23 research outputs found

    SU(2)SU(2) Gauge Theory with Two Fundamental Flavours: Scalar and Pseudoscalar Spectrum

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    We investigate the scalar and pseudoscalar spectrum of the SU(2)SU(2) gauge theory with Nf=2N_f=2 flavours of fermions in the fundamental representation using non perturbative lattice simulations. We provide first benchmark estimates of the mass of the lightest 0(0+)0(0^{+}) (σ\sigma), 0(0−)0(0^{-}) (η′\eta') and 1(0+)1(0^+) (a0a_0) states, including estimates of the relevant disconnected contributions. We find ma0/FPS=16.7(4.9)m_{a_0}/F_{\rm{PS}}= 16.7(4.9), mσ/FPS=19.2(10.8)m_\sigma/F_{\rm{PS}}=19.2(10.8) and mη′/FPS=12.8(4.7)m_{\eta'}/F_{\rm{PS}} = 12.8(4.7). These values for the masses of light scalar states provide crucial information for composite extensions of the Standard Model from the unified Fundamental Composi te Higgs-Technicolor theory \cite{Cacciapaglia:2014uja} to models of composite dark matter.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    First results with twisted mass fermions towards the computation of parton distribution functions on the lattice

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    We report on our exploratory study for the evaluation of the parton distribution functions from lattice QCD, based on a new method proposed in Ref.~arXiv:1305.1539. Using the example of the nucleon, we compare two different methods to compute the matrix elements needed, and investigate the application of gauge link smearing. We also present first results from a large production ensemble and discuss the future challenges related to this method.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, talk given at the 32nd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2014), June 23-28 2014, New York, US

    Rho meson decay width in SU(2) gauge theories with 2 fundamental flavours

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    7 pages, Proceedings of the 34th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2016)SU(2) gauge theories with two quark flavours in the fundamental representation are among the most promising theories of composite dynamics describing the electroweak sector. Three out of five Goldstone bosons in these models become the longitudinal components of the W and Z bosons giving them mass. Like in QCD, we expect a spectrum of excitations which appear as resonances in vector boson scattering, in particular the vector resonance corresponding to the rho-meson in QCD. In this talk I will present the preliminary results of the first calculation of the rho-meson decay width in this theory, which is analogous to rho to two pions decay calculation in QCD. The results presented were calculated in a moving frame with total momentum (0,0,1) on two ensembles. Future plans include using 3 moving frames on a larger set of ensembles to extract the resonance parameters more reliably and also take the chiral and continuum limits

    First results with twisted mass fermions towards the computation of parton distribution functions on the lattice

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    7 pages, 4 figures, talk given at the 32nd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2014), June 23-28 2014, New York, USAWe report on our exploratory study for the evaluation of the parton distribution functions from lattice QCD, based on a new method proposed in Ref.~arXiv:1305.1539. Using the example of the nucleon, we compare two different methods to compute the matrix elements needed, and investigate the application of gauge link smearing. We also present first results from a large production ensemble and discuss the future challenges related to this method

    Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with Wilson fermions

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    12 pages, 5 figuresWe present a lattice study of a Nambu Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model using Wilson fermions. Four fermion interactions are a natural part of several extensions of the Standard Model, appearing as a low energy description of a more fundamental theory. In models of dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking they are used to endow the Standard Model fermions with masses. In infrared conformal models these interaction, when sufficiently strong, can alter the dynamics of the fixed point, turning the theory into a (near) conformal model with desirable features for model building. As a first step toward the nonperturbative study of these models, we study the phase space of the ungauged NJL model

    First moment of the flavour octet nucleon parton distribution function using lattice QCD

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    18 pages, 7 figuresWe perform a lattice computation of the flavour octet contribution to the average quark momentum in a nucleon, \la x\ra^{(8)}_{\mu^2 = 4 \gev^2}. In particular, we fully take the disconnected contributions into account in our analysis for which we use a generalization of the technique developed in \cite{Dinter:2012tt}. We investigate systematic effects with a particular emphasis on the excited states contamination. We find that in the renormalization free ratio \frac{\la x \ra^{(3)}}{\la x \ra^{(8)}} (with \la x \ra^{(3)} the non-singlet moment) the excited state contributions cancel to a large extend making this ratio a promising candidate for a comparison to phenomenological analyses. Our final result for this ratio is in agreement with the phenomenological value and we find, including systematic errors, \frac{\la x \ra^{(3)}}{\la x \ra^{(8)}} = 0.39(1)(4)

    Sannino, Francesco

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    SU(3) sextet model with Wilson fermions

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    We investigate the spectrum and IR properties of the SU(3) "sextet" model with two Dirac fermions in the two-index symmetric representation via lattice simulations. This model is a prime candidate for a realization of Walking Technicolor, which features a minimal matter content and it is expected to be inside or very close to the lower boundary of the conformal window. We use the Wilson discretization for the fermions and map the phase structure of the lattice model. We study several spectral and gradient flow observables both in the bulk and the weak coupling phases. While in the bulk phase we find clear signs of chiral symmetry breaking, in the weak coupling phase there is no clear indication for it, and instead the chiral limit of the model seems compatible with an IR-conformal behavior.Comment: 32 pages, many figure

    SU(2) gauge theory with two fundamental flavors: A minimal template for model building

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    We investigate the continuum spectrum of the SU(2) gauge theory with Nf=2N_f=2 flavours of fermions in the fundamental representation. This model provides a minimal template which is ideal for a wide class of Standard Model extensions featuring novel strong dynamics that range from composite (Goldstone) Higgs theories to several intriguing types of dark matter candidates, such as the SIMPs. We improve our previous lattice analysis [1] by adding more data at light quark masses, at two additional lattice spacings, by determining the lattice cutoff via a Wilson flow measure of the w0w_0 parameter, and by measuring the relevant renormalisation constants non-perturbatively in the RI'-MOM scheme. Our results for the lightest isovector states in the vector and axial channels, in units of the pseudoscalar decay constant, are mV/FPS∼13.1(2.2)m_V/F_{\rm{PS}}\sim 13.1(2.2) and mA/FPS∼14.5(3.6)m_A/F_{\rm{PS}}\sim 14.5(3.6) (combining statistical and systematic errors). In the context of the composite (Goldstone) Higgs models, our result for the spin-one resonances are mV>3.2(5)m_V > 3.2(5) TeV and mA>3.6(9)m_A > 3.6(9) TeV, which are above the current LHC constraints. In the context of dark matter models, for the SIMP case our results indicate the occurrence of a compressed spectrum at the required large dark pion mass, which implies the need to include the effects of spin-one resonances in phenomenological estimates.We investigate the continuum spectrum of the SU(2) gauge theory with Nf=2 flavors of fermions in the fundamental representation. This model provides a minimal template which is ideal for a wide class of Standard Model extensions featuring novel strong dynamics that range from composite (Goldstone) Higgs theories to several intriguing types of dark matter candidates, such as the strongly interacting massive particles (SIMPs). We improve our previous lattice analysis [1] by adding more data at light quark masses, at two additional lattice spacings, by determining the lattice cutoff via a Wilson flow measure of the w0 parameter, and by measuring the relevant renormalization constants nonperturbatively in the regularization-invariant momentum (RI’-MOM) scheme. Our result for the lightest isovector state in the vector channel, in units of the pseudoscalar decay constant, is mV/FPS∼13.1(2.2) (combining statistical and systematic errors). For the axial channel our result is mA/FPS∼14.5(3.6), which however does include a similarly sized additional systematic error due to residual excited-states contamination. In the context of the composite (Goldstone) Higgs models, our result for the spin-one resonances are mV>3.2(5)  TeV and mA>3.6(9)  TeV, which are above the current LHC constraints. In the context of dark matter models, for the SIMP case our results indicate the occurrence of a compressed spectrum at the required large dark pion mass, which implies the need to include the effects of spin-one resonances in phenomenological estimates.We investigate the continuum spectrum of the SU(2) gauge theory with Nf=2N_f=2 flavours of fermions in the fundamental representation. This model provides a minimal template which is ideal for a wide class of Standard Model extensions featuring novel strong dynamics that range from composite (Goldstone) Higgs theories to several intriguing types of dark matter candidates, such as the SIMPs. We improve our previous lattice analysis [1] by adding more data at light quark masses, at two additional lattice spacings, by determining the lattice cutoff via a Wilson flow measure of the w0w_0 parameter, and by measuring the relevant renormalisation constants non-perturbatively in the RI'-MOM scheme. Our results for the lightest isovector states in the vector and axial channels, in units of the pseudoscalar decay constant, are mV/FPS∼13.1(2.2)m_V/F_{\rm{PS}}\sim 13.1(2.2) and mA/FPS∼14.5(3.6)m_A/F_{\rm{PS}}\sim 14.5(3.6) (combining statistical and systematic errors). In the context of the composite (Goldstone) Higgs models, our result for the spin-one resonances are mV>3.2(5)m_V > 3.2(5) TeV and mA>3.6(9)m_A > 3.6(9) TeV, which are above the current LHC constraints. In the context of dark matter models, for the SIMP case our results indicate the occurrence of a compressed spectrum at the required large dark pion mass, which implies the need to include the effects of spin-one resonances in phenomenological estimates