521 research outputs found

    A single case study of Charmakila (warts) treated with Agnikarma

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    Warts are widespread in the worldwide population. Although the frequency is unknown, warts are estimated to affect approximately 7-12% of the population. In school-aged children, the prevalence is 10-20%. An increased frequency also is seen among immunosuppressed patients and meat handles[1] and it is more common in both men and women. Charmakila which is more common skin disease, mentioned under Kshudra Rogas in our classics. There are many treatments in other sciences where rate of recurrence is more. This article highlights the treatment of Charmakila by the Ayurvedic line of treatment i.e., Agnikarma followed by Lekhana and Ropana Dravya application

    Clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of Yavakshara with Varunaadi Kwatha Churna in Mutrashmari w.s.r to Urolithiasis - A Case Study

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    Mutrashmari is one of the commonest diseases of Mutravaha Srotas, Acharya Sushruta described it as one of the Ashta-Mahagadas and considered as “Yama” because it gives intolerable pain. Charaka mentioned Ashmari as one of Bastimarmashritha Vyadhi. In modern science it is correlated with Urolithiasis. The incidence rate of Calculi varies as per geographical distribution, sex and age. Generally, men are more affected than women in the ratio of 3:1. The highest incidence of Urolithiasis occurs between the ages of 30-50 years. In Ayurveda various conservative medicine are mentioned for the management Mutrashmari with less side effect, easily available, cost effective and minimum recurrences of stone formation. In this case report 40 years male patient visited OPD of Shalya Tantra with complaint of abdominal pain (radiating pain from loin to groin), nausea and burning micturation. The USG report showed two calculi measuring 6mm and 4mm seen in the left kidney, no evidence of hydronephrosis, 3 calculi measuring 6mm, 5mm and 4mm are seen in the right kidney, and right kidney shows mild HUN due to calculus measuring 5mm in the VUJ. The patient was treated with Yavakshara 3 Gunja Pramana twice a day with 2 Phala of prepared Varunaadi Kashaya for a period of 1 month. At the end of treatment and also in follow up period after 15 days patient got relief in signs and symptoms and USG report showed no evidence calculi in both the kidneys

    Understanding of Vrikka Vidradhi w.s.r. to Renal Abscess

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    charya Sushruta and Charaka, described Vrikka Vidradhi under Abhyantara Vidradhi, Vrikka Vidradhi is also mentioned and reflect the symptom of Parshva Sankocha, and it can be correlated with Renal abscess. Renal Abscess is a collection of pus around kidney. Renal abscess is an uncommon disease caused by trauma and infection associated with kidney stone. Renal abscess is caused by infection with enteric gram-negative bacilli, Staphylococcus aureus is the etiologic agent in 90% of cortical abscess cases. Renal abscesses most commonly occur in individuals with diabetes mellitus with or without urinary tract obstruction. Common symptoms in patients with renal corticomedullary abscess include fever, chills, nausea / vomiting and flank or abdominal pain. Percutaneous drainage plus parenteral antibiotics is indicated as the initial treatment for abscesses 3-5cm in size. In cases that involve perirenal abscess or infected urinoma, also place a percutaneous perirenal drain. Hence an attempt is made to understand Vrikka Vidhradi in relation to renal abscess

    Understanding the concept of Marma and their clinical applicaion in Shalya Tantra w.s.r. to Vital points

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    Marma therapy is the original point system of healing in the body. “Marma” come from the sanskrit “Mru” and which means “To kill” the 107 Marma points are categorised in terms of their effect on the vitality of the body. Marma is one of the unique and important topics discussed in Ayurveda. It plays an important role in surgery. Hence it is rightly called as Shalya Vishayardha. Marma plays a significant clinical role and may be correlated to the Acupressure/Acupuncture. Marma are the critical points of body associated with different organs and nerves. Ayurveda describe use of Marma therapy for various diseases and identification of Marma points which is to be cured, since injury to these Marma points may causes serious harmful effect. Different types of muscles, veins, bones, ligaments and joints meets with each other at the Marma point thus these points acts as a physiological junction. Discussion of Marma points is found in most of the great texts of Ayurveda but the most famous text to explore the subject is the Sushruta Samhita. Vaidya Sushruta described ‘the locations of the Marma points, as well as how they influence Prana. He stated that it is important for the surgeon to have knowledge of these points for the purpose of avoiding them, so as to cut into them could result in a catastrophic outcome. This article summarizes various perspectives of Marma and their clinical importance as per Ayurveda

    Analytical assessment of Akika Pishti based on Ancient and Modern Parameters

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    Pishti Kalpana is one of the Kharaliya Kalpanas of Rasashastra which brings the heat sensitive substances to micro particle level without applying the heat for better therapeutic efficacy and is considered as Sukshma as Bhasma. In Rasa texts it is said that Marana of Ratna and Uparatna are not worthwhile hence, Pishti Kalpana is advocated. There is no direct reference for the Siddhilakshana of Pishti, but our Acharyas has mentioned that Pishti is a Anagnisidhdha Bhasma i.e. Pishti should be Bhasmavat, so the parameters mentioned for quality control of Bhasma in ancient text are applicable for assessing the Siddhilaxanas of Pishti. So an attempt has been made to study analytically Siddhilaxana of Pishti by both ancient and modern parameters with special reference to Akika Pishti. Akika is one of the semiprecious gem grouped under the Paradadi Varga, Uparatna Varga and Spatika Varga Ratna. In present study Pishti was prepared as per pharmacopeial standards and subjected to both ancient and modern tests to analyze viz. Pishtivarna, Mrudutva and Slakshanatva, Rekhapurnata, Varitara, Nirdhooma, Unama and Nischandratva tests according to classics and according to modern parameters like organoleptic tests, physio-chemical like LOD, pH, ash values, instrumental analysis like XRD , SEM-EDAX and particle size

    A Review on Multilingual Text to Speech Synthesis by Syllabifying the Words of Devanagari and Roman

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    Speech synthesis is process of spoken language as an input text and converted into speech waveforms. This paper describes the text to speech system for Devanagari scripted language and Roman Language. There are many earliest TTS systems are available but for Devanagari and Roman scripts are not available

    Effectiveness of C6T and W5H in Lean documentation

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    In the Evaluation of software development, Lean is oldest organizational methodology. To improve the performance Lean is having various versions. Documentation plays key role in estimating the performance of project. It is also having features like reorganization of development system. This paper focuses on drawbacks of documentation regarding lean methodology. Documentation will give clear vision and goals of product. To enhance the features of documentation C6T and W5H principles are applied

    Implementation of Low Cost Automatic Gear Suggestion System

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    The present automatic transmission is fully mechanically controlled and costs very high. But the proposed gear suggestion mechanism design makes driving much easier and to achieve efficient driving. It is similar to other transmission system on vehicle as it allows an internal combustion engine, best suited to run at high rotational speed to provide torque outputs necessary for vehicular travel. By this system the manual mechanical gear-shifting system will remain unchanged because it suggests the gear change based on increased speed. This article touches on a PIC microcontroller and a Proximity sensor. The main advantage of using mid-range microcontroller is that it is of low-cost and reliable. This technique can also be used to identify the gear position. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.16045