7 research outputs found

    Ayurvedic management of chalazion - A Case Study

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    Chalazion is non-infective lipogranulomatous inflammation of Meibomian gland. It’s also called Meibomian cyst. It is corelated to Utsangini in Ayurveda. Utsangini is explained under Vartmagatha Rogas by both Sushrutha and Vagbhata. It is a Tridoshaja Sadhya Vyadhi according to Sushrutha. But according to Vagbhata it is a Raktaja Sadhya Vyadhi. Both Shodhana and Shamana Chikitsa is mentioned in the treatment of Utsangini. In contemporary science treatments are intralesional corticosteroid injection and surgical drainage. Ayurveda can provide safe and cost effective result in Chalazion. Here a case of Chalazion successfully treated with Ayurvedic management is recorded

    An Ayurvedic Management of Migraine - A Case Study

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    Migraine is an episodic headache disorder usually characterized by pain involving either half of the head. According to International headache society, Migraine constitutes 16% of the primary headache and affects about 10-20% of the general population. Ardhavabhedaka is mentioned under Shiroroga (Diseases of head) which can be correlated with migraine. Nasya Karma (Errhine Therapy) is considered as the best therapeutic intervention in Shiro Roga by Acharya Charaka. Kumkumadi Ghrita is mentioned by Acharya Vagbhata in context of Shiroroga Chikitsa. So, an attempt has been made to assess the efficacy of Anu Taila Nasya in the management of migraine in this single case study. After 7 days of Nasya Karma, considerable improvement was seen in the clinical features of Migraine. Materials and methods: The subject who approached Shalakya Tantra OPD of Government Ayurveda Medical College Bengaluru with symptoms of Migraine since 4 years was systemically reviewed and Nsaya line of treatment is adopted. Results: The subject showed marked improvement as depicted in the scoring scale before and after treatment. Discussion: By adopting the holistic approach with both internal and external treatment modalities an attempt is made to bring about satisfactory results

    An Ayurvedic Visual Rehabilitation In Lebers Congenital Amaurosis - Prospective Case Study

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    Introduction: This is the case report of child who was diagnosed with LCA reported with complaints of large-amplitude, slow-frequency, roving nystagmus, frequent tendency to press on his eyes, enopthalmos, with completely normal ophthalmoscopic examination with normal appearing optic nerve and retina and has a non recordable ERG; considering this condition under the lines of Vataja Nanatmaja Vyadhi treatment was structured to render effective visual rehabilitation which showed marked results. Methods: 4 years old male child who was diagnosed with lebers congenital amaurosis was brought by his parents to Eye OPD, GAMC, Bengaluru. The presentation of this case includes bibliographic review of the subject, presentation of a clinical case and description of the importance of Ayurvedic prespective of handling of these patients. Results: The child showed improvement in fixing for light and also nystagmus showed marked improvement and there were considerable behavioural changes observed. Discussion: It is important to deepen the environment of the disease to know the possible implications in Ayurvedic management, recognize the magnitude of visual disability that our patient presents for the establishment of the treatment plan and provide an integral care of excellence in an interdisciplinary way in favor of visual rehabilitation of our patients and also help to restore quality of life with no potential risks of side effects

    A study to assess the effect of Yashtimadhu Ksheerapaaka Tarpana in the management of Shushkakshipaka - A Case Report

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    Introduction: Dry eye is a multifactorial ocular surface disease characterized by symptoms of discomfort, irritation, and visual disturbance. The symptoms of dry eye can be correlated to Shushkakshipaka which is one among the Sarvagata Netra Rogas affecting all parts of the eye as explained in classical Ayurveda texts. Here the patient presenting with signs and symptoms of dry eye disease was treated according to the treatment principles of Shushkakshipaka as explained in Ayurvedic classics. Yashtimadhu Ksheerapaka Tarpana was selected for the treatment and the same has been presented in the article. Materials and Methods: The subject who approached Shalakya Tantra OPD of Sri Jayachamarajendra Institute of Indian Medicine Hospital, Bengaluru, with signs and symptoms of dry eye disease like dryness in both the eyes, foreign body sensation, burning sensation and blurred vision etc. was thoroughly examined and systematically reviewed and treatment was planned based on the Chikitsasutra of Shushkakshipaka. Result: The patient showed considerable improvement subjectively and objectively. Improvement in schirmers reading, visual acuity improvement was observed in both eyes. Discussion: The maintenance of stability of tear film is the main challenge in the present scenario. This can be achieved by properly following the treatment principle and protocol during and after the treatment for the prescribed period

    A Case Study on Vataja Timira w.s.r. to Keratoconus

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    According to Ayurveda, Vata is responsible for formation of all body parts. Vayu is said to be Sarva Dhatu Vyuhakara and Kartagarbhakritam. It means that Vayu is responsible for the regular function and amount of Dhatus in body. In Ayurveda there is no direct reference of keratoconus, based on the symptoms it can be considered as Vataja Timira. This can be correlated to advanced condition of keratoconus, considering Dosha involvement Vatahara and Bruhmana line of treatment in the form of Nasya, Tarpana and Pindi is more beneficial in keratoconus

    Evaluation of the effect of Apamargadi Taila Gandusha in the management of Tundikeri (Tonsillitis) in children - A Case Report

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    Introduction: This is a case report of a 15-year-old male child complained of Fever, Pain and Difficulty in swallowing since 2 days. On Examination observed Congested soft palate, uvula, bilateral enlarged tonsils and confirmed the diagnosis as Tundikeri (Tonsillitis). In the present study Gandusha with Apamargadi Taila is selected for Clinical Trail. Materials and Methods: A 15-year-old male child suffering from the signs and symptoms of Tundikeri was taken for the study from Shalakya tantra opd of SJIIM, Bengaluru. He was treated with Apamargadi Taila Gandusha for a time period of 7days. Result: There was considerable improvement both subjectively and objectively. Discussion: Tundikeri is the Bhedya roga and should be treated like Kaphaja Rohini according to Asthanga Sangraha. Kaphaja Rohini Chikitsa includes Swedana, Lekhana, Pratisarana, Gandusha, Kavala, and Nasya. All drugs should have the properties such as Lekhana, Shothahara, Sandhaniya, Ropana, Rakta Sthambhana and Vedana Sthapana. The drugs used in the Apamargadi Taila also possess the properties like Bhedana, Lekhana, Ropana, Shoshana, Sthambana. Therefore, the present study was planned to evaluate the effect of Apamargadi Taila Gandusha in the management of Tundikeri (Tonsillitis)

    An Ayurvedic insight to Keratoconus - A Case Report

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    Achievement of scientific integrity and credibility of the concepts can only be with well designed and conducted research studies. Keratoconus is a non inflammatory bilateral ectatic condition of cornea in its axial part presenting with defective vision due to progressive myopia and irregular astigmatism. It is diagnosed by clinical examination and corneal topographic techniques. In contemporary medicine, it is treated with collagen cross linking which may slow down the disease progress, effectiveness of treatment is still questionable. Here comes the need of Ayurveda to explore with better treatments. Based on symptoms in Ayurveda it can be correlated to Prathama Patalagata Timira, being Vatika predominance. This study describes a 20 Year old female patient diagnosed as Keratoconus and underwent Ayurvedic treatment protocol according to the line of management of Prathama Patalagata Timira which is Vatahara in nature such as Mahatriphala Ghrita internally, Nasya with Anu Taila,Tarpana with Mahatriphala Ghrita , Putapaka, Shigru Navaneeta Pindi for 3 sittings. Results were observed and noted during treatment and follow up period