36 research outputs found

    Fenotipska divergentnost sorti berlej duvana

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    Seven traits (duration of growing season, height, leaf number, length and width of mid plant leaf and yield) in 20 burley tobacco varieties were observed. Significant differences of their values, i.e. great variability of traits among observed genotypes were determined. The degree of their divergence was esteemed by hierarchical cluster analysis. One of two produced dendrograms was based on varietal divergence by more important traits of development and morphology, i.e. yield components, while the second dendrogram was also based on this complex. Three (I-1, II-1, III-l), i.e. two clusters (I-2, II-2), are observable on the first, i.e. the second dendrogram, respectively. Genotypes of similar productivity were found within each cluster, indicating that selected yield components were the basis for breeding of barely tobacco for yield. When planning hybridization, parents should be selected from different clusters or subclusters in order to recombine genotypes as divergent as possible over their quantitative properties.Ispitivano je sedam svojstava (dužina vegetacionog perioda, visina, broj listova, dužina i širina srednjeg lista, površina lista i prinos) kod dvadeset sorti berlej duvana. Utvrđene su značajne razlike u njihovim vrednostima, odnosno velika varijabilnost svojstava između proučavanih genotipova. Za procenu stepena njihove divergencije korišćena je hijerarhijska klaster analiza. Dobijena su dva dendrograma od kojih je prvi zasnovan na divergenciji sorata po važnijim svojstvima razvoja i morfologije odnosno komponentama rodnosti, bez uključivanja prinosa, a drugi je zasnovan i na ovom kompleksnom svojstvu. Na prvom dendrogramu se izdvajaju tri (I-1, II-1, III-l), a na drugom dva (I-2, II-2) klastera, odnosno grupe sorti. Klaster II-2 se sastoji od sorti iz klastera II-1 i III-l. Unutar svakog klastera našli su se genotipovi približne produktivnosti, što ukazuje da su izabrana elementarna svojstva osnov za oplemenjivanje na prinos berlej duvana. Pri planiranju hibridizacija roditelje treba odabirati iz različitih klastera ili subklastera kako bi se rekombinovali što divergentniji genotipovi po ispitivanim kvantitativnim svojstvima

    Identifikacija linija donora poželjnih alela za kvantitativne osobine Berlej duvana (Nicotiana tabacum L.)

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    Well-adapted local lines might be used as donors to improve existing commercial hybrids. The objective of this study was to identify the best burley tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) line among a group of four lines (SA 130, Bols 334, Barlej T and TN 90) from germplasm collection, for improving an elite single hybrid Bols 335 x TN 86. Values of three quantitative traits (number of leaves, total leaf area and leaf yield) were measured in two-year field experiments. Evaluation of donor lines as sources of new favorable alleles not present in the elite hybrid parent lines was conducted. According to Dudley (1984, 1987) the most significant class for improving quantitative traits is locus class G. Donor line TN 90 had positive values of the parameter μG for number of leaves and for total leaf area. Studied donor lines could not be use directly as the source of new alleles for the improvement of leaf yield in elite hybrid. The improvement of leaf yield in tobacco hybrid Bols 335 x TN 86 would be conducted indirectly via back crossing (TN 86 x TN 90) x TN 86. Significance of GxE interaction for studied traits indicates the same breeding method would be effective in broad range of environmental conditions.Na bazi srednjih vrednosti u dvogodišnjim ogledima, ispitivane su četiri linije (SA 130, Bols 334, Berlej 5, TN 90) iz kolekcije germplazme, kao potencijalni donori poželjnih alela za poboljšanje osobina (broj listova, površina listova i prinos lišca) elitnog prostog hibrida Bols 335 x TN 86. Analizom po metodu Dudley (1984,1987) konstatovano je da naveden linije mogu poslužiti kao potencijalni donori. Najznačajnija klasa za unapređenje kvantitativnih osobina je bila lokusna klasa G. Linija donor TN 90 ima pozitivne vrednosti parametra μG za broj listova i ukupnu površinu listova. Proučavane linije-donori, ne mogu biti korišćene direktno kao izvor novih alela za unapređenje prinosa lišća elitnog hibrida. Unapređenje prinosa kod hibrida Bols 335 x TN 86 je moguće indirektno, preko povratnog ukrštanja (TN 86 x TN 90) x TN 86. Značajnost interakcije GxE za proučavane osobine ukazuje da isti oplemenjivački metod može biti primenjen u širokom rangu ekoloških uslova

    Stability of productive traits of genotypes of cultivated medicinal plants of the family Apiaceae

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    Stability of productive traits (fruit yield, essential oil content) of varieties of cultivated medicinal plants belonging to the species of the family Apiaceae was studied(anise, coriander, dill, parsley and fennel). The trial was carried out in five locations in 2001. The estimate of stability parameters was done after the method of Eberhart and Russell (1966). As expected significant differences for the fruit yield and the essential oil content were determined among studied genotypes. Significant F-test differences were obtained for locations, while the genotype x environment interaction, as a source of variability for the identification of the growing region, had significant values of the F-test. This was a starting point for the analysis of stability parameters of these traits. The most stable genotype is the one whose value of S(2)di tends towards 0. Bearing this in mind, the most, i.e. the least stable yield was recorded in coriander; i.e. parsley, respectively. A somewhat different situation arises from the values of S(2)di in relation to the essential oil content. According to the value of this parameter; the most, i.e. the least stable essential oil content was found in fennel., i.e. parsley, respectively

    Efekti direktne selekcije na produktivna svojstva žalfije (Salvia officinalis L.)

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    A great variability and diversity of sage (Salvia officinalis L.) determine its utility use. Due to its complex chemical composition, sage can be used as a medicinal, scent, melliferous, spice plant and as a natural antioxidant. A cultivated sage population, originating from an autochthonous material from natural habitats, was used as a breeding material. Studies encompassed 60 clones selected from an initial population, while the best 12 were presented in this paper. The trials were carried out in 2005 and 2006. Means, variance, coefficient of variation and selection gain for plant height (cm), herb yield (g), leaf yield (g) and essential oil content (%) were analyzed. The selection gain was evaluated at the selection intensity of 5 and 10%. Clones 20, 22 and 28 out of 60 clones had significantly higher means for observed traits. High values of variance and coefficients of variations for herb and leaf yields point out to the existence of variability, which is an essential condition for the beginning of selection. The application of direct selection with the use of vegetative multiplication resulted in a high selection gain for herb and leaf yields and in a low gain for the essential oil content. The selection gain was greater at the selection intensity of 5% than of 10%. It can be stated that herb and leaf yields can have a greater effect on essential oil yield per area unit than its percentage participation. The selection gain varied over years and traits.Ispitivanjima je obuhvaćeno 60 klonova odabranih iz početne populacije, dok je u radu prikazano 12 najboljih. Ogledi su izvedeni tokom 2005. i 2006. Od 60 klonova, klonovi 20, 22 i 28 su imali značajno više srednje vrednosti za ispitivana svojstva. Visoke vrednosti varijanse i koeficijenata varijacije za prinos herbe i lišća ukazuju na postojanje varijabilnosti koja je osnovni uslov za početak selekcije. Primenom metoda direktne selekcije uz korišćenje vegetativnog razmnožavanja ostvarena je visoka selekciona dobit za prinos herbe i lista, a niska za sadržaj etarskog ulja. Pri intenzitetu selekcije od 5% ostvarena je veća selekciona dobit u odnosu na intenzitet od 10%

    Mapiranje biljnih genoma mikrosatelitima

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    Micro satellites are DNA markers, based on the repeated nucleotide sequences number polymorphism. They belong to a group of PCR markers and are mainly used as an addition to other types of markers. Their characteristics and technical aspects of their application are discussed in the present study. Furthermore, some results obtained by the use of the micro satellite DNA in genetic mapping of plant genomes are also presented. Although micro satellites provide the identification of genotypes within a species, inadequacy of comparative mapping of different species is their serious blemish.Mikrosateliti su DNA markeri, zasnovani na polimorfizmu broja repetitivnih sekvenci nukleotida. Spadaju u grupu PCR-markera i koriste se uglavnom kao dopuna drugim tipovima markera. Njihove odlike i tehnička strana primene diskutovani su u ovom radu. Navedeni su neki rezultati dobijeni korišćenjem mikrosatelitske DNA u genetičkom mapiranju biljnih genoma. Iako mikrosateliti omogućuju identifikaciju genotipova unutar jedne vrste, njihov nedostatak je da nisu pogodni za komparativno mapiranje različitih vrsta

    Effects of recombinations on variability and heritability of traits in maize populations with exotic germplasm

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    The following maize populations were encompassed by the study: a population with 25% of exotic germplasm (1601/5xZPL913)F2R0 and populations developed after three (1601/5xZPL913)F2R3, that is, five (1601/5xZPL913)F2R5, gene recombination cycles. The S, progeny trial was set lip according to the nested design in two replications and two locations during two years (2001 and 2002). The average values for all traits except moisture at harvest increased. The changes of mean values of yields and other traits can be very important from the aspect of long-term breeding programmes. Different agroecological conditions, genotype, family x location interaction and family x location interaction within the set signficantly affected all observed traits of populations. Genetic and phenotypic variances for all traits except the 1000-kernel weight decreased under the effects of the number of recombination cycles, which was confirmed by the coefficients of heritability. A significant decrease was not detected in yields and ear lengths, which is particularly important for practical breeding. Three cycles of gene recombination are sufficient for this population prior to the application by various breeding methods

    Standard microscopic slide preparation technique as a new and useful tool for analyzing mucilage content in marshmallow root

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    Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis L.) root is used as a drug in medicine, pharmaceutical, cosmetic as well as in food products, due to the content of mucilage with a broad range of physicochemical properties. Since mucilage content in roots depends on genotype and growing conditions, the quality control is, therefore, one of the major tasks in the rational use of the drug. In this paper we compare data for mucilage content in roots obtained by standard procedure which implies measuring of swelling ratio in dried samples, with anatomical features of roots obtained by different methods for anatomical analysis, and we have shown that anatomical method could be used for determination of mucilage content in marshmallow root

    Use of high-energy ionizing radiation for microbiological decontamination of coastal soil in the Kolubara river basin, Serbia

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    The Kolubara river pollutes the coastal land in the river basin and makes it unsuitable for agricultural activities in that area. Also, contaminated land poses a risk to the environment. Different methods can be used for soil decontamination. These methods include biological treatment/bioremediation, chemical oxidation, soil stabilization, physical methods, such as soil leaching, or treatment with high-energy ionizing radiation. Gamma irradiation of soil is a well-known method of inhibiting microbial activity. This paper investigated the influence of different doses and dose rates of gamma irradiation on microorganisms' decontamination of coastal soil, in the Kolubara river basin. The irradiation effects on reducing the total number of microorganisms and removing mold and pathogenic bacteria from soil samples were examined. Gamma radiation affects the soil's organic matter, causing the formation of free reactive radicals, which act as reducing and oxidizing agents, cleaving C-C bonds, and depolymerizing carbohydrates. It was found that a dose of 3 kGy of gamma radiation, neutralizes all pathogenic bacteria, a dose of 5 kGy deactivates mold in soil samples, and a dose of 10 kGy is optimal to kill all microorganisms in the samples and sterilize exposed soil. The research showed that the dose rate does not significantly affect microbiological decontamination of soil using gamma irradiation. The content of heavy metals in soil was determined, and the obtained values were compared with the remediation limit values prescribed by the regulations. It was concluded that the content of heavy metals in the analyzed soil samples is below the limit of remediation values. The only exception is the slightly increased copper content in one sample. The result of this research is the conclusion that the coastal land from the Kolubara basin can be decontaminated by gamma radiation treatment. This advanced soil treatment technology is available in Serbia because there is an industrial plant for gamma radiation treatment within the Vinča Institute

    Varijabilnost populacija žalfija u uslovima ex situ konzervacije

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    The following four traits in seven populations of sage (Salvia officinalis L.) under conditions of ex situ conservation, were observed: plant height (cm), herb yield (g), leaf yield (g) and essential oil content (%). Significant differences of their values, i.e. great variability of traits among observed populations were determined. The hierarchical cluster analysis was used to estimate the degree of their divergence. Three clusters, i.e. three varietal groups of different phenotypic properties were observed on a tree diagram. The linkage of genotypes into groups was in the function of the properties with greater variability. Information about forms of divergence of these genotypes is important in sage breeding and hybridisation planning.Kod sedam populacija žalfije (Salvia officinalis L.) u uslovima ex situ konzervacije, ispitivani su visina (cm), prinos herbe i lišća po biljci (g) i sadržaj etarskog ulja (%). Utvrđene su značajne razilke u njihovim vrednostima, što ukazuje na veliku varijabilnost između populacija. Za procenu stepena njihove divergencije korišćena je hijerarhijska klaster analiza. Na dendrogramu su se izdvojila tri klastera, odnosno tri grupe populacija različitih kompleksa fenotipskih karakteristika. Povezivanje genotipova u grupe bilo je u funkciji osobina koje imaju veću varijabilnost

    Varijabilnost svojstava introdukovanih genotipova kvinoje (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.)

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    We analyzed variability and influence of investigated factors on grain yield of quinoa during three year period (2009, 2010, 2011). The experiment was conducted at two locations (Nova Pazova and Surduk), using two introduced genotypes of quinoa: KVL 37 and KVL 52. We detected that location and genotype had important impact. Grain yield varied according to years of study (1224 kg/ha to 1671 kg/ha). Results of regression and correlation analysis indicate on variation of the impact of plant height and number of plants per meter on the grain yield. Correlation coefficients were generally low and didn't show as significant. This indicates that these studies included small number of properties that can affect grain yield. In further work with this introduced species, more properties should be included.Analizirana je varijabilnost i uticaj ispitivanih faktora na prinos zrna kvinoje tokom tri godine (2009, 2010, 2011). Ogled je izveden na dve lokacije (Nova Pazova i Surduk) sa dva introdukovana genotipa kvinoje: KVL 37 i KVL 52. Setva je obavljena u aprilu, a žetva u avgustu. Analizirani su: visina biljaka (cm), broj biljaka po dužnom metru i prinos zrna. Konstatovan je značajan uticaj lokacije i genotipa. Prinos zrna varirao je po godinama ispitivanja (1.224 kg/ha do 1.671 kg/ha). Rezultati regresione i koralacione analize ukazuju na variranje uticaja visine biljaka i broja biljaka po dužnom metru na prinos zrna. Koeficijenti korelacija su uglavnom bili niski i nisu ispoljili značajnost. Ovo ukazuje da je u daljim istraživanjima poželjno povećati broj svojstava, koja bi mogla uticati na visinu prinosa