
SU(2)SU(2) Gauge Theory with Two Fundamental Flavours: Scalar and Pseudoscalar Spectrum


We investigate the scalar and pseudoscalar spectrum of the SU(2)SU(2) gauge theory with Nf=2N_f=2 flavours of fermions in the fundamental representation using non perturbative lattice simulations. We provide first benchmark estimates of the mass of the lightest 0(0+)0(0^{+}) (σ\sigma), 0(0)0(0^{-}) (η\eta') and 1(0+)1(0^+) (a0a_0) states, including estimates of the relevant disconnected contributions. We find ma0/FPS=16.7(4.9)m_{a_0}/F_{\rm{PS}}= 16.7(4.9), mσ/FPS=19.2(10.8)m_\sigma/F_{\rm{PS}}=19.2(10.8) and mη/FPS=12.8(4.7)m_{\eta'}/F_{\rm{PS}} = 12.8(4.7). These values for the masses of light scalar states provide crucial information for composite extensions of the Standard Model from the unified Fundamental Composi te Higgs-Technicolor theory \cite{Cacciapaglia:2014uja} to models of composite dark matter.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

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