grant No. 451-03-68/2022-14/200132 with University of Kragujevac - Faculty of Technical Sciences in Čacak.Development in information technology has resulted in revolutionizing all aspects of life and this revolution has been realized as Industry 4.0. A main approach that universities' educational systems may take towards Industry 4.0 is educating students who have the right skill set for reacting to the changes in their working environment, adapting their performance, and learning to cope with technological development. This paper presents the results of the project "Improvement of study programs for bachelor's and master's studies in Mechatronics in response to the requirements of Industry 4.0", which was funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia as a part of program activity "Development of higher education" and performed in the 2020/21 academic year.Publishe

    Laboratorijska elektro-pneumatski upravljana postavka

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    Studying the dynamic behaviour of objects or systems in response to conditions cannot always be easily or safely applied in real life. Computer simulations in engineering are very important as it solves real-world problems safely and efficiently. It provides an important method of analysis which is easily verified, communicated, and understood. Across industries and disciplines, simulation modelling provides valuable solutions by giving clear insights into complex systems. A system presented in this paper is a pneumatic sheet metal bending laboratory setup. An electro-pneumatic motion control of this system is modelled and simulated in FluidSim software. This system is also physically built using main pneumatic and electrical components with PLC. Described laboratory setup in this paper was used in the education of students and significant enchantment in the understanding of how similar systems work was noticed.Publishe

    Razvoj laboratorijskog sistema za merenje karakteristika fotonaponskotermičkog panela

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    The emissions of harmful gases into the atmosphere, air pollution and global warming can be greatly reduced by increasing the use of renewable energy sources such as solar energy to heat domestic hot water, space heating and generating electricity. This paper describes the systems of combined (hybrid) PV/T panels that can simultaneously generate both heat and electricity, as well as the characteristics of the PV/T panel. A prototype of the laboratory setting for the examination of these systems along with the used components is also shown. The temperature, fluid flow rate values, obtained heat and electric gain are also presented. Deficiencies and proposed changes in the laboratory setup and used equipment were laid out, in order to improve the accuracy of the measurements.Publishe

    Influence of intercropping and bio-fertilizer on the level of antioxidants in soybean and common millet grains

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    While climate change severely affects food production and its security, each practice which boost yield and quality of crops in an eco-friendly way is required. Soybean (S) and common millet (M) present valuable crops regarding nutritive quality of grains, and their intercropping (IC) can be used to enhance performance of both crops in a sustainable way. Field experiment was performed during 2018 and 2020, as completely randomized block design. Three combinations of intercrops: S-M, SS-MM and SS-MMMM, as well as sole crops were included in trial. Additionally, the influence of bio-fertilizer Coveron (containing Glomus sp., Trichoderma atroviride and plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria) was also investigated. The quality of grains was determined by measuring the level of three important antioxidants: yellow pigment - YP, total phenolic compounds - TPC and phytic phosphorus - PPhy. In terms of soybean, IC was insignificant for variability in concentration of antioxidants, while in millet grains, concentrations of Pphy, TPC and YP were significantly affected by IC. Pphy and TPC levels were mainly increased by IC, but not YP level. The only combination that influenced simultaneous increase of all three parameters was SS-MM combination. Consequently, this planting pattern is suggested as an effective for increasing antioxidants level in millet grain. On the other side, BF significantly affected only Pphy in soybean, increasing its concentration, which proved positive effect of BF on enhanced phosphorus availability and accumulation in grain. These findings indicate the importance of planting pattern in managing nutritive quality of grains, emphasizing 1:1 ratio set as alternating strips in soybean-common millet intercropping

    Role of soybean - millet intercropping and bio-fertilizer in managing potential bio-availability of essential elements

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    The potential bio-availability of minerals from food, i.e. agricultural products, is mainly subjected to the concentration of anti-nutrients, due to its high affinity to bind elements and make them unavailable for humans from digestive tract. Thus, increasing the mineral concentration in grain is just one point in the string that can improve food quality, but reduction in concentration of anti-nutrients, such as phytates, is of great importance, too. [1,2] As intercropping and use of bio-fertilizer represent integrative part of sustainable agriculture which influence nutrient use efficiency [3,4], their combination seems to be a good way to manage nutrients uptake and accumulation, and anti-nutrients concentration in grain. Therefore, this research aimed to examine the impact of soybean - common millet arrangement in intercropping, together with bio-fertilizer, on potential bioavailability of essential elements in grain. A two-year field experiment was conducted with soybean and common millet. Mono-crops (T1 - soybean, T2 - millet), as well as three planting patterns of intercrop (T3 - alternating rows of soybean and common millet; T4 - alternating strips of two rows of soybean and two rows of millet and T5 - alternating strips of two rows of soybean and four rows of millet) were set up in 2018 and 2020. The bio-fertilizer Coveron (BF) (containing mycorrhizal fungi, Trichoderma and plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria) was also included in same combinations, as a subplots, as well as variant without BF (BFƟ). After determination of concentrations in grains, the molar ratios between phytic acid (Phy) and magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn) were evaluated. Results showed that intercropping and bio-fertilizer significantly affected molar ratios between phytic acid and essential elements. Regarding to the soybean, all 4 ratios showed smaller values in intercropping comparing with mono-crops (both in plots with and without fertilizer). Intercrops + BFƟ decreased Phy/Ca, Phy/Mg and Phy/Fe ratios down to the 0.31 (T4 and T5), 0.16 (T4) and 14.03 (T4), respectively, while intercrops + BF decreased Phy/Zn ratio down to the 25.25 in T3 + BF. These lowest values could be related to lower accumulation of Phy and greater accumulation of minerals in intercropped soybean, due to the presence of cereal (millet) and its ability to excrete phytosiderophores, which promotes mineral uptake [5]. Nevertheless, situation for common millet was different. Ratios of Phy/Ca, Phy/Mg and Phy/Zn had the lowest values in mono-crops (both in BF and BFƟ variants), while the value of Phy/Fe was the lowest in T3 + BF (23.88). Such results suggest soybean - common millet intercropping as a good sustainable agricultural practice to enhance bio-availability of essential elements in grain of soybean. On the other side, positive impact of BF was pronounced in millet, enhancing potential bio-availability of examined minerals in grain by lowering values of all 4 ratios. These findings can be connected to beneficial effect of microbes on nutrients uptake by cereals [6], highlighting the tested combination of fungi and plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria as a sustainable strategy to increase grain quality. However, although this research proved positive effects of soybean - common millet intercropping and bio-fertilizer on potential bio-availability of essential elements, further research is needed to determine the most suitable combination for increased quality of both crops

    Application of lavender and mint essential oils for improvement of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) seed properties

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    Essential oils (EOs) are widely studied in agriculture. The study's objective was to examine the impact of EOs on alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) seed dormancy. The four different varieties of alfalfa were used for the experiment (Zaječarka-83, Banatska-VS, K-28, Novosadska H-11). Two essential oils, lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) and peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) were applied at four concentrations:1%, 0.5%, 0.2%, and 0.02%, along with water as a control. Germination, dormant seeds and dead seeds were evaluated in a laboratory setting according to ISTA rules. The type of EOs had no discernible influence on germinated seeds, dormancy, and dead seeds. Both EOs in concentrations of 1% and 0.5% inhibited seed germination. The maximum germination of 91.66% was achieved with the Novosadska H-11 variety using lavender oil at a concentration of 0.02%, with reduced dormancy. Varieties Zaječarka-83 and Banatska-VS had the highest level of dead and dormant seeds when lavender and peppermint EOs were applied at a concentration of 0.2%. This study showed that both EOs at a concentration of 0.02% had a stimulatory effect on seed germination, simultaneously reducing seed dormancy, emphasizing their potential use for seed quality improvement in organic farmingOdrživ sistem uključuje korišćenje prirodnih resursa za zaštitu bilja, suzbijanje bolesti, štetočina i korova bez upotrebe sintetičkih hemikalija. Etarska ulja (EO) su dobro poznati metaboliti koji imaju potencijalnu primenu u poljoprivredi. Cilj studije je bio da se utvrdi značaj delovanja Eunamirovanje (dormantnost) semenalucerke (Medicago sativa L.).Za ogled je korišćen semenski material četiri sorte lucerke (Zaječarka-83, Banatska-VS, K-28, Novosadska H-11). Dva EO, lavande (Lavandula angustifolia Mill.) i pitome nane (Mentha piperita L.) primenjena su na semenu lucerke u četiri koncentracije: 1%, 0,5%, 0,2% i 0,02%, zajedno sa vodom kaokontrolom. Ulja pitome nane i lavande korišćena u eksperimentu su komercijalna ulja. Klijavost, dormantnost i mrtvo seme su procenjeni u laboratorijskim uslovima prema ISTA pravilima, u petrijevim posudama na filter papiru. Klijanje je testiran ou komori za klijanje. Rezultati su pokazali da vrsta EO nije imala značajan uticaj na klijanje semena, mirovanje i mrtvo seme. Koncentracija ulja je bila najznačajniji faktor koji je uticao na fiziološke karakteristike. Oba ulja u koncentracijama od 1% i 0,5% su inhibirala klijanje. Maksimalna klijavost od 91,66% je postignuta kod sorte Novosadska H-11 uz korišćenje ulja lavande u koncentraciji 0,02%, dok se mirovanje smanjilo. Sorte Zaječarka-83 i Banatska-VS su imali najviši nivo mrtvog i dormantnog semena, kada su tretirane uljem lavande i pitome nane u koncentraciji od 0,2%. Ova studija je pokazala da su oba EO u koncentraciji od 0,02% imala stimulativni efekat na klijavost semena, i istovremeno smanjila mirovanje semena, naglašavajući njihovu potencijalnu primenu za poboljšanje kvaliteta semena u organskoj poljoprivred

    Yield components of biomass and grain of soybean in response to the use of biofertilizer

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    In recent years, biofertilizers have received more attention as eco-friendly and sustainable agricultural practice to boost crop production. This research included application of bio-fertilizer Coveron, containing mycorrhizal fungi, Trichoderma atroviride and rhizosphere bacteria, on the yield components of biomass (in reproductive growth stage) and grain (in full maturity stage) of soybean (var. Selena). The field experiment was set up in the Maize Research Institute „Zemun Polje“, during 2020. Treatments included application of biofertilizer Coveron prior to sowing, and control (without Coveron). Harvesting for biomass yield - BY, as well as morphological traits (plant height - PH, weight of underground plant - WP, number of nodes per plant - NN, number of pods per plant - NP) were measured in R4 growth stage. At full maturity, grain yield and its components were recorded, including: PH, WP, NN, NP again, as well as grain yield - GY, number of seeds per plant - NS, seed weight per plant - SW, and 1000-seed weight - TSW. Results showed that biofertilizer significantly influenced biomass yield (31.36 t ha-1 and 26.22 t ha-1, with and without Coveron, respectively), while results for GY were opposite (higher grain yield was obtained in no-treated soybean, but without statistically significant difference at p=0.05). In regard to other examined parameters for biomass, biofertilizer positively affected all of them, increasing PH, WP, NN and NP values. However, situation in phase of full maturity was a slightly different. While Coveron increased the values of PH and NN, other parameters were greater in control. Correlations among the investigated traits were also estimated, and significant positive correlation between GY and NP, NS and SW was determined. Accordingly, further research should be focused on the potential biofertilizer use to increase biomass and grain yield

    Primena alternativnih metoda zaštite useva u održivoj poljoprivredi

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    Globalno zagrevanje, zagađenje životne sredine, gubitak biološke raznolikosti biljnih vrsta su pojave koje pokreću nove trendove i debate o ljudskom društvu. Održivi razvoj je novi koncept u svetu koji treba da zadovolji potrebe ljudskog društva uz očuvanje i unapređenje prirodnih resursa. Indikatori održivog razvoja su glavni alati u sprovođenju mera očuvanja prirodnih resursa. U poljoprivredi jedan od indikatora su štete nastale primenom sintetičkih sredstava. Primena novih tehnologija bez upotrebe hemijskih agenasa u zaštiti useva je mera koja treba da umanji nastale ekološke gubitke. Etarska ulja su jedan od najznačajniji prirodnih metabolita, sekundarni produkti aromatičnih biljaka koji se uspešno koriste kao biopesticidi. Biološka aktivnost etarskih ulja u poljoprivredi ima antimikrobno i herbicidno dejstvo. Efekti ulja zavise od pojedinačnih bioaktivnih komponenti. U prirodi igraju važnu ulogu u zaštiti biljaka kao antibakterijski, antivirusni, antifungalni, insekticidni agensi. Kod većine korova, ulja kao tipični lipofili, prolaze kroz ćelijski zid citoplazmatske membrane, remete strukturu njihovih različitih slojeva polisaharida, masnih kiselina i fosfolipida i permeabiliziraju ih. Štete od primene eteričnih ulja (EU) na biljkama ogledaju se kroz hloroze, nekroze i inhibicije rasta. Značaj upotrebe ulja i drugih prirodnih metabolita ukazuje na njihovu upotrebnu vrednost u održivoj poljoprivredi iako fiziološka aktivnost ulja još uvek nije dovljno istražena.Environmental problems such as global warming, pollution, and the decline of plant species biodiversity are leading to new social trends and discussions. A relatively new idea of global sustainable development aims to meet societal demands while protecting and enhancing natural resources. The main tools used in the implementation of natural resource protection measures are sustainable development indicators. One of these indicators is the damage caused by the use of synthetic chemicals in agriculture. In Serbia, agriculture is an important sector of the economy with different levels of technological progress, from extensive to intensive. The degree of pollution and its impact on the environment varies according to agricultural production. The challenges faced by modern agricultural production in conditions of technological progress have led to the intensification of production, but have also caused concern about maintaining the natural balance of cultivated land and product quality. The application of innovative technologies for crop protection without the use of chemical agents is a step that should reduce the environmental damage caused. Among the most important natural metabolites and secondary products of aromatic plants used as biopesticides are essential oils. The biological activities of essential oils (EOs) in agriculture have antimicrobial and herbicidal effects. The various bioactive components of the oil determine its action. In nature, they play an important role in protecting plants from bacteria, fungi, viruses and insects. In most weeds, the oils penetrate the cytoplasmic membrane of the cell as typical lipophiles and cause its multilayers of polysaccharides, fatty acids and phospholipids to lose their structure and become permeable. Chlorosis, necrosis, and growth inhibition are symptoms of damage caused by the application of essential oils to plants. Although the physiological effects of the oil are not yet well studied, the importance of its use and other natural metabolites indicates its value for sustainable agricultur