80 research outputs found

    Innovative solutions in crop utilization biofortification as a function of quality food production

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    Globalni trend industrijalizacije poljoprivrede, naročito od pojave „zelene revolucije“, karakteriše povećanje prinosa biomase, zrna i plodova useva. Ovakav trend ima za posledicu paralelno smanjenje hranljive vrednosti poljoprivrednih proizvoda, koje se ogleda u smanjenoj koncentraciji minerala i vitamina, posebno kada su u pitanju gvožđe, magnezijum, cink i selen. Kada se uzme u obzir visok stepen erozije, kao i narušavanje zemljišnog ekosistema, uz intenzivnu upotrebu mineralnih đubriva, baziranih uglavnom na azotu, fosforu i kalijumu, a bez unosa organskih đubriva, zamljišta se „ispošćuju“ i rapidno se gubi plodnost. Važno je istaći da je skoro polovina svetskih zemljišta deficitarna mineralima. Ovo se dalje, preko ciklusa ishrane, vrlo nepovoljno odražava na zdravstveno stanje ljudi i životinja, dovodeći do sistemske neishranjenosti i pojave brojnih hroničnih bolesti. Da bi se stalo na put navedenim trendovima, potrebno je proizvesti poljoprivredne proizvode bogate hranivima. Akumulacija minerala u biljkama, posebno u zrnu, kao i sinteza vitamina je kontrolisan brojnim biohemijskim procesima. Biofortifikacija ima za cilj povećanje koncentracije minerala i vitamina u jestivim delovima biljaka. Mere gajenja koje utiču na povećanje apsorpcije minerala i sintezu vitamina, kao i metode oplemenjivanja i genetičkog inženjeringa koje imaju za cilj stvaranje genotipova poželjnih osobina, mogu povoljno uticati na povećanje koncentracije minerala i vitamina u jestivim delovima gajenih biljaka. Paralelno sa povećanjem koncentracije esencijalnih minerala i vitamina, potrebno je razviti i mere kojima se utiče na smanjenje anti-nutritiva, koji sprečavaju resorpciju minerala i vitamina iz organa za varenje, odnosno njihovo iskorišćenje od strane animalnih organizama. Povećanje koncentracije esencijalnih minerala i vitamina, kao i njihova iskoristljivost od strane ljudskih i životinjskih organizama je vrlo kompleksna problematika, koja se bazira na primeni brojnih inovativnih rešenja i koja bi trebalo da predstavlja integralni deo i sponu između agronomskih i medicinskih nauka, sa ciljem poboljšanja kvaliteta agroekositema, gajenih biljaka i života, uopšte.The globally present trend of agriculture industrialization, particularly from arising of "green revolution" was characterised with increase of biomass, grain and fruit yields. In parallel, this trend had as a consequence decrease of nutritional quality of agricultural products, reflected through reduced concentration of minerals and vitamins, especially of iron, magnesium and selenium. When high intensity of erosion and depletion of soil ecosystem was taken into account, together with intensive usage of mineral fertilizers, based on nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, without incorporation of organic fertilizers, soils became exhausted, rapidly losing their fertility. It is important to underline that almost half of soils worldwide is deficient in minerals. In further, through the nutrition cycle, this situation is transmitting to health depletion of humans and animals, towards systemic malnutrition and arising of numerous chronically diseases. To combat present trends, it is necessary to produce agricultural commodities rich in essential nutrients. Various biochemical processes control accumulation of mineral nutrients in plant tissues, particularly in grains, as well as vitamins synthesis. The goal of bio-fortification is increase of concentration of essential minerals and vitamins in edible parts of plants. Thus, growing measures that enhance absorption of minerals and vitamins synthesis, as well as methods of breeding and genetic engineering, having as a target creation of genotypes with desirable traits, could be positively reflect to increase in concentration of minerals and vitamins in edible parts of agricultural plants. Correspondingly to the increase in concentration of essential minerals and vitamins, it is necessary to develop measures that will reduce concentration of anti-nutrients, which diminish absorption of minerals and vitamins from digestive organs, thus obstruct their utilization by animals and humans. The increase of concentration of essential minerals and vitamins, as well as their bioavailability and utilization by animal and human organisms is very complex issue, based on the application of various innovative solutions and it should present integral part, i.e. connection between agricultural and medical sciences, aimed to increase quality of agro-ecosystem, agricultural plants, and life, in general

    Dinamika nakupljanja fitata i otpuštanja vode tokom nalivanja semena kukuruza, I - dinamika nakupljanja fitinskog fosfora

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    Phytic acid is a phosphorus compound with the widest prevalence in nature; it encompasses 60-80% of seed phosphorus. Phytic acid is considered as an antinutritive compound and it is indigestible by monogastric animals. The lowering of the phytic content in course of increasing of available, i.e. inorganic phosphorus in maize seed could be achieved through breeding of the present populations. Phosphorus metabolism in low-phytic genotypes differs during seed filling. The aim of this experiment was to determine the accumulation of inorganic and phytic phosphorus, as well as, of soluble proteins in seed of four populations and six ZP hybrids, including one potentially low phytic population. The synthesis of storage substances, such as phytate, was the most intensive during the first 30 days of seed filling, which was particularly expressed in hybrids. In seed of populations with a relatively low phytic P content the phytate accumulation lasted during the whole filling period. In accordance with the increase of the phytic P content, the contents of inorganic P and soluble proteins decreased, and this reduction reached its maximum 15-30 days after pollination. It is important to underline that the content of all three examined components was relatively uniform in hybrid seed, while non-uniformity at the level of populations, especially in the content of phytic P can serve as a source of favourable properties for breeders.Fitinska kiselina je najrasprostranjenije jedinjenje koje sadrži fosfor, i to 60-80% ukupnog fosfora u semenu. Ona se smatra antinutritivnom supstancom, jer monogastrični organizmi ne mogu da je svare. Smanjenje sadržaja fitinskog na ime lako pristupačnog, tj. neorganskog fosfora u semenu kukuruza moguće je izvršiti selekcijom genotipova iz postojećih populacija. Kod nisko-fitinskih genotipova kukuruza metabolizam fosfornih jedinjenja je drugačiji prilikom nalivanja semena. Cilj ogleda je bio da se ispita dinamika nakupljanja neorganskog i fitinskog fosfora, kao i rastvorljivih proteina tokom nalivanja semena kod četiri populacije i šest ZP hibrida kukuruza, uključujući i jednu potencijalno nisko-fitinsku populaciju. Tokom prvih 30 dana nalivanja semena kukuruza sinteza skladišnih supstanci, kao što je fitat, bila je najintenzivnija, što je posebno bilo izraženo kod hibrida kukuruza. Kod populacija sa relativno niskim učešćem fitinskog fosfora sinteza fitata je trajala tokom čitavog perioda nalivanja. Srazmerno povećanju sadržaja fitinskog, došlo je do smanjenja sadržaja neorganskog fosfora i rastvorljivih proteina, ali je ono bilo najintenzivnije između 15. i 30. dana od oplodnje. Značajno je istaći da je kod hibrida bio prisutan ujednačen sadržaj sve tri ispitivane komponente, dok neujednačenost na nivou populacija, pogotovo u sadržaju fitinskog fosfora može poslužiti kao izvor pogodnih svojstava za selekcionare

    Dinamika nakupljanja fitata i otpuštanja vode tokom nalivanja zrna kukuruza, II - dinamika otpuštanja vode

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    The seed filling is a functional consequence of two parallel processes: increasing of water content (incorporates substances and serves as a reaction medium in seeds) and increasing of dry matter content (by absorption and polymerisation). The increase of seed weight was occurring up to the moment of maximal polymerisation, when seed started to release water to get into a dormant stage. The aim of this experiment was to examine dynamics of free, hygroscopic and constitution water during seed filling in four populations and six ZP hybrids of maize, as well as, their correlation with phytic and inorganic phosphorus, as well as, soluble proteins. The dominant water form present during the seed filling was free water. Decreasing of its content occurred 30 days after pollination, while the period of maximum seed weight maintenance was observed more in hybrids than in populations. Moreover, the period of intensive seed filling was longer hybrids than in populations. The dynamics of hygroscopic water had sinusoidal trend for all genotypes. The drop in the content of free water during seed filling occurred at the same time as the decrease in the content of constitution water. The alterations in contents of free and constitution water were, to a great extent, related to the phytate accumulation and the decrease of soluble proteins. From the point of view of selection, the genotypes, such as the population 216, with low phytate and moisture contents in seeds, could serve as a basis for breeding programmes of genotypes with a greater dry down rate.Nalivanje semena je funkcionalna posledica dva paralelna procesa: povećanja sadržaja vode (unosi supstance za izgradnju semena i služi kao reakcioni medijum) i povećanja sadržaja suve materije (apsorpcijom i polimerizacijom). Navedeni rast mase se dešava do trenutka kada procesi polimerizacije dostignu svoj maksimum i kada seme počne da otpušta vodu da bi prešlo u stanje mirovanja. Cilj ogleda je bio da se ispita dinamika slobodne, higroskopne i konstitucione vode tokom nalivanja semena kod četiri populacije i šest ZP hibrida kukuruza, kao i njihova korelacija sa fitinskim i neorganskim fosforom i rastvorljivim proteinima. Tokom nalivanja semena kukuruza dominantna forma vode je bila slobodna voda. Smanjenje njenog sadržaja je nastupilo već nakon 30 dana od oplodnje, dok je kod hibrida period zadržavanja maksimalne mase semena, tj. period intenzivnijeg nalivanja bio nešto duži u odnosu na populacije. Dinamika higroskopne vode je imala sinusoidni trend koji je bio sličan kod većine genotipova. Paralelno sa padom slobodne vode tokom nalivanja semena kukuruza bio je prisutan i trend pada konstitucione vode. Promene sadržaja slobodne i konstitucione vode su bile u visokom stepenu vezane za nakupljanje fitata i smanjenje solubilnih proteina. S tačke gledišta odabira genotipova koji bi mogli predstavljati bazu za brzo otpuštanje vlage prilikom zrenja semena trebalo bi uzeti u obzir populaciju 216, koja uporedo ima i niži nivo fitata u semenu

    Sadržaj nekih antioksidanata u zrnu kukuruza i soje iz združenog useva

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    Intercropping, as a combination of different crops at the same time and the same field, enables interaction of their roots, improving plant growth and stress tolerance, thus improving nutritional quality of produced grains. The investigation was aimed to examine the effect of different cropping systems: intercropping in combination with alternating rows and alternating strips of maize and soybean, as well as single cropping, combined with different fertilization regimes (conventional, application of organic fertilizer, bio-fertilizer and control) on the antioxidant content (glutathione [GSH], phenolics and yellow pigment [YP]) in red maize and black soybean grain. Black soybean is richer in antioxidants than red maize. Season expressed the highest influence on the level of GSH, phenolics and YP in maize and soybean, while cropping system and fertilization regime influenced GSH and phenolics. The antioxidant level in grains with greater weight corresponded with an increased GSH level for maize, as well as an increased GSH and phenolic level for soybean, while smaller grains were characterised by the increased YP content. Generally, antioxidant content was increased mainly by alternating strips in maize grain and by alternating rows in soybean grain. Bio-fertilizer had the highest impact on an increase in GSH in maize grain and YP in soybean grain, while organic fertilizer was important for acquiring of GSH and phenolics in soybean grain.Združeni usev, kao kombinacija različitih useva, koji se gaje u isto vreme i na istom polju, omogućava interakciju njihovih korenova, poboljšava rast i tolerantnost na stres, poboljšavajući tako nutritivni kvalitet proizvedenog zrna. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita efekat različitih sistema gajenja: združeni usev kombinujući naizmenične redove i naizmenične trake kukuruza i soje, kao i pojedinačne useve, zajedno sa različitim režimima đubrenja (konvencionalni, upotreba organskog đubriva, bio-đubriva i kontrola) na sadržaj antioksidanta (glutationa [GSH], fenola i žutog pigmenta [YP]) u zrnu crvenog kukuruza i crne soje. Zrno crne soje je bogatije antioksidantima od crvenog kukuruza. Sezona je pokazala najveći uticaj na sadržaj GSH, fenola i YP kod kukuruza i soje, dok su sistem gajenja i đubrenje uticali na promene u sadržaju GSH i fenola. Sadržaj antioksidanata u zrnima sa većom masom je odgovarao povećanom nivou GSH kod kukurza, kao i povećanju nivoa GSH i fenola kod soje, dok su zrna manje mase imala već i sadržaj YP. Uopšteno, sadržaj antioksidanata je uglavnom bio povećan u zrnu kukuruza pri gajenju u naizmeničnim trakama, a u zrnu soje pri gajenju u naizmeničnim redovima. Bio-đubrivo je pokazalo najveći uticaj na povećanje sadržaja GSH u zrnu kukuruza i YP u zrnu soje, dok je organsko đubrivo ispoljilo uticaj na nakupljanje GSH i fenola u zrnu soje

    Effects of bacterial seed inoculation on microbiological soil status and maize grain yield

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    Rhizosphere microorganisms are essential for plant growth and development. Many factors, including environmental conditions, genotype, seed inoculation with plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and plant growth stages, influence rhizosphere microbiology. In this study, the dynamics of nitrogen and microbiological soil status at different growth stages of two maize hybrids, as well as their grain yield were analyzed, under the influence of seed inoculation with inoculant containing Azotobacter chroococum, Azotobacter vinelandii, Bacillus megaterium, and Bacillus licheniformis on during three experimental years. Higher nitrogen amount (NA), total number of microorganisms (TNM), number of azotobacters (NAZ), number of aminoheterotrophs (NAM), total number of sporogenic bacteria (NS), number of actinomycetes (NAC), number of oligotrophic (NO) and grain yield, as well as lower number of fungi (NF) were obtained under favorable environmental conditions. The hybrid NS 6010 had higher values of NA, TNM, NAZ, NAM, NO, and grain yield than hybrid Dijamant 6. What is more, higher NA, TNM, NAZ, NAM, NO, and grain yield were obtained under inoculation treatment, demonstrating that the microorganisms improve maize production and microbial abundance in the rhizosphere. The highest TNM, NAM, NF and NO were determined at stage 6-7 leaves, while the highest NA and NAC were at silking stage and NAZ at wax ripeness stage. Accordingly, hybrid choice and seed inoculation could serve as a good management practice for an increase in maize grain yield, and improved microbial population and nitrogen amount in the rhizosphere

    Agronomic responses of soybean genotypes to starter nitrogen fertilizer rate

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    The main nitrogen (N) sources in soybean production originate from soil fixing bacteria Bradyrhizobium spp. and from mineralization of soil organic N. These sources of N are often not sufficient to cover the N needs of the soybean. The present two-year field study aimed to evaluate the effects of soybean genotypes (Valjevka and Galina) and rates of starter fertilizer N (0, 30, 60, and 90 kg ha−1) on quantitative and qualitative parameters and on rain use efficiency (RUE) under contrasting weather conditions in the Pannonian region of Serbia. A field study conducted during two different growing seasons: first year with unfavorable weather conditions and second year with favorable weather conditions. As expected, the quantitative parameters, oil content, and RUE were higher in the year with favorable growing season, the second one. According to measured parameters, the genotype Valjevka performed higher yield potential as compared to the genotype Galina. The highest values of quantitative parameters and RUE were recorded at 60 kg N ha−1, protein content at 90 kg N ha−1 and oil content 0 kg N ha−1 (control). This study suggests that proper genotype selection and application of 60 kg N ha−1 as a starter dose with rhizobial inoculation could contribute to the high yield, while protein could be altered by N amount, independently on genotype

    The effect of different microbial fertilizer on the weediness of maize

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    The maize cultivation trial was conducted at the Research and Experimental Field "Radmilovac" of the Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade in 2022 on the soil type luvic chernozem in completely randomized blocks. The cropping system included tillage with a disk harrow at 25-30 cm with complete incorporation of winter wheat crop residues and tillage with a harrow before sowing. Basic fertilizer was applied in the fall at 500 kg ha-1 NPK (15:15:15). The following microbiological fertilizers were used for top dressing in spring: Biofertilizer ("Slavol", manufacturer "Agrounik" Serbia) with 5 l ha-1 in two treatments and Eko lame with 10 l ha-1 in 3 treatments. The top dressing in the control variant was done with nitrogen fertilizer AN at the rate of 60 kg ha-1 N. Maize varieties (ZPSC 666) were used. The maize was grown in a six crop rotation. Statistical analysis confirmed that top dressing had a greater effect on weediness of maize. The weed community in maize crops consisted of 15 weed species, with terophytes dominating: Stellaria media (L.) Vill., Veronica persica Poir. and Sonchus oleraceus (annual species) and Agropyrum repens (L.) Beauv., Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop., Convolvulus arvensis L.and Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers. (perennial species). The obtained results show that the highest number of weeds, weeds per species, fresh and air-dry biomass were recorded in the control variant. The statistically lowest values for the number of weed plants per species and fresh biomass, as the most important parameters of weed infestation, were recorded in the treatment with Eko lame. The differences in weed population in the variants with microbiological fertilizers were not statistically significant, while there were statistically very significant differences compared to the control. The use of microbiological fertilizers affected the initial faster development of maize plants and increased competitiveness against weeds

    Združeni usevi - alternativni put za održivu poljoprivredu

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    World population is growing exponentially and agricultural production must meet the needs of the food. An attractive strategy for increasing productivity per unit area of land available is to intensify land use. Given that this strategy creates a number of problems in terms of the environment and yet can not meet the food needs of humanity on planet Earth, must be found alternative approaches to growing plants. One of them is intercropping - growing two or more crops in the same space at the same time. This system leads to an increase in productivity per unit area of land through better use of resources, to reduce the risk, reduce competition from weeds and leads to the stabilization of yields. Several important factors affecting the development of this system as well as a selection of compatible crops, vegetation length crop density and time of sowing/planting, as well as socio-economic status of farmers and regions. As a numeric indicator of efficient use of land commonly used land equivalent ratio index (LER) and on the basis of this index have shown the advantages of growing intercrops. Cereals grown merged with legumes are the best and most widely practiced types of intercrops, wheat and within the most important place belong to the maize. Precisely, in this study will be based on a review of papers that deal with the issue of growing maize intercropping system with other crop species.Svetska populacija raste eksponencijalno a poljoprivredna proizvodnja mora da zadovolji potrebama u hrani. Atraktivna strategija za povećanje produktivnosti po jedinici površine raspoloživog zemljišta je da se intenzivira korišćenje zemljišta. S obzirom da takva strategija prouzrokuje brojne probleme u pogledu životne sredine a opet ne može da zadovolji potrebe za hranom čovečanstva na planeti Zemlji, moraju se iznalaziti alternativni pristupi u gajenju biljaka. Jedan od njih je združivanje useva (intercropping) - gajenje dva ili više useva u istom prostoru u isto vreme. Ovaj sistem dovodi do povećanja produktivnosti po jedinici površine zemljišta putem boljeg korišćenja resursa, do smanjenja rizika, smanjenja konkurencije od strane korova i dovodi do stabilizovanja prinosa. Nekoliko značajnih faktora utice na razvoj ovog sistema kao što su izbor kompatibilnih useva, dužin vegetacionog perioda useva, gustine i vreme setve/sadnje, kao i socio-ekonomski status poljoprivrednih proizvođača i regiona. Kao brojčani pokazatelj efikasnijeg korišćenja zemljišta najčešće se koristi indeks efikasnosti korišćenja zemljišta (LER) i na osnovu ovog indeksa dokazane su prednosti gajenja združenih useva. Žita gajena združeno sa leguminozama su najpovoljnije i najčešće praktikovane vrste združenih useva, a u okviru žita najznačajnije mesto pripada kukuruzu. Upravo, u ovoj studiji ćemo se bazirati na pregledu radova koje tretiraju problematiku gajenja kukuruza u združenim usevima sa drugim ratarskim vrstama

    Neki nutritivni i antinutritivni faktori ZP sorti soje

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    The nutritive quality of soya bean grain depends on many nutritional and anti-nutritional factors, such as proteins, trypsin inhibitors, phytate, phenolics, sulfhydril groups of proteins, malondialdehide. The aim of this study was to investigate content of noted nutritive and anti-nutritive factors in seven ZP soya bean varieties: ZPS 015, Bosa, Nena, Lidija, Olga, Lana and Laura. Experimental data could point out different properties and usage of ZP soya bean varieties. Regardless of insignificant differences in content of proteins and phytate, special attention is given to Lana and Laura, varieties lacking in Kunitz-trypsin inhibitor. It is also important to emphasise high content of phenolics in Nena variety as well as high sulfhydril groups and glutathione level in Nena and Olga. These substances contribute to nutritive value of soya bean grain.Nutritivni kvalitet zrna soje zavisi od sadržaja brojnih nutrienata i antinutrienata, kao što su proteini, tripsin inhibitori, fitat, fenoli, sulfhidrilne grupe proteina i malondialdehid. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se ispita sadržaj navedenih nutritivnih i antinutritivnih faktora u zrnu sedam ZP sorti soje: ZP 015, Bosi, Neni, Lidiji, Olgi, Lani i Lauri. Eksperimentalni rezultati ukazuju različite mogućnosti korišćenja ZP sorti soje. Bez obzira na to što su razlike u sadržaju proteina i fitata beznačajne, posebna pažnja je data Lani i Lauri kao sortama koje nemaju Kunitztrypsin inhibitor. Takođe je važno istaći visok sadžaj fenola u zrnu sorte Nena, kao i visok nivo PSH i GSH kod sorata Nena i Olga, što doprinosi njihovoj većoj nutritivnoj vrednosti

    Determination of free phenolic acids from leaves within different colored maize

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    Along with other plant parts, maize leaves are widely used for making fermented food for cattle, known as silage. Since there have only been a few reports on studies concerning the extraction and determination of phenolic acids from maize leaves, the main goal of this investigation was to evaluate the content of free phenolic acids in the leaves of fifteen different maize inbred lines. Reverse-phase, high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC), with a photodiode array detector (DAD), was performed. Under the optimized chromatographic conditions, referring to short time of sample preparation, small quantities of solvent and direct injection of the extract into HPLC, phenolic acids (i.e., gallic, protocatechuic, caffeic, p-coumaric and ferulic acid) were successfully separated in less than 25 min, indicating that the method could be applied for routine analysis. The efficiency and validation of the method was evaluated by measuring the rate parameters: linearity, limit of detection and quantification, accuracy and precision. The obtained results showed that the most abundant free phenolic acid was p-coumaric acid (23.57 mu g g(-1) dry weight), followed by ferulic and caffeic acids (21.27 and 20.78 mu g g(-1) dry weight, respectively). Principal Component Analysis (PCA) revealed the existence of a link