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    Every artist reflects the culture and civilization in which he reaches the age of consciousness, in his writings. In Allama Iqbal's poetry, glimpses of the different nations living in India and the civilization born from their cooperation are seen consciously and unconsciously, sometimes he creates religious characters to express it, and sometimes he describes the social style and philosophy of the people living in his surroundings by using poetic figures. The beauty of his poetry is that he takes care of all the aspects related to a specific culture. He has also described this cultural diversity in his style of expression and choice of poetic vocabulary; thus, his poetry emerges as a representative of Indian civilization and culture. In this paper, Allama Iqbal's poetry has been examined in the background of Indian culture and civilization

    تعلیمی اداروں کے رسائل کے منتخب اقبال نمبروں میں اقبال شناسی (جشنِ ولادتِ اقبال کے تناظر میں)

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    125th birth anniversary of Allama Muhammad Iqbal, the government of Pakistan officially declared 2002 as the "Year of Iqbal". Apart from organizing various literary activities on this joyous occasion, renowned literary magazines and journals and educational institutions published special issues of their literary journals where not only renowned Scholars of Iqbaliyat but Iqbal's Shaheens also enthusiastically paid homage to their beloved Poet and Philosopher. Through this celebration, Iqbal was profoundly remembered at the beginning of the 21st century. Iqbal was not only a poet of the twentieth century, but his admirers proved that Iqbal was a poet of all three eras i.e. past, present and future. Iqbal was undoubtedly aware of this fact and he called himself a poet of the future. Iqbal numbers of literary journals of various colleges and universities were published this occasion. The following article will provide a brief overview of the Iqbal issues of some of these important literary journals. Among them, the names of Almas, Khayaban, Ilm ki Roshni and Sir Syedain are noteworthy.

    عبدالکریم ثمر کی شاعری میں اسلامی فکر کا مطالعہ

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    Abdul Karim Samar was an active member of Tehreek-e-Pakistan and a strong advocate of Islamic literature. He was deeply influenced by Allama Iqbal's thought and Islamic ideology. He highlighted Islamic thought in both genres of poetry and prose after the establishment of Pakistan. In his poetry we find the ideological basis of Islam as well as the message of living our lives according to the principles taught by Islam by taking advantage of the blessed life of the Holy Prophet. In his poetry, movement and action are found in the subject of hope and expansion. He used his creative talents to create constructive literature after his affiliation with the Islamic Literature Movement. We find a clear expression of this in his poetry collection Loh-o-qlam, Shakh-e-Sidra and in Shair-o-Ilham

    سرسید احمد خان اورعلامہ اقبال کی ذہنی ہم آہنگی

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    Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and Allama Iqbal are great leaders of Indian Muslims. They were the pioneers of the freedom movement of sub-continent. Both visited abroad and their Intellectual thinking was similar. They believed in "Two Nations Theory" and were convinced that the solution of Indian Muslim's problems was in a separate country consisting of Muslim majority provinces and states of India, where they will be free to practice Islam and to achieve this destiny they encouraged Muslims of India to embrace modern education in addition to the Islamic Education. In 1903 Iqbal wrote the poem "Syed ki Lohe Turbat" which reveals his relations with Sir Syed. Since his early days Iqbal was influenced by Sir Syed Ahmed's movement and later, he participated and completed Sir Syed's mission by his tireless efforts

    زہرا نگاہ کی شاعری میں تصورِ تاںیثیت اور سماجی شعور

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    ZahraNigah is an authentic, respectable and well known poetess of Twentieth and Twenty first centuries. She gave Urdu poetry (Poems and Ghazals) a distinguished and novel diction which was weawon into culture with a flare of civilization and a touch of femininity. Zahra Nigah was born in Hyderabad Dakan on 14th May 1937. she along with her family migrated to Karachi Pakistan in 1948. Since she belonged to a literary family therefore she inherited the love for poetry and literature. She got initial training to write poetry from Jigar Murad Abadi a well known poet of those times. She was lucky to have the company of literary stalwarts like Firaq, Faiz and Jigar who were like shadowy trees to her in scorching heat of the world. She was a considerate person and respected relations, contacts and companionships. Though she witnessed relations being shattered during the chaos created by migration but while writing about them she remained optimistic. While representing individual sufferings, matters of love, homelessness, social amid sexual matters, she has become a symbol of feminist movement through her poetry and other writings.</p