10 research outputs found

    Ksharavarti Prayoga (Alkali thread) in Puyalasa (Acute Dacryocystitis) : A Case Report

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    Puyalasa, one among the Sandhigataroga can be correlated to dacryocystitis based on the symptomatology which includes swelling in inner canthus, which later undergoes suppuration causing thick purulent discharge. Dacryocystitis is the inflammation of the lacrimal sac. Management of acute dacryocystitis differs based on the stage. Puyalasa treatment includes Raktamokshana (blood letting), Upanaha (poultice) and other Vranashotha (inflammatory swelling) treatment. A 28 year old female patient diagnosed as Puyalasa (acute dacryocystitis) was treated with blood letting, Ksharavarti (alkali thread) insertion and Bidalaka (applying medicines in paste form over eyelids) and the results proved to be significant on the basis of clinical assessment

    A single case report on Ocular Rhinosporidiosis

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    Rhinosporidiosis is an enigmatic disease which has been known to medicine since 1900. It is a chronic infestation caused by Rhinosporidium seeberi, which predominantly affects the mucus membrane of eye, nose and nasopharynx. We report a case of rhinosporidiosis with presentation of mass which looks like a chalazia present in left upper lid. Here the case ultimately managed by surgical resection followed by Ayurvedic treatment and antibiotic eye drops for a duration of one month. Despite it has chance of recurrence but here after an year also patient doesn’t have any complaints regarding the same. Here 24 year old female patient diagnosed with Rhinosporidiosis was advised to undergo Pratisarana followed with Bidalaka and later excision. Patient came for follow-up after 1 year, there was no recurrence as well as no complaints particular to rhinosporidiasis

    Impact of environmental hazards on sense of hearing - A conceptual study

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    The high burden of deafness globally and in India is largely preventable and avoidable. The prevalence of deafness in Southeast Asia ranges from 4.6% to 8.8%. In India, 63 million people (6.3%) suffer from significant auditory loss. In Ayurveda we get many references of Karna, Karna is one among Pancha Jnanendriya and predominance of Akasha Mahabhuta, perceives Shabda. Asatmyendriyartha Samyoga of Indriya i.e. Ayoga, Atiyoga and Mithya Yoga of Srotrendriya causes Roga. Karna Shoola, Karna Nada, Karna Kshweda, Badhiryam are some diseases caused by Asatmyendriyartha Samyoga. Ayurvedic system of medicine gives more importance to preventive measures. Identifying (early screening) the Nidana and Nidana Parivarjana plays the key role in preventing most of the Karna Rogas. In all Karna Rogas Vata Prakopa to be the chief cause, hence Ghrutapana is told as Rasayana

    A Review of Senile Cataract (Timira) and its Management

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    Age related cataract is the commonest type of acquired cataract affecting equally persons of either sex usually above the age of 50 years. Senile cataract is almost universal in varying degrees in persons over 70 years of age and is the major cause of global blindness. Special attention should be taken to maintain healthy vision, since the loss of vision partial or complete, disables the person. Importance of vision has been emphasized in our classics by stating Drishtihi Pradhanatamatvat. Timira is one among the Drishtigata Rogas mentioned by Ayurveda Acharyas and it is derived as Timi Kledane Aardri Bhavaha Iti Yavataha, which means increased moisture in the visual apparatus. Acharya Vagbhata quotes that, Timira when neglected becomes Kacha and Kacha leads to Andhya if not treated, Timira being dreadful among the diseases of the eye and hence early management is required. Since hydration is a prominent feature involved in the process of cataract formation and the clinical features of cataract like gradual painless loss of vision, polyopia etc. are similar to those of Timira and also the surgical management of cataract is similar to Kaphaja Linganasha Shastra Chikitsa, the disease Timira can be correlated to senile cataract. This article mainly concentrates on Timira (senile cataract) and compares the similarities between Ayurvedic and modern management

    Anterior Uveitis and management in Ayurveda - A Case Study

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    Anterior uveitis is inflammation of the Uveal tissue from iris upto Pars plicata of ciliary body, which is a common cause for painful red eye. It usually affects people of 20 -50 years of age and account for 10 -15% of cases of legal blindness in developed countries. Depending on the clinical presentation it can be categorised as Iritis, Cyclitis or iridocyclitis. It is typically characterized by photophobia, pain, ciliary congestion, Blurred vision, Keratic precipitates, Aqueous flare and cells and often pooled with Auto immune diseases. If untreated, it can cause permanent visual loss and serious complications such as glaucoma, cataract, and cystoid macular oedema, Retinal detachment. Reducing the inflammation with the help of steroids, Immunosuppressant (topically, systematically) are the treatments indicated in contemporary science but these have their own side-effects and many entities are such that the recurrence rates are very high in spite of treatment or will be non-responsive. So it is coherent to adopt Ayurvedic treatment principles to resolve the ailment securely and to overcome the magnitudes of recurrence. The clinical features of Anterior Uveitis simulates to Pittaja and Raktaja Adhimanta to a greater extent and treatment modalities can be adopted based on Doshas and Samprapthi involved. In this paper, a special case report of a 51 years old male patient with Anterior Uveitis who showed marked improvement with Ayurvedic management is presented. The possible role of Ayurveda in its management and mode of action is also discussed here

    A Comprehensive Analysis of Nidana for Netra Rogas as explained by different Ayurveda instigators in the specific context of Netra Shalakya

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    Ayurvedic way of diagnosis has two basic components mainly Rogapariksha and Rogipariksha. Among them Rogapariksha gives us the detailed knowledge about a disease starting from the etiological aspects to the actual manifestion of disease. The five basic components of Rogapariksha are Nidana, Purvarupa, Rupa, Samprapti and Upashaya, which are collectively known as Nidana Panchakas. Nidana, the foremost component among them not only gives the knowledge of causative factors but also helps in treatment by avoiding them. Among all the Indriyas, Netra is said to be Pradhana, thus a special care and concern should be taken to protect it. Understanding the strength of the causative factors for eye diseses will help to execute the treatment appropriately and maintain the healthy vision. Thus an attempt is made to analyse the Netra Roga Nidana in this presentation

    Ayurvedic perspective on Age Related Macular Degeneration w.s.r. to Vataja Timira

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    The deterioration of vision in elderly people is a major health problem. Aging of the eye affects all structures of the eye. By the age of fifty, one in every three has some vision impairing eye disease. Currently, the rates of eye disease such as cataract, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma are highest in the older group. End stage (blinding) i.e. Age Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD) occurs in about 1.7% of all individual aged over 50 years and in about 18% over 85 years. Even though numbers of treatement modalities are available in modern medicine, unfortunately the results of most of these have been disappointing. Clinical features of ARMD imitate Vataja Timira. Ayurveda has significant role to play in the treatment of ARMD in both dry and wet types. Ayurvedic herbal medicines prevent a deterioration of the retina as well as the optic nerve, and provide micronutrients to the macula which transmits the sensation of vision to the brain

    Role of Rasayana in Netra Roga

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    Ayurveda is the most ancient medical science in the world and being the science of life, deals with every aspect of the life. The main aim of Ayurveda is the promotion of health and prevention of diseases. Rasayana Chikitsa is one of the eight branches of Ayurveda and the term Rasayana is derived from the root word Rasa and Ayana, which means Rasa Gamanam (transportation/ transformation of Rasa). It is the best means of keeping the Rasa and other Dhatus in excellent condition. Rasayana Chikitsa helps to achieve long life, better recollection, increased intellect, healthy body and mind, youth fullness, good complexion, good voice, abundance of body and sense organ strength, increased lusture. The main Rasayanas adopted in Netra Chikitsa are Naimitika Rasayana and Achara Rasayana. The appropriate use of Chakshushya and Rasayana Dravyas will help to maintain the health of the Netra and prevents age related eye disorders. This article presents various Rasayana Dravyas related to Netra Roga

    A Scientific Metaphorical Study of Savrana Shukla to corneal ulcer with special reference to Keratitis of Infective origin

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    Cornea being most anterior part of the eyeball, contributes 65-75 percent of the eyes total focusing power. Since Cornea acts as barrier against dirt, germs and other particles that can harm the eye they are prone to get infected easily as it comes in direct contact with external environment. In any inflammatory pathology in cornea affecting the deeper layers will give a permanent scar or removal of globe when complications occurs. Our Acharyas have narrated such conditions under Krishna Mandala Rogas with management, which helps to avoid complications and recurrences. The explanation of the diseases along with treatment principles are similar in the Modern Ophthalmology even today. Among the vast classification of inflammatory conditions of cornea, the primary type is mainly due to various type of infection. Thus in this area of topic Savrana Sukra in correlation to Inflammatory conditions of Cornea will be confined, aiming for the Ayurveda understanding, review of management principles which can be an effective and safer approach to the conditions which are sight threatening, nonhealing and high recurrent rates


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    In Ayurveda chikitsa paddhati, Rasa oushadhis has been considered more useful and effective as they are more advantageous due to their unique benefits over the other preparations. Medicines described to manage different diseases in our classical texts contain different sources like plants, marine, animals, minerals and metals. All these are formulated in such a way that it suits well to our body. This clearly states that there were usage of herbomineral preparations in therapeutics which includes for Netrarogas also. These preparations are significant in many chronic and challenging eye disorders of this era which lacks curative rate and has high recurrences.To deal such challenging disorders of the Eye whether chronic or newly existing, essential to review and re-establish the importance of Rasa oushadhis which are explained by our Acharyas pertaining to Netra rogas, with regard to its route of administration and posology. For this Review work, information were compiled from different texts according to Rasadravyas mentioned as Chakshushya and to treat Netra rogas i.e., Maharasa, Uparasa, Sadharanrasa, Dhatu, Ratna, Sudha varga. Further the different Yogas of Netra Roga containing Rasadravyas as one of the ingredients is compiled as an attempt to establish Rasaushadhi - the need of the hour for Netra Rogas