189 research outputs found

    Arhitektura - inkluzivna kultura - zaštita osoba sa invaliditetom

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    The paper has analyzed the contemporary standards that all democracies have embraced. A special emphasis has been placed on international conventions and rules, as well as the laws to protect the rights of all members of a modern social community. It is its duty to look after all its members and eliminate any form of discrimination, and even a threat of it. The European Concept for Accessibility promotes a new social model, designed to change entirely the attitude to the handicapped. The Concept offers a completely new approach, viewing the community as a whole. This integrated approach stretches to the needs of the community and the needs of each and every member of it, making no difference between individual groups within the population. Instead, it creates the environment to satisfy the needs of each individual member and, by extension, the community at large. The role of architecture is to recognize the needs of a community and take the lead in reshaping the standards to create a new environment accessible to all its members. This will give architecture a fundamental dimension, and make it the integrative factor to blend the community together.Rad je baziran na analizi savremenih standarda koji važe u demokratskim društvima. Posebno su analizirane međunarodne konvencije i pravila i analizirana je regulative koja se bavi zaštitom prava svih članova savremene društvene zajednice. Zadatak savremene društvene zajednice je da brine o svim članovima zajednice id a otkloni svaki, pa i potencijalni oblik diskriminacije. Primenom Evropskog koncepta pristupačnosti ostvarila bi se promocija novog socijalnog modela kojim bi se u potpunosti promenio odnos prema osobama sa inaliditetom. Koncept predviđa suštinski drugačiji pristup, društvenu zajednicu posmatra kao celinu, pa tako i i potrebe zajednice kao celine, a onda i svakog pojedinačnog člana i ne pravi razliku između pojedinih grupa u ukupnoj populaciji, nego rešenjima ispunjava uslove za zadovoljenje potreba svakog pojedinačnog člana, a time i zajednice u celini. Uloga arhitekture je da prepozna potrebe društvene zajednice i preuzme važnu ulogu u kreiranju standard za novo okruženje, koje će biti dostupno svim članovima zajednice. Time arhitektura dobija svoju suštinsku dimenziju i postaje integrativni faktor zajednice kao celine. Pojam: arhitektura, društvena zajednica, pristupačnost, dostupnost za sve, inkluzija, inkluzivni dizajn, univerzalni dizajn. Vrednosti/smernice, principi/načela, standardi/norme/tehnički propisi, zakonska regulative. Teorijski okvir: istorijski pregled (međunarodni - nacionalna usklađenost)

    Јапанска Soft Power архитектура: (не)намерно и неочекивано у политици културне размене

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    States’ cultural policies for international relations take various forms, both intangible and tangible. This paper will focus on the latter, namely, exported architectural manifestation utilized as cultural negotiation tools. In this research, exported architecture is considered to be any built (realized) spatial manifestations, non-native to the county in which it is placed. Subsequently, architecture is viewed and examined as a cultural resource, having the power to influence bilateral relations presenting a new term, ‘soft power architecture’ as conceived, exported, and state-controlled spatial manifestation, with a clear set of goals inscribed within cultural relations policies. The notion of architecture-as-a-negotiating-instrument between various actors is introduced, borrowing from Joseph S. Nye’s definition of the term “soft power” postulated as, in the most basic terms, as the ability to attract, with attraction often leading to acquiescence.These typologies have a profound impact and yet the policy makers remain unaware of the importance of architectural manifestations as cultural resources. Requirements of the re-conceptualization of the state’s policies regarding the planning, implementation and management processes for diplomatic-consular outpost will be discussed. Lastly, the case study of the new Japanese embassy in Belgrade, Serbia, will be examined, noting particularities of its processes, arguing an unintentional paradigmatic shift, providing a theoretical and methodological framework for future research.Међународни односи и пратеће стратегије културне размене могу попримати различите облике, како нематеријалне, тако и опипљиве. Овај рад ће се фокусирати на другу категорију, наиме, извезене архитектонске манифестације које се могу користити као оруђе у политици културне размене. У овом истраживању, за извезену архитектуру сматра се било која изграђена (реализована) просторна манифестација, која потекла из окружења у којем је смештена. Архитектура ће бити посматрана и испитивана као културни ресурс, који има моћ утицаја на билатералне односе, представљајући нови термин, „Soft Power архитектура“ који подразумева пројектовану, извезену и државно-контролисану просторну манифестацију, са јасним циљевима који одражавају тежње политике културне размене. Уводи се и појам архитектуре као инструмента преговарања између различитих актера, интерпретирајући дефиницију појма „soft power“ Џозефа С. Наја, која је дата, у најосновнијим цртама, као способности привлачења, са привлачношћу која често води ка прихватању ставова друге стране. Ове типологије могу имати снажан утицај по више основа, првенствено на просторну интеракцију и националну репутацију, међутим, креатори политике и стратегија остају несвесни важности раније поменутих архитектонских манифестација као културних ресурса. Чланак ће поставити теоретске оквире неопходности ре-концептуализације државних политика у погледу процеса планирања, спровођења и управљања дипломатско-конзуларним испоставама. Такође, проучавањем студије случаја нове јапанске амбасаде у Београду, примећује се специфичност њених управљачких процеса као и новонасталих просторних последица, стварајући парадигматични помак, описујући теоријски и методолошки оквир за будућа истраживања

    Organski i prirodni kozmetički proizvodi ‐ ko ima najviše koristi od njih?

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    A demand for natural cosmetic products is increasing, especially in the EU countries and the rest of the world, as the consumer awareness has increased for the preservation of the environment and natural resources, but above all with the belief that these products are safe and “healthy”. The current regulations on cosmetic products in the EU and the Republic of Serbia do not recognize organic and natural cosmetic products as a special category, so these products must meet all the requirements of these regulations in terms of quality, efficacy and safety. However, due to the great interest of consumers and manufacturers, there is a need to adopt special (additional) requirements for organic and natural cosmetic products. Although, for now, there are no mandatory international regulations in this area, the most important standards are: COSMOS, NATRUE and ISO 16128 (1-3). Despite certain differences, these standards stand out in terms of their main objectives: promoting the use of organic agriculture products, and respecting biodiversity, responsible use of natural resources and respecting the environment, using processing and manufacturing that are clean and respectful of human health and the environment, and integrating and developing the concept of "Green Chemistry" (3). Organic and natural cosmetic products are made from selected raw materials, most often of plant origin, that are allowed for their production and processed with permitted physical and chemical processes. The use of ingredients of animal origin is also allowed, if that ingredient is produced by an animal naturally (it must not be part of an animal), such as lanolin, beeswax, honey. The use of the ingredient from petrochemical origin (liquid and solid paraffin, petrolatum/ white soft paraffin), silicone oils, nanomaterials, ingredients that are GMOs, synthetic fragrances, dyes and preservatives are forbidden (1). Great attention is paid to the packaging of organic and natural cosmetic products. The amount of packaging material should be reduced to the minimum necessary, and the amount of packaging material that can be reused or recycled should be increased. The use of plastic materials (PVC, polystyrene, etc.), which are not biodegradable is forbidden (3). Today, the quality, efficacy and safety of all cosmetic products are taken for granted. However, the use of organic and natural cosmetic products has a great impact on the preservation of the environment and natural resources. The adoption of binding international legal regulations in this area is very important.Povećana potražnja za prirodnim i organskim kozmetičkim proizvodima, u zemljama EU i u svetu, posledica je porasta svesti potrošača za očuvanjem životne sredine i prirodnih resursa, ali i verovanjem da su ti proizvodi „zdraviji“ i bezbedniji u poređenju sa konvencionalnim kozmetičkim proizvodima. Važeći zakonski propisi o kozmetičkim proizvodima u zemljama EU i Republici Srbiji ne prepoznaju organske i prirodne kozmetičke proizvode kao posebnu kategoriju, pa i ovi proizvodi moraju zadovoljiti sve zahteve zakonskih propisa u pogledu kvaliteta, efikasnosti i bezbednosti. Međutim, zbog velike zainteresovanosti potrošača i proizvođača nametnula se potreba za usvajanjem posebnih (dodatnih) zahteva za organske i prirodne kozmetičke proizvode. Iako, za sada, ne postoje obavezujući međunarodni zakonski propisi u ovoj oblasti, najznačajnijim se mogu smatrati standardi: COSMOS (od 2010. godine), NATRUE (od 2007. godine) i ISO 16128 (1-3). Prvi deo ISO standarda 16128 (Definicije sastojaka) usvojen je 2016. godine, a drugi (Kriterijumi za sastojke i proizvode) 2017. godine. Iako se očekivalo da će usvajanje ISO standarda bliže urediti ovu oblast, predstavnici vodećih evropskih udruženja za prirodne i organske kozmetičke proizvode navode da ISO standard 16128 ima brojne nedostatke (1). I pored određenih razlika, navedeni standardi kao svoje glavne ciljeve ističu odgovorno korišćenje prirodnih resursa i poštovanje životne sredine, korišćenje postupaka koji su „čisti“ i koji poštuju zdravlje ljudi i životnu sredinu, kao i integrisanje i razvoj koncepta "Zelene hemije" (3). Organski i prirodni kozmetički proizvodi se izrađuju od odabranih sirovina, najčešće biljnog porekla (npr. biljni ekstrakti, biljna ulja, masti i voskovi, masne kiseline i masni alkoholi, etarska ulja i dr.) koje su dozvoljene za njihovu izradu i obrađene dozvoljenim fizičkim i hemijskim postupcima. Dozvoljena je i upotreba sastojaka životinjskog porekla, ukoliko je taj sastojak proizvod životinje (npr. lanolin, pčelinji vosak, med), a ne sme biti deo životinje. Zabranjena je upotreba sirovina dobijenih iz nafte (tečni i čvrsti parafin, petrolatum/vazelin), silikonskih ulja, nanomaterijala, genetski modifikovanih sirovina, sintetičkih mirisa, boja i konzervanasa (1). Pakovanju organskih i prirodnih kozmetičkih proizvoda se posvećuje velika pažnja. Količinu pakovnog materijala treba svesti na neophodni minimum, a treba povećati količinu materijala za pakovanje koji se može ponovo upotrebiti ili reciklirati. Zabranjena je upotreba plastičnih materijala (PVC, polistiren i dr.), koji nisu biodegradabilni (3). Danas se kvalitet, efikasnost i bezbednost svih kozmetičkih proizvoda podrazumeva. Ali, upotreba organskih i prirodnih kozmetičkih proizvoda ima veliki uticaj na očuvanje životne sredine i prirodnih resursa. Zato je usvajanje obavezujućih međunarodnih zakonskih propisa u ovoj oblasti od izuzetnog značaja.Drugi naučni simpozijum Saveza farmaceutskih udruženja Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, 28. 10. 2021. Beogra

    Photocatalytic activity induced by zinc phthalocyanine synthesized by microwave irradiation

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    Zinc phthalocyanine, synthesized under microwave irradiation proved to be an interesting photocatalyst. The degradation of Rose Bengal, as model organic dye, under visible light irradiation was used to study the adsorption/photocatalytic activity. The huge potential of the synthesized molecule for the removal of organic pollutants was demonstrated by its absorption capacity, which was far larger than that of dye degradation

    A fast and efficient synthesis of gamma rays dosimeters based on metalophthalocyanines

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    The area of radiation protection has gained significant relevance due to the fast advancement of radiation technology and its utilization in scientific research. In order to meet the low doses of nuclear radiation, such as gamma (γ)-rays, development of great fineness, stable, and reliable sensors are required. The heterocyclic compounds known as metallophthalocyanines (MPcs) won considerable research interest owing to their exceptional thermal, chemical and photo-stability, and long wavelength absorption compatible with biological window, spreading their potential applications in technology and medicine. As a result, finding the ideal method for creating such molecules is always in the spotlight. In this work, we designed a novel and efficient microwave-assisted synthetic method for preparation of innovative sensor materials base on MPcs (M = Zn, Mn or Fe). A zinc phthalocyanine has been evaluated as model compound in preparing ZnPc/PVA composites as a new, effective chemical-based dosimeter for low-dose measurement of γrays within the dose range from 1-25 kGy. A microwave-enhanced synthetic approach has been evaluated as an impressive chemical-based dosimeter designer. A modest decrease in absorbance intensity, followed by color bleaching in the dose range of 1-25 kGy, enabled the preparation of ZnPc/PVA composites as fine, glossy surface films with impressive application in gamma-ray dosimetryTwenty-First Young Researchers’ Conference - Materials Science and Engineering: Program and the Book of Abstracts; November 29 – December 1, 2023, Belgrade, Serbi

    Synthesis of bile acid amines via microwave irradiation

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    Herein, we present microwave-assisted reductive amination of oxo derivative of deoxycholic acid with morpholine in the presence of sodium-cyanoborohydride. These chemical transformation produces a majority of the 3β-amino isomer 5 as a new compound after five minutes of irradiation. In addition, formylated bile acid have been proved as excellent starting material for the synthesis of bile acid`s N-morpholino amine. Microwave-assisted reactions of formylation in the absence of catalyst, selective deformylation, as well as further oxidation with N-bromosuccinimide gained 3-oxo derivatives of deoxycholic acid acid in high yield. Compared to the conventional protocol a remarkable reduction in overall processing time from hours to a few minutes was achieved

    Green infrastructure

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    Urban green areas have been treated as a part of the urban public space. In oposition to the other public spaces, green areas are mainly covered with vegetation. Directly, they have been in use for active or passive recreation, while, indirectly, they are significant because of their contribution to the quality of the urban environment also. Various functions of the green spaces (health, social, aesthetic, cultural, educational, etc.) improve the quality of life in the city. Green areas should be well positioned and incorporated in the fabric of the city in order to be available to residents of the city. Urban green spaces are important elements of each city. They represent of the image of the city, expanding ecological diversity and, in their essence, they are structural and functional elements that make cities and urban regions more suitable for living

    Change of the image of the city in process of using traffic infrastructure

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    Unique urban image cannot be experienced without moving within its structure. This paper deals with phenomenology considering changes of images of the city and influential factors closely related to it. Infrastructure gives basic structural scheme of every city, so its planning requires a high level proficiency. Some changes in these images can be observed during longer period of time. Sometimes it includes rapid changes of temporal layers, generated by building new urban elements on the exact same place where the old ones existed; while lighter change during the time passing is a regular occurrence. Creating completely new urban frames, caused by expanding the city, represents its dynamical variant. Topography is a significant factor, giving distinctive feature to the urbanity. This paper considers factors identified as generators of the change of the urban image, based on research so far. The structural elements are considered with the utmost attention. The importance of the city landmark, monumental complexes not possessing these features but having the importance in image of the city stability (as well as the inhabitants' memory) are crucial elements of identifying its picture. Another significant factor is related to individual personal experience. However, there are also certain factors of significance features, but not considered within this paper. One such factor is change in coloring, being the special topic itself. The purpose of this work is to indicate that urban planning requires special attention in order to keep continuous nature of the urban image for the city to preserve its visual identity

    Contemporary Serbian Orthodox church architecture: Architectural competitions since 1990

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    This paper focuses on the architectural competitions for Orthodox Christian churches in Serbia since 1990, both on the analysis of the designs submitted and the competition requirements. The first competition for an Orthodox church in Serbia after World War II was announced for Priština in 1991. After that, competitions for the temple in Čukarica, Novi Beograd, Niš, Aleksinac and Kruševac were conducted. Thanks to the fact that architectural competitions allow a greater degree of creative freedom to the architects than regular practice, various solutions were offered, from replicas of models from architectural history and tradition to fully non-traditional proposals. Depending on the relationship to tradition, architectural design approaches can be classified into three main groups: radically modernizing, conservatively traditionalist, and compromising. Of the six competitions conducted, four churches were built, which are among the most architecturally successful newer churches in Serbia. This points to the importance of the implementation of the architectural competition in this field of architecture. The diversity of the award-winning projects shows that there is awareness of the possibility for the further development of church architecture, favouring a moderate approach

    Mehanička svojstva i dugotrajna stabilnost novih lipidnih formulacija sa simvastatinom

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    Mixing selected liquid SMEDDS with polymethacrylate polymers (Eudragit ®) led to solidification of the samples to form solid, ductile, transparent systems (1). The purpose of this study was to define mechanical properties and long-term stability of novel simvastatin- loaded SMEDDS-based drug delivery systems. SMEDDS-based formulations were prepared by adding liquid SMEDDS (10% oleoyl macrogol-6 glycerides and 90% caprylocaproyl macrogol-8 glycerides/macrogol-15-hydroxystearate, in 3 ratios: 1:1, 2:1 and 3:1) to Eudragit ® S100 or Eudragit ® S100/Eudragit ® L100 combination (in 1:1 ratio), until SMEDDS/polymer ratio 2:1 w/w was reached. SMEDDS-based formulations with simvastatin (SV) were prepared by dissolving SV (5%) into liquid SMEDDS and mixing with polymethacrylate polymers in the same ratio. Prepared formulations were evaluated in terms of their mechanical properties and long-term stability. The results indicated that the increase in the caprylocaproyl macrogol-8 glycerides concentration resulted in higher penetration force (F1 S100–F3 S100 = 5.83-7.22 N and F1 SL100-F3 SL100 = 4.20-5.99 N). However, addition of SV was negatively correlated with the hardness, i.e. samples with SV were softer in comparison to unloaded samples. Moreover, it was noticeable that formulations with Eudragit ® S100 had greater penetration force values compared to formulations containing Eudragit ® S100/Eudragit ® L100. After six months of storage at room and elevated temperature, only slight decrease in SV content (less than 5%) was observed in these samples. This study demonstrated that novel SMEDDS-based formulations with higher concentration of caprylocaproyl macrogol-8 glycerides and those with Eudragit ® S100 were more robust, which may further serve as a guide for formulating tailor-made formulations.Mešanje odabranih tečnih samomikroemulgujućih sistema (SMEDDS) sa kopolimerima metakrilne kiseline (Eudragit ® ) dovodi do očvršćavanja uzoraka i formiranja čvrstih, rastegljivih, transparentnih sistema (1). Cilj ovog rada je bio ispitivanje mehaničkih svojstva i dugotrajne stabilnosti novih lipidnih sistema sa simvastatinom (SV). Lipidne formulacije su izrađene mešanjem tečnih SMEDDS (10% oleoil makrogol-6 glicerida i 90% kaprilokaproil makrogol-8 glicerida/makrogol-15-hidroksistearat, u 3 odnosa: 1:1, 2:1 i 3:1) i Eudragit ® S100 ili kombinacije Eudragit ® S100/Eudragit ® L100 (u odnosu 1:1). Odnos SMEDDS/polimer bio je 2:1, m/m. Uzorci sa SV su izrađeni rastvaranjem SV (5%) u tečnim SMEDDS i mešanjem sa kopolimerima metakrilne kiseline u navedenom odnosu. Sprovedena su ispitivanja mehaničkih osobina i dugotrajne stabilnosti izrađenih lipidnih formulacija. Rezultati su pokazali da povećanje koncentracije kaprilokaproil makrogol-8 glicerida dovodi do povećanja vrednosti sile penetracije (F1 S100–F3 S100 = 5,83-7,22 N i F1 SL100-F3 SL100 = 4,20-5,99 N). Uzorci sa SV su bili mekši, u poređenju sa uzorcima bez lekovite supstance. Takođe, uočeno je da uzorci sa polimerom Eudragit ® S100 imaju već e vrednosti sile penetracije, u poređenju sa formulacijama koje sadrže kombinaciju Eudragit ® S100/Eudragit ® L100. Posle šest meseci skladištenja uzoraka na sobnoj i povišenoj temperaturi, sadržaj SV je neznatno smanjen (manje od 5%). Ova studija je pokazala da nove lipidne formulacije izrađene sa većom koncentracijom kaprilokaproil makrogol-8 glicerida i sa Eudragit ® S100 polimerom imaju veće vrednosti sile penetracije i prihvatljivu dugotrajnu stabilnost, što je od značaja za razvoj lipidnih formulacija željenih karakteristika.VIII Kongres farmaceuta Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, 12-15.10.2022. Beogra