34 research outputs found


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    In spite of the efforts of tourism marketers to encourage consumers to revisit particular tourist destinations, other factors contribute to this decision-making process. In this way, recommendations from family members and friends are considered to be trustful source of information in the process of choosing a tourist destination. Regardless of whether or not they have visited a tourist destination themselves, consumers recommend it to their family members and friends. This study represents an analysis of consumers’ socio-demographic characteristics (gender, age, education) differentiating between those who recommend, those who intend to recommend and those who do not. The aim of the paper is to point to the existence of differences of consumers in tourist destination decision making, according to socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents. The sample included 250 respondents from the territory of the Province of Vojvodina. In order to test proposed hypothesis statistical methods such as t test for independent samples and ANOVA were used. Key results of this research can be summarised as respondents in the sample do not show statistically significant differences in terms of demographic characteristics – gender, age and education level by any form of interpersonal behaviour and word-of-mouth communication in the process of choosing a tourist destination.Unatoč naporima marketinških eksperata u sektoru turizma u cilju poticanja turista-potrošača da ponovo posjete određenu turističku destinaciju, na tu njihovu odluku o kupovini utječu brojni drugi faktori. U tom smislu, preporuke članova obitelji i prijatelja se smatraju kao najpouzdaniji izvor informacija u procesu odluke i izbora turističke destinacije. Bez obzira jesu li tu turističku destinaciju doista posjetili ili nisu, potrošači često daju komentare i preporuke svojim članovima obitelji i svojim prijateljima. Ova istraživačka studija predstavlja analizu postojanja različitosti sociodemografskih karakteristika - spol, starost, obrazovanje kod turista - potrošača koji daju, namjeravaju dati, i koji ne daju preporuke, odnosno analizu razlika u preporukama potrošača prema socio-demografskim karakteristikama ispitanika. Uzorak istraživanja čini 250 ispitanika s područja Autonomne pokrajne Vojvodine. Sa ciljem da se testiraju predložene istraživačke hipoteze korištene su statističke metode kao što su t - test nezavisnih uzoraka i analiza varijance - ANOVA

    ¿Pueden la cognición y las emociones influir en la vista?

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    U radu su prikazani teorijski argumenti i empirijske potvrde za ideju i protiv ideje da kognitivni procesi (mišljenje, rezoniranje, očekivanje i vjerovanje) ili emocije i motivacija mogu izravno utjecati na i mijenjati sadržaj vida. Prema hipotezi o modularnosti uma i Marrovoj računalnoj teoriji vid je informacijski zatvoren modul s fiksnom, urođenom arhitekturom. Ona se temelji na specifičnim načelima koja su bitno drugačija od općega kognitivnog funkcioniranja. Vid mora biti kognitivno inpenetrabilan zato jer mora stvoriti točnu mentalnu reprezentaciju vanjskog svijeta i time omogućiti jedinki uspješno snalaženje u njemu. Suprotno tome, prema modelu prediktivnog kodiranja, kao suvremenog oblika zagovaranja penetrabilnosti vida, mozak stalno generira predikcije koje olakšavaju i usmjeravaju procesiranje osjetnih informacija i posljedično mijenjaju ono što vidimo. U novije vrijeme mnoga bihevioralna i neuroznanstvena istraživanja pokazuju da se vid doista mijenja pod utjecajem naučenih asocijacija i konteksta kao i socijalne kognicije, motivacije i emocija, što upućuje na zaključak da je vid kognitivno penetrabilan. Međutim, u navedenim su istraživanjima identificirane brojne metodološke i interpretacijske poteškoće iz kojih proizlazi suprotan zaključak. Na kraju, opisani su mogući smjerovi za daljnja teorijska i empirijska istraživanja koja bi nas trebala približiti razrješenju ovoga složenog pitanja.The paper reviews theoretical arguments and empirical findings in support and against the idea that cognitive processes (thinking, reasoning, expectations, and beliefs) or emotions and motivation can directly influence and change the content of vision. According to the modularity of mind hypothesis and Marr\u27s computational theory, vision is an informationally encapsulated module with fixed, innate architecture. This innate architecture is based on a specific set of principles which are much different from general cognitive functioning. Vision must be cognitively impenetrable because its task is to create an exact mental representation of the external environment that will enable individual to navigate through it successfully. In contrast, according to predictive coding model as an example of the modern advocate of penetrability of vision, brain constantly generates predictions which facilitate and redirect visual information processing and, consequently, alters what we see. Recently, many behavioural and brain studies revealed that vision is indeed altered under the influence of learned associations and context as well as social cognition, motivation and emotions, thus lending support to the claim that vision is cognitively penetrable. However, numerous methodological and interpretational pitfalls have been identified in aforementioned research, resulting in the opposite conclusion. At the end, we described potential avenues for further theoretical and empirical research which will bring us closer to the answer to this perplexing question.En este trabajo se han mostrado argumentos teóricos y pruebas empíricas para los pros y los contras de la idea de que procesos cognitivos (pensamiento, razonamiento, expectativas y creencias) o emociones y motivación pueden influir directamente en la vista y cambiar su contenido. Según la hipótesis sobre la modularidad de la mente y la teoría computacional de Marr, la vista es un módulo cerrado de informaciones con la arquitectura fija, innata. Se basa en los principios específicos que son significativamente diferentes del funcionamiento cognitivo general. La vista tiene que ser cognitivamente impenetrable porque tiene que crear una representación mental exacta del mundo exterior y así posibilitar a un individuo buen funcionamiento en el mismo. Por lo contrario, según el modelo de codificación predictiva, como un modelo contemporáneo de abogar por la penetrabilidad de vista, el cerebro genera continuamente las predicciones que facilitan y dirigen el procesamiento de informaciones sensoriales y en consecuencia cambian lo que vemos. Últimamente, muchas investigaciones conductuales y neurocientíficas muestran que la vista de verdad cambia bajo la influencia de asociaciones aprendidas y el contexto, tanto como bajo la influencia de cognición social, motivación y emociones, lo que lleva a conclusión de que la vista es cognitivamente penetrable. Sin embargo, en dichas investigaciones se han identificado numerosas dificultades metodológicas e interpretativas de las que surge una conclusión contraria. Al final, se han descrito posibles direcciones para futuras investigaciones teóricas y empíricas que deberían acercarnos a la solución de esta cuestión compleja

    Dynamics of Hop Growth and Accumulation of α–acids in Normal and Extreme Climatic Conditions

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    The influence of normal and extreme weather conditions on the dynamics of hop growth, of cones development and accumulation of α-acids during three years of cultivation of hop cv. Aurora has been studied. The results of the comparative study show the dependence of the start of blooming and time period from second shooting (F3) on flowering (F7), yield of the hop cones and share of α–acids in the dry matter of cones. It has been concluded that the increasing sum of effective temperature has a negative influence on the yield of hop cones and accumulation of α–acids. The increase of temperature and drought during year 2003 caused decrease of the yield of hop cones from 1800 to 900 kg/ha and the share of α–acids from 11.5 to 6.2 % when compared to “good hop year” (2001)

    Goals of consumers in the context of slow tourism

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    The concept of slow tourism is gaining attention in terms of emphasized need for slowing down the pace of life. This concept is tied to sustainable tourism and linked to social movements such as: 'Slow Food' (authentic, local food), 'Slow Cities' (environmentally responsible and peaceful environment) and 'Slow Transportation' (local buses and trains). This study provides insights into the phenomenon of slow tourism from the perspective of a goal-directed consumption process. The research was based on a model consisting of six slow tourism motivations (relaxation, self-reflection, escape, novelty-seeking, engagement, and discovery), two goals of slow tourism (revitalization and self-enrichment), and travel outcomes (satisfaction, future return intention, and recommendations). The sample included 320 respondents from the territory of the Republic of Serbia who had visited some of the destinations in Vojvodina labeled as 'slow place' in the past two years


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    Turbulent marketing environment, where the consumers’ economic and social roles in general are transforming, has caused businesses to accept the fact that consumer choice and decision making comprise a single social process, which does not depend only on the impact of companies’ marketing mix elements on the consumers, but that this complex process is most determined by individual or group-based interactions and relationships between the consumers themselves through word-of-mouth communication. Consumer behaviour at the market is determined by many factors, and is therefore characterized as very complex and difficult to predict. Consumers’ age is one amongst many important factors that marketing theory and practice research on a daily basis. This paper attempts to address the impact of consumers’ age on creation and diffusion of word of mouth resulting in purchase decision, and tries to point out some directions of thinking and future research, based on the experience from the Republic of Serbia

    Consumer ethnocentrism under the circumstances of the COVID-19 virus pandemic

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    Background: The new circumstances of life due to the proclamation of the COVID 19 virus pandemic have caused numerous changes both in general people's lives and in consumption. Purpose: The aim of this paper is to identify changes in the degree of consumer ethnocentrism when choosing products during the COVID 19 virus pandemic, compared to the period before its occurrence. In addition, differences in consumer preferences for certain domestic products and services before and during the pandemic were analyzed. The paper also deals with differences in ethnocentric tendencies during the pandemic between different socio-demographic consumer segments. Study design/methodology/approach: The primary data were collected from 176 respondents by using the survey method. A paired samples t test is used for hypotheses testing. Independent samples t test and Anova, post hoc Scheffe test, were conducted for analysing differences in ethnocentric tendencies between observed consumer segments during the pandemic. Findings/conclusions: Higher level of consumer ethnocentrism is confirmed in period during the pandemic, especially when it comes to choice of domestic medical products. On the other hand, lower level of consumer ethnocentrism is observed for fashion products and insurance during the pandemic. Older consumers and pensioners exhibit stronger ethnocentric tendencies during the pandemic. Limitations/future research: The main limitation of the paper relates to the use of only a few of the 17 statements within the CET scale for measuring ethnocentric tendencies before and during the pandemic. Also, the research did not cover all categories of domestic products and services. According to the limitations, future studies are recommended to fully apply the CET scale for measuring consumer ethnocentrism. Also, the recommendation is to observe higher number of categories of products and services, and to break down the categories into several subcategories. Finally, future studies can also include some of the determinants of consumer ethnocentrism in the research model


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    Contemporary business conditions set up a new complex problem for the companies – a dramatic decline in the return on investment of different types of promotion activities. Consumers on the global market are showing increasing levels of resistance and lack of confidence in a growing number of marketing messages sent to them by companies, mostly because those messages communicate only on the positive and often embellished aspects of the products and services. Consumers wishing to reduce the risk of wrong purchase decisions are turning to other consumers in whose advice and attitudes they have confidence, and thus get a true picture of the market situation. Those consumers are very specific individuals recognized as opinion leaders in marketing literature. In this way, the company’s control on consumer purchase decision is reduced significantly, thereby increasing the overall risk of doing business. The paper aims to highlight the importance of the research of consumer opinion leaders in marketing theory and practice, to identify their characteristics and behaviour, and to point out possible ways of their identification. The empirical research will test the hypothesis of the existence of the gender impact on consumer display of opinion leadership in the Republic of Serbia

    Impulsive consumer behavior

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    Research into consumer behaviour features as the foundation of all the planned and implemented marketing activities of a company. Consumer behaviour is determined by numerous factors, and is therefore characterised as highly complex and difficult to predict. A particular challenge for marketing science and practice is to research impulse consumer behaviour in shopping – a behaviour that occurs when consumers experience a sudden, powerful and persistent urge to buy something immediately. This article addresses some of the factors that cause consumers’ impulsive or impulse-driven behaviour, and also to point out some possible directions of thinking and future research, based on the experience from Serbia

    Consumers' propensity to complain towards tourist agencies' services: Evidence from Serbia and Croatia

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    The goal of the research is to determine a statistically significant difference in the tendency to appeal in relation to socio-demographic characteristics of the users of tourist services. The study has been conducted on a group sample of 116 respondents from Serbia and 106 respondents from Croatia. The empirical part of the research was carried out by a survey technique. The results of the conducted empirical research confirmed the findings and claims of foreign authors on the impact of tourist service users' age, monthly income and the number of family members, on their inclination to complain. The main findings of this research indicate that maintaining a long-term loyalty relationships with existing users is becoming increasingly difficult. The paper seeks to contribute to the existing literature by indicating the importance of knowing the effects of influence factors upon a tendency to file a complaint. The obtained results help employees in the first service line to identify aspects of influence on the users' reaction to service failure and thus give a starting point for creating measures for effective resolution of user dissatisfaction. Future researchers are advised to collect additional information on the factors influencing the user's complaint behaviour

    Uticaj eWOM komunikacije na korišćenje mobilnog bankarstva

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    This paper builds on research by [20] and examines the influence of eWOM on factors such as social norms, initial trust, perceived usefulness, ease of use, attitude and intention of using mobile banking in the territory of Serbia. The survey was conducted by online and offline questionnaires completed by 501 respondents. The analysis was performed using SPSS22 and AMOS22 tools, where structural equation model (SEM) was used to test the direct influence of eWOM on social networks on the attitudes and intentions of clients to use mobile banking services. In response to the problem, we found a set of factors that influence the attitude and intention of clients to use mobile banking, which managers can emphasize when creating a marketing strategy.Ovaj rad se nadovezuje na istraživanje [20] i ispituje uticaj eWOM komunikacije na faktore kao što su socijalne norme, početno poverenje, uočena korisnost, jednostavnost upotrebe, stav i namera korišćenja mobilnog bankarstva na teritoriji Srbije. Anketa je sprovedena pomoću onlajn i oflajn upitnika koji je popunio 501 ispitanik. Analiza je izvršena pomoću alata SPSS22 i AMOS22, gde je model strukturne jednačine (SEM) korišćen za testiranje direktnog uticaja eWOM komunikacije na društvenim mrežama na stavove i namere klijenata da koriste usluge mobilnog bankarstva. Kao odgovor na problem pronašli smo skup faktora koji utiču na stav i nameru klijenata da koriste mobilno bankarstvo, što menadžeri mogu naglasiti prilikom kreiranja marketinške strategije