376 research outputs found

    Addition theorems and the Drach superintegrable systems

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    We propose new construction of the polynomial integrals of motion related to the addition theorems. As an example we reconstruct Drach systems and get some new two-dimensional superintegrable Stackel systems with third, fifth and seventh order integrals of motion.Comment: 18 pages, the talk given on the conference "Superintegrable Systems in Classical and Quantum Mechanics", Prague 200

    Rho meson decay width in SU(2) gauge theories with 2 fundamental flavours

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    7 pages, Proceedings of the 34th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2016)SU(2) gauge theories with two quark flavours in the fundamental representation are among the most promising theories of composite dynamics describing the electroweak sector. Three out of five Goldstone bosons in these models become the longitudinal components of the W and Z bosons giving them mass. Like in QCD, we expect a spectrum of excitations which appear as resonances in vector boson scattering, in particular the vector resonance corresponding to the rho-meson in QCD. In this talk I will present the preliminary results of the first calculation of the rho-meson decay width in this theory, which is analogous to rho to two pions decay calculation in QCD. The results presented were calculated in a moving frame with total momentum (0,0,1) on two ensembles. Future plans include using 3 moving frames on a larger set of ensembles to extract the resonance parameters more reliably and also take the chiral and continuum limits

    Composite electroweak sectors on the lattice

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    In the post-Higgs discovery era, the primary goal of the Large Hadron collider is to discover new physics Beyond the Standard Model. One fundamental question is does new beyond the Standard Model composite dynamics provides the origin of the Higgs field and potential. After reviewing the main motivations to consider composite models based on a new strongly interacting sector, we summarise the efforts of the lattice community to investigate the viability of models featuring a composite Higgs sector. We argue that first principle calculations are necessary in view of the fast improvements in accuracy of experimental measurements in the Higgs sector. We stress the importance for lattice calculations to provide a testing benchmark for non perturbative mechanisms. It is highlighted that the rich phenomenology of non-abelian gauge theories raises a number of questions that can be explored using lattice calculations. First principle results therefore provide crucial insights in the theory landscape that could guide the next generation of Composite Higgs models.Comment: Proceedings of 37th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory - Lattice201

    Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with Wilson fermions

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    12 pages, 5 figuresWe present a lattice study of a Nambu Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model using Wilson fermions. Four fermion interactions are a natural part of several extensions of the Standard Model, appearing as a low energy description of a more fundamental theory. In models of dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking they are used to endow the Standard Model fermions with masses. In infrared conformal models these interaction, when sufficiently strong, can alter the dynamics of the fixed point, turning the theory into a (near) conformal model with desirable features for model building. As a first step toward the nonperturbative study of these models, we study the phase space of the ungauged NJL model

    Template Composite Dark Matter : SU(2) gauge theory with 2 fundamental flavours

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    Contribution to proceedings of the 33rd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2015), 14-18 July 2015, Kobe, JapanWe present a non perturbative study of SU(2) gauge theory with two fundamental Dirac flavours. We discuss how the model can be used as a template for composite Dark Matter (DM). We estimate one particular interaction of the DM candidate with the Standard Model : the interaction through photon exchange computing the electric polarizability of the DM candidate. Finally, we briefly discuss the viability of the model given the present experimental constraints

    2-flavour SU(2)SU(2) gauge theory with exponential clover Wilson fermions

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    Composite Higgs models are a class of models proposed to address the hierarchy and naturalness problems associated with the Standard Model fundamental scalar Higgs. SU(2)SU(2) with two fundamental flavours is a minimal model for the composite Higgs sector which is not yet ruled out by experimental data. We present lattice results for SU(2)SU(2) with two fundamental mass degenerate flavours. For the fermion action we use the new exponential clover Wilson fermion action, which offers O(a)O(a) improvement. We discuss tuning the cSWc_{\mathrm{SW}} parameter through Schr\ {o}dinger functional simulations, the scale setting of the ensembles using the Wilson gauge flow, and the low energy spectroscopy of the theory including the masses of the pseudoscalar isotriplet Goldstone bosons and the vector isotriplet

    The effects of pressure, nozzle diameter and meteorological conditions on the performance of agricultural impact sprinklers

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    19 Pags. The definitive version, with Figs. y Tabls., is available at: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/03783774This study evaluates agricultural impact sprinklers under different combinations of pressure (p), nozzle diameter (D) and meteorological conditions. The radial curve (Rad) of an isolated sprinkler, i.e., the water distribution along the wetted radius, was evaluated through 25 tests. Christiansen's uniformity coefficient (CUC) and the wind drift and evaporation losses (WDEL) were evaluated for a solid-set system using 52 tests. The Rad constitutes the footprint of a sprinkler. The CUC is intimately connected to the Rad. The Rad must be characterized under calm conditions. Very low winds, especially prevailing winds, significantly distort the water distribution. The vector average of the wind velocity (V’) is recommended as a better explanatory variable than the more popular arithmetic average (V). We recommend characterizing the Rad under indoor conditions or under conditions that meet V’ < 0.6 m s−1 in open-air conditions. The Rad was mostly affected by the sprinkler model. V’ was the main explanatory variable for the CUC; p was significant as well. V was the main variable explaining the WDEL; the air temperature (T) was significant, too. Sprinkler irrigation simulators simplify the selection of a solid-set system for farmers, designers and advisors. However, the quality of the simulations greatly depends on the characterization of the Rad. This work provides useful recommendations in this area.This research was funded by the Government of Spain through grants AGL2004-06675-C03-03/AGR, AGL2007-66716-C03 and AGL2010-21681, by the Government of Aragón through grant PIP090/2005, and by the INIA and CITA through the PhD grants program.Peer reviewe
